Hallettsville Herald, September 13, 1900
Last Thursday afternoon Justice C. T. Willrich wa notified that Mr. Jos. Stabler of High Hill had committed suicide. Mr. Willrich at once went out and found Mr. Stabler lying on a cot cold in death with a gunshot wound under his left breast just below the ribs. The deceased had been sick for a few days and his wife was on her way to a doctor while a lady from the neighborhood was there to attend to his wants. For an excuse the suicide sent off this lady to get a fan, at her home, and during her absence he committed the deed. Mr. Stabler was an old citizen of High Hill and was in his 75th year and was known as an upright and honest man. He leaves a widow and two married daughters.—Schulenburg Sticker
Transcribed by Dorothy Albrecht
The La Grange Journal, Thursday, March 3, 1960
Mrs. Elizabeth Stadter
Funeral services were held at the Koenig Funeral Home chapel here Saturday at 9 a.m. for Mrs. Elizabeth Stadter, 85, who passed away at her home in Hostyn Thursday.
Services were continued at the Holy Rosary Catholic church at Hostyn, with the Rev. Francis Smerke officiating with burial in the Hostyn cemetery.
Mrs. Stadter was born at Erie, Pennsylvania on April 19, 1874, daughter of Adam and Mary Magdalen Hennerly Moser. She married Joseph Stadter at Erie on Nov. 29, 1899. Mr. Stadter passed away on March 25, 1911.
Surviving are two daughters, Miss E. Lauretta Stadter, Los Angeles, Calif. and Miss Madalen Stadter of La Grange; one son F. J. Stadter of La Grange.
Yoakum Herald Times, Thursday, Sept. 12, 1940
Mrs. F. Staglik Taken By Death
Mrs. Frances Staglik, 71, died at the home of her son, Jerry F. Staglik, Yoakum, Route No. 3 Friday morning, September 6, (1940).
Mrs. Staglik was born in Czechoslavakia and came to the U.S. in 1905, settling at Shiner. She moved to Live Oak County in 1924 and remained there until a few years ago when she moved to Hochheim community and then about one and half years ago she moved to the home of her son on Route 3.
She was a devoted member of the Lutheran church and was active in church work until health prevented.
Funeral services were held at the cemetery at George West, Texas, at 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 7, and interment was made in the George West cemetery under the direction of the Beck Mortuary of Yoakum.
Mrs. Staglik is survived by the…[remaining obituary is torn away].
Joseph Staglik, 41, and Franciska Staglik, 40, were living in Precinct 3 of Lavaca County on April 26, 1910. Their place of birth is Austria-Bohemia. Living with them were daughters Franciska, 12, Anna, 8, and Mary, 7, and sons Jaroslav, 2, and Charles, 6 months. Joe died in Live Oak County on Sep 3, 1935. The Texas Death Index has Frances’ death occurring in Denton County on Sep 6, 1940. Contributed by Rebecca Herder.
Weimar Mercury, 12 Sep 1896, page 4
J. C.[sic.] Stagner Killed Three Miles South of Smithville.
Smithville, Bastrop Co., Tex., Sept. 7.—J. L. Stagner was shot and killed this evening three miles south of here at Primm's gin. Will Null, son of constable Null, who was assassinated several weeks ago at Muldoon, is under arrest. Stagner and other parties had been arrested, accused of the killing of Null, and Stagner was out on $500 bond. This evening Will Null, in company with two other men, rode up to the gin and called for Stagner. Some one advised Stagner to run, as he was not armed, but he refused to do so. The contents of a shotgun were emptied into Stagner's face, killing him instantly. There were several witnesses to the shooting. Stagner was a man of family and Null is a young man about 17 years of age.
LaGrange, Tex., Sept. 7.—News has just reached this city of the killing of Bunk Stagner at Primm Switch. Stagner was one of the parties charged with the killing of ex-Constable Null, the father of Will Null, who is only a boy. No facts of the killing at present have been obtained. Stagner leaves a wife and several children. This makes the third man killed by reason of hostilities between the two parties.
Weimar Mercury, 5 May 1894, page 2
LaGrange, Texas, May 2.—This evening at about 1 o'clock Tom Burge, who lives near Muldoon, went out to look for some hogs that had strayed from home. He had gone but a short distance when some one shot at him from ambush. He looked in the direction from which the shots came, and, seeing a party behind a tree, opened fire, the result of which is that Will Stagner was shot through the abdomen and died. Shortly afterward, seeing another party concealed, he shot again, inflicting a flesh wound on a young man who had been in the employ of the Stagners. There were other parties with Stagner, but they took to the woods. This is the statement made by Burge.
The sheriff and posse have gone to the scene of conflict and returned with Burge and the young stranger who was with Stagner. The officers state there are four or five balls in the tree behind which Stagner was said to have been found and marks of some wild shots fired in the direction of where Burge is reported to have stood.
It is said that the stranger who was with Stagner made no statement other than that it was a general fight and that he shot several times at Burge. The homicide is supposed to be the result of some indictments that were found against the Stagners and Burge for cow and horse theft and in which Burge had become a witness for the state.
Schulenburg Sticker, 22 Oct 1903
Birth [sic.] Record.
Staha: Died near St. John, Oct 12-03, of Pernicious Malaria, Emil Staha, aged 9 months.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Shiner Gazette, Thursday, January 27, 1972
Schulenburg. – Mrs. Charles Staha, age 85 years, 10 months and 21 days, died Monday, January 10, 1972 at the Colonial Nursing Home, Schulenburg, where she had been a patient since October 28, 1960.
Funeral services were held Wednesday, January 12, at 9:45 a.m. from Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Chapel, Schulenburg, and at St. Rose Catholic Church. Rev. Michael O’Gorman officiated at the Funeral Mass. Burial was in the St. Rose Catholic Cemetery.
Pallbearers were her grandsons, Gary Getschmann, Daniel and Glen Holub, Richard and Clarence Staha and Ernest Vacek.
Mrs. Staha, nee Louise Jurica, was born February 20, 1886, at Praha, daughter of John and Anna (Fillip) Jurica. In 1900 she was united in marriage to Charles Staha and the couple settled in the St. John’s Community.
Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Helmuth (Clara) Getschmann, Mrs. George (Betty) Holub, both of Schulenburg; six sons, Jerry Staha of Hallettsville, Leo, George and Alex Staha, all of San Angelo, Eugene Staha of Schulenburg, Ervin Staha of Beaumont; a sister, Mrs. Frank (Agnes) Zacek of St. John’s; two brothers, Charles Jurica of Victoria, Edmund Jurica of Inez; 31 grandchildren; and 16 great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her husband November 14, 1961; a daughter, Mrs. Julius (Vlasta) Vacek, March 18, 1960; her parents; a half brother, John Jurica, August 10, 1966; a half sister, Mrs. Joe (Mary) Klapuch, March 5, 1971; a sister, Mrs. Hermina Tobola, July 9, 1969.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 4 April 1913
Millie Rosa Stahl, age 8 years, 11 months and 3 days diphtheria, near Weimar.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 4 April 1913
Almut Sophie Catherine Stahmer, age 63 years, 1 month and 21 days pneumonia, near LaGrange.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 4 May 1917
Detrich Stahmer, died March 17, age 76 years, 1 month and 23 days.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 24 March 1916
Rud. Stamer [sic.], one of the old time settlers of this section, died at his home in High Hill Saturday and was buried the following day. Among those from Schulenburg who attended his funeral were Henry Neuhaus, Ed. Kiehn, Gus Brauner, Harry Meyer, Max Steinmann and Gus Sengelmann.
Schulenburg Sticker, 12 May 1916
Rudolph Stahmer, age 82 years, 11 months and 21, died February 18, 1916, at Swiss Alp.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 5 Oct 1917
William Nash Stair, died near Flatonia, Aug. 8, age 62 years, 11 months and 19 days.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, August 6, 2013
Mary (Dusek) Stallones, 93, passed away in Schulenburg on Friday, July 26.
The funeral was held on Monday, July 29 at 10 a.m. at the Dubina Catholic Church, followed by interment in the church cemetery. Msgr. John Bily officiated. Pallbearers were Bobby Kristynik, Bubba Douglas, Lloyd Srubar, Johnny Barton, Jerry Schaefer and Glenn Plant. Named as honorary pallbearers were Brandon Lichnovsky and Anthony Lichnovsky.
Rosary was said on Sunday, July 28 at 7 p.m. at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home, led by the Msgr. Bily.
Born at Ammannsville on March 27, 1920, she was the daughter of Vince and Zofie (Genzer) Dusek. She attended Ammannsville school. Her first husband was Victor Holub, and her second husband was Ike Stallones. She was a resident of San Antonio and also lived in Schulenburg for about six years. She worked at Handy-Andy Bakery in San Antonio, and was a member of the Catholic Church.
Survivors include six daughters, Margie Plant of Kansas, Dorothy Brewster of Ganado, Esther Minton of North Carolina, Marie Murphy of Sheridan, Liz Martin of Fort Worth and Linda Lasmanis of Washinton state; two sons, Victor Holub of La Grange and Leroy Holub of Santa Fe, Texas; a sister, Dorothy Srubar of Nada; and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Preceding her in death were four sisters, Vlasta Cernoch, Martha Barton, Marie Dusek and Judy Douglas; and three brothers, Eddie Dusek, Ivan Dusek and Vince Dusek.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 6 July 1905
Deaths Recorded Since Last Report.
Francis Stancek, age 12 years, Oldenburg, died June 13.
Contributed by Matt Cross
The Schulenburg Sticker, Thursday, March 10, 1904, page 3
Mrs. Adelheid Stanzel died Thursday last and her remains were tenderly consigned to their last resting place by loving hands Friday afternoon last in the Catholic Cemetery.
Mrs. Stanzel was 33 years of age. She leaves a heart broken husband and two sons, Masters Edward, jr. age 11 years and Hermon age 7, and a host of relatives to mourn her untimely demise. She was a sister-in-law to our fellow citizens, Mr. and Mrs. Ottmar Kallus.
The Sticker joins in sympathy with the sorrowing relative and many friends.
Submitted by Sandra Long Anders
Submitter’s Note: Adelheid was the daughter of Frank K. Stanzel, Sr. & Ludmilla Kainer and the wife of Edward Joseph Stanzel, Sr.
The Schulenburg Sticker, April 10, 1969
Mrs. F. C. Stanzel Rites Held Tuesday
Funeral services for Mrs. F. C. Stanzel, nee Agnes Elizabeth Stelzig, were held from the Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Chapel Tuesday, April 8 at 9 a.m. with continued services at St. Rose Catholic Church at 9:15 a.m. Rev. Al Padalecki officiated at the Mass and graveside services with burial in St. Rose Catholic Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Rodger Bubinik, Ray F. Kusey, Wm. J. Farek Jr., Edgar Anders, H. C. Shine, Frankie Stanzel, Adolph Gerlich and Otto Zwernemann.
Mrs. Stanzel was born Jan. 1, 1878, at Fayetteville as the daughter of the late Frank and Mary Heintschel Stelzig. On Aug. 16, 1900, she was united in marriage to Frank Stanzel at Fayetteville. The couple settled in Schulenburg where she resided the remainder of her life. She was a member of St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church. Mrs. Stanzel, 91, succumbed April 5 in Youens Memorial Hospital, Weimar, terminating a lingering illness.
Survivors are a daughter, Mrs.Lydia Redwine, Schulenburg; two sons, Alton Stanzel of Gonzales and Frank Stanzel of Houston; a brother, Frank Stelzig of La Grange; six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Her husband preceded her in death in 1962; also three brothers, Joe, Walter and Oscar Stelzig and a sister, Miss Mary (Mamie) Stelzig.
The Schulenburg Sticker, August 14, 1969
Last Rites Held for Mrs. Agnes Stanzel
Mrs. Agnes Stanzel, 86, succumbed Sunday morning, August 3, in Renger Memorial Hospital, Hallettsville. Although confined to a wheel chair, Mrs. Stanzel was in relatively good health until becoming seriously ill two days prior to her passing.
Funeral services were held from Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Chapel Tuesday, August 5, 9 a.m. with continued services at St. Rose Catholic Church at 9:15 a.m. Rev. Al Padalecki officiated at the Requiem Mass and interment was in St. Rose Catholic Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Robert Stanzel, James Stanzel, Teddy Stanzel, Clarence Stanzel, Edwin Srubar and Bernard Berger.
Mrs. Stanzel was born July 4, 1883, at Middle Creek as the daughter of Frank and Ludmilla Kainer Stanzel, prominent pioneer settlers of the High Hill community. In May 1905, she was united in marriage to Edward Stanzel at High Hill and the couple settled in the Schulenburg area. After the death of her husband in December, 1918, Mrs. Stanzel moved to Schulenburg.
She was a member of the St. Rose Catholic Church.
Survivors are three sons, Joe, Reinhart and Victor Stanzel, all of Schulenburg; seven grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren.
She was also preceded in death by two step-sons, Edward and Herman Stanzel.
The Schulenburg Sticker, May 19, 1950
Mrs. Ferd Stanzel Dies Wednesday
Mrs. Ferd. Stanzel, nee Anna Winkler, age 77 years, passed away at her home here about 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. She had been in ill health for about a month.
Mrs. Stanzel was born in this section as the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Winkler. She was united in marriage to Ferd. Stanzel and this union was blessed with three children, all of whom survive, namely Hugo Stanzel and Mrs. Ferd. Seidenberger of this city and Mrs. Joe Polk of Channelview. Surviving also are five grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.
Mrs. Stanzel was a member of the St. Rose Church and the Christian Mother’s Society.
Funeral services will be held the Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home at 8:45 a. m. Friday morning, followed by Mass at the St. Rose Catholic Church at 9:00 a.m. with interment in the St. Rose Catholic Cemetery.
The Rosary will be recited on Thursday evening at 8:15 at the Funeral Home.
The Schulenburg Sticker, October 18, 1940
Edward Stanzel, Age 47 Passed Away at LaGrange
Edward Stanzel, lifelong resident of Fayette County, passed away at the La Grange Hospital last Thursday, October 10, after an illness of about six weeks. Death was due to pneumonia.
Mr. Stanzel, age 47, was born on September 21, 1893, and was the son of Edward and Adelheit Stanzel. On October 11, 1916, he was united in marriage to Stephanie Seidenberger. They made their home near Schulenburg where Mr. Stanzel was engaged in farming. He was a devout and untiring worker in the Catholic Church, and served as trustee.
Funeral services were held from the family home, Saturday, October 12. Father Leo Goretz was in charge of the burial services. Interment was in the St. Rose Catholic Cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Stephanie Stanzel; his stepmother, Mrs. Agnes Stanzel; four children, Leo, Anita, James and Theodore; and four brothers, Herman, Victor, Reinhart and Joe.
Pall bearers were: Hugo Stanzel, Charlie Kunz, Henry Ripper, Cyril Janacek, Alfred Stanzel and Anton Fritsch.
We offer heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family in the loss of this fine christian man.
The Schulenburg Sticker, Friday, June 14, 1935
Ferdinand Stanzel, life-long resident of this city, passed away quietly last Sunday morning, following a short illness.
Deceased was born near High Hill on October 14, 1870, where he spent his youth. Later moving to Schulenburg, the family resided east of town where they were eye witnesses to the laying of the first railroad track in this vicinity.
In 1893 he was united in marriage to Miss Anne Winkler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Winkler, and to this union were born three children, all of whom survive.
Mr. Stanzel was a highly respected, honest, upright citizen and gentleman, who made countless dependable friends every day of his life through his cheerful disposition and optimism. He raised his children to be honest, God-fearing, upright citizens and as a father he gave them a worthy heritage. Surely Schulenburg is the poorer since his passing.
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock with Rev. F. S. Wolf officiating and burial was in the St. Rose Cemetery.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Annie Stanzel, one son, Hugo Stanzel, two daughters, Mrs. Ferd. Seidenberger and Mrs. Joe Polk; one sister, Mrs. Ottmar Kallus, and five grandchildren, besides a large concourse of other relatives and friends who mourn his passing.
To the bereaved survivors the Sticker in common with the many other friends of the family, tender it’s deepest sympathy in their bereavement.
Active pall bearers were: Eddie, Herman, Victor, Rhienhart, and Joe Stanzel and Joe Kallus. The honorary pallbearers included: F. K. Schindler, Judge E. R. Voght, Adolf Gansky, Joe Seidenberger, Herman Stanzel, Henry Guenther all of Weimar. Frank Guenther of Weimar, Chas. Sengelmann, Ad Kehrer, Frank Pesek and Rudolph Schrammn, of Garwood.
The Schulenburg Sticker, Thursday, April 16, 1908, page 3
Mr. F. J. Stanzel Dead
Mr. F. J. Stanzel, of Beaumont, died at the home of his mother of this city, Saturday afternoon about 5 o’clock, after a lingering illness of two months, and his remains were consined to their last resting place in the Catholic cemetery Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock, Father Mathis officiating.
Mr. Stanzel was a young man of only 38 years to his credit and it makes it all the more sad to have been cut down in the prime of life. He was born in Bremen, Hanover, Germany, and came to this country when a baby, and was reared in Schulenburg.
He leaves a mother, Mrs. Thresia Stanzel, two sisters, Mrs. Amelia Schindler and Miss Louise; five brothers, Messrs. Anton, of Austin; Joe, of Hallettsville; Charley of Brownwood; Frank and Adolph of this city and a number of relatives to mourn his untimely demise.
Those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mrs. Anton Stanzel and children of Austin, Mr. Joe Stanzel of Hallettsville and Mr. Charley Stanzel of Brownwood, Mr. F. Anders of Weimar. The Sticker joins their friends in extending sincere condolence to the bereaved family and relatives.
The Schulenburg Sticker, Friday, January 25, 1957
Frank Stanzel, 92, Interred at High Hill
Funeral services for Frank Stanzel, 92 year old retired farmer of the Middle Creek section, were held from the Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Chapel Monday, January 21, 1957, at 9:00 a.m. with continued services at the High Hill Catholic Church at 9:30 a.m. Msgr. Joseph Jacobi officiated at the Requiem High Mass and final rites with burial in the St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery at High Hill.
Pallbearers were Michael Stanzel, Ben, Leo and Herman Blaschke, grandsons of the deceased and Joe Stanzel and Bernard Berger, nephews.
Mr. Stanzel was born on December 3, 1864, at Austria as the son of Frank and Ludmilla Stanzel. In 1867 he emigrated to this country and settled in the Middle Creek section where he resided all of his life. On November 7, 1888, he was united in marriage to Loisa Besetzny at St. Mary’s Catholic Church at High Hill. He was a member of the High Hill Catholic Church and the St. Joseph’s Society of that parish. His death, which followed a six month’s illnss [sic], occurred on January 19, 1957, at the family residence.
Survivors are one daughter, Mrs. Anna Blaschke; two sons, Alfred F. and Robert J. Stanzel and a sister, Mrs. Agnes Stanzel, all of Schulenburg; thirteen grandchildren and twenty-one great-grandchildren.
His wife preceded him in death on February 25, 1952. Four children, one brother and three sisters also preceded him in death.
The Schulenburg Sticker, March 8, 1962
F. C. Stanzel Sr. Rites Read Monday
Frank C. Stanzel Sr., retired, of 217 Kessler Avenue passed away at the Youens Hospital in Weimar Friday, March 2, terminating an illness of two years.
Funeral services were held from the Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Chapel Monday, March 5 at 8:45 a.m. with continued services at the St. Rose Catholic Church at 9 a.m. Rev. Eustace Hermes officiated at the Requiem Mass and graveside services in the St. Rose Catholic Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Ray Kusey, G. McMillan, Henry Bohlmann, Hollis Massey, Anton and Frank Stanzel, Otto Zwerman and Virgil Adamson.
Mr. Stanzel, age 88 years, 1 month and 11 days, was born January 21, 1874, in Schulenburg where he resided all his life. On August 19, 1900 he was united in marriage to Miss Agnes Stelzig at Fayetteville. He was a member of the St. Rose Catholic Church.
Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Agnes Stanzel of this city; a daughter, Mrs. H. C. (Lydia) Shine Sr. of Houston; two sons, Frank C. Stanzel Jr. and Alton Stanzel, both of Houston; a sister, Mrs. Paul Bohlmann of Schulenburg; four grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews.
The Schulenburg Sticker, April 2, 1981
Frank J. Stanzel Rites Held
Frank J. Stanzel, 69, of Lafayette, La., died in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Lafayette on Tuesday, Mar. 24, at 3:30 p.m. after an extended illness.
Funeral mass was held at 9 a.m. Thursday, Mar. 26 at the Martin & Castille Chapel in Lafayette. Interment was in the St. Rose Catholic Cemetery in Schulenburg at 4 p.m. Friday, Mar. 27.
Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Frank Stanzel, the former Marie Ruth Romero of Lafayette, La.; a son Franklyn Charles Stanzel, also of Lafayette; three daughters, Mrs. Harold (Evelyn Claire) Clausen of Centerville, La., Mrs. Don (Carolyn Marie) Allen and Miss Marilyn Ann Stanzel, both of Lafayette; and 12 grandchildren.
Mr. Stanzel, a native of Schulenburg, was the son of the late Adolph Stanzel and Mary Evelyn Matula Stanzel. A former resident of Franklin, La. For twenty years, he had resided in Lafayette for the past 10 years and had retired from Cabot Corp. after twenty years of service.
Rosary was recited at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Mar. 25, at the funeral chapel. In lieu of flowers, the Stanzel family requests donations be made to your favorite charity. Martin & Castille Chapel in Lafayette, La. Was in charge of funeral arrangements.
The Schulenburg Sticker, Friday, August 3, 1923
Frank Stanzel, Sr.
Frank Stanzel, probably one of the oldest citizens around here and one of the best loved, passed through the valley of the shadow into the realm above last Saturday, July 28th.
Deceased was born at Pohl Moravia, Austria, in 1836. In 1867 he was married to Miss Ludmilla Kainer. In 1867 he immigrated to near High Hill where he bought a farm and resided until 1882, he then bought a farm in the Middle creek section where he lived until God’s messenger claimed him. After the death of his beloved wife in 1916 he made his home with his son, Joseph. The remains were laid to rest in the High Hill cemetery in the presence of a very large number of mourning relatives and friends, Father Schweller officiating.
He leaves to mourn his loss two sons, Frank and Joseph, two daughters, Mrs. Emma Berger and Mrs. Agnes Stanzel. Three of his children preceded him in death. He also leaves 20 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren.
To these the Sticker extends its sincere sympathy.
Franz Stanzel, Sr.
The Schulenburg Sticker, Friday, January 13, 1928
Card of Thanks
We wish to take this means to thank our many good, kind neighbors and friends who so ably assisted us during the recent illness, death and burial of our beloved father, Franz Stanzel, Sr.
We also wish to thank Father Lenzen, Father Mathias and Father Szymanski for their services and words of consolation. We also want to thank everyone for the beautiful flowers.
Mrs. O. Kallus
Ferd. Stanzel
Submitters Note: The January 6, 1928 Schulenburg Sticker is missing. Franz Stanzel, Sr. died January 4, 1928.Submitted by Sandra Long Anders
Weimar Mercury, 5 Oct 1889, page 2
F. A. Stanzel, an old peddler living near Schulenburg, was found dead in the road one night last week.
Hallettsville Herald
Thursday, October 3, 1889, Page 10
SCHULENBURG, Tex., Sept. 29.—Franz A. Stanzel, a prosperous farmer who lived one mile north of Schulenburg, fell from his wagon while going home from town alone Friday night, and his dead body was found shortly afterwards where he had fallen.
The above is a dispatch to the Galveston News of Monday. Mr. Stanzel was the father of Messrs. Joe and Ferd Stanzel of our town, and the HERALD joins their many friends here in sympathizing with them in their bereavement.
Franz A. Stanzel, who died 27 Sep 1889, is buried in St. Rose Catholic Cemetery in Schulenburg. His grave marker shows he was born 1 Nov 1832. Records in Pohl, Austria, say 29 Oct 1834. His wife was Theresia Anders Stanzel. Information from Sandra Long Anders
Schulenburg Sticker, 16 April 1908
Mr. F. J. Stanzel, of Beaumont, died at the home of his mother of this city, Saturday afternoon about 5 o’clock, after a lingering illness of two months, and his remains were consined [sic] to their last resting place in the Catholic cemetery Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock, Father Mathis officiating.
Mr. Stanzel was a young man of only 38 years to his credit and it makes it all the more sad to have been cut down in the prime of life. He was born in Bremen, Hanover Germany, and came to this country when a baby, and was reared in Schulenburg.
He leaves a mother, Mrs. Thresia Stanzel, two sisters, Mrs. Amelia Schindler and Miss Louise; five brothers, Messrs. Anton, of Austin; Joe, of Halletsville; Charley of Brownwood; Frank and Adolph of this city and a number of relatives to mourn his untimely demise.
Those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mrs. Anton Stanzel and children of Austin, Mr. Joe Stanzel of Halletsville and Mr. Charley Stanzel of Brownwood, Mr. F. Anders of Weimar. The Sticker joins their friends in extending sincere condolence to the bereaved family and relatives.
Contributed by Matt Cross
The Schulenburg Sticker, January 28, 1960
Herman A. Stanzel Rites Held Thursday
Herman A. Stanzel of 301 South St., Schulenburg, passed away at the family residence January 19 following a lingering illness since 1951. He was retired and had reached the age of 62 years, four months and twenty-eight days.
Funeral services were held from the Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Chapel January 21, at 8:45 a.m. with continued services at the St. Rose Catholic Church. Rev. Eustace Hermes officiated at the Requiem Mass and last rites and burial was in the St. Rose Catholic Cemetery.
Pall bearers were James Stanzel, Hugo Berger, Hugo Stanzel, Ray Kusey, Leo Jahn, F. Steiber and Hugh Frietsch.
Mr. Stanzel was born on August 21, 1897 in Schulenburg as the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stanzel. On October 3, 1922 he was united in marriage in Schulenburg to Mary Louise Fritsch and had lived in this community all his life. He was a member of the St. Rose Catholic Church, American Legion and was a veteran of World War I.
Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Mary Stanzel of Schulenburg; a son, Clarence E. Stanzel of Liberty; his mother, Mrs. Agnes Stanzel of Schulenburg; three brothers, Victor, Reinhart and Joe Stanzel of Schulenburg and three grand children, Melinda Sue, Clarissa Ann and Chris Alan Stanzel.
Schulenburg Sticker, Thursday, May 21, 1970
Last Rites Held for Hugo Stanzel, 68
Hugo “Dutch” Stanzel, retired Schulenburg area farmer-cattleman, succumbed May 8 in Youens Memorial Hospital, Weimar, terminating an illness of four months.
Funeral services were held from the Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Chapel Saturday, May 9, at 10:30 a.m. Rev. Walter Simpson, pastor of St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, officiated at the last rites and burial was in Schulenburg City Cemetery.
Pallbearers were members of the Schulenburg Volunteer Fire Department.
Mr. Stanzel, lifetime resident of Schulenburg, was born here Feb. 21, 1902, as the son of the late Ferdinand and Annie Winkler Stanzel. On May 12, 1951 he was united in marriage to Miss Ruth Vogt in Schulenburg. He was a retired member of the Schulenburg Volunteer Fire Department and at the time of his passing had reached the age of 68 years, 2 months and 7 days.
Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Ruth Stanzel of Schulenburg and two sisters, Mrs. Ferdinand (Agnes) Seidenberger of Schulenburg and Mrs. Joe (Annie) Polk of Channelview.
Weimar Mercury, Thursday, May 16, 2013, Page 2
Jane Stanzel Services Held Saturday, May 4
Jane Margaret Maroney Stanzel, 96, died May 2.
She was born April 5, 1917, in Galveston to James Francis and Julie Courand Maroney.
After finishing two years at Rice University, she attended business school, worked at General Motors Corporation, and met Reinhart, her future spouse, through a law firm where she was employed.
She married Reinhart "Bull" Stanzel on April 15, 1944, in Houston.
She and Reinhart moved from Houston to Schulenburg and resided in Schulenburg for all of their married life.
They celebrated 51 years together.
They had three children, Bettejane (Bj) Stanzel Eastman, Robert (Bob) Stanzel and Virginia (Ginger) Stanzel Bosl.
Jane worked a few years at First National Bank in Schulenburg.
She then decided that being home to raise her children was more important.
She loved playing bingo, going to Houston to visit family, beating Reinhart in domino games, enjoyed going to bingo games throughout the week, refinishing furniture, creating beautiful pieces of stitchery, shopping, reading, working crosswords and jigsaw puzzles and playing card games.
Jane was quite a cook and was dubbed "The Fried Chicken Queen".
She was active in PTA, volunteered at Bishop Forest High School library, worked as a docent at the Stanzel Model Aircraft Museum and was a member of St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church.
Jane is survived by her children, son-in-law, George Eastman; daughter-in-law, Lucy Cernosek Stanzel and son-in-law Andy Bosl; six grandchildren, Cindy Eastman Hackley, Terri Eastman Meriwether, Shannon Eastman Gilbert, Amy Stanzel Kuykendall, Kyle Stanzel and Chase Stanzel; eight great-grandchildren, Hunter Hackley, Katey Gilbert, Megan Gilbert, Hallie Hackley, Park Kuykendall, Lucy Kuykendall, Isabella Meriwether and Bowen Kuykendall and one sister, Pat Maroney Ennis and husband Bob.
She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, brothers, Joseph Courand Maroney and James Francis Maroney and sister, Ruth Maroney Ennis.
A rosary was recited by Phyllis Venghaus and Suzanne Stanzel on Friday, May 3, at Schwenke Baumgarten Funeral Home.
The funeral Mass was celebrated at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church on Saturday, May 4, with Rev. Timohty Kosler officiating.
Interment followed in the St. Rose of Lima Catholic Cemetery.
The family requests that memorial contributions by given to Schulenburg/Weimar Area Parents As Teachers, P.O. Box 6, Schulenburg, Texas 78956 or to a charity of one's choice.
The Schulenburg Sticker, Friday, March 10, 1944
Joe Stanzel Buried At High Hill Tuesday Morning
Joe F. Stanzel, aged 70 years, passed away at the Hallettsville Hospital on March 4, after an illness of about 2 years.
Mr. Stanzel was a life long resident of Fayette County, having been born as the son of Frank and Ludmilla Stanzel on August 22, 1874 at High Hill. He was reared in that section and in 1899 was united in marriage to Ludmilla Ripper at the High Hill Catholic Church. As a child he joined the Catholic Church and has been a devoted and faithful member since that time. He was also a member of the St. Josephs Society of the church. He was one of the first members of the High Hill Mannerchor and seldom missed an opportunity to sing with that group. He had been a farmer all his life and worked hard, yet he never complained. About 7 or 8 years ago he retired and about 5 years ago moved from the Middle Creek section to the High Hill area. Three weeks ago he became seriously ill and was taken to the hospital where every thing possible was done to prolong his life.
Funeral services were held from the family residence on Tuesday, March 7, at 10:00 a.m. followed by services at the High Hill Catholic Church with Msgr. H. Gerlach officiating. Interment was in the High Hill Catholic Cemetery.
Pall bearers were Herman, Victor, Joe and Robert Stanzel, Bernard Berger and Alfons Ripper.
Surviving are his wife; 4 daughters, Mrs. Frank Muenster, Jr., of Schulenburg, Mrs. Anton Demel of Pep, Texas, Mrs. F. J. Schmidt, Mrs. Rudolf Winkler and Mrs. Benno Demel, all of Schulenburg; one brother Frank Stanzel of Middle Creek; one sister, Mrs. Agnes Stanzel of Schulenburg, and 15 grandchildren. Three sisters preceded him in death.
Schwenke-Baumgarten were in charge of arrangements.
We join the many friends of the family in offering our sincere sympathy to the bereaved.
The Schulenburg Sticker, Friday, December 13, 1940
Leo Stanzel To Be Buried Saturday
Leo Stanzel, about 18 years of age, passed away at the family home this Thursday morning about ? o’clock. He had not been in the best of health and a doctor was summoned but by the time he arrived at the Stanzel home, the young man had passed away.
Leo was the eldest son of Mrs. Stephanie Stanzel. He is survived by his mother; one sister, Anita, and two brothers, James and Theodore.
Funeral services will be held from the home of Mrs. Agnes Stanzel here in Schulenburg at ? o’clock on Saturday, December 14, followed by services at the St. Rose Catholic Church. Interment will be in the St. Rose Catholic Cemetery.
It will be remembered that Edward Stanzel, father of Leo, passed away on October 10 of this year.
The heartfelt sympathy of the entire community is extended to the bereaved relatives on this sad occasion.
The Schulenburg Sticker, Friday, April 3, 1953
Mrs. Joe Stanzel Interred At High Hill Wednesday
The funeral services for Mrs. Joe Stanzel, nee Ludmilla Ripper, were held from the residence of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Schmidt, on Wednesday, April 1, 1953, with continued service at the St. Mary’s Catholic Church at High Hill at 9:30 a.m. Rev. Albert Henkes officiated and interment was in the St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Gaulbert Demel, Elmer Muenster, Florian Demel, Willie Dittrich, Alfons Ripper and Walter Ripper.
Mrs. Stanzel was born on November 9, 1877, as the daughter of Joseph and Aloisia Ripper and had lived in this section of the country all her life. She was united in marriage to Joseph Stanzel at High Hill on November 6, 1899, and to this union five daughters were born, all of whom survive. She was a devout member of the St. Mary’s Catholic Church at High Hill and of the St. Ann’s Society. She had been ill for several months and passed away at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Schmidt, where she had been living for the past several months, on Monday, March 30, 1953. She had reached the age of 75 years, four months and nineteen days.
Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Frank (Frances) Muenster, High Hill; Mrs. Anton (Margaret) Demel, Littlefield, Texas; Mrs. Frank (Adie) Schmidt, High Hill; Mrs. Rudolf (Ella) Winkler, and Mrs. Beno (Elsie) Demel, Schulenburg; one sister, Mrs. Fred Dittrich and one brother, Edward Ripper; eighteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Her husband preceded her in death several years ago and two sisters and three brothers also preceded her in death.
The Schulenburg Sticker, Friday, March 6, 1936
Mrs. Charles Stanzel, aged 66, passed away at her home in Aransas Pass on Thursday morning, February 27, following an illness of several year’s duration.
Deceased (nee Miss Marie Juenger) was born in Austria, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Juneger. She came to this country with her parents at the age of three years. The family settled in Fayette County. In 1886 she was united in marriage to Mr. Charles Stanzel at the St. Rose Catholic Church in this City by Rev. Bruecklyn. She had been a resident of Aransas Pass for approximately 25 years.
Surviving are her husband, Charles Stanzel; five daughters, Misses Wallieta, Hattie and Aurelia Stanzel and Mrs. R. C. McGrath, all of Aransas Pass.
Funeral services were held in the Sacred Hearth Catholic Church in Aransas Pass Friday morning, February 28, Rev. J. Hagemann officiating. The funeral cortege arrived in Schulenburg at 4 P.M. Friday and services were held at the St. Rose Catholic Church with Rev. A. Frische conducting the services. Interment was in the St. Rose Cemetery.
Pallbearers were: Chas. Bohlmann, Alton Stanzel, Henry Bohlmann, Frank Schindler, Ed. Russek and Joe Stanzel, Jr., of Hallettsville.
The Sticker, in common with the family’s many other friends, bereaved in the loss of their loved extends sincere sympathy to the one.
The Schulenburg Sticker, June 27, 1996
Reinhart “Bull” Stanzel
Reinhart “Bull” Stanzel, 81, passed away at Colorado-Fayette Medical Center in Weimar on Saturday, June 22 at 4 p.m. He resided at 1101 Kessler Ave.
The funeral on Monday, June 24 at 11 a.m. at St Rose Catholic Church was conducted by the Rev. Tim Kosler and the Rev. Richard Toye, S. J. Burial was in the church cemetery.
Pallbearers were Kyle Stanzel, Chase Stanzel, Brent Hackley, Bob Ennis, David Ennis, Patrick Ennis, James F. Maroney III, Ted Stanzel and James Stanzel. Named as honorary pallbearers were Edwin Ryba, Frank Krecmer, Jimmy Pavlik, Louis Kunetka, C. A. Pennington and Johnny Balcar Jr.
The rosary as led by the Rev. Toye on Sunday, June 23 at 7:30 p.m. at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home.
The son of Edward and Agnes (Stanzel) Stanzel, he was born Aug. 23, 1914 in Schulenburg. He attended St. Rose Elementary School, Schulenburg High School, Victoria Junior College and Rice University. On April 15, 1944, he married Jane Maroney at Holy Rosary Church in Houston.
A lifelong resident of Schulenburg, he was a supervisor at Victor Stanzel Inc. and a member of the Roman Catholic Church. He enjoyed gardening, sports, card games and bingo.
Surviving him are his wife; two daughters, Bettejane Eastman of Dallas and Ginger Bosl of Schulenburg; and son, Robert Reinhart Stanzel of Lake Jackson; a brother, Victor Stanzel of Schulenburg; and six grandchildren.
Preceding him in death were his parents, along with a brother, Joseph Stanzel.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Weimar Mercury, Friday, January 8, 1960
Robert Stanzel, 59, Dies In VA Hospital
Funeral services for Robert Stanzel, 59-year-old bachelor of the Schulenburg area, were held Monday morning at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, High Hill, with burial in the church cemetery.
The Rev. Benton Thurmond, St. Mary’s pastor, officiated.
Mr. Stanzel had been ill about a year but was still fairly active until about six weeks ago. A fire destroyed the farm home where he lived alone, and although he was not injured, it seemed to mark the turning point in his condition. He entered Veterans Administration Hospital in Houston a month ago and died there Sunday.
He is survived by a brother, Alfred Stanzel, of Schulenburg.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
The Schulenburg Sticker, Friday, August 16, 1912, Page 8
Mrs. Rosina Stanzel Dead
After a long and useful life Mrs. Rosina Stanzel died at her home in Schulenburg Sunday morning at four o’clock and her remains were laid to rest in the Catholic Cemetery Monday morning at ten o’clock, Father Mathis officiating.
Mrs. Stanzel was a pioneer of this section having settled here before the town was built. She was born 82 years ago in Deutsch Jasnik, Moravia, Austria. She first settled at High Hill, living there about four years, afterward moving here before the railroad came through and the city of Schulenburg was established.
She was married twice. Four children blessed the first union and survive her. They are Mr. Chas. Blaschke, Mrs. Frank Bender, Mrs. Ferd. Bender and Mrs. Carolina Young. Her husband and three children of the second union are living: Mrs. Otmar Kallus, and Messrs. Edward and Ferdinand Stanzel.
The Sticker extends its sincere sympathy to the bereaved relatives.
Submitted by Sandra Long Anders
Submitter’s Note: Mrs. Stanzel was the daughter of Charles Guenther and was married first to Karl Blaschke, Sr. (died 1865) and then to Franz Stanzel (1842-1928).
Schulenburg Sticker, Thursday, March 23, 1978
Last Rites Held for Mrs. Ruth Stanzel
Mrs. Ruth Vogt Stanzel, 71, of Route 3, Schulenburg, a retired bookkeeper, passed away March 19 at Youens Memorial Hospital, Weimar, after a lengthy illness.
Born on Aug. 20, 1906 at Swiss Alp to George and Lina Vogt, she married Hugo Stanzel in Schulenburg on May 12, 1951.
Mrs. Stanzel was a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and the Sons of Hermann Lodge No. 14, Schulenburg.
Funeral services were held at 10:30 a.m. on March 21 from the Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Chapel, with Rev. Walter Simpson officiating. Burial was in Schulenburg City Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Jerry Michal, Pete Petrash, Fehner Frels, Lloyd Goedrich, Robert Pesl, Leslie Lippman, Emil Barton and Billy Bass.
Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Fritz (Julia) Michalke of Schulenburg; two brothers, Robert Vogt of Schulenburg and George Vogt of Weimar; four nephews and numerous great nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her husband in 1970.
The Schulenburg Sticker, October 26, 1995
Stephanie Stanzel
Stephanie Stanzel, who reached the age of 101 years, 11 months, 24 days, passed away on Thursday, Oct. 12 at Colorado-Fayette Medical Center in Weimar. Mrs. Stanzel, who had resided at 1101 Kellett Ave., died of heart failure after a one-week illness.
The funeral was held Sunday, Oct. 15 at 1 p.m. at St. Rose Catholic Church, followed by burial in the church cemetery. The Rev. Tim Kosler officiated. Grandsons who served as pallbearers were Jimmy Stanzel, Bill Srubar and Ernest Srubar, all of Schulenburg; Ron Srubar of Austin; Robert Srubar of Katy; and Albert Srubar of Pearland.
The Rev. Kosler led the rosary on Saturday, Oct. 14 at 7 p.m. at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home.
Stephanie Stanzel, the second of eight children of Joseph and Mary (Kunz) Seidenberger, was born in Schulenburg on Oct. 19, 1893. Her mother and father immigrated to America as teenagers in the 1870s, having originated in the Sudatenland as part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
She was a lifelong resident of Fayette County except for two years when her parents moved to the small farming community of Windthorst, south of Wichita Falls, in 1912. After experiencing crop failure, the family returned to Schulenburg in 1914, to settle again on the farm just east of Schulenburg.
Mrs. Stanzel attended St. Rose Parochial School. In 1916, she married Edward Stanzel in Schulenburg. They made their home on their farm six miles northeast of Schulenburg.
After the death of her husband and son Leo in late 1940, she continued to work the land with her children until 1960, when she retired to her hew home at 1101 Kellett Ave. in Schulenburg. She lived there until March 1994, when at the age of 100 years, she entered Schulenburg Regency Nursing Center.
According to her family, “Stephanie always demonstrated a willingness to work hard in order to do the job right. She cherished all the wonderful gifts of life she was blessed with. Being wasteful was not an acceptable way with her.”
She enjoyed quilting with her friends, gardening, cooking, baking, crocheting and playing bingo. She was a strong believer in her faith in God and a lifelong member of St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church. She was also a member of the Christian Mothers Society.
Surviving her are a daughter, Anita Srubar of Schulenburg; two sons, James Stanzel and Theodore Stanzel, both of Schulenburg; two sisters, Mrs. Martha Goedrich and Mrs. Marie Fritsch, both of Schulenburg; and 11 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.
Preceding her in death were her husband, on Oct. 10, 1940; a son, Leo Stanzel, on Dec. 20, 1940; two brothers, Ferdinand and Edmund Seidenberger; twin brothers and one daughter in infancy.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
The Schulenburg Sticker, September 15, 1916
Mrs. Stanzel Dead
Mrs. Theresia Stanzel died at her home here Friday morning after a sickness of several weeks.
Mrs. Theresia Anders Stanzel was born in Lutschitz, Austria, December 31, 1837, and married to Frank Stanzel in the old country before immigrating to America on May 26, 18171 [should be 1871]. They located a half mile north of Schulenburg and the family has been actively identified with the progress of this section since that time.
She leaves eight children to mourn her loss, Anton Stanzel, Mrs. Amelia Schindler, Joe, Charley, Ferd. and Frank Stanzel, Mrs. Louisa Bohlmann and Adolph Stanzel.
The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon and was one of the largest attended ever held in this city, the resting place being at the Catholic cemetery.
Submitted by Sandra Long Anders
Submitter’s note: Lutschitz birth records indicate Theresia was born on 21 December 1837. She was the daughter of Franz and Susanna Fadler Anders. Her parents and three brothers, Anton, Ferdinand, and Josef all immigrated to Texas on the ship, Koln, 28 April 1871.
La Grange Journal, December 15, 1904
The two-year-old child of Mrs. Stark, who was so seriously burned last Monday died after suffering greatly last Thrusday night and was buried Friday evening.
This grave appears to be unmarked.
Weimar Mercury, 18 May 1895
Schulenburg Sticker: Fritz Stark, a young man about 18 years of age, died at the residence of Fritz Wertz, very suddenly, last Sunday night. He was apparently well Sunday night as he went to bed. He died with convulsions. He was a very quiet and nice young man and had many friends.
Weimar Mercury, Friday, August 30, 1929
Pioneer of This Section Died Last Wednesday
Mrs. Johanna Starustka, an aged lady of the Shatto section, living not far from the Svetlo school house, died Wednesday of last week, and the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at Dubina Friday morning. Rev. Jos. Szymanski officiating in a touching burial service. The funeral was largely attended by relatives and friends of the aged lady.
The pall bearers were as follows: Aug. Lacina, Fred and Wm. Jurak, Frank Humplik, Frank Holub and F. R. Olsovsky.
Mrs. Starustka was 73 years of age, and doubless old age was the cause of her death. She had been an invalid for the past ten months. She was born in the old country, but had lived in this section for many years. Her husband preceded her to the grave some twenty-nine years ago. She leaves five sons, as follows: Vinc of Moravia, Otto of Orchard, Ray, Peter and Gerald of the Weimar-Dubina section.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to her bereaved ones.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Victoria Advocate, 3 Jul 2005
Evelyn H. Stary - CORPUS CHRISTI
LaGRANGE - Evelyn Hajek Stary, 75, of La Grange, and formerly of Corpus Christi, died Saturday, July 2, 2005.
She was born Aug. 24, 1929, in Flatonia to the late Julius and Helen Culak Hajek. She was a retired housekeeper for the Jack Ryan family of Corpus Christi, a former member of St Pius Catholic Church in Corpus Christi and a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in La Grange.
Survivors: husband, Victory Stary; brother, Raymond Hajek.
Preceded in death by: brother, George L. Hajek.
Services will be 10 a.m. Monday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, the Rev. James Olnhausen officiating.
Burial will be at La Grange City Cemetery. Koenig and Strickland, LaGrange, 979-968-3121.
Memorials: ASERA Care Hospice, 908 Loop 230, Smithville, TX 78957.
Victoria Advocate, 8 Dec 2008
WINCHESTER - Victor Frank Stary, 80, of Winchester, formerly of Corpus Christi, passed away Dec. 5, 2008. He was born Sept. 18, 1928, in Shiner, the son of Frank and Annie (Knesek) Stary.
Survivors: sisters, Adela Wagner and husband Edmund, Eunice Christ, and Agnes Okruhlik; brother-in-law, Raymond Hajek and wife Maggie.
Preceded in death by: his parents; wife, Evelyn Cecilia (Hajek) Stary; and brothers-in-law, Lawrence Christ and Boniface Okruhlik.
Visitation will be 1-8 p.m. today, with a rosary recited at 5 p.m., at Koenig & Strickland Funeral Home in La Grange. Mass of the Christian burial will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in La Grange with interment at La Grange City Cemetery.
Schulenburg Sticker, 14 May 1908
Near Dubina. May 2, Rosina Stas, age 97 years, 4 months and 1 day, of cholera morbus.
Contributed by Matt Cross |
The La Grange Journal, March 26, 1936 pg. 6
Mrs. Anna Stasny
Mrs. Anna Stasny died at the family home, Thursday March 19, following an illness of short duration, at the age of 73 years, 9 months, and 21 days. She is survived by her two daughters and three sons. Her husband and one son preceded her in death.
Mrs. Stasny was as true Christian mother and will be sadly missed by her family and friends; funeral services were conducted from the Catholic Church Saturday, with Requiem Mass, at which Rev. Father Klobouk officiated; assisted by Rev. Father Kaspar of Hostyn and Rev. Father Raska of Hostyn (near Ellinger).
Her remains were laid to rest beside her husband in the Catholic cemetery. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones.
Transcribed by Stacy N. Sneed
La Grange Journal, Thursday, February 15, 1934
Citizens of Fayetteville were indeed shocked when the news as telephoned to them that “Louis Stasny died.” The message came from the home of Mrs. John Stasny, his aged mother, Sunday and seemed incredible at first reception.
The Sunday previous many had greeted Louis on our Streets, and to all appearances he was in sound health. Stricken last Wednesday, with pneumonia, he took to his bed, but the efforts of both medical man and loving relative could not thwart the purpose of the Grim Reaper. He died at the home of his aged mother, Sunday.
Louis Stasny was 35 years of age when he gave up the battle; he is survived by his aged mother, two sisters, and three brothers; he was one of our successful farmers and, had numerous friends who were always happy to meet with him.
Tuesday morning the body was taken to the Catholic Church where Rev. Jos. Klobouk conducted services and mass; interment was held at the Catholic cemetery.
May Louis Stasny rest in peace; our deepest sympathy to his mourning relatives.
Transcribed by Connie F. Sneed
Banner Press, July 6, 1989
Services for Anna R. Baca Stastny, 100, of Fayetteville were held Wednesdays, July 5 at St. John’s Catholic Church in Fayetteville with Msgr. Ben Mazurkiewicz officiating.
Interment followed in St. Mary’s Cemetery in Ellinger.
Anna Stastny died July 2 at Care Inn Nursing Home in La Grange.
A lifetime resident in the area, she was born January 12, 1889 in Fayetteville, the daughter of Frank and Mary (Kovar) Baca. She was united in marriage with Frank J. Stastny November 3, 1915 in Fayetteville.
She was a homemaker and a member of St. John’s Catholic Church, the KJZT and Altar Society.
Survivors include three sons and daughters-in-law, Frank and Agnes Stastny of Fayetteville; Edwin and Libby Stastny of Louisville, Ky.; and John and Ageline Stastny of Houston. Twelve grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren also survive.
She was preceded in death by her husband on June 26, 1967; her parents, six brothers, six sisters and two infant brothers.
Koenig-Peel Funeral Home, La Grange, directors.
submitted by Rosemary Ermis
La Grange Journal, 5 Sep 1907
Mrs. Stavena, an old Bohemian lady, died Sunday evening of hemmorhage of the lungs, at the age of 71 years. her remains were laid to rest Monday in the Catholic Cemetery.
The LaGrange Journal, April 27, 1933
Friday morning, April 21, at 3 o’clock, the death angel with silent tread entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stavena and claimed the mother.
Mrs. Stavena had reached the age of 68 years, and is survived by her aged husband and several children who will miss her sweet guidance. She was a devoted, Christian mother, a kind and living neighbor and true friend.
Funeral services were conducted at the Catholic church at 9 o’clock Saturday morning and interment was made at the Catholic cemetery with Rev. Father Kiobouk officiating.
To the bereaved husband, children, and other relatives, we extend our deepest sympathy; may the soul of this departed mother rest in peace.
Transcribed by Gayle Clemons Newkirk
The LaGrange Journal, September 20, 1934
Sunday morning the remains of Frank Stavena, one of our pioneer farmers, was shipped here from Terrell, where he died in a sanatorium, Saturday, September 15, at the age of 71 years. His wife preceded him in death one year ago.
He is survived by his three sons; funeral services were conducted from the Catholic church , Monday morning at 9:30 o’clock, with high mass, Rev. Father Kiobouk officiating. Interment was had in the Catholic cemetery. Our deepest condolence is extended to the surviving relatives.
May he rest in peace.
Transcribed by Gayle Clemons Newkirk
Schulenburg Sticker, 24 Feb 1922, page 1
Stavinoha Baby
The home of Rudolph Stavinoha and wife of Engle were made happy Monday evening when the friendly old stork visited the home and left a bright little son, but soon the uncertainty of life was in evidence and the home cast into sadness, the tiny little form, after only a few minutes of earthly abode, fell quietly in to that eternal sleep. The little form was laid to rest Tuesday morning in the City Cemetery.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Stavinoha in their sad affliction.
This grave appears to be unmarked. Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, Friday, April 18, 1941
Funeral services for Adolph Stavinoha, 77, lifelong resident of the Hostyn area whose death occurred in a La Grange hospital Saturday, were held Monday morning from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sulik, followed by Requiem Mass at the Hostyn Catholic church, with the Rev. Paul P. Kaspar officiating. Assisting were Rev. S. A. Zientek of La Grange, Rev. A. W. Nesvadba of Wallis and Rev. A. Raska of Ammannsville.
A native of Moravia, Europe, Mr. Stavinoha came to this country at the age of six, along with his parents, the family settling in Fayette county where they had since made their home. He was a member of the K. J. Z. T. Lodge.
Survivors are nine daughters, Mrs. Frank Bohac, Mrs. Louis Janda, Mrs. Charles Genzer, Mrs. Louis Osina and Mrs. Joe Kneitz, of Needville; Mrs. George F. Adamcik and Mrs. Joe Sulik of La Grange, Mrs. V. Bohac of Ammannsville, and Mrs. Willie Holub of Dallas; five sons, Frank Stavinoha of Holman, Willie and Edmund Stavinoha of Ammannsville, Jerome Stavinoha of Hostyn and Capt. H. F. Stavinoha of Camp Wallace. There are also 38 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, 28 Jun 1935, page 3
Another invasion of death occurred at the hospital Sunday afternoon; Bennie Stavinoha, four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Stavinoha and a patient at the hospital for a week, was claimed by the Reaper. The funeral was held at the Hostyn Cemetery Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. Paul P. Kaspar officiating. The Journal offers to the mourning relatives of the departed its sincerest sympathy. — LaGrange Journal.
Schulenburg Sticker, 4 Aug 1916
At Engle, Texas, on July 26, 1916, Mrs. Bettie Stavinoha, aged 80 years, 11 months and 6 days.
Mrs. Stavinoha was born in Palkovic, Austria, August 20, 1835, and was married there. In 1863, with her husband, she came to Schulenburg and in 1883 located in Engle. The children surving [sic] her are, Mrs. Frank Jalufka, John, Louie, Adolph, Anton, Rudolph, and Mrs. Max Templin, of Engle. Burial took place on the day of her death.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Houston Chronicle, Monday, July 31, 2017
Dorothy Noreen Stavinoha
Dorothy Noreen (Merritt) Stavinoha was born in Jerome, Idaho on October 22, 1935 to William and Dorothy Merritt. Her life here came to a close on Tuesday, July 18, 2017.
She is preceded in death by her husband, Edwin; and her parents.
Throughout her life, she went by her middle name, Noreen, to avoid confusion with her mother. The Merritt family moved from Idaho to California when Noreen was five years old, and it was there in 1951 that she met Edwin Stavinoha, who was a Marine stationed at El Toro Marine Air Base. They married in the old San Gabriel Mission in San Gabriel, California on July 11, 1953. After a brief honeymoon in Santa Barbara, they came to Houston.
Noreen loved being a mother to her five children, and considered them her finest accomplishment. She worked for many years as secretary to various employers, and after reaching official retirement age, 65, she continued to work part-time until 2013.
Most of her married life was spent in Houston and Katy, but there was a seven-year span of time when the Stavinohas lived in Schulenburg, Texas. For much of that time she was able to satisfy her interest in history by volunteering as a docent for the Painted Church tours around Schulenburg and by serving on the board of directors of the Schulenburg Historical Museum. She was a member of the Literary Club, and also sat on the board of the Chamber of Commerce for two terms.
Writing nonfiction was always a part of her adult life, and she took that in different directions. When her children were small, she was an avid letter writer, and as they grew up she wrote feature stories and informative articles that appeared in newspapers and magazine.
She was active in her church throughout her adult life, and especially enjoyed being a Eucharistic Minister, teaching CCE classes, and Bible study. She was a member of St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church in Katy.
Noreen leaves behind her children and their spouses, Michael and Colleen, Walter, Larry, Laura and Morris, and Jason and Nohemi; daughter-in-law, Melinda; five grandchildren; seven great grandchildren; as well as other loving family members and friends.
A rosary will be recited at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 3, 2017, at St. Bartholomew Catholic Church, in Katy, where a memorial mass will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, August 4, 2017, with Rev. Christopher Plant, Celebrant. Burial will be at the Catholic Cemetery in Praha, Texas.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to St. Bartholomew Catholic Church, Katy, Texas or to The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation.
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, February 10, 1972
Funeral For F. Stavinoha Held Jan. 27
Funeral services for Frank J. Stavinoha, 83, of Holman were held Thursday, Jan. 27, at Hubbard Funeral Home and St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church, Holman, with burial in the church cemetery.
Rev. Gerald Hubertus officiated.
A retired farmer, he died at 6:30 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 25, at Parkview Manor, where he had lived the past two months.
Mr. Stavinoha was born Feb. 19, 1888, at Ammannsville, a son of Adolf and Marie Vacek Stavinoha. He married Miss Sophie Hajovsky on Oct. 20, 1909, at Ammannsville, and they lived the rest of their lives in this general area. Mrs. Stavinoha died Sept. 5, 1967.
He was a member of the KJT and the Knights of Columbus.
He is survived by two adopted daughters, Mrs. Cecilia Cernosek of Holman and Mrs. Josie Naiser of Baytown; nine grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren; six sisters, Mrs. Annie Bohac and Mrs. Martha Martin of Needville,s Mrs. Lena Adamcik of La Grange, Mrs. Marcella Bohac of Ammannsville, Mrs. Edith Kneitz of Needville and Mrs. Georgia Spurny of Houston; and four brothers, Willie and Edmund Stavinoha of La Grange, Dr. Henry Stavinoha of Schulenburg and Jerome Stavinoha of Houston.
In addition to his wife, three sisters, Mrs. Marie Janda, Mrs. Rosie Genzer and Mrs. Bettie Ideaus, preceded him in death.
Pallbearers were Dennis, Donald, Clement Jr., and James Cernosek, Richard, Ronnie and Kenneth Naiser, all grandsons; and Bill Gilpin and Gene Seidl.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
La Grange Journal, March 24, 1880
We are informed that a Miss Stavinoha comes to her painful death, at her home, on Saturday last. The particulars as we receive them are as follows; Miss Stavinoha was at the gin owned by her guardian F. Farik in Bluff settlement and while moving around looking at the gin work was caught by the band and before the machinery could be stopped was literally torn to pieces. Her left arm was torn off, her head split open her thigh fractured and many other serious wounds were inflicted upon her body. The young girl was only about thirteen years of age.
This was Johanna Stavinoha. Her parents were Ondrej (Andreas) Stavinoha and Mariana Miculka Stavinoha. Her parents had died and she was living with her older sister Theresia Stavinoha Farek and her husband Frank Farek. Submitted by Rosemary Ermis. Note from Nancy Schmidt.
Weimar Mercury, 8 May 1897, page 5
Mr. Jos. Stavanoha [sic.], an old, respected and good citizen of Ammansville [sic.], died at the family residence in that city last Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, afer a long and painful illness. Mr. Stavanhoha was a kind, generous-hearted man, possessed friends where he was known, and his death is deeply lamented. He leaves a wife and several children, to whom we extend sincere sympathy.
Weimar Mercury, 10 Jan 1930
Death of An Old Time, Honored Citizen
Mr. J. F. Stavinoha of Ammannsville passed away at the home of his children, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hluchanek of this city, Sunday night about 10 o'clock, after a comparatively brief illness of some form of heart trouble.
Funeral arrangements were made and the body transported to Ammannsville, where it was laid to rest Tuesday morning in the Ammannsville Cemetery. Rev. A. Raska officiating in the presence of a large gathering of mourning relatives and friends.
Mr. Stavinoha was born Oct. 12, 1858, and died Jan. 5, 1930. His widow and eleven children survive. The surviving children are as follows: Mrs. Alois Horak, Albert and Fred Stavinoha of Needville; Emil of Rosenberg, Adolf of Temple, Joseph of Ganado, George of LaGrange, Vaclav and Mrs. Jerome Bohac of Ammannsville. Mrs. Emil Hluchanek and Mrs. Adolf Kristek of Weimar. He is also survived by several brothers and sisters. To all the sincere sympathy of the Mercury is extended.
Receipt of further details of Mr. Stavinoha's life and previous history were promised the Mercury, but due to bad weather and worse roads, this has been delayed, and will be published in next week's issue.
Weimar Mercury, 17 Jan 1930
Data Regarding Mr. J. F. Stavinoha's Life
Mr. J. F. Stavinoha of Ammannsville, who did jan. 5th, 1930, in Weimar at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Emil Hluchanek, was buried at Ammannsville, Revs. Szymanski of Weimar and Raska of Ammannsville officiating.
By occupation Mr. Stavinoha was a farmer and carpenter. Some twenty-five years ago he lost one of his eyes while doing carpenter work. All of his children were given a start in life for themselves. About two years ago he moved from his farm to the city of Ammannsville.
Mr. Stavinoha was born Oct. 12, 1858, in Zabrezy, Moravia, Austria, being a son of Peter Stavinoha. He came to Texas at the age of 16 years. He was married to Miss Annie Adamcik Nov. 6, 1879. The couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary two months ago, on Nov. 4th, 1929. To this union eleven children were born, all of whom survive, as follows: Emil of Rosenberg, Albert and Fred of Fairchilds, Joe of Ganado, Adolph of Temple, George of LaGrange, Jim of Ammannsville, Mrs. Lillie Horak of Needville, Mrs. Mary Hluchanek of Weimar, Mrs. Martha Bohne of Ammannsville and Mrs. Della Kristek of Weimar. Mr. and Mrs. Stavinoha are also the grandparents of forty children. Mr. Stavinoha lost by death three sisters and one brother. Two brothers still survive—Cyril of Jourdanton and Adolf of near Ammannsville; also one sister, Mrs. Agnes Barta of Jourdanton.
Truly a grand, good character has passed from among us!
La Grange Journal, May 14, 1936 pg. 3
Mother’s Day Fails When Death Claims Mrs. Ad. Stavinoha
All preparations had been made to have her children and families present for Mother’s Day, by Mrs. Adolph Stavinoha; then death stepped in and changed the program. Mrs. Stavinoha was found lying in the cow lot at the family home, Sunday morning, where she had gone to milk the cows. A bucket of milk stook on the fence post; evidently she had started toward another cow when stricken. Instead of having her large family connections present for a happy homecoming, they camt to find mother had been called to journey hence.
Tuesday morning the body was buried in the Hostyn cemetery, Revs. Paul P. Kasper of Hostyn, Raska of Ammannsville and Kopf of Muldoon officiated. An immense attendance of relative and friends attested to the great love they have for Granda Stavinoha.
Deceased, whose maiden name was Miss Mary Vacek, was born in Czechoslovaka, and came to America with her parents when five years old. She was united in marriage with Adolph Stavinoha, in 1885, and last fall the couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. Her husband and the following children survive: Mrs. Frank (Anna) Bohac, Mrs. Chas. (Rosa) Genzer, Mrs. Louis (Mary) Janda, Mrs. Joe (Edith) Kneitz and Mrs. Louis (Martha) Osina of Needville; Frank Stavinoha of Holman, Mrs. Geo. (Lena) Adamcik of La Grange, Mrs. Vojt (Marcellya) Pohac of Ammannsville, Mrs. Will (Bettie) Holub of Schulenburg, Dr. Henry Stavinoha of Shculenburg, Edmund Stavinoha of Ammannsville, Mrs. Joe (Georgia) Sulik of La Grange, and Jerome Stavinoha of Hostyn.
Surviving also are two brothers Joe Vacek of Weimar and Emil Vacek of Moulton; three sisters, Mrs. Anna Sobotik, Frenstadt, Caldwell County, and Mrs. Mathilds Balar of Ammannsville and 39 grandchildren.
Transcribed by Stacy N. Sneed
Weimar Mercury, Thursday, September 14, 1967
Final Rites For Mrs. Stavinoha, 77, at Holman
Funeral services for Mrs. Frank J. (Sophie) Stavinoha, 77, of Holman were held Thursday morning, Sept. 7, at Hubbard Funeral Home and St. Michael’s Catholic Church, with interment in the Holman Catholic Cemetery. Rev. Joseph Hamala of Ammannsville officiated, assisted by Rev. Albert Hubertus of Weimar.
Mrs. Stavinoha died at 1:10 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 5, in Youens Hospital after several months’ illness.
Born July 9, 1890, at Holman, a daughter of John and Frances Klecka Hajovsky, she was a life-time resident of that area. She was married to Mr. Stavinoha at Ammannsville on Oct. 22, 1909, and they settled at Holman, where they had lived since.
She was a member of St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church, KJZT Society, Altar Society and Christian Mothers Society at Holman.
Surviving in addition to her husband are two daughters, Mrs. Clement C. (Cecilia) Cernosek of Holman and Mrs. A. J. (Josie) Naiser of Baytown; nine grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren; and two sisters, Mrs. Henry (Mary) Kana Sr. of Weimar and Mrs. Frank (Agnes) Cernosek of La Grange. Two brothers and two sisters preceded her in death.
Pallbearers were Mrs. Stavinoha’s grandsons, Donald Cernosek of Holman, Pvt. James Cernosek of Ft. Polk, La., Dennis Cernosek and Ronnie and Kenneth Naiser of Baytown; Richard Naiser of La Marque; and two grandsons-in-law, Gene Seidl and Bill Gilpin of Houston. One grandson was not able to attend the services; Sp-4 Clement Cernoseks Jr. is in Vietnam.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 27 Jun 1901, Fayetteville column
Yesterday a number of our people left for Oldenburg to attend the funeral of Mr. Gus Steenken. The deceased was buried in the Round Top cemetery, Rev. Neithart officiating. Mr. Steenken was a member of the Masonic and Hermann Sons lodges, and these also went through with their ceremonies at the grave. Mr. Steenken was a good-natured, kind-hearted man, and liberal to a fault. His good humor staid with him to the very last. A cancer of the throat caused his death. He was fifty years old. People all over the county will learn with regret of the untimely taking away of this sunny child of the grandduchy of Oldenburg. The funeral procession was perhaps the largest in that vicinity. To the bereaved widow, Mrs. Lucy Steenken, (nee Zapp) we extend our sincerest sympathy.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 1 Oct 1903
Death Record.
Steffek: Died 2 mi West of Ellinger, Sept 16th-03, of Malarial Hematuria, Francis Steffek, aged 18 years and 3 mos.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, Friday, July 1, 1955
Fred Steffek, 44-year-old Dubina farmer, killed himself with a shotgun last Sunday, barely three weeks after a neighboring farmer had killed himself with a rifle.
The Steffek farm, where Mr. Steffek, a bachelor, lived with his sister and his mother, is separated by one farm from that of the late Willie Bohac, who died from a self-inflicted rifle wound June 4.
Justice of the Peace H.R. Clark of Schulenburg rendered a verdict of suicide in the Steffek death. The sister, Miss Lillie Steffek, told Judge Clark her brother had been treated recently for a mental illness.
A suicide note was found in which Mr. Steffek told his family goodbye.
Mr. Steffek was shot in the heart with a 12-guage shotgun. Evidence indicated he had fired the gun with a stick. Hi mother and sister heard the shot at 11 o'clock Sunday morning; they found him in the hay barn.
Funeral services were held Tuesday at Schulenburg and Ammannsville, with burial in the Catholic cemetery at the latter place.
Surviving are his mother, Mrs. John Steffek; six sisters, Miss Elsie Steffek of Dubina, Mrs. John Osina of Holman, Mrs. Adolph Macha of Midfield, Mrs. Robert Barta of Needville, Mrs. Vlasta Marek of La Grange and Mrs. Elsie Kubesch of Weimar; and one brother, Ed Steffek of El Campo.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 24 Jan 1913
Herman Steffek, age two months, near Ammannsville.
Contributed by Matt Cross
La Grange Journal, Thursday, March 17, 1955
Mrs. Otilie Steffek
Funeral services were held for Mrs. Otilie Steffek of Galveston on Thursday, March 10 at 9 AM from the Koenig [Funeral] Home Chapel with continued services at the Ammannsville Catholic Church. Burial was in the Ammannsville Cemetery. Father Adolph Janda officiated. Mrs. Steffek, 58, died Tuesday, March 8 in Galveston.
The daughter of the late Joe and Annie Hrdina Dusek, she was born on Jan. 31, 1897 in Ammannsville. Her husband preceded her in death.
Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. G. A. Sweeten of Galveston; one son, Louis Genzer of San Antonio; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Bayer of Ammannsville and Mrs. Annie Osina of Ammannsville; four brothers, Joe Dusek of Weimar, James Dusek of Weimar, Charlie Dusek of El Campo and Vince Dusek of Ammannsville; and three grandchildren.
Weimar Mercury, Friday, March 18, 1955
Mrs. O. Steffek, 58, Galveston Resident, Buried Thursday
Funeral services for Mrs. Ottilie Steffek, 58, of Galveston, were held at Koenig Funeral Home in La Grange last Thursday morning, with continued services at the Ammannsville Catholic Church.
Rev. A. P. Janda officiated. Burial was in the Ammannsville cemetery.
Mrs. Steffek, who died Tuesday, March 8, at Galveston, was born at Ammannsville and lived there until 1935. She was the former Miss Ottilie Dusek.
Surviving her are a daughter, Mrs. G. A. Sweeten of Galveston; a son, Louis Genzer of San Antonio; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Beyer and Mrs. Annie Osina, of Ammannsville; four brothers, Joe and James Dusek of the Weimar area, Charlie Dusek of El Campo, and Vinc Dusek of Ammannsville; and three grandchildren.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
La Grange Journal, May 21, 1936 pg. 2
Youth Killed
Henry Steinheiser aged 14 years, was killed at Columbus, Sunday when an automobile crashed into the one driven by his father. The accident occurred near Columbus; Henry was riding on the running board when the crash came.
Transcribed by Stacy N. Sneed
Fayette County Record, Friday, April 15, 2011
H. H. (Herbert) Steinhauser, 95, died April 9, 2011.
Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 12, 2011 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Flatonia with Rev. Joseph Hybner officiating. Burial followed at Sacred Heart Cemetery.
He was born Sept. 9, 1915 in Flatonia, the son of Otto and Annie Brunner Steinhauser. He was a self-taught and self-disciplined man. He was a mining contractor and owner of Steinhauser Construction for 47 years. He married Annie Mica Dec. 1941 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Flatonia.
He was preceded in death by his parents, wife, Annie in 2000; and one grandson, Perry.
He is survived by two sons, Lloyd Steinhauser and wife Virginia of Sealy and Ronnie Steinhauser and wife Virginia of Schulenburg, two daughters, Joyce Gold and husband Lawrence of Cypress and Carol Null and husband Robert of Flatonia; sister, Gertrude Mica of Flatonia, nine grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren.
Smith Funeral Home of Flatonia was in charge of arrangements.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
The La Grange Journal, Thursday, May 18, 1933
Mrs. C. H. Steinmann Fatally Injured In Wreck
The shock experienced by close friends of the family of C. H. Steinmann and that of O. T. Willrich, when the news was received by telephone early in the afternoon of Sunday, that the automobile driven by C. H. Steinmann, had turned over three times on the concrete highway about five or six miles from Brenham, and that all occupants were injured, one fatally, can be easily imagined. It is deploring enough to be compelled to chronicle the incident, without giving a prolonged detail of the accident that claimed Mrs. Steinmann. The sudden termination of a drive to the Agricultural and Mechanical College at Bryan, which had all the pleasure stored for offering, is sufficient in itself to warrant the mention that it is most deplorable.
Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Willrich and little son, O. T. Jr., and their niece Miss Lorine Kruse, and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Steinmann had left La Grange early Sunday morning, their destination being College Station where the son of each of the two families are in attendance upon the College. The trip from La Grange to Brenham was uneventful; after a brief stop, a short meal, the journey was resumed, with Mr. Steinmann at the wheel, Mr. Willrich and son alongside. In the rear seat on the right side sat Mrs. Steinmann, next to her Mrs. Willrich and Miss Kruse. We pass the detailed mention except to state that , as told to the Journal, Mr. Steinmann, finding his progress suddenly blocked by another automobile, crossing – the driver of the other vehicle came in ahead of the Steinmann car – the highway, he swerved the car to the opposite side and applied the brakes. It all happened in a moment. The Steinmann car ceased to travel naturally, turned completely over three times and finally settled on its side.
All managed to crawl from the wreck except Mrs. Steinmann and Mr. Willrich; the latter was helped to a seat and while still conscious complained of pain and his head dropped onto his breast. Mrs. Steinmann, partly out of the car was bleeding profusely and her husband, frantic, sought to compel her to speak; blood gushed from her face and head, she lived only a few moments. All were taken as soon as possible to the Milroy Memorial Hospital at Brenham, where surgical and medical aid was given, but upon examination by the surgeons, it was found that Mrs. Steinmann was beyond all earthly help. Her body was taken in charge by the Brenham undertaker, and prepared for burial.
Mr. and Mrs. Willrich remained at the hospital, Mr. Willrich, according to all information obtainable, received a dislocated vertebrae and was promptly placed in firm leather bandage, X-ray examination did not disclose a break, but a dislocation; Mrs. Willrich, suffering internal pain and injuries to limb was able to see some of the many inquiring friends, and Miss Lorine, whose foot was cut, was also retained at the Hospital. Little O. T., the son, escaped injury. Mr. Steinmann, injured severely by bruise, with possible internal injuries, refused to remain at the Hospital, and accompanied the body of his wife to La Grange, in an automobile, and both the funeral coach and the automobile reached here shortly before eight o’clock. In care of Dr. Hoch, Mr. Steinmann was put to bed and made as comfortable as possible.
Monday afternoon, Rev. Chas. Nash, pastor of the First Presbyterian church officiated at the funeral. Mrs. B. C. Westbrook of Dallas, niece of Mr. Steinmann, sang “Abide With Me,” at the home, preceding the religious services.
Interment was held at the new cemetery. The attendance upon these last rites was very large, the saddened faces gave evidence of the sincere sympathy that all encouraged for the stricken family.
Ladies of the Eastern Star, auxiliary of the Masonic Order, attended in a body, and officers of the auxiliary rendered the beautiful and impressive ceremony at the open grave. In attendance, also, were the cadets from A&M College, of which Weldon Steinmann was captain. Flowers, coming from every neighborhood, beautiful emblems, a profusion that was spread out beyond the plat of ground, completely hid the earthen couch.
The active pallbearers were: Geo. E. Lenert, W. W. Few, John Schroeder, Roy H. Giese, P. A. Nikel, Wm. Loessin, Cooney Letzerich and E. H. Moss. The honorary pallbearers, all friends of the family.
Sunday last was “Mother’s Day.” To these two families the day had a special meaning, each had a son at the College; the happy expectancy, of pinning a flower on the boys at this College where the day was to be appropriately commemorated is easily imagined. That pleasure a mother encourages, to witness the presence of her son, and to have been honored with the duty of pinning that flower, unmindful of any other possibility than to arrive at the College, be greeted by their sons, and spend a in accord with the day, is recognized. Chatting, looking forward to the hour when the exercises were to be held, few hours in genuine happiness, these two mothers were relegating all else, and then – with the swiftness of the arrow the sudden change. The red flower, to have been worn by Weldon Steinmann, the son, was removed, and the white flower taken.
Mrs. Steinmann, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Willenberg, was born in La Grange, August 26, 1881, the third daughter and the fifth child, and was reared in La Grange. Her death leaves only one member of the Willenberg family, the eldest son, E. R. Willenberg of Freeport. She was united in marriage with C. H. Steinmann in La Grange, November 11, 1906, three children were born to this union. These are: Chris A. of Dallas, Miss Mildred, and the youngest son, to graduate in June from the A&M College; Weldon. She is also mourned by two nieces and one nephew.
Mother’s Day! What destiny could have assumed control on this the day when the offspring had welcomed the hour the recognition of the day could be given. What can mortals, imbued with the thought that a tribute to the living mother would bring happiness and incite more ennobling deeds on the part of the boy or the girl who experiences the joy to remember her, offer except to encourage the hope that it was so decreed. Question not, is the rebuke; the Journal editor, ever willing to add to the happiness of those who are so deserving, witnessing the scenes that brighten the eyes of the parent and child and bring a happy beat to the heart, feels the keen loss that this husband and these children experience. What comfort can the Journal offer to them in this their hour of grief, except to point out the way, and accept the mandate as issued. Cruel? When we contemplate the happiness that seemed to have been suddenly elevated to the throne, and witness the cruel change, from laughter to sob, from smile to tears, nothing seems to be at our command.
Let Him who stilled the storm and rebuked it, look upon those who today are bowed in grief and stay the sorrow that has been so heavy.
Weimar Mercury, 8 Feb 1896, page 2
Died.—Little Sadie, the 4-year-old daughter of mr. and Mrs. John Steinmann, at Swiss Alp, last Saturday night. The remains were interred at the cemetery near Swiss Alp Sunday afternoon, Rev. Kern officiating.
Houston Post, Tuesday, 26 Dec 1961, section 4, page 12
JOSEPH JACOB STEINOCHER, 86, of 4510 Fuqua Road, died Sunday. Retired farmer. Survivors: Wife, Mrs. Anna Steinocher; sons, J. E., George, Jerry Steinocher; daughters, Mrs Emma Blackford, all of Houston, Mrs Floyd Hinton, Venice, Calif; five grandchildren; five great-grandchildren. Services 8:30 PM Thursday Earthman Chapel, 9 AM Saint Peter’s Church. Graveside services 1 PM at Praha Cemetery. Rosary 8 PM Wednesday. Earthman Funerals, 2420 Fannin St, CApitol 3-4541.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 5 March 1915
Mrs. Rudolph Stelzig, age 49 years, Fayetteville.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 16 Mar 1905
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Stanzel were called to Fayetteville last week to attend the bedside of their sister, Mrs. Stelzig, who was seriously ill and who passed from this earth to the great beyond Sunday night last. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to them in their hour of sorrow.
[same column]
We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs. Mamie Stelzig of Fayetteville, which occurred Sunday night at 12 o’clock. Mrs. Stelzig was a sister of Mrs. F. C. Stanzel of this city. Our sympathy is extended the bereaved relatives.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Bellaire Citizen, Houston/Bellaire, Texas, 2 Feb 1950, page 1
Final Rites Held For H. W. Stempel
Funeral services for Henry W. Stempel, 62, of 4906 Bellaire, a resident of the Houston area for 26 years, were held last week in the drawing room of George H. Lewis & Sons with Rev. Rolland L. Miesel, Faith Lutheran pastor, officiating.
The body was taken overland to Warrenton for graveside services and burial there at the Florida Chapel cemetery last Wednesday afternoon.
Southwestern Time, Houston, Texas, 2 Feb 1950, page 17
Funeral Rites Held For Henry Stempel
Funeral services for Henry W. Stempel, 62, of 4906 Bellaire Boulevard were held last Wednesday in the drawing room of the George H. Lewis and Sons Funeral Home. Rev. Rolland L. Miesel, pastor of the Faith American Lutheran Church, officiated.
The body was taken to Warrenton for graveside services and burial there at the Florida Chapel Cemetery Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. Stempel had died of a liver disease in Memorial Hospital on January 23 after an illness of several months. A carpenter for 44 years, he had lived in the Houston area for 26 years.
Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Lettie Henrietta Stempel, and four sons, Gerald and Arthur Stempel, both of California, and Henry and Adolph Stempel, both of Chicago, Illinois.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 19 Apr 1906
Deaths Recorded Since Last Report.
Marie Stevana died April 11, age 9 years 7 months.
Contributed by Matt Cross
La Grange Record, 14 Apr 1987
Funeral services for Ronald Stevenson, 33, of Houston, were held Sunday at 11 a.m. at the Evans Church of God in Christ with Rev. Phillips officiating. Burial was in the La Grange City Cemetery.
Mr. Stevenson died Thursday in Park Plaza Hospital in Houston.
He was born in La Grange March 19, 1954, the son of Luteshia Vaughns Stevenson. Father's name is unavailable. He was united in marriage with Dorothy Keeling July 15, 1975 in Houston. He was a crane operator for Shell Oil Co. and was a member of Lakewood Church in Houston.
Surviving are his wife, Dorothy Stevenson of Houston; two sons, Cedric and Torrance of Houston; three daughters, Naketha and Quechelle Stevenson of Houston and Adele Williams of San Antonio; one sister, Florice James of Austin; one brother, Charles Stevenson of Houston; four uncles and two aunts. He was preceded in death by his mother.
Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. of La Grange was in charge of arrangements.
Houston Chronicle, Feb. 5, 2013
Susan M. (Vlasek) Stewart, age 66, passed away peacefully on Saturday, February 2, 2013 at 3:45am.
Susan was born October 27, 1946 in Houston, Texas and was a resident of Brookshire for over 17 years.
She was preceded in death by her parents Adolph L. Vlasek and Olga M. Supak Vlasek, her sister Rebecca T. Gray, nephew Larry Gray Jr. and beloved granddaughter Ashleigh Heenan.
Susan was of catholic faith and was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Her bravery and strengths cannot go unnoticed for as a child she was affected with polio. She will always be remembered as a loving mother, sister, aunt and grandmother.
She leaves to mourn in her untimely death her only son, Milton Stewart (Sandy) Two daughters Gina Stewart LaRoche (Stephen) and Rhonda L. (Rios) Stewart. Three sisters Carolynn J. Wackar, Catherine E. Tillery and Mary Anne Whitehead (Richard) Two grandchildren Haleigh Heenan and Carlos Rios. Numerous nephews and nieces and many friends who loved and appreciated her especially Sherry and Wayne Malone.
The family would like to thank the staff at Kindred Hospital Spring for their professional and loving care during Susan's illness.
A visitation and viewing will be held at 8:30am with recitation of the Rosary at 9:30am followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10:00 am on Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at the Sacred Heart Parish in Pattison, Texas. A gathering will follow at 1:30 pm at Sts. Peter & Paul Parish in Plum, Texas with the Rite of Committal following at 2:00 pm in the Parish Cemetery.
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
SPJST Vestnik, Wednesday, May 4, 1960
Member of Lodge 51, Ellinger, Texas. Sister Stibora was born on January 17, 1885, and died March 26, 1960 at the St. Anthony Rest Home.
Surviving are her children Joe and Ed Stibora, and Mrs. Jerome Bartosh, Mrs. Cecil McWhorter and ten grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were conducted from the Hostyn Catholic Church and our deceased sister was laid to rest at the Fayetteville Catholic Cemetery.
She was a devoted housewife and spent most of her life in Ellinger; the last three years were spent in the St. Anthony Rest Home in La Grange, Texas.
Our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family.
submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 21 Nov 1919
Near Schulenburg, September 3, of pyaemia, Ed. Stichler, aged 20 years, 6 months and 2 days.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Dallas Morning News, 28 February 1893
Confederate Veteran.
La Grange, Tex., 27 Feb-- Judge John C. Stiehl, 71 years old and a resident of this county since 1844, died last night. He was a veteran of the Mexican and confederate wars and was largely instrumental in securing democratic supremacy in Fayette county during the reconstruction era. He leaves two sons and three daughters, one of the latter the wife of Hon. A.J. Rosenthal, late republican candidate for congress against Hon. Walter Gresham.
Contributed by Debbie Hanson
Schulenburg Sticker, 12 Nov 1908
Mrs. Kate Stoeber of Swiss Alp died very suddenly Tuesday morning. Interment took place Wednesday afternoon at the the [sic] Swiss Alp cemetery.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 20 Sep 1900, page 1
Mrs. Aug. Stoecker died at her home near Round Top, on the 3rd inst. and was buried at the Floyd cemetery. She leaves a husband and four children to mourn her loss. – Walhalla correspondence to the Lagrange Journal.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 5 April 1912
J. C. Stoener, Age, 76 yrs, 11 mos, 23 days, No Physician Attended, near Round Top.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Colorado County Citizen, 2 May 1963, page 6
Paul Stoll, 63, Retired Gravel Co. Employe, Dies
Funeral services were held yesterday (Wednesday) in La Grange at 2 p.m. for Paul Stoll, 63, who died in Columbus hospital at 11 p.m. Sunday. Burial was in Cedar cemetery near La Grange, the Rev. Raymond Durst of [Rutersville] and E. F. Eilers of Swiss Alp officiating.
Mr. Stoll who had lived in Columbus for the past 7 years, was retired in January, 1962, after 17 years with Thorstenberg Materials co. He and Mrs. Stoll own their home at 503 Front st. Prior to moving here he had been employed with the Freeport Sulphur co. for 23 years. He was a native of Germany, coming to this country in 1913 and first residing in Brenham. He and the former Amanda Naumann of the O'Quinn community near La Grange were married in 1928 in Houston.
His widow survives, along with a son, M. Sgt. Raymond Stoll, stationed with the U. S. Airforce in Anchorage, Alaska, and a daughter, Mrs. Garrett Miller of West Columbuia, and 4 grandchildren. The son is here on leave. Other survivors are 2 brothers, Henry C. and Waldemar Stoll and a sister, Mrs. Frieda Kraus, all of St. Louis.
Pallbearers were Walter Venghaus, Marcus Guthmann, Clarence Bertsch and Wilburn Wessels of Columbus, Ted Schultz of Frelsburg and Raymond Moore of Bleiberville.
Schulenburg Sticker, 22 Oct 1903
Death Record.
Stokes: Died at Winchester, Oct 2-03, of Malarial Fever, David Stokes, colored, aged about 90 years.
San Antonio Express, Friday, 30 Dec 1938, page 10
WAR VETERAN DIES (Special Correspondence)
FLATONIA, Tex., Dec. 29.—E. E. Stoner, 53, World War Veteran, died suddenly today. Funeral services will be held Friday with interment here. He is is survived by his widow, three children. Jo Faye, Robert ancl Edward, and one sister.
Elmer Stoner was born 9 Mar 1899 in Earle, Arkansas. He married Pearl Gabitzsh, daughter of Henry and Fanny Gabitzsh of Fayette County. Contributed by Mary Burnett.
Weimar Mercury, Sept. 23, 1971
Rites Monday For F. Stos, Ammannsville
Funeral services for Frank E. Stos of Ammannsville, who died Saturday at Youens Memorial Hospital at the age of 93, were held Monday.
After services at Hubbard Funeral Home and St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Ammannsville, burial was in the Dubina Cemetery.
Mr. Stos was a retired farmer.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Angela Stos; three sons, Edward and Richard, both San Antonio, and Henry of Weimar; three daughters, Miss Agnes Stos of Ammannsville, Mrs. Jim Maresh and Mrs. Martha Hrachovy, both of Houston; 15 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, 14 Nov 1952, page 1
Funeral services were held this morning, Thursday, from the Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home at Schulenburg, for Joseph Stos, 84, of Ammannsville, with continued services at the Ammannsville Catholic Church.
Interment was in the Dubina Catholic Cemetery.
Details of Mr. Stos' life were no available before press time.
Weimar Mercury, 29 Jun 1889, page 2
Died, at LaGrange, June 23d, at 3 [o'clock] a. m., Rev. John E. Stovall, resident pastor of the M. E. church at this place.The deceased had been pastor of the church here for one and a half years, and was greatly esteemed by all who had the pleasure of his acqaintance. He was particularly beloved by his congregation for his earnest christian zeal and piety. He was true to his calling and labored far beyond his physical ability to premote his Master's cause.—Journal.
La Grange Journal, November 17, 1904
Died at LaGrange, Oct. 18, of suffocative catarrh, John Strbacka [sic.], aged 2 years and 8 months.
Tri-Weekley Telegraph, Houston, July 28, 1862
At Virginia Point, Friday, July 4th. W. C. STRAMLER, of Fayette county, aged 33 years.
Note: According to Joe Cole, W. C. Stramler was buried in the Stramler Family Cemetery.
Weimar Mercury, 28 Mar 1896, page 1
LaGrange, Fayette Co., Tex., March 20.—Clem Strawther, who was executed in ...ille Wednesday, was raised in Fayette county a few miles from LaGrange. The first time he came into notice was in 1891, when he and two companions riding horseback met an elderly white man and knocked him from his horse. He was brought into court for this offense. Six months later he went to the penitentiary from here for burglary. Since his release from prison he had not returned here. His mother resides in LaGrange, as do his brothers. His mother is known as one of the good old ante-war time "mammies." Every boyish trick and act of Strawther gave evidence of a depraved nature. The young man whom the negro assassinated had relatives in this county, being a nephew of the Hon. Joseph Peter, who represented this county in the legislature for two years.—News Special.
Weimar Mercury, 16 May 1941, page 3
La Grange, Texas, May 9. This city's oldest native-born citizen, August Streithoff, 88, was buried Thursday.
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Carl Baer with burial in the new City Cemetery. La Grange firemen, led by Chaplain B. F. Harigel, also took part in the rites.
For 75 years Mr. Streithoff was a tinner, retiring only a few months ago. He was a honorary fireman, having been a charter member of the La Grange fire deparment.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Martha Karges Streithoff, one son, Professor Gus G. Streithoff, and two nieces, Miss Theo Moeller and Mrs. Ida Lehmann, both of Dallas.
Schulenburg Sticker, 30 Mar 1905
Deaths Recorded Since Last Report.
John Stroh, of Kound [sic] Top, age eighty-four years.
Contributed by Matt Cross
La Grange Journal, March 30, 1905
Died at Halstead, February 21, of Pneumonia, Mrs. Clementine Struve, aged 60 years. Interment was in the Catholic cemetery at Fayetteville.
Clementine Struve was born in 1846. Contributed by John Todd Koenig
Fayette County Record, January 29, 1967
Funeral services for Leo V. Struve, who observed his 96th birthday anniversary last Nov. 4, were held at 10 a.m. Monday at the Koenig Funeral Home chapel. Services were continued at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Rev. Harry Mazurkiewicz officiating, and burial was in the La Grange City Cemetery.
Mr. Struve passed away Friday at Fayette Memorial Hospital.
Born near La Grange on Nov. 4, 1870, as the son of Louis and Clementine (de Lassaulx) Struve, he lived in Fayette County practically all his life. He was united in marriage to Miss Ida Fritsch on January 29, 1895 and she preceded him in death on December 4, 1931 as did one daughter, Emma Isabelle Struve Stephenson. Mr. Struve was a retired farmer, and was married to Mrs. Laura Hanisch nee Schutte on Nov. 29, 1934.
Surviving are his wife of La Grange, daughter, Mrs. Otto (Tillie) Sladczyk, Jr. of Yoakum; two step-daughters, Mrs. J. D. Miles of Eagle Lake and Mrs. Gladys Dibala of San Antonio; two sons, Frank Clemens and Louis Joseph Struve, both of La Grange; three step-sons, John F. Hanisch of San Antonio, Harry E. Hanisch of Smithville, and Leon G. Hanisch of Maysville, S.C.; one sister, Mrs. George Weber of Webster; two brothers, Clemens Amand Struve of Fort Worth and Felix Louis Struve of Palestine; three grandchildren; three great-grandchildren and five step-great-grandchildren.
The rosary was recited at 7 p.m. Sunday at the Koenig chapel.
La Grange Journal, December 29, 1921
We called attention to the fact in last issue that the oil in his lamp of life was fading; Louis Struve, aged 84 years, 1 month and 4 days, died at the home of his son-in-law, Geo. H. Weber, husband of Liane Struve Weber, Christmas Sunday, December 25, closely following in death, Robert Sample, his senior by one year.
Mr. Struve was one of our citizens who possessed many friends, a gentle, happily disposed man, of great intelligence and wonderful vitality. He had lived in La Grange for many years, and in proximity to La Grange practically all his life since emigrating to this country from Prussia in 1848 with father and stepmother, Heinrich and Minna von Struve, late of Hesse, Germany.
As a farmer and stockman he reared a large family of twelve; his good wife, Clementine de Lassaulx Struve, preceded him in death many years ago, since which time he has resided in La Grange. To know him was to become more closely associated, he possessed the happy faculty of maintaining the good will and good fellowship of all. Like the soldier who received his early training he bore his carriage and weight of years with becoming dignity and grace, and his greatest comfort was derived from music, an art he dearly loved and well understood.
The remains were taken to Fayetteville and interred in the Catholic cemetery, where his good wife and her parents rest. The attendance upon his funeral was very large and comprised many relatives and friends. Our sympathy to the surviving relatives is offered.
La Grange Journal, Wednesday, July 20, 1977
Vernon C. Struve
Funeral services for Vernon C. (Chuck) Struve, 69, of 435 East Colorado were held at 3:00 P.M. Friday, July 15 at the Koenig Funeral Home, Inc. Chapel with Rev. Clarence Oestreich officiating. Burial was in the La Grange City Cemetery.
Mr. Struve, a World War II veteran succumbed July 13 in Fayette Memorial Hospital.
Born July 18, 1907 in La Grange, he was a son of C. J. (Shank) Struve and Louise Brendle Struve. A bookkeeper and car salesman. Mr. Struve was a member of the American Legion and the St. Paul Lutheran Church. He was a lifetime La Grange resident.
Surviving are a son, Carl Glyn of Slidell, La.; two sisters, Mrs. Glenn Bishop and Mrs. Nolie Frierson, both of La Grange; two brothers, Claude Struve of El Paso and Vic Struve of La Grange; and two grandsons.
He was preceded in death by his parents and four brothers.
La Grange Journal, Tuesday, July 10, 1973
Weston J. Struve, 63, passed away in John Sealy Hospital on July 4.
He was the son of the late C. J. and Louise Brendle Struve, natives of La Grange and ancestors of some of the first settlers in this area.
Funeral services were held Saturday, July 7, at 10 A.M. from the Crowder Funeral Home in La Marque.
Survivors include his wife, one daughter, Frances Orndrias of La Marque; three sons, Bobby of San Diego, Calif., Weston, Jr. of Texas City, and Raymond of Michigan; four grandchildren; four brothers, Gussie of Corpus Christi, Claude of El Paso, Vernon and Vic of La Grange; and two sisters, Glen Bishop of La Grange and Nollie Frierson of Bryan.
Schulenburg Sticker, 5 April 1912
Joseph Stryk, Age 20 days. Acute Indigestion, Praha.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Shiner Gazette, Thursday, January 31, 1963
Joseph Stryk of the Engle community passed away suddenly at the family residence January 14, 1963. He had attained the age of 83 years, six months and one day.
Funeral services were conducted January 16 from the Smith Funeral Home in Flatonia at 9:30 a.m. with continued services at the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Praha at 10 a.m. Rev. Father Marcus Valenta officiated at the Requiem High Mass and delivered the English sermon. Rev. Father Jerome Stryk, nephew of the deceased, delivered the Czech sermon. Rev. Father A.L. Didner was present in the sanctuary. Interment was in the Praha Catholic Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Robert Wright, Edmund Krenek Jr., Paul Vrazel, Marcus Hermes, Alfred, Michael and Dennis Stryk and Ted Krause, grandsons of the deceased.
The deceased was born on July 13, 1879 at Strites, Moravia in Czechoslovakia as the son of the late Joseph and Terezia (Kelner) Stryk. He emigrated to America at the age of one and settled with his family in the Praha community.
A retired farmer, he was married to Rosalie Kupcak on October 17, 1905 by the Rev. Father Fred Neubert in St. John Catholic Church. The couple spent 57 years of married life in the Praha community. The deceased was a member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church and the KJT Society.
Survivors include his wife; four sons, Julius and Anton Stryk of Engle, William Stryk of Moulton and Joe Stryk of Rosenberg; two daughters, Mrs. Edmund (Mary) Krenek of Engle and Mrs. Joe (Frances) Koudelka of Eagle lake; a brother, John Stryk of Praha; thirteen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
Preceding him in death were his parents, four sisters and three brothers.
submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Eagle Lake Headlight, Thurs., Jan. 17, 1974
Mother Of Mrs. Joe Koudelka Dies
Mrs. Rosalie Stryk, the mother of Mrs. Joe Koudelka of this city, passed away at the Colonial Nursing Home in Schulenburg Monday, Jan. 7th at the age of 89 years and 13 days. She had been ill for two years.
Funeral services were held for Mrs. Stryk on Wed., Jan. 9th at 1:30 p.m. at Smith Funeral Home in Flatonia followed by Funeral Mass at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Praha community at 2 p.m. The Rev. Marcus Valenta officiated at the services.
Burial followed in the Praha Catholic Cemetery. Serving as pallbearers were her grandsons, Alfred, Dennis, Patrick and Anthony Stryk, Edmund Krenek Jr. and Paul Vrazel. Honorary pallbearers were: Mark Stryk, Marcus Hermes, Michael Sassey and Tim Tauer.
Mrs. Stryk was born on Dec. 24, 1884 at Hostyn, Texas, the daughter of the late Valentine Kupcak and Mary Prosivka. On Oct. 17, 1905 she was united in marriage to Joseph Stryk by the Rev. Fred Naubert in the St. John Catholic Church. The couple spent their entire lifetime in the Praha community. She lived with her children since the death of her husband on Jan. 14, 1963.
Mrs. Stryk was a member of the Praha Catholic Church and the Altar Society and the K.J.Z.T.
Surviving are four sons, Julius and Anton Stryk of Eagle, William Stryk of Houlton [Houston?], Joe Stryk of Rosenberg; two daughters, Mrs. Edmund (Mary) Krenek of Eagle and Mrs. Joe (Frances) Koudelka of Eagle Lake; thirteen grandchildren; twenty-six great-grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Frances Pekar of Taylor, Mrs. Jerry Krhovjak of Schulenburg and Mrs. Louis Pavlicek of Flatonia. Preceding her in death were her parents, two brothers and three sisters.
Friends join in extending sympathy to the family in their loss.
Those from Eagle Lake attending the Rosary and funeral services were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bradshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Briscoe, Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Hollas, Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Ko_ _, Mr. and Mrs. Albert (rest unreadable)
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Shiner Gazette, 28 Jun 1899
Mr. Joe Macha has recently suffered a double bereavement in the death of two of his sisters, one of whom, Mrs. Veronica Zbavitel, died in Europe May 15, at the age of 58 years. She leaves a husband and six grown children. The other sister, Mrs. Rosa Stuchli, died at Weimar on June 2, aged 53 years and leaves a husband and two children to mourn her loss. Mr. Macha has the sympathy of The GAZETTE and all his friends in his sad bereavement.
Contributed by Matt Cross. Please contact Rox Ann if you have information about whether this is Rosalie Stuchly, who is buried in the Dubina Catholic Cemetery.
Weimar Mercury, Thursday, July 25, 1963
Final Rites for Mrs. Agnes Stuchly, 79, Held July 13
Funeral services for Mrs. Agnes Stuchly, 79, who died Thursday, July 11, at the home of a daughter in Houston, were held July 13, with burial in the St. Rose of Lima Catholic Cemetery at Schulenburg.
Rev. Thomas Cernon lead the requiem mass at St. Michael's Church in Houston. Msgr. A.F. Drozd officiated in the burial at Schulenburg.
Mrs. Stuchly had been ill several years. She had made her home with the John Sullivans in Houston the past three years.
Born Jan. 9, 1884, in Fayette County, she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mazoch. She was married to Rudolph Stuchly on Feb. 16, 1914, and they settled near Schulenburg. She was a member of the KJZT and the Altar Society.
Surviving in addition to her husband are four daughters, Mrs. Alvin (Agnes) Grisworld, Mrs. John (Ann) Sullivan and Mrs. Mark (Adell) Hermes of Houston and Mrs. Rudy (Lydia) Jasek of Weimar; two sons, Ermin of Houston and Rudy of Weimar; 12 grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Lad Bartosh of Damon and Mrs. Aleda Kuhanek of Ennis; two brothers, Chas. Mazoch of Ammannsville and C.J. Mazoch of HolmKan; and one foster sister, Mrs. Alma Odell of Tucson, Arizona. A sister and three brothers preceded her in death.
Pallbearers were Thomas Ryan, Jr., Alvin Griswold Jr., Frank Cernosek, Frank Mazoch, Jimmie Mazoch, Frank Stuchly and Frankie Joe Cernosek.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, June 19, 2012
Henrietta Stuchly
Henrietta Rose Stuchly was born in Schulenburg on Oct. 12, 1913 to John and Francis (Mazurek) Stuchly. She attended Middle Creek School and graduated from Schulenburg High School.
After graduation, she was accepted at Durham Business School in San Antonio. Upon completing her business training, she accepted a secretarial position working at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. and later went on to work at the Export/Import Bank in D.C. She spent 32 years working in Washington before retiring. Upon retirement, she returned to the family farm and took care of her mother.
Mrs. Stuchly was a very social person and enjoyed playing bingo, attending church picnics, visiting friends and relatives, and enjoying her well-earned retirement.
Mrs. Stuchly was preceded in death by her parents; brother Frank Stuckly and sister-in-law Elvera Stuckly of Houston; and brother Ernest Stuchly of Albuquerque, N.M.
She is survived by one nephew, John Adam Stuckly and wife Jeanette of Schulenburg; two great-nephews, Roger Stuckly of Seattle, Wash. and David Stuckly and wife Anne of Spring; and one great-niece, Robin Guenther and husband Kyle of Schulenburg. She is also survived by two great-great-nephews, Braxton Stuckly and Anson Stuckly of Spring; and a sister-in-law, Margie Stuchly of Albuquerque, N.M.
Prior to her death, Mrs. Stuchly was a resident at Schulenburg Regency Nursing Center. While there, she enjoyed playing bingo and participating in all social functions and always invited her family members to join in the activities.
Mrs. Stuchly passed away on Sunday, June 10 after a brief illness. She was 98 years old.
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
Colorado County Citizen, March 29, 2006
Elvera (Leyendecker) Stuckly, 93, of Schulenburg, passed away March 7 at Colonial Care Center.
She was born Dec. 2, 1912 in Frelsburg to Adam and Alma Hundt Leyendecker. She graduated from Columbus High School in 1931 and attended the University of Texas at Austin. She married Frank Stuckly in 1938 in Houston and was a member of the Methodist Church.
She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; brothers, Herbert, Jack, Weldon and Clifford Leyendecker, all of Columbus; sister, Zerlina Leyendecker, of Columbus; brother-in-law, Ernest Stuckly, of Albuquerque, N.M.; and nephew, James Tracy Leyendecker.
She was survived by her son, John Adam and wife, Jeanette Stuckly, of Schulenburg; grandchildren, Roger Stuckly, of Seattle, Wash., David Stuckly and wife, Anne, of Spring and Robin Stuckly, of Schulenburg; great-grandson, Braxton John Stuckly, of Spring; sisters-in-law, Henrietta Stuckly, of Schulenburg, Jackie Leyendecker, of Columbus and Margie Stuckly, of Albuquerque, N.M.; great-niece, Nora Lou Cokendolpher, of League City; and a great-great-niece, Tara Peeler, of League City.
Funeral services were at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home March 10. Interment followed at Schulenburg City Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Russell Leyendecker, Crockett Leyendecker, Smokey Leyendecker and Pet Crawford, all of Columbus; and Joe Cecil Baumbach and John Clinton Hoyt, of Houston.
Dallas Morning News,
15 November, 1887
Death of a Prominent Merchant
Schulenburg, Tex., Nov. 14 — H. Studemann, a prominent merchant of LaGrange, Tex., who was under medical treatment here, died at 5 o’clock this evening after a protracted illness. The deceased was an honorable and honored citizen of Fayette County, where he resided since before the war. His untimely death is mourned by a loving wife and four children, and by a host of friends.
Transcribed by Debbie Hanson
Schulenburg Sticker, Thursday, September 15, 1988
Irene Studlar Last Rites Held
Irene Vogt Studlar of Lubbock, formerly of the O’Quinn community, died Sept. 9 at Lutheran Home in Lubbock after reaching the age of 78 years, 3 months, and 13 days.
The funeral was held Sept. 12 at 2:00 p.m. in the Koenig-Peel Funeral Home Chapel. The Rev. Robert Lee officiated and burial followed in the Weimar Masonic Cemetery. Pallbearers were Oscar Strobel, Arthur Strobel, Edwin Berger, Arnold Lath, Herbert Friedrich and Milton Kaase.
Mrs. Studlar is survived by her husband, Joe Studlar of Lubbock; daughter Dr. Gay Lynn Studlar of Atlanta, Georgia; son and daughter-in-law Dr. Don Studlar and Dr. Susan Studlar, both of Danville, Kentucky; sisters Bernice Otto of Pasadena and Elvern Barton of Schulenburg; brother Raymond Vogt of O’Quinn; sisters-in-law Lillie Stewart of La Grange and Anita Loessin of Eagle Lake; brother-in-law Jerry Studlar and wife of Gillette; and two grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her sister Elmae Hermann who passed away last year.
Koenig-Peel Funeral Home of La Grange was in charge of the arrangements.
Victoria Advocate, Wednesday, March 16th, 2005
Jerry A. Studlar - FLATONIA
FLATONIA - Jerry A. Studlar, 93, of Flatonia, died Monday, March 14, 2005.
He was born Oct. 2, 1911, in Witting, Lavaca County, to the late Albert and Anna Hodonak Studlar. He was a farmer and rancher and then was a school bus driver. He worked 18 years as a heavy equipment operator for Karnes City Precinct 3 until his retirement. He was a member of the Yorktown Church of Christ and attended Harmony Baptist Church.
Survivors: wife, Mary Edna Studlar; daughter, Betty Atkinson of Yorktown; son, Laddie Studlar of Hobson; 11 grandchildren; and numerous great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.
Preceded in death by: daughter, Jeraldine Black; sisters, Lillie Mae Stewart, Anita Loessin, and Agnes Studlar; brothers, Joe Studlar and Rudolph Studlar; and one grandson.
Visitation will begin 4 p.m. today at Koenig & Strickland Funeral Home chapel.
The family will receive visitors 4-6 p.m. today at the funeral home. Services will be 10 a.m. Thursday at the funeral home, the Rev. Tommy Remmers officiating.
Burial will be at Black Jack Springs Cemetery near LaGrange. Koenig & Strickland Funeral Home, LaGrange, 979-968-3121. Memorials: Yorktown Church of Christ in Yorktown.
Weimar Mercury, 8 Jan 1898, page 2
News Specials: LaGrange, Tex., Dec. 25.—Mrs. E. Stuedemann, aged 57 years, after a long illness, died at her residence of consumption. She leaves four children and a concourse of relatives nd friends.
Schulenburg Sticker, 21 Nov 1907
At High Hill, Friday morning last the 15th, Mrs. Louise Stuercke aged 76 years, died and her remains were laid to rest in the High Hill cemetery the Saturday following.
Mrs. Stuercke was born in Mecklenburg, Schwerine, Germany, and came to America in 1858, and in 1859 was happily married to Mr. Paul Stuercke. Four children blessed this union, Eckhard (died 1882), Paul, Otto and Mrs. Theo. Helmcamp survive her. Her husband preceded her in death five years ago. May they be united in that land where there is no more parting; no more sorrow and no more tears. The Sticker extends its sincere sympathy to the bereaved relatives.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Shiner Gazette, 19 Mar 1902
Mr. Paul Stuerke, Sr., father of Paul and Otto Stuerke, died at his home near High Hill last Tuesday, March 11th, aged 74 years. Mr. Stuerke had been a resident of the High Hill community for a good many years, and was largely identified with educational interests. His wife and several children survive him. The funeral took place at High Hill last Wednesday under the auspices of the O. D. H. S.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 14 Sep 1917, page 1
John St. Wrba.
John St. Wrba died at the family home here Wednesday, September 5, and burial took place in St. Rosa Cemetery, Friday, Father Meiser officiating.
Mr. St. Wrba was one of the pioneers of this section and had much to do with its early development. Several colonies were brought from the old country by him and are among the prominent citizens today. He was born in Frenstat, Austria, in 1853, coming to America at Galveston in 1871, and the following year moved to Fayetteville, where he married Miss Julia Sladek in September 1872. They moved to Schulenburg in 1873 where he was engaged in business until 1904.
He is survived by his wife and nine children, Joe, of Houston; Willibald, of Granger; John and Frank, of Caldwell; Arnold, of Cleburne; Rudolph, of Fayetteville; Mrs. Frank Kubala, of Temple; Mrs. F. J. Foitik and Miss Mary of this city.
Those from out of town attending the funeral were:
Mr. and Mrs. Rud. Foitik and daughters, Anita and Eulalie, Mr. and Mrs. A. Foitik, Mrs. Theresa Lieck, Will Koch and family F. Svesta and Mrs. Fred. Laux, of Flatonia; Rud. Spacek and mother, J. R. Kubena and Rud. Sladek, of Fayetteville; Jos. Bartosch, of Weimar; Miss Marie Machalek, of Temple.
Contributed by Matt Cross
From the offices of the Chief Secretary of the Order.
You are hereby notified that my sister Karolina Šuchma from order Liberty, no. 46., died on February 2, 1906, at the age of 31 years of pneumonia. She joined the order on January 14, 1906. Certificate number 4718 and according to the statutes is entitled to support in the amount of $ 1000.
J. R. Kubena, sec.
Fayetteville, Tex., 1 March 1906
Z úřadovnz tajemníka Hlavního Řádu.
Tímto se Vám oznamuje, že sestra Karolina Šuchma od řádu Volnost, čís. 46., zemřela dne 2. února 1906, v stáří 31 roků na zápal plic. K Jednotě přistoupila 14. ledna 1906. Číslo certifikátu4718 a dle stanov oprávněna jest k podpoře v částce $1000.
J.R. Kubena, taj.
Fayetteville, Tex. 1. března 1906
submitted by Rosemary Ermis translated by Alfred Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 14 May 1908
At Carmine, April 23, Elvira Suehs, age 11 months and 14 days of scalds.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Colorado County Citizen, June 9, 1977
John F. Sula
Funeral services for John F. Sula of Fayetteville were held at St. John Catholic Church in Fayetteville May 24 with The Rev. Ben Mazurkiewicz officiating. Burial was in the Catholic cemetery. Parish rosary and K.J.T. rosary were said on May 23.
Mr. Sula was a retired farmer and lived in Fayetteville most of his life. A son of Paul and Rosie Kucene Sula, he was born May 24, 1897. He was married to Lydia Necas of Rogers May 19, 1924.
Survivors include 2 daughters, Mrs. Louis Sodolak of Cat Spring and Mrs. Walker Toddy of Conroe; one son, Edward Sula of Fayetteville; 5 sisters, Lois Sula, Mrs. Frances Sefcik, Mrs. Albina Poncik, Mrs. Annie Lastovica of Sealy and Mrs. Millie Schappa of Houston; 2 brothers, Joe Sula of Sealy and Bill Sula of Temple; 10 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were 3 grandsons, David, Butch and Kenny Sodolak, and 3 nephews, Maurice Shenkir of Victoria, Jimmie Sula and Johnnie Lastovica of Houston.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Colorado County Citizen, June 12, 1980 page 2
Funeral services for Mrs. John (Lydia) Sula, 83 were held June 3 at St. John Catholic Church in Fayetteville, with The Rev. Ben Mazarkiewicz officiating. Burial was in the Catholic Cemetery.
Born Feb 2, 1897, she was the daughter of the late Alton and Ammie Necas. She was united in marriage May 19, 1925 at Temple with John Sula who preceded her in death on May 23, 1977. She resided in Fayetteville area for the past 53 years. She was a member of the Altar Society and KJST.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Louis (Margaret) Sodolak of Cat Spring and Mrs. Walker (Mary Jane) Toddy of New Caney; one son, Edward of Fayetteville, ten grandchildren and three great grandchildren; three sister, Mrs. Anna May of Dallas, Mrs. Olga Martinec of Rogers, Texas and Mrs. Mallie Shenhir of Caliham, Texas. Besides her husband, she was preceded in death by one son-in-law and one daughter-in-law.
Serving as pallbearers were her gandsons David Sodolak of Brenham, Louis and Kenneth Sodolak of Cat Spring, Edward Joe Sula Jr. of Weimar, Gary Toddy of New Caney and Jim Ward of Sealy.
Koening Funeral Home of La Grange and Knesik’s Chapel of Fayetteville were in charge of arrangements.
Transcribed by Laurie Albrecht
Dallas Morning News, March 29, 1925
La Grange, Texas, March 28.-- Paul Sula, 60 years old, was found dead here, shot through the head. A shotgun was lying near by.
He is survived by his wife and four children.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Dallas Morning News, July 16, 1960
SAN ANTONIO, Texas—John L. Sulak, 52, editor of the Fayette County Record at La Grange, died Thursday in a hospital here. He had been ill for several months.
Survivors include his wife, a daughter, Jane Frances; a son, Timothy, and his parents, former State Sen. and Mrs. L. J. Sulak.
Requiem high mass will be held at the Sacred Heart Church in La Grange Saturday.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, Thursday, September 14, 1967
Former Publisher, Senator L. J. Sulak Succumbs at 82
L. J. Sulak, 82, of La Grange, a former state senator and former publisher of the Fayette County Record, died Sunday in an Austin hospital after surgery.
Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at Koenig Funeral Home and Sacred Heart Catholic Church, with burial in the La Grange City Cemetery.
Mr. Sulak and his wife, the former Miss Emilie Hanzelka of West, had lived in La Grange since 1922 when he established the Record. He sold the paper to Bonner McMillion two years ago.
Mr. Sulak served in the State Senate from 1934 to 1946. He was active in many civic and church organizations. Among his other business interests, he was an organizer of South Texas Life Insurance Co.
His wife and a daughter, Mrs. C. J. Cernosek, are among his survivors. A son, John L. Sulak, died in 1960 while serving as editor of the Record.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, 1 Apr 1927
LaGrange, Texas, March 26. —Emil Sulik, 37, a prominent business man of LaGrange, was found dead in an automobile wreck near Lena Switch on the Southern Pacific Railroad between Muldoon and West Point. Sulik left town earrly Friday morning in a roadster on a business trip in the Muldoon section. On his way back home at about 2 o'clock Saturday morning in crossing the railroad track at Lena Switch the Southern Ppacific night train struck the rear end of his car, damaging it considerably.
Sulik's skull was fractured. He was picked up by the train crew and taken to Giddings, dying on the way. From there he was brought to LaGrange. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. His widow and two children survive.
Weimar Mercury, Friday, April 29, 1960
Mrs. Veronika Sulik, 97, Rites Set Friday
Funeral services for Mrs. Veronika Sulik, 97, will be held at 9 a.m. Friday, April 29, at Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Hostyn, after 8:30 a.m. services in Koenig Funeral Home, La Grange.
Mrs. Sulik, grandmother of Mrs. Stebe Svetlik and great-aunt of Mrs. Joe Targac here, died Wednesday afternoon at the home of a daughter near Plum.
Rosaries will be held at 7:30 and 8 o’clock Tuesday night in the funeral home.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Houston Chronicle, September 1998
Funeral services for Ann M. (Stuchly) Sullivan, 82, of Houston, Texas will be held from the St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church on Tuesday, September 15, 1998 at 10 a.m. Recitation of the Rosary, Monday evening at 7 p.m. from the Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Chapel, in Schulenburg, Texas. Interment in St. Rose of Lima Catholic Cemetery, Schulenburg, Texas, Rev. Tim Kosler, officiating.
Survivors include sisters, Agnes M. Griswold of Houston, Texas, Adell Hermes of Schulenburg, Texas, Lydia Jasek of Weimar, Texas; brothers, Rudy Stuchly of Sealy, Texas, Ermin Stuchly of Schulenburg, Texas. Also survived by John F. Sullivan of Houston, Texas; several nieces and nephews, cousins and life-longs.
Mrs. Sullivan was a member of the Houstonia Garden Club and a member of the St. Justin the Martyr Church in Houston.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
La Grange Journal, February 1, 1940
Mrs. W. H. Sullivan
Mrs. W. H. Sullivan, one of the pioneer citizens of Fayette county, and for many years in charge of the Sullivan Hotel at Flatonia, with her husband, now deceased, died at her home in that city, Friday of last week. Funeral services were held Sunday with the Methodist minister conducting the religious service. She was a devout member of the church and is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Lucy Davenport and other relatives.
La Grange Journal, Thursday, February 7, 1963
Mrs. Anton Sumbera
Funeral services for Mrs. Angeline Sumbera, wife of the late Anton Sumbera, were held Tuesday at 9 a.m. at the Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home in Schulenburg with continued services at the Ammannsville Catholic Church. Rev. Lambert Laskowski officiated and burial was in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Sumbera died suddenly at the Youens hospital in Weimar about noon Sunday at the age of 80.
Mrs. Sumbera was born at Ammannsville on Dec. 27, 1882, daughter of Pelegrin and Filomina Vacek Fisher [Fiser] and was married there with Mr. Sumbera on Feb. 1, 1904. He passed away on Dec. 24, 1932.
Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. George Kallus of Ammannsville; five sons, George of Weimar, Joe of Fayetteville, Jerome of Holland and Jerry and John Sumbera of La Grange; two sisters, Mrs. Tillie Vacek of Palacios and Mrs. Filomina Janak of East Bernard; 15 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Schulenburg Sticker, 2 Feb 1940
George Sumbera Dies
George Sumbera, age six years, young son of Mr. and Mrs. George Sumbera, was taken in death at the midnight hour between Friday night and Saturday morning, January 27. Death came to him after an illness of some time and while he was a patient in a Hallettsville Hospital.
Funeral services were held at the Ammannsville Catholic Church on Monday, January 29, with Father Raska officiating. Interment was in the Ammannsville Catholic Cemetery.
He is survived by his bereaved parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sumbera, and one sister, The Sticker extends heartfelt sympathy to those who are left to mourn the death of this little boy.
Brenham Weekly Banner, 6 Mar 1884, page 1
—Caleb Yancy, the negro who murdered Summerfield, a German, living near Round Top, it is claimed by his friends surrendered of of [sic.] his own accord, because he considered himself justified in killing Summerfield.

La Grange Journal, 17 Aug 1905
Carmine, Texas, August 13.—During a quarrel this afternoon B. M. Siebel shot and killed W. C. Sump in W. H. Stuermer's saloon. Siebel used a double-barreled shotgun, shooting Sump in the breast and killing him instantly. Sump, it is said, had a six-shooter on him when killed. People present in the saloon at the time of the shooting say Sump was advancing toward Siebel, applying epithets. Sump was a barber inthis place and Siebel is public weigher and notary public. Both parties have families, and each belonged to the Woodmen of the World. Sump also belonged to the sons of Hermann. Charles Schiege, justic of the peace, held an inquest and the county attorney placed Siebel under $1000 bond.
Petersen photograph of Helena Drawe and Wilhelm Sump contributed by Bettye Lindsay. Wilhelm Sump died at age 38. He was buried in the Carmine Cemetery.
Colorado County Citizen, February 5, 1976
Agnes Supak
Last rites for Mrs. Agnes Supak, 72, of Fayetteville were held Jan. 30 at the Knesek Chapel in Fayetteville and continued at St. John’s Catholic Church.
The Rev. Ben Mazurkiewicz officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery under the direction of Koenig Funeral Home.
Mrs. Supak, a lifelong Fayette County resident, died Jan. 29 in Fayette Memorial Hospital.
Born in Fayette County Dec. 31, 1903, she was a daughter of the late Vaclav and Julie Polasek Stancik. She was married to Rudolf V. Supak Aug. 15, 1922 in Columbus. She was a member of the Altar Society.
Surviving are her husband, Rudolf of Fayetteville; 2 sons, Alfons Supak of Ganado and Daniel Supak of Eagle Lake; 2 sisters, Mrs. Lydia Supak of East Bernard and Mrs. Julia Knapek of Houston; 3 brothers, Joe Stancik of Shaws Bend, Raymond Stancik of La Grange, and Louis Stancik of Galveston; 6 grandchildren and one great-grandson.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Colorado County Citizen, March 31, 1977
Henry Joe Supak
Services for Henry Joe Supak of Ellinger were held at the Hostyn Hill Catholic Cemetery Saturday. The Rev. Francis Kolar officiated.
Mr. Supak, father, of Mrs. Marilyn Gallaher and brother of Mrs. Sophie Schobel and Jerry Supak of Columbus, died in the John Sealy Hospital in Galveston March 23.
He was born March 27, 1914 in Fayetteville, a son of the late Joe and Frances Polasek Supak. On Dec. 27, 1944 he was united in marriage with Leona Adamek of Hostyn Hill. He was employed as a gravel pit laborer.
Other survivors include his wife of Ellinger; 2 daughters, Mrs. Lillian Miller of Sealy and Mrs. Betty Ann Wessels of West Point; one son, Norbert Supak of Ellinger; one sister, Mrs. Marty Rogers of Corpus Christi; one brother, Alfred Supak of Bellville; and 7 grandchildren.
Koenig Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Banner Press Newspaper, August 24, 1989
Services for Rudolph V. Supak, 96, of Fayetteville were held at Koenig-Peel Funeral Home of La Grange and at St. John's Catholic Church on Aug. 14, at 2 p.m. with the Msgr. Ben Mazurkiewicz officiating and internment followed in the Fayetteville Catholic Cemetery.
A Parish rosary was held at 1:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 14 at St. John's Catholic Church.
Rudolph V. Supak died Aug. 12 in the Heritage House Nursing Home in Eagle Lake following a lengthy illness.
Born in Fayette County, on March 19, 1893 to Vince Supak and Katherina Urban Supak.
A Fayetteville area resident all of his life with a career in farming. He moved to Eagle Lake a couple of years ago, due to failing health, to be near his son.
A member of St. John's Catholic Church of Fayetteville, La Grange American Legion Post and the Eagle Lake VFW Post. He was a veteran of WW I.
Survivors include, sons, Daniel Supak Sr. of Eagle Lake, Alphonse Supak of Ganado; six grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Robert, Paul, Charlie and Harry Supak, Arnold Cardenas and Melvin Stancik.
Dulany Funeral Home, Eagle Lake, directors.
submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Victoria Advocate, 16 Sep 1973, page 12A
Mrs. Surman
SCHULENBURG -- Mrs. James Surman Sr., 75, of Schulenburg died Saturday 12:10 p.m. at a local nursing home.
Funeral services will be Monday at 9:30 a.m. at St. Rose Catholic Church in Schulenburg, with Rev. Roger Rubbins officiating.
Burial will be in the Praha Catholic Cemetery in Schulenburg, with Schwenke-Baumgarten in charge of arrangements.
Rosary will be Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at the funeral home chapel.
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Marcella Langhammer of Schulenburg; five sons, James Surman of Moulton, Joe and Ernest Surman of Houston, Herbert Surman of Praha, Dan Surman of League City; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Kuhle of San Antonio, and Mrs. Elizabeth Clem of Port Lavaca; three brothers, Ed Stasny of Beasley, Joe Stasny of Port Arthur, and Anton Stasny of Houston; 31 grandchildren and one great grandchild.
The Schulenburg Sticker, January 2, 2014
Bernice Marie Krenek Surman, 79 of Schulenburg, died after bravely dealing with cancer for ten months on Sunday, Dec 15, 2013 at 6:15 p.m. at Columbus Community Hospital.
She was born in Rutersville on June 20, 1934 to Ludvik R. and Pauline Krenek. Bernice was baptized in Fayetteville. She was married to Ernest Edwin Surman of Praha on Aug 27, 1951 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in League City, where they resided until 1967 when they moved to Schulenburg. They lived in Schulenburg for three years before moving to Houston, where they lived until 1993. They celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary this year. Bernice graduated from Webster High School. She was a stay-at-home mom for 18 years and worked in Houston at the Credit Bureau for seven years and Surman Trucking for 13 years. She enjoyed her Catholic faith and was active in various organizations and programs. She was a member of Catholic Daughters and served as regent from 1999 to 2002. She also was a member of the St. Rose Altar Society. Since moving back to Schulenburg in 1993, she was a lector and Eucharist Minister (EM) at St. Rose and coordinated the schedule of lectors and EMs for years. She and her husband, Ernie, were involved in the RCIA Program and hospital ministry program at St. Rose of Lima Church in Houston and then coordinated the RCIA program at St. Rose of Lima Church in Schulenburg.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Ludvik R. and Pauline Krenek, and great-granddaughter, Eve Mira Uphold.
She is survived by her husband, Ernest E. Surman Sr; daughter, Sandy Hill and husband Roy of Sugar Land; daughter, Ernestine “Marie” Dach and husband Anton of Trinity; son, Ernest Surman, Jr.; son, Mark Surman and wife Suzette of Houston/Schulenburg; son, Ray Surman Sr. and wife Kim of Katy; eight grandsons; five granddaughters; and 13 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held on Wednesday, Dec 18 at 10 a.m. at St. Rose Catholic Church. Entombment followed in the St. Rose Catholic Mausoleum.
Rosary was said at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 17 at St. Rose Catholic Church.
The family requests that donations be made to St. Rose Catholic Church or the charity of one’s choice.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
The Schulenburg Sticker, October 19, 2017
Ernest Edwin “Ernie” Surman Sr., 86, of Schulenburg, died on Friday, Oct 13, 2017 at 5:16 a.m. at Schulenburg Regency.
Funeral services were held on Tuesday, Oct 17 at 10 a.m. at the St. Rose Catholic Church in Schulenburg. Fr. Tim Kosler was the main celebrant at the services. Entombment was in the St. Rose Catholic Mausoleum. The eight grandsons were pallbearers - Brian Hill, TJ Bishop, Cody Surman, AJ Dach, Scott Hill, Ray Surman, Kevin Dach, Ernie Surman III. The five granddaughters assisted with the placing of the pall - Paula Surman, Dana Woods, Amanda Uphold, Heidi Langston, Amber Birkby.
Visitation to the public began at 5 pm on Monday, Oct 16,with the parish and Knights of Columbus rosary recited at 7 p.m. at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home.
Ernie was born in Yoakum on May 16, 1931 to James and Barbara Stasney Surman. He grew up and attended school in Praha. He married Bernice Marie Krenek of League City on August 27, 1951 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in League City, where they resided until 1967 when they moved to Schulenburg for three years. They lived in Houston from 1970 to 1993 before moving back to Schulenburg.
Ernie was warehouse manager at Lone Star Beer in Houston for 25 years from 1953-78. In 1968, he became a partner in Lone Star Equipment Co. which owned and leased route trucks and long-haul trucks to Lone Star Beer. In 1978 Ernie started his own company, Surman Trucking. He contracted maintenance work for Lone Star’s route trucks and owned the Lone Star long-haul trucks. He also ran a fleet of gravel trucks. Around 1983, he sold the gravel trailers and converted to long-haul dry van hauling instead. In 1991, Surman Trucking was sold and Ernie retired to full time ranching. Around 1961, he purchased his first 100-acre farm in Freyburg, fulfilling a boyhood dream of owning land and raising cattle, following in the footsteps of his beloved Grandpa Stasney.
Ernie was a lector and Eucharist minister at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church and a member of the Knights of Columbus. He and his wife, Bernice, coordinated the RCIA Program at St. Rose for several years.
He was preceded in death by his wife of 62 ½ years, Bernice Marie Krenek Surman; his parents, James and Barbara Stasney Surman; great-granddaughter, Eve Mira Uphold; brothers, James, Joe, Herbert and Daniel Surman; and infant sister, Norma Lee Surman.
He is survived by daughters-Sandy Hill and husband Roy of Sugar Land; Ernestine “Marie” Dach and husband Anton of Trinity; sons, Ernest Surman, Jr. of Trinity; Mark Surman and wife Suzette of Schulenburg; Ray Surman, Sr. and wife Kim of Katy; eight Grandsons; five granddaughters; and 30 great-grandchildren; sister Marcella Langhamer and husband Leon of Schulenburg; sister-in-law, Gladys Surman of Schulenburg; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Ernie was known for his devotion to his Catholic faith, attending daily Mass for a number of years. He had a smile for everyone and will be dearly missed by his family and friends.
The family requests that donations be made to St. Rose Catholic Church or a charity of one’s choice.
Weimar Mercury, Thursday, January 10, 1963
Mrs. John Surman, 83, Dubina Native, Buried At Praha
Funeral services for Mrs. John Surman, 83, of Praha, native of Dubina, were held Tuesday, Jan. 8, at Smith Funeral Home, Flatonia, and St. Mary's Catholic Church, Praha, with burial in the church cemetery.
Rev. Marcus Valenta officiated. In attendance was Rev. V. J. Bily of Ganado.
Mrs. Surman, a sister of Steve, Jim and Matej Cernoch of this area, died at her home Sunday, Jan. 6, after a short illness.
Born at Dubina April 20, 1879, she was the former Miss Frances Cernoch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cernoch. She was married to Frank Culak in 1894 and he died in 1929. In 1938 she was married at Moulton to Mr. Surman, and they had made their home at Praha ever since. She was a member of St. Mary's Church, Praha.
Surviving her are 4 sons, Vladik and Frank Culak, Moulton, Emil and Rudy Culak of Deming, New Mexico; 6 daughters, Mrs. E. V. Krametbauer, Mrs. Frank Brdecko and Mrs. George Katz of Deming, N.M.; Mrs. Douglas Temple of Tempe, Ariz., Mrs. M. B. West of Austin and Mrs. Louis Govro of Festus, Mo.; 36 grandchildren and 49 great-grandchildren; and 4 brothers, Joe Cernoch of Ganado, Steve and Jim Cernoch of Dubina and Matej Cernoch of Weimar. Two of her children, 3 sisters and 5 brothers preceded her in death.
Pallbearers were Robert, Melvin and Rubin Culak, Joe, Jeff and Albert Cernoch.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
The Schulenburg Sticker, January 7, 1999
Herbert H. Surman
Herbert Harry Surman, age 69 years, 7 months, 20 days, died in Weimar on Wednesday, Dec 30. He resided at 5222 Klekar Gin Road, Schulenburg.
The funeral was held Friday, Jan 1, at 2 p.m. at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Praha, followed by burial in the church cemetery. Officiating were the Rev. Edward Bartsch and the Rev. Tim Kosler.
Pallbearers, all grandsons, were Jason Craig Buxkemper of Waco, Shane Surman of La Grange, Ryan Curt Buxkemper of Huntsville, Matthew Reddech of Houston, Jared Surman and Levi Surman of La Grange, Shane Wolff of La Grange, Aaron Kutac of Schulenburg and Pedro Morales of Katy. Grandsons named as honorary pallbearers were Jake Surman of La Grange, Garrett Kutac of Schulenburg and Jeffrey Surman of La Grange.
Recitation of the rosary, led by the Rev. Bartsch, was held Thursday, Dec 31, at 7:30 p.m. at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home.
The son of James and Barbara (Stasney) Surman, he was born at Praha on May 29, 1929. He attended school at Praha. His marriage to Gladys Marie Kloesel took place on Sept 4, 1950 at High Hill. After residing in Houston from 1952-66, he moved back to Fayette County. At the time of his death, he was a retired farmer and self-employed crop adjuster. Mr. Surman was a member of the Catholic Church and Knights of Columbus, and director of Fayette Electric Cooperative.
Survivors include his wife, four daughters, and three sons-in-law, Norma and Felix Buxkemper of Huntsville, Diana Burch of Houston, Barbara and Jim Brown of Alexandria, Va., and Gladys and A.J. Kutac of Schulenburg; two sons and daughters-in-law, Herbert Patrick and Rose Surman of Katy, and Michael and Collette Surman of LaGrange; a sister Marcella Langhamer of Schulenburg; three brothers, James Surman and Joe Surman, both of Houston, and Ernest Surman of Freyburg; and 17 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Besides his parents, he was preceded in death by a daughter, Beatrice; a brother Daniel; and a sister, Norma Lee.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Weimar Mercury, 29 Aug 1963, page 8
John Surman, 92, Buried Thursday In Praha Cemetery
Funeral services for John Surman, 92, were held Thursday, Aug. 22 at Smith Funeral Home in Flatonia and St. Mary’s Catholic Church at Praha, with the Rev. Vaclav Bily of Ganado, step-grandson, officiating at the Requiem High Mass. Assisting was Rev. Marcus Valenta of Praha, who also delivered the sermon. Interment was in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Mr. Surman died Tuesday, Aug. 20, in Youens Hospital here, after a short illness.
He was born in Velkych Palovicich, Europe, on Jan. 22, 1871, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Surman. He came to this country at the age of 19 and settled for awhile in Pittsburgh, Pa., before coming to Texas to work as a laborer in the Cistern, Flatonia and Moulton area. In 1900 he married Mrs. Annie Branecky Kubena, widow of B. A. Kubena. They lived in the Novohrad community until 1911 when they sold their place and moved close to Praha, where they continued to farm and cook molasses.
Mrs. Surman died in December 1935. In 1938 Mr. Surman married Mrs. Frank (Frances) Culak. She died January 6 of this year, after which Mr. Surman moved to the Flatonia Nursing Home and later to the home of his step-daughter, Mrs. Veronica Bily, where he remained until the time of his death.
He was a member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church, a charter member of the Catholic Workman’s Lodge, and past church trustee at Praha.
Pallbearers were Jimmie and Herbert Surman, Vladik Culak, S. A. Kotzur, Gus Matocha and Adolph Fajkus Jr.
Survivors are two brothers, Stephen and Vaclav Surman of Cleveland, Ohio; several nephews and nieces; 13 step-children, 60 step-grandchildren; and 111 great-grandchildren. Two brothers and three sisters preceded him in death.
Schulenburg Sticker, 18 Dec 2008, section 1, page 3
Joseph R. Surman died unexpectedly at his home in Houston on Saturday, Dec. 6 at age 81, 3 months, 21 days.
The funeral was held on Tuesday, Dec. 9 at 11 a.m. at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, with the Rev. Tim Kosler officiating. Interment followed in the Praha cemetery. Pallbearers, all nephews, were Ernest Surman Jr. and Mark Surman, both of Houston; Robert Surman of League City; Richard Surman of Speaks; and Mike Surman and Ron Langhamer, both of La Grange.
Rosary was held on Monday, Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home, led by Rev. Kosler.
Born in Praha on Aug. 27, 1927, he was the son of James E. and Barbara (Stasney) Surman. He attended school in Praha. For three years, he served in the Air Force in Okinawa, following World War II. A resident of Houston for most of his life, he was retired at the time of his death and had worked for Lone Star Beer in Houston. Mr. Surman was member of St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church in Houston.
To his family, he was known as "Uncle Joe." "He loved his brothers and sisters and all his nieces and nephews," his family writes. "He always looked forward to holidays and family gatherings - spending time with family. God bless you, Uncle Joe."
Survivors include a sister and brother-in-law, Marcella and Leon Langhamer of Schulenburg; two sisters-in-law, Gladys Surman of Schulenburg and Margaret Surman of League City; a brother and sister-in-law, Ernest E. Sr. and Bernice Surman of Schulenburg; and several nieces and nephews.
Preceding him in death were his parents; three brothers and a sister-in-law, James J. and Wilma Surman, Herbert H. Surman and Daniel G. Surman; and a sister in infancy, Norma Lee Surman.
Schulenburg Sticker, 24 Dec 1903
Death Record.
Surovec: Died at Plum, Dec. 9 03 of spasms, Josef Surovec, aged 1 yr. and 3 months.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 28 Jan 1904, page 2
Death Record.
Surovek: Died at LaGrange Jan 15 of pneumonia, Ernst Surovek, aged 7 months.
The Fayette County Record, March 22, 2005
Funeral services for Alma Wilhelmine Sury 98, of La Grange were held at 3 p.m. Saturday, March 19 at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church with the Rev. Dennis Bragdon officiating. Interment was in the La Grange City Cemetery.
Sury died Thursday, March 17 in a La Grange nursing home.
She was born Jan 11, 1907 in Warda, the daughter of John and Anna (Michalk) Winkler. She married Ben Miertschin on October 3, 1926 in Serbin. Later, she moved to La Grange and married Leon Ryza on July 21, 1956 in La Grange and he preceded her in death on Nov. 2, 1973. On January 11, 1977, she married Emil Sury in Bastrop. A homemaker her entire life, she was a member of Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church.
Survivors include one daughter, Ruby Tielsch of La Grange; two sons and daughters-in-law, Marvin Miertschin and wife Estlean of La Grange and Clinton Miertschin and wife Amanda of Austin; one stepdaughter, Sylvia Kramer and husband Leonard of Houston; two stepsons, Edmund Sury and wife Pat of Fayetteville and Clarence Sury and wife Dorothy of Ft. Worth; six grandchildren, Jennifer Calloway and husband Richard and Sheri Miertschin and Wayne Miertschin, all of La Grange, Constance Mode of Austin, Laurie Mackey and husband Eric of Dripping Springs, Bill Miertschin and wife Heidi of Johnson City, 10 great-grandchildren and two sisters, Esther Behrens of La Grange and Irene Moerbe of Giddings.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her husbands, and one son Weldon Miertschin, one sister, two brothers, two stepsisters and three stepbrothers.
Memorials are suggested to the Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church Home Purposes Fund.
Koenig and Strickland Funeral Home of La Grange was in charge of arrangements
Transcribed by Gayle Clemons Newkirk
Fayette County Record, May 2, 1983
Funeral Services for Emil Frank Sury, 74 of 810 N. Monroe, La Grange, were held at the St. John’s Catholic Church in Fayetteville Wednesday at 2 p.m. Interment was in the Fayetteville Catholic Cemetery with the Rev. Ben Mazurkiewicz officiating.
Mr. Sury died Monday in Hermann Hospital in Houston.
A retired automobile dealer and garage owner, Mr. Sury was born Dec. 17, 1905 in Fayetteville, the son of the late Paul and Rosie (Poncik) Sury. His first wife, Mary Sury preceded him in death in 1971. On January 11, 1977 he was united in marriage with Mrs. Alma Ryza, the former Alma Winkler.
Surviving are his wife, a daughter, Jrs. Leonard (Sylvia) Kramr of Houston, two sons, Clarence J. Sury of Fort Worth and Edmund Sury of Fayetteville; one step-daughter, Mrs. Ruby Pachal of La Grange, two step-sons, Marvin Miertschin of La Grange and Clinton Miertschin of Austin, one sister, Mrs. Dolphine Krenek of Ellinger; 12 grandchildren and two step-great-grandchildren.
Koenig Funeral Home, Inc. was in charge of the arrangements.
Transcribed by Gayle Clemons Newkirk
Fayette County Record, July 5, 1963
Ernest Sury Rites Held at Fayetteville
Ernest Raymond Sury, 59 a resident of Houston for 34 years passed away there Monday.
Funeral services were held Wednesday at 11 a.m. at St. John’s Catholic church in Fayetteville and interment was in St. Mary’s cemetery at Hostyn Hill near Ellinger.
Mr. Sury was a water plant operator for the city of Houston.
Surviving are his wife; two daughters. Mrs. Lillie Mae Segler and Mrs. Rose Catherine Krenek, one son, Leonard Sury; and six grandchildren, all of Houston.
Koenig Funeral Home was in charge of the funeral.
Transcribed by Gayle Clemons Newkirk
Fayette County Record, September 25, 1965
Frank Sury Rites Are Held Sunday
Frank J. Sury, a 42 year La Grange and area resident, was found dead at this home near West Point Saturday, apparently having passed away Thursday.
Peace Justice, W.E. Mercer of Flatonia ruled death was by natural causes.
Mr. Sury, 58 was born at Fayetteville on Aug. 1, 1907. A retired carpenter and painter, he had lived on a small farm in the West Point area for some time.
Funeral services were held Sunday at 4 p.m. at the Koenig Funeral Home chapel with Rev. Lambert Laskowski of Hostyn officiating, and burial was in La Grange City cemetery.
He is survived by a sister, Mrs. F. W. (Julia) Psencik of La Grange.
Transcribed by Gayle Clemons Newkirk
Fayette County Record, January 29, 1991
Iris D. Sury, 83, of 956 N. Jefferson passed away Sunday in Fayette Memorial Hospital.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 10 a.m. at Koenig-Peel Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Corkey Wells officiating and burial in the Fayetteville City Cemetery.
Mrs. Sury was born Oct. 29, 1907 in Somerville, the daughter of the late Theodore Dent and Betty (McIntire) Stokeld. She was united in marriage with Frank Sury who preceded her in death. She was the owner and operator of Iris’s Place.
Surviving are a daughter, Iralee Cole of La Grange; one sister, Dorie Spies of Fort Worth; two brothers, Roy B. Stokeld of Beaumont and T.D. Stokeld of Florida; and a number of nieces and nephews.
For those desiring, memorials may be made to the Lung Association.
Transcribed by Gayle Clemons Newkirk
Fayette County Record, February 24, 1948
Joe J. Sury Dies Here Thursday
Joe J. Sury, 72 retired clerk, passed away at La Grange hospital Thursday.
Funeral services were held Saturday morning at 9:15 o’clock at the Koenig Funeral Home Chapel with continued services at the Sacred Heart Catholic church. Interment was in the new city cemetery. Rev. S.A. Zientek officiated.
Mr. Sury was born at Fayetteville on October 14, 1875. For the past 33 years he made his home in La Grange. On February 10, 1919 he was united in marriage with Louse Wotipka.
Surviving are his widow, his step-mother; one daughter, Mrs. Julia Psencik of La Grange; one son, Frank J. Sury of La Grange; five sisters, Mrs. Agnes Matus and Mrs. Rose Petters of Fayetteville; Mrs. Veronika Novosad of Smithville, Mrs. Mary Novosad of Ellinger, and Mrs. Annie Danek of Wharton; two half sisters, Mrs. Albina Malota of Fayetteville and Mrs. Dorothy Krenek of Ellinger; three brothers, Paul and Henry Sury of Needville and Pete Sury of Velasco, two half-brothers, Ernst Sury of Houston and Emil Sury of Fayetteville.
Transcribed by Gayle Clemons Newkirk
Fayette County Record, March 9, 1971
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Sury, wife of Emil F. Sury, were conducted by the Rev. Ben Mazurkiewicz at the Knesek chapel in Fayetteville at 9 a.m. Monday, followed by services at the Fayetteville Catholic Church. Burial was in the Fayetteville Catholic Cemetery.
Mrs. Sury, 65 passed away Saturday morning at Fayette Memorial Hospital in La Grange.
The deceased was the daughter of Anton and Josephine Kallus, and was born at Freisburg on May 20, 1905. United in marriage with Mr. Sury on October 8, 1930 at Fayetteville, she had resided in that community for the past 40 years.
Beside her husband, she leaves a daughter, Mrs. Leonard Kramr of Houston; two sons, Clarence Sury in Hawaii and Edmund Sury of Fayetteville; two half-sisters, Mrs. Rudolph Svrcek and Mrs. Mathilda Zapalac, both of Fayetteville; a brother, John Kallus in California; and 12 grandchildren.
Altar Society KJZT and KJT rosaries were recited Saturday night and parish Knights of Columbus and CDA rosaries Sunday night.
Transcribed by Gayle Clemons Newkirk
Unidentified newspaper, 20 Oct 1932
Reimond Sury died at his home Monday, at the age of 39 years. Funeral services were held from the Catholic church, Wednesday morning, with Rev. Father Jos. Klobouk officiating; interment took place at the Catholic cemetery. He leaves to mourn his departure his wife, one daughter, step-mother and several brothers and sisters. To those we extend our deepest sympathy.
Mrs. Frank SUSEK
Schulenburg Sticker, 18 Jul 1901
Mrs. Frank Susek, after an illness extending over a period of years, died Monday and was buried Tuesday afternoon.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Banner Press, March 16, 1995
Services for Eleonore Kasparek Susil, 81, of Columbus were held March 11 at Henneke Funeral Home in Columbus with the Rev. John Hunsicker officiating. Burial followed at Fayetteville City Cemetery.
Susil died March 7 at Trinity Medical Center in Brenham.
She was born Feb. 7, 1914. in Fayetteville, Texas, the daughter of Rudolph and Mathilda Plagens Kasparek.
Susil was a housewife and lifetime resident of Columbus. She was united in marriage with Alois J. Susil on Oct. 19, 1929.
Susil was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Columbus.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Alois J. Susil; a daughter, Verlin Georgia Lorberau; two sisters, Ida Jebousek and Ella Kocurek; and a brother, Gus Kasparek.
Survivors include five grandchildren, John and his wife, Linda Lorberau, Wanda and her husband, Helmut Lestinsky, Charles Lorberau, Lee Ann Lucy and Terri Lorberau; and four great-grandchildren, Jeremy and Jennifer Lorberau and Michael John and Elizabeth Ann Lestinsky.
Pallbearers were Daniel Schmidt, Edwin Moudry, Russell Thoede, Bennie Carker, Milton Wavra and Ronald Schmidt.
Henneke Funeral Home Inc., Columbus, directors.
submitted by Rosemary Ermis
La Grange Journal, Thursday, February 10, 1955
Mrs. Anna Sustala
Last rites were held Tuesday morning, February 8, at the Koenig Funeral Chapel for Mrs. Anna Sustala of Plum. Services were continued at the Plum Catholic Church with burial in the Plum Catholic cemetery. Rev. Lee Moczygemba of Plum officiated.
Mrs. Sustala, 82, was born in Europe on June 26, 1872. She came to Texas in 1891 and settled in Plum. In 1896 she was married to Tom Sustala. He preceded her in death in 1943.
Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. O. L. Allen of Houston, Mrs. Rosie Balusek of Brookshire, Miss Vlasta Sustala of Houston and Miss Julie Sustala of Baytown; three sons, Emil and Tom of Houston and John of Smithville; and five grandchildren.
Banner Press, March 16, 1995
Services for JoAnn Sutton, 46, of Houston, formerly of Ellinger, were held March 8 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Ellinger with Monsignor Ben Mazurkiewicz officiating. Burial followed at St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery in Ellinger.
Sutton died March 5 at Hermann Hospital in Houston.
She was born Aug. 19, 1948, in La Grange, Texas, the daughter of Rudolph and Elenora Minar Zapalac.
Sutton was united in marriage with Lex "Skip" Sutton on Nov. 26, 1966. She was a clerical secretary for G.E. Capital Modular. Sutton lived 29 years in Houston and was previously of Ellinger.
She was a member of St. Mary Catholic Church in Ellinger.
Survivors include her husband, Lex "Skip" Sutton of Houston; her mother, Elenora Zapalac of Ellinger, a son, Chris Sutton of Houston; and two brothers, Jimmy of Ellinger and Larry Zapalac of Sugar Land.
Pallbearers were Matt Parker, Jim Bacon, Aaron McDowell, Bernard Mikulenka, Ed Laskey and Romelo Crespo. Honorary pallbearers were Michael (Beau) Smith, Matt and Billy Schmidt and Nicklaus, Matthew, Jeremy and Chase Zapalac.
Henneke Funeral Home Inc., Columbus, directors.
submitted by Rosemary Ermis
The True Issue, Saturday, May 9, 1863
Dr. John Sutton was a native of Shelbyville, Bedford county, Tennessee. He came to Texas about the years 1862, and soon after settled at Round Top, Fayette county, where he entered upon the practice of his profession. By his kind and courteous manner, strict attention to business, as well as a display of skill as a PHysician, he won the esteem and confidence of the community. In the Spring of 1861, he was married to Miss Woods of Lavaca county, Texas. Thus united to the lady whom his judgement and affection alike prompted him to select as the ocmpanion and sharer of his earthly career; with additional prospects of happiness, and other and higher motives to success, he engaged with renewed energy & zeal in the work of forming a character and building a reputation second to none. But, alas! how vain and uncertain of fulfilment, are our brightest and most fondly cherished hopes of eartly distrinction and happiness.—"How uncertain is life." "Ye know not the day nor the hour when the Son of man cometh." And so it proved in the case of our friend; for in the enjoyment of health, engaged in the actual discharge of duty—in a monent—his spirit was called rom its eartly tenement to the land of spirits. Dr. Sutton being a Southerner by birth education, felt (as all true Southerners feel) a deep interest in the welfare and success of our young government; and as proof of the strenfth of his attachment to our common cause, he gave up the profits & pleasures of home for a life of deprivation and suffering in the army and sealed by deathhis devotion to principal. In March, 1862, he enlisted as a private in Capt. Fly's co., Wilk's Reg't, which was subsequently stationed at Arkansas Past. The unusual amount of sickness among our troops at that important place is known to all. As a private in the ranks, Dr. Sutton discharged his duties faithfully. But not many months had elapsed before he was placed by his superiors in a position that opened before him a wider held of usefulness.—He was detailed to assist in administering to the wants of the sick, and so invaluable were his services in that capacity, that is was in contemplation by those in authority, Dr. Gayle informs us, to tender him a commission as Surgeon in the Confederate army. We are also informed, that . . . the hard contested battle that final . . . ted in the surrender of the garrison, . . . bored with his usual energy in attending to the sick and wounded soldiers. But just as the surrender was being made the cruel enemy directed a shot from on of their gunboats at the hospital in which our friend and two other surgeons were engaged in dressing the wounds of a dying soldier. The shell passing through the wall of the building, struck Dr. Sutton on the head, killing him instantly, and wounding the other two. Thus perished an honorable and ufseful member of society, one respected and even beloved by all who came within the circle of his acquaintance.
After the surrender the request on the part of our men to be allowed the [sic.] bury their dead, was denied by the Yankee general, he promising to have it attended to. But in their hast [sic.] to get off, they negleted this sacred duty, thus, as is usual with them, violating a solemn promise.—We are informed, however, that after their departure the citizens around the Post came and deposited in their last resting place the brave and honored dead, and although no marble slab markes [sic.] the grave of our departed friend, yet the the [sic.]rembembrance of his noble deeds while living shall live in the minds and hearts of his relatives and friends as solid and enduring as the granite rock. It will ever be a source of consolation to those who weep over his untimely end, that his last moments were spent in endeavoring to alleviate the sufferings of those who were bleeding and dying upon the altar erected to freedom, civil and religious, by the people of these Confederate States, and that he fell where the brave and patriotic love to fall—at the post of duty and danger.—To his friends, I would say imitate his example while living; and if your country demands the sacrifice, die as he died, amid the roar of canon and the clash of . . . . To his young, yet grief-stricken and widowed wife, I would say, fly to the fountain of consolation and coemfort [sic.] that flows from the religion of our Savior.
"From every stormy wind that blows,
From every swerling tide of woes,
There is a calm, a sure retreat;
'Tis found beneath the mercy seat."
And remember that God, our alwise [sic.] & and [sic.] merciful heavenly Father, loves you with a tenderness of affection, far supassing those sacred emotions . . . in your stricken and bleeding heart, when memory revives the looks, the words, and the many virtues of your departed husband; and He has promised to be with us in all our trials, "our troubles to bless, and sanctify to us our deepest distress."
Schulenburg Sticker, 5 March 1915
Martin Svehla, age 76 years. Flatonia.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, September 16, 1976
Final Rites for Willie Svetlik Held Sept. 4
Funeral services for Willie F. Svetlik, 71, of High Hill, were held Saturday, Sept. 4, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, High Hill, with burial in the church cemetery. Rev. Edna McKenna officiated.
Mr. Svetlik died Sept. 1 in St. Luke’s Hospital, Houston. He also had been in Youens Memorial Hospital here briefly. He had had open heart surgery in January 1973.
Born Sept. 16, 1904 in Lavaca County, he was the son of Joe and Annie (Janota) Svetlik. He married Louise Seidel on Nov. 16, 1937, and they lived in the Breslau community for 14 years before moving to High Hill.
Surviving are his wife; one son, Willie Joe Svetlik of High Hill; four daughters, Mrs. Erwin (Delores) Wick of Houston, Mrs. Lorene Rietz and Mrs. Jimmy (Mae) Wright of San Antonio, and Mrs. Donald (Louise) Kasparek of Weimar; eight grandchildren; five brothers, Joe of Point Comfort, Louis of Schulenburg, Rudy of Hallettsville, Emil of Houston and Eddie of Beeville; and seven sisters, Mrs. Elvie Heinrich of Hallettsville, Mrs. Oscar (Annie) Hollas, and Mrs. Albert (Margaret) Mache of Schulenburg, Mrs. Charles (Elsie) Seidel of Katy, Mrs. Gerald (Lillian) Middleton and Mrs. Edward (Julie) Ripple of Houston, and Mrs. Marie Konvicka of Sugar Land.
Pallbearers were Marvin Svetlik, Kenneth Mache, David Seidel, Donnie Heinrich, Leo Heinrich Jr., and Ervin Heinrich, all nephews.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
La Grange Journal, Thursday, April 14, 1955
Mrs. Frances Svrcek
Funeral services were held for Mrs. Frances Svrcek, 75, of La Grange Wednesday, April 13, at 8:30 AM at the Koenig Funeral Home with continued services at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Burial was in the La Grange City Cemetery with the Msgr. S. A. Zientek assisted by Father Brunner officiating. Mrs. Svrcek died at her home April 11.
Born on January 1, 1880 in Czechoslovakia, she was the daughter of the late Joseph and Frances Olsak Stolar. She married John Svrcek on November 7, 1899 in Fayetteville. He died on April 8, 1953.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Rainosek of La Grange and Mrs. Clyde Robertson also of La Grange; four sons, August and Louis f La Grange, Emil of Austin and John of Dallas; one brother Louis Stolar of Fayetteville; nine grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.
Schulenburg Sticker, 7 Oct 1921
Died at La Grange, Sept. 3, Frank Svrcik [sic.]; of meningitis.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Fayette County Record, June 26, 1990
Funeral services for Isabella M. Svrcek, 82, Rt. 1, Fayetteville, were held Monday at 9 a.m. at St. John’s Catholic Church in Fayetteville. Burial followed in the Fayetteville Catholic Cemetery. The Msgr. Ben Mazurkiewicz officiated.
Mrs. Svrcek was born to Henry and Louise (Kurtzman) Becker on March 1, 1908 in Ellinger. She married Edward Svrcek on Dec. 28, 1941 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Ellinger. Mrs. Svrcek passed away in her home on June 23.
She was a member of the K.J.Z.T. and the Altar Society and a member of St. John’s Catholic Church, Fayetteville.
Survivors include her husband, Edward Svrcek of Fayetteville; two sisters Myrtle Strzenek (?) of Sinton and Amanda Randow of Eagle Lake; a daughter-in-law, Theresa Svrcek of La Grange; and two grandchildren, Brian Svrcek and Mrs. Gary (Lisa) Drab, both of La Grange.
She was preceded in death by a son, Arnold; four sisters and two brothers.
Koenig-Peel Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Dallas Morning News, December 7, 1972
John C. Svrcek, 53, of 2752 Gladiolus, a pharmacist for Ward Drug Co. for 10 years, died here Wednesday.
A native of Fayetteville, Fayette County, Svrcek had lived in Dallas 20 years. He was graduated from the University of Texas and was a navy veteran of World War II. He was a member of St. Elizabeth Catholic Church.
Svrcek is survived by his wife Kathleen and a daughter; sisters, Mrs. Vlasta Robertson of La Grange, Texas, Mrs. Elizabeth Raniosek [Rainosek?] of La Grange, Texas; brothers, Louis Svrcek of La Grange, Emil Svrcek of Austin.
Rosary 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, LAMAR & SMITH CHAPEL. Requiem Mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Thursday in St. Elizabeth Catholic Church. Burial will be in Koenig Cemetery at La Grange, Fayette County.
Pallbearers: Richard Allen, Buddy Fox, Leonard Pool, Gene Willis Jerry Arrington, Charley Adamick.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Banner Press, June 10, 1999
Services for Mary Svrcek, 86, of La Grange were held June 1 at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Hostyn with Monsignor Stanley Petru officiating. Burial followed at Hostyn Catholic Cemetery.
Svrcek died May 29 at Fayette Memorial Hospital in La Grange.
She was born June 7, 1912, in Hostyn, Texas, the daughter of John and Mary Rohan Hauser. Svrcek was united in marriage on Oct. 1, 1929, with Louis Svrcek in Hostyn.
She was a homemaker, a member of the Altar Society and affiliated with Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Plum.
Svrcek was preceded in death by her husband, parents; stepmother, Rosie Hauser; and half-brothers, Joe and August Hauser.
Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Mildred and LeRoy Schubert of Liberty Hill, a granddaughter, Bonnie Stoss and husband Robert of Liberty Hill; two great-granddaughters, Heather and Shelby Stoss of Liberty Hill, and four sisters-in-law, Lillie Hauser of Houston, Vlasta Robertson and Elizabeth Rainosek, both of La Grange, and Kathleen Fox of Dallas.
Koenig-Peel & Strickland Funeral Home, La Grange, directors.
submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, October 9, 2012
Jeane Elizabeth Svrcula
Jeane Elizabeth Svrcula, 83 who resided at Southern Knights Assistant Living in Tomball, passed away on Tuesday, Sept. 25 after a lengthy illness.
The funeral was held on Friday, Sept. 28 at 10 a.m. at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, followed by interment in the church cemetery. The Rev. George Kunnath officiated. Pallbearers were Joe Schramek Jr., James Schramek, Jarrod Schramek, Eddie Scott, Chad Scott, Bobby Coursey Jr. and Paul Rex III, all grandsons. A rosary was said at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home on Thursday, Sept. 27 at 7 p.m., led by Rev. George Kunnath.
Born in Atlanta, Ga. on Sept. 7, 1929, she was the daughter of George Frank Baxter and Rose (Bulpette) Baxter. On Sept. 8, 1946 she married Joseph Edward Svrcula Jr. in Schulenburg.
Survivors include five daughters and sons-in-law , Janie and Joe Schramek of Schulenburg, JoAnn and Gil Garcia of New Mexico, Juanita and Bill Karber of Spring , Diana and Paul Rex of Montgomery, and Debbie and Bobby Coursey of Waller; sister, Marion Saylors of Ohio; and 17 grandchildren and 32 great-grandchildren.
Preceding her in death were her husband, parents and a great-grandson.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
La Grange Journal, Thursday, February 7, 1963
Mrs. Constance Swatloski
Funeral services for Mrs. Constance Swatloski, 87, of Ledbetter were held Tuesday, Feb. 5, at 9 a.m. at the Fayetteville Catholic Church. Services continued at graveside in the Holy Cross cemetery in Houston at 12:30 with Rev. Benedict Mazurkiewicz officiating. Mrs. Swatloski died at her home in Waldeck on Sunday.
The deceased was born in Poland on Feb. 18, 1875. She came to this country at the age of 7 years and settled in Bremond Tex. She had lived in Waldeck for the past 13 years. Her husband , John T. Swatloski died on Oct. 10, 1930. She was the former Constance Kaposyinski.
Surviving are two daughters, Miss Agnes Swatloski of Waldeck and Miss Brunnis Swatloski of SanAntonio; three sons, S. M. of Houston and J. A. and Louis T. of Waldeck; 18 grandchildren; 57 great-grandchildren; and 1 great-great-grandchild.
Schulenburg Sticker, 13 Aug 1903, page 1
Death Record.
Swec: Died 1 mile south of Ellinger, July 24th-03, of Dysentery Anna Swec aged 66 years 11 months
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, 28 Dec 1906, page 8
Flatonia, Dec. 19.—Mr. Swesta met his death here this morning by cutting his throat with a razor while eating breakfast. He was about 40 years old and had been an invalid for nine or ten years.
Schulenburg Sticker, 10 Feb 1910
The old people are passing away very rapidly in this section.
This time the Death Angel claims the soul of Mrs. Anna Swoboda, aged 69 years. She was preceded in death by her husband only twenty days, she dying Thursday, Feb. 3 and he Jan. 13. They were married for 48 years.
Her remains were tenderly laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery beside those of her life long companion, Father Mathis officiating.
Deceased is survived by six grown children as follows: Herbert, of Nada; Anton, of Victoria; Pius, of Whichita [sic], Kan.; Mrs. Gus Miksch, city; Mrs. Frank Miksch, of Freyburg and Mrs. Henry Boehm, of Breslau.
The Sticker joins the many friends in extending them sincere sympathy.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 20 Jan 1910
Mr. Swoboda died Thursday last at his residence three miles south of the city and was buried the following day at 3 p. m. in the Catholic cemetery, Father Mathis officiating.
Deceased was 74 years of age; Leaves a wife and five children. The children are: Mrs. Gus Miksch, Mrs. Fr. Miksch, of Freyburg, Anton Swoboda of Victoria, Herbert Swoboda of Nada. One son is somewhere in Kansas or Missouri.
The Sticker extends its sincerest sympathy to the grief stricken ones.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, Friday, January 25, 1935
Young Woman of Dubina Claimed by Death
Mrs. Mary Cernoch Swoboda, aged about 24 years, died in a Houston hospital Saturday last night the remains were brought here and laid to rest in the Dubina Cemetery the following day, Rev. Jos. Szymanski officiating.
Pall bearers were as follows: Frank Kana, Joe Horak, Vlad. Culak, Vlad. Cernoch, Joe Cernoch and John Cernoch, Jr.
She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cernoch of the Dubina Community, had been employed in Schulenburg and Houston recently, and was taken ill while in the latter named city.
Other survivors besides her parents are her four brothers, Vlad. of Holman; Joe, of Hindes; John, Jr. of Hostyn; Jerry, at home; and six sisters, Mrs. Joe Horak of Penelope, Mrs. Frank Kana of Hostyn, Mrs. Anton Barta of Hindes, Miss Filomena of Schulenburg, Misses Albina and Henrietta at home.
She was the possessor of many friends wherever known, and her death at so young an age is deeply and sincerely deplored.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the bereaved ones.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Mrs. John SYKARA
Schulenburg Sticker, 21 Feb 1901, From Fayetteville column
Mrs. John Sykara, who lived about five miles from here, died Saturday and her remains were interred in the Catholic cemetery Sunday, Father J. Chromcik officiating. She was about 20 years of age, and was married a little over a year.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 3 Dec 1908
Died near Winchester, Nov. 17, Hermann Symasek, age 34 years. 5 months and 17 days of typhoid fever.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Victoria Advocate, August 27, 1978
Catherine Syrinek
Advocate News Service
FLATONIA – Mrs. Catherine Syrinek, 75, of Flatonia, died Saturday in a Shiner hospital.
Born in New York on April 14, 1903, she had been a housewife for most of her life and was a member of the Catholic Church.
Rosary will be recited Sunday at 7 p.m. at the Smith Funeral Home Chapel.
Funeral services will be at 10:30 a.m. Monday at the funeral home with Rev. Anthony Matula officiating. Burial will be in the Flatonia Catholic Cemetery.
Survivors include her husband, Charles Syrinek of Flatonia; one son Gene Syrinek of Austin; one daughter, Mrs. Bernice Sehacherl of Flatonia; five grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis |