Schulenburg Sticker, January 15, 2013
Joe J. Fabian Jr., 86, of Schulenburg died at St. David's Hospital in Austin on Sunday, Jan. 6 after suffering a stroke on Tuesday morning, Jan. 1.
The funeral was held at St. Mary Church in High Hill on Thursday, Jan. 10 at 10 a.m., with the Rev. Tim Kosler officiating. Interment took place at the St. Mary Catholic Cemetery at High Hill, with full military honors. Pallbearers were grandsons Joseph Strack, David Petrie, Stephen Strack, Kyle Fabian, Michael Strack and Matthew Fabian.
Offertory gifts were carried by Kate Fabian and Andrew Fabian. Readings were by Laura Strack and Rachel Petrie. Eucharistic minister was niece Janice Busselmann. Altar server was godson Anthony Prihoda. Beautiful music was provided by St. Mary Church choir led by Denise Trojacek. A combined parish and St. Joseph Society rosary was held on Wednesday, Jan. 9.
Born on Aug. 31, 1926 at Wheelock, he was the son of Joe J. Sr. and Cecilia Turner Fabian. He grew up in the Hallettsville area during the Depression and attended Sacred Heart School. As the oldest son, he began working at a very young age to help his father support the family, including working at his uncle Henry's Texaco station. At age 17, he entered the Navy and served on a repair vessel during the last part of World War II. He attained the rank of seaman second class. On June 7, 1958, he married Ruth Zweschper at St. Mary Church in High Hill. He worked as a carpenter throughout his life, including 11 years at NASA where he was part of the Apollo program. His love for building continued into retirement. Recently, he had built a large walk-in aviary for his much-loved ring-neck doves which would eat out of his hand. He also enjoyed tending a small flock of chickens and caring for the family pets. He was a member of the Roman Catholic Church, American Legion, St. Joseph Society and Hallettsville Golf Association.
Mr. Fabian's favorite hobbies were fishing and golfing. He relished the fact that his grandson who played varsity golf had never managed to beat him. The porch swing was a favorite place to enjoy a cup of coffee and conversation. He fished locally and enjoyed trips to the coast with his sons and brother-in-law. He also greatly enjoyed Thursday domino games. “Joe was a generous giver and took great joy in bestowing gifts to family and friends,” his family writes. “He was much loved by all who knew him and had a smile for everyone – he never met a stranger. Most of all he was a loving father. He took the time to teach his sons what it means to be a man. He will be greatly missed by family and friends.”
Survivors include his wife; two daughters, Teresa Strack and husband Russell of Magnolia, and Alice Petrie and husband John of Millstadt, Ill.; four sons, Charles Fabian and wife Donna of Huntsville, Kenneth Fabian and wife Carol of Montgomery, Richard Fabian of Bryan and Patrick Fabian of Schulenburg; and five sisters, Shirley Speckman of Cascade, Colo., Ruth Tappe of Rosenberg, Pauline Woodson of Midfield, Nell Marxsen of Mount Pleasant and Mary Ann Kays of Cross Lane, W.Va.; a brother, Robert Fabian of Hallettsville. His 11 grandchildren are Matthew and Andrew Fabian; Joseph, Laura, Stephen and Michael Strack; Kyle and Kate Fabian; and Jessica, David and Rachel Petrie.
Preceding him in death were his parents; a daughter, Barbara, in 1990; and a sister, Annie Hale.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
Dr. a. h. fahnert
Schulenburg Sticker, 30 Mar 1899
We unintentionally omitted to say, in last week’s STICKER, in the write-up pertaining to the death of Dr. A. H. Fahnert, that the deceased was a member of the LaGrange Masonic lodge. But the distance being considerable from LaGrangs [sic] to High Hill, Lyons lodge, A. F. & A. M., of Schulenburg conducted the ceremony. Mr. Berger at the close delivered an address.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Colorado Citizen, July 21, 1881
Weimar Local Matters
It is with sadness we chronicle the death of Miss Minna Fahrentholdt[sic], a young lady just blooming into womanhood. She died in this place on Tuesday morning, 19th instant, of pneumonia. She was the daughter of our townsman, Louis Fahrentholdt[sic]. Her remains were carried to Old High Hill for interment. We drop the sympathizing tear for the bereaved family.
Colorado Citizen, September 13, 1888, page 3
Weimar Local Matters
We regret exceedingly to chronicle the death of Miss Sophie Fahrenthold, daughter of August Fahrenthold, on September 6th, 1888, at her father’s residence near Pecan, Fayette county. She was just blooming into womanhood and it seems hard to part with those we love, but weep not, dear parents, God’s will be done as He in his allwise wisdom does everything for the best.
Colorado Citizen, 18 Aug 1881, page 2
Allen Miller and Lewis Carter, the negroes who killed John Faison and shot his brother Tom last week, were bound over on Monday by Justice Baker—Allen Miller in the sum of $2500, and Lewis Carter in the sum of $250. Tuesday morning they were taken out on a writ of habeas corpus before Judge Moore who reduced Miller's bond to $500, and Carter's remained at $250.—Journal.
Weimar Mercury, 29 Feb 1924, page 6
Flatonia, Tex., Feb. 23. — In the death of Charles Henry Faires, Flatonia, and Fayette county have lost another pioneer citizen. Next to the youngest of eight children and the last to pass to his reward, he was born at Plum Grove, near LaGrange, Texas, September 28, 1847, and passed away after several weeks' illness, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. C. McVea at Houston, Feb 20, 1924.
He was the son of William A. and Ada McClure Faires, who came to Texas from Tennessee as colonists under Stephen F. Austin in 1832. The old pioneer home in which he first saw the light is still standing at Plum Grove.
Mr. Faires has been intimately associated with the development of the Flatonia community, having, with his brothers built the first ranch house on the original William A. Faires survey on which the tow of Flatonia now stands, and began the raising of horses and cattle at an early day.
Shiner Gazette, 24 Aug 1898, page 1
Mayor Faires of Flatonia Dies Suddenly of Heart Failure.
Flatonia, Fayette Co., Tex., Aug. 17. – Mayor R. O. Faires of this place, who was seen on the streets yesterday in apparently vigorous health, died suddenly of heart failure last night at 9:30 o’clock. Mayor Faires was 57 years of age, a native of Fayette county and a prominent citizen here, where he has resided for the past twenty years. He leaves a wife and four children, besides a host of life-long friends to mourn his sudden death. Deceased was, at the time of death, high priest of Moulton chapter of Masonic lodge, and a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, Knights of Honor, American Legion of Honor, Independent Order of Odd Fellow lodges and Killough champ, U. C. V. He was sheriff of and tax collector of Fayette county in 1870-74 and has been elected mayor of Flatonia successively for three terms. An honored confederate veteran, prominent in political circles as an advocate of free silver, and endeared to all as a noble friend and useful citizen, his death has cast a gloom over the entire community. Mrs. Faires, who has been at Fort Davis, Tex., for some time, will reach Flatonia to-morrow in response to telegraphic notification of her husband’s demise. – Galveston News.
[immediately below and carrying over to adjacent column]
In the death of R. O Faires Flatonia has lost one of its most just and upright citizens. He was a man whose friendship could be counted on in adversity as well as prosperity. He had a kind word and a helping hand for all who approached him and were deserving of help. He was a man of the people, and was in touch with the humblest of his fellow creatures. He sought to oppress no one, and was ever ready to accord to others the same privileges he asked for himself. If he committed any errors they were of the head, not the heart, and no man was more ready to acknowledge an error than he. He was ever foremost to respond to the call of duty, and commanded a company in Green’s Texas Brigade throughout the civil war. He also volunteered to raise a company for the war with Spain, but failed to obtain the requisite number of men. He was a kind, loving and indulgent husband and father, and in his death his family and friends have suffered an irreparable loss. He was truly a man “without fear and without reproach.”
Contributed by Matt Cross
La Grange Journal, March 26, 1885
DIED.—At Flatonia on the 22d inst., at the residence of Mr. R. O. Faires, his son, Mr. W. A. Faires aged 78 years.
Mr. Faires was a Veteran having come to Texas in 1833. During the war for independence he rendered valuable service in behalf of the infant Republic. He resided in this county 52 years, and was esteemed, and respected by all who had the pleasure of knowing him. He was buried at Plum Grove cemetery by the side of his wife, who died several years ago.
The La Grange Journal, Thursday, March 3, 1960
Mrs. Julia O. Faison
Mrs. Julia O. Faison of La Grange passed away at the Fayette Memorial Hospital, Thursday at the age 89.
Funeral services were held at the St. James Episcopal Church here Saturday, at 10 a.m. with the Rev. Calvin Sackers officiating, and burial was in the La Grange City cemetery.
Mrs. Faison, nee Ogden was born in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. on Oct. 16, 1871, and was married to James R. Faison. Mr. Faison passed away on Dec. 23, 1943.
Her only survivors are distant relatives in New York.
Peter ballard FAISON
La Grange Journal, Thursday, December 26, 1918
At Advanced Age
Another Old Citizen of La Grange Joins the Majority
Sunday afternoon, death claimed on of La Grange’s oldest citizens, P. B. Faison, aged eighty-five years, three months and seventeen days. For the past year, deceased has been in feeble health, but possessing a strong constitution and receiving every attention and comfort from his son, J. R. Faison, he succeeded in prolonging his life.
Mr. Faison was one of the early settlers of this section, coming from North Carolina, and by exerting his energies and giving close attention to his pursuits, succeeded in acquiring a comfortable competence. He was the owner of considerable landed property.
From the St. James Episcopal church, Rev. J. Cross Gray officiating, the funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, with interment in the old cemetery. His chief mourners are a widow, and two sons, Percy Faison of San Antonio and James R. of La Grange. One daughter, Miss Mariah, died early in life. We offer our condolence to his mourning relatives.
New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung, Friday, August 29, 1986
Annie Fajkus, 82, of LaGrange died Aug. 25 at the Fayette Memorial Hospital in LaGrange. Services were Thursday at the Koenig-Peel Chapel. Burial was in the LaGrange City Cemetery.
Survivors include a daughter, Sybil Tupa of New Braunfels; four sons, Ben Fajkus of Killeen, Eugene Fajkus of Houston, Edward Fajkus of San Antonio and Ivan Fajkus of LaGrange; 19 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Victoria Advocate, Tuesday, March 1, 1982
FLATONIA – Funeral services for Joseph Fajkus Jr., 74, of Flatonia, who died Monday, will be held Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Flatonia.
Burial will be in the Praha Catholic Cemetery under the direction of Smith Funeral Home of Flatonia.
A rosary will be recited Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in the Smith Funeral Home chapel.
Survivors include his wife, Agnes of Flatonia; five sons, Bobby of Victoria, Mark of Katy, and Johnny, Dennis and Kenneth, all of Houston; two daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Jasek of Houston and Mrs. Earlene Patek of Hallettsville; a sister, Mrs. Mary Kristinik of Praha; two brothers, Adolph of Praha and Anton of San Antonio; and 19 grandchildren.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 23 June 1911
Died at Flatonia, June 10, Milly Fajkus, age 10 months and 11 days, of cholera infantum.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Victoria Advocate, Friday, October 23, 1998
FLATONIA – Vlasta Kocian Fajkus, 83, of Flatonia, died Thursday, Oct. 22, 1998.
She was born Aug. 25, 1915, in Waelder to the late Frank and Amelia Janecka Kocian. She was a homemaker and member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Flatonia and KJZT.
Survivors: daughter, Carolyn Owens of Jacksonville, Texas; son, Michael Fajkus of Flatonia; sister, Angelina Zizza of Houston; three grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren.
Preceded in death by: husband, Julius E. Fajkus; one sister; and one brother.
A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. today at Smith Funeral Home chapel.
Services will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at the funeral home, the Rev. Charles Carolan officiating.
Burial will be at Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery in Flatonia. Smith Funeral Home, Flatonia.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Galveston Daily News, Sunday, December 15, 1918
Flatonia, Tex., Dec. 14.—Albert Faktor of this city has received a message from the war department telling of the death of his son, V. Faktor, in France, who died of pneumonia. Private Faktor had been in France about a year, and had been in several battles.
Galveston Daily News, August 10, 1921
Flatonia, Tex., Aug. 9 -- The body of Vladimir Faktor, who was a member of Company C. 315th Engineer Corps, during the world war, was buried with full military honors at Praha Cemetery. Funeral obsequies were performed by Rev. F. Neubert of Praha, and the funeral sermon was preached by Rev. L. P. Netardus of Flatonia. Lieutenant G. H. Kristek was in charge of the firing squad. Young Faktor died of pneumonia on Nov. 26, 1918, while in France. He was 22 years old at the time of his death.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, 14 Dec 1928, page 1
Little Child Dies From Attack of Lockjaw
In the last issue we mentioned the fact that the 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Faldyn, Jr., of the Holman section had been taken to the hospital at LaGrange, suffering from an attack of lockjaw.
The little fellow first showed symptoms of the disease Monday night of last week. His condition getting worse, physicians were summoned from Weimar Tuesday morning. After examination of the patient, it was upon their advice that he was taken at once to the hospital at LaGrange.
He arrived there about noon Tuesday. His condition continued to grow worse, and the little fellow succumbed to the disease Wednesday about noon.
The little body was tenderly prepared for burial and followed by the grief-stricken parents, was transported to the cemetery at Holman for interment.
One of the Weimar physicians called in informed us that it was a very mysterious case. He stated there was no abrasion of the skin on any part of the child's body, nor was there any evidence at hand to prove how the child contracted the disease. So, it will probably never be known how the child contracted lockjaw.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Faldyn in the loss of their darling little boy.
Weimar Mercury, Friday, June 28, 1935
Sad Death of Girl of Holman Section
Little Isabel Faldyn, 8-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Faldyn, Jr., of the Holman community, who several weeks ago underwent a severe operation at LaGrange, died Thursday of last week and the remains were buried at Holman Friday. Several from this city attended the funeral.
This little girl several months ago had an attack of measles and this was followed by a series of complications from which the best of medical skill seemed unable to offer relief. Her sufferings at times were intense, and she begged that Death would come and relieve her. Blood transfusions were resorted to several times, but without material benefit.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to her bereaved ones.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
The Galveston Daily News, December 3, 1878
J. Falke was shot while on a camp hunt. While preparing his dinner by a camp fire, a dead tree fell on his gun, causing it to go off, a load of buckshot taking effect in his bowels. He lived about six hours, during which time he was attended by Dr. William Scallorn.
San Antonio Express, Friday, May 27, 1927
FLATONIA, Tex., May 26.-- Miss Annie Falticek, 52, died at her home near here Wednesday. Burial took place at the Praha Catholic Cemetery, Rev. Father Neibert officiating.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Victoria Advocate, 8 Jul 1976, page 12A
Frank Faltisek
FLATONIA - Mr. Frank J. Faltisek, 88, of Flatonia died Tuesday.
Services are to be held at 2 p.m. Thursday in Sacred Heart Catholic Church with burial to follow in Flatonia Catholic Cemetery.
Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Emil Bonorden of Victoria, Mrs. Milert Evelyn Antrich of Houston, Mrs. Mayme Barta of Flatonia; two sons, Ted of Oakland, Calif. and Jerry of Flatonia; a brother and sister; 17 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren.
Schulenburg Sticker, 21 Nov 1919
Near Flatonia October 20, of heart failure, Ignac Faltisek, aged 83 years.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Shiner Gazette, 10 Jul 1975
Services Held For Mrs. Mary Faltisek
Mrs. Frank (Mary) Faltisek passed away Thursday, June 19, 1975, in the Youens Memorial Hospital, Weimar, Texas, where she had been a patient for two weeks. At the time of her death she was 84 years, 6 months and 24 days of age.
Prior to going to the hospital, she lived at 304 S. Faires, Flatonia, with her husband. Although Mrs. Faltisek’s health had been failing for several years, she was still able to take care of her household duties and “putter around” in the couple’s flower and vegetable garden.
In May, Mr. and Mrs. Faltisek had been married 64 years. To this union six children were born.
Mrs. Faltisek, daughter of Frank and Anna (Holub) Brosch, was born in Lavaca County Nov. 25, 1890. She married Frank Faltisek in May 1911 and the couple lived in Lavaca County till 1945, when they moved to Flatonia.
On Friday night rosary was led by Rev. Anthony Matula at the Smith Funeral Home, Flatonia. At 1:30 p.m. Saturday, June 21, funeral Mass was offered at Sacred Heart Catholic Church by Rev. Matula. Burial was in the Flatonia Catholic Cemetery.
Pallbearers were her grandsons, Paul Bonorden of Victoria, Gene Zouzalik of Flatonia, Harvey Barta, Bill Gray, Troy Yokem and Jerry Bourque, all of Houston.
Surviving are her husband, Frank Faltisek of Flatonia; two sons, Ted Faltisek of Leandro, Calif.; Jerry Faltisek of Flatonia; three daughters, Mrs. Theo. (Mayme) Barta of Flatonia, Mrs. Wilert (Evelyn) Antrich of Houston, Mrs. Emil (Viola) Bonorden of Victoria; five sisters, Mrs. Laura Tupa, Ganado; Mrs. Joe Rybak, Houston, and Mrs. Louis Greive, Mrs. Charles Pilat and Miss Millie Brosch of Flatonia; two brothers, Willie and Henry Brosch of Praha; 17 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by a daughter, Mrs. Charlie (Lillie) Greive, September 29, 1972.
The Schulenburg Sticker, Thursday, June 10, 1965, page 6
Ignac Faltysek, 76 Interred at Praha
The funeral services for Ignac Faltysek, age 76 years, were conducted May 22 at 8:45 a.m. from the Smith Funeral Home in Moulton with continued services at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church at 9 a.m. Rev. Sigismund Wojciechowski officiated and Rev. Emil Vinklarek delivered the sermon. Burial was in the Praha Catholic Cemetery.
Mr. Faltysek passed away at the Frank Wagner Memorial Hospital in Shiner May 20 after being confined at the hospital for 18 days.
The deceased, a native of Praha, was born on December 13, 1888 as the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ignac Faltysek. He was united in marriage to Aloisia Firasek in the Praha Catholic Church and the couple settled in Praha where they were engaged in farming until four days ago when they retired and moved to Moulton. Mr. Faltysek was a member of the KJT and the St. Isidore Societies of Praha.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Aloisia Faltysek of Moulton; 3 sons, Willie Faltysek of Komensky, Louis Faltysek of Moulton and George Faltysek of San Antonio; two daughters, Mrs. William (Albina) Stasny of Praha and Mrs. George (Julia) Jasek of Moulton; two brothers, Adolph Faltysek of Moulton and Frank Faltysek of Ganado; five sisters, Mrs. Joe (Victoria) Krhovjak and Mrs. Louis (Agnes) Dybala of Schulenburg, Mrs. August (Millie) Krecmer of Weimar, Mrs. Emil (Annie) Bartek of Shiner and Mrs. Theresia Reus of San Antonio; 16 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Ignac R. and Edwin Faltysek, Marvin and Benjamin Stasny, Alton and Timmmy Faltysek.
San Antonio Express, 26 Feb 1965
Mrs. Agnes Fanick, 91, of 1025 Holmgreen Rd., died here Thursday. Requiem High Mass will be offered Friday morning in the Church of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Praha, Tex. Burial will be in the family cemetery [sic.] in Praha under the direction of Riebe Funeral Home.
Survivors include a son, Eddie Fanick, San Antonio.
Agnes Fanick is buried in the Praha Catholic Cemetery. Contributed by Matt Cross
Victoria Advocate, December 13, 1999
FLATONIA—Courtlen T. Farek, 18, of Flatonia, died Saturday, Dec. 11, 1999.
He was born July 21, 1981, in Flatonia, to Bernadine Kainer and the late Nicholas J. Farek. He was a Catholic.
Survivors: mother; sister, Teagan N. Farek of Flatonia and brother, Nancen J. Farek of Flatonia.
Preceded in death by: father.
Services will be 2 p.m. today at Sacred Hearth Catholic Church in Flatonia, the Rev. Charles B. Carolan officiating.
Burial will be at Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery. Smith Funeral Home, Flatonia, (361) 865-3311.
Pallbearers: Travis Kainer, Mace Farek, Mark Farek, Kirby Farek, Travis Berger and Gary Brown.
Memorials: wishes of the family
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 25 Feb 2010, page 3
Franklin V. Farek
Memorial services for Franklin V. Farek, 76, of Thompsonville were held on Sunday, Feb. 20 at 1 p.m. Rev. Paul Raaz officiated, with a military burial in the Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetert [sic] in Flatonia.
Franklin Farek was born on Oct. 31, 1933 at home in the Pine Springs community just northeast of Flatonia. He was the son of Emil and Lillie (Kalmus) Farek. He attended Pine Springs Schools and then in the third grade, students were required to attend Flatonia school. He had to learn English as only Czech was spoken in Pine Springs. He graduated from Flatonia High School in 1952.
He served in the U.S. Navy from 1953 until 1957 and then in the U.S. Naval Reserves until 1961.
He married Gladys Vinklarek of the Cistern community on June 20, 1958. He was a rancher and a truck driver eventually starting his own company, “Double F Distributing.” He enjoyed riding horseback with the Friendly Trail Riders, roping at local rodeo arenas, and socializing.
He was preceded in death by his parents; a sister, Lillian Wotipka; his brother, Leroy Farek; and his granddaughter, Danielle Syrinek.
He is survived by his brother, James Farek of Flatonia; a sister, Molly Beck of Flatonia; and his six daughters, Wendy Syrinek and husband Kenneth of Dubina, Jacque Farek of Florida, Melissa Varley and husband Mark of Dubina, Gale Branecky and husband Tony of Bastrop, Michelle Sexton and husband Curt of Austin, and Jennifer Farek of Austin; and 13 grandchildren – Jason, Lauren, Justin, Andrew and Brianna Syrinek; Rachel Wolfson; Dylan Varley; Jessica, Brian and Amanda Branecky; and Nathan and Brooklyn Sexton.
He was a member of the KJT, Flatonia Knights of Columbus and American Legion.
Memorial contributions may be given to the charity of one’s choice.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Contributed by Matt Cross
SPJST Vestnik, November 3, 1976
We, the Resolution Committee of Lodge No. 103, Flatonia, wish to express our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family of our departed lodge sister,
age 83, of Engle who succumbed Tuesday, Oct. 5th, 1976 at Youens Memorial Hospital, Weimar, where she had ben hospitalized nearly two weeks.
Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 6th at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, Schulenburg. The body lay in state at the Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Chapel until 2 p.m. Wednesday and at the church from 2:15 p.m. until service time. Rev. Roger Robbins officiated at the rites and burial was in Schulenburg City Cemetery.
Pallbearers were nephews Max Freytag, Rudolph Neisner, Jerome Ermis, Eddie Kubecka, Willie Farek Jr. and Alfred Klesel.
Sister Farek, nee Julia Ermis, was born Dec. 5th, 1892, at Shiner, daughter of the late Frank and Clara Michna Ermis.
On Oct. 6th, 1914, she was united in marriage to Joe Farek at the Praha Catholic Church and the couple lived at Engle most of their married life.
She was a member of St. Rose Catholic Church and of SPJST Lodge No. 103, Flatonia.
Survivors are her husband, Joe Farek; a sister, Mrs. Henry (Emma) Orsak of Houston, and a number of nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her parents, two sisters and six brothers.
May our departed sister rest in eternal peace.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, 21 Apr 1894, page 2
Died, at LaGrange, Sunday, April 15, 1894, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Farquhar.
La Grange Journal, March 30, 1905
Died at Blackjack, February 11, of heart trouble, Mrs. J. N. Farquhar, aged 56.
Contributed by John Todd Koenig
Brenham Weekly Banner, 17 Mar 1881, page 3
Independence Locals.
Mar. 11, 1881.
Editors Banner:
Friday night, the 11th inst., Mr John T. Faucett, of Fayette county, died here. He was a student at Baylor University, and has been sick for some time with pneumonia. His parents were notified and both were with him at the time of his death. He was an exemplary young man and a member of the Baptist church.
Eagle Lake Headlight, Thurs., Sept. 11, 1975
Last Rites Held For A. G. Faykus Tues.
The many friends and relatives of A. G. Faykus of Garwood were greatly saddened upon learning of his sudden death, Saturday, September 6 about one o’clock in the afternoon.
Mr. Faykus was overseeing things on his farm near a camphouse when he became ill and called home but was found dead, sitting in a chair, when his grandson, Wesley Zboril, arrived on the scene.
Mr. Faykus was for many years owner and operator of the Garwood cotton gin. He sold the business in 1950s and has been active in rice farming and ranching since that time. Mr. Faykus was active in all community affairs and was well known throughout this area and state.
Services were held at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Nada at 9:30 Tuesday in the Praha Cemetery. Revs. Henry Polf (?), Edmund Bily and Father Valenta officiated at the Requiem High Mass. St. Mary’s Church choir assisted in singing the Mass.
Pallbearers were Ronnie, Wesley and Timmie Zboril, Darrell Pavlicek, Hank Faykus and Dennis Olsovsky.
Alfons George Faykus was born in Praha November 30, 1900. He resided in Garwood most of his life. He and Miss Millie Marek were united in marriage in Praha June 22, 1922.
Survivors include his wife, one daughter, Mrs. William Zboril of Garwood; two sons, Dr. Max Faykus of Victoria and Preston Faykus of El Campo; eight grandchildren, Two brothers and three sisters.
He was a fourth degree officer in the Knights of Columbus and a member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church.
Sympathy is extended to the family in the loss of this loved one.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis

Colorado County Citizen, August 11, 2009
Faykus, Emilia “Millie”
Emilia “Millie” Faykus, 103, of Garwood, passed away Aug. 3 at El Campo Memorial Hospital.
She was born in Engle, Sept. 21, 1905 to Vinc and Anna (Trojacek) Marek and married Alfons G. Faykus, June 12, 1922.
She was a member of St. Mary Catholic Church, Catholic Daughters and Christian Mothers in Nada.
She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; four sisters; and one brother.
She is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Viola and William Zboril of Garwood; sons and daughters-in-law, Max Henry and Martha Faykus of Victoria and Preston T. and Mary Jo Faykus of El Campo; sister, Julie Pesek of Schulenburg; nine grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; and three great-great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were conducted Aug. 6 at Henneke Funeral Home in Columbus with Father Joe Vrana and Deacon Bennie Holesovsky officiating. Interment followed at St. Mary Catholic Cemetery in Praha.
Pallbearers were Ronald, Wesley, Robert and Emily Zboril, Jordan Faykus and Preston Faykus Jr.
Contributed by Judy Talkington. Photo courtesy of Colorado County Citizen.
Weimar Mercury, Friday, October 11, 1940
Gin Accident Victim Is Buried at Praha
Taylor, Texas. Oct. 4.-- Last rites were held here Thursday and at Praha Friday for Henry Faykus, 29, who died from injuries received more than a week ago in a gin accident at Hoxie. Rev. Frank Matustik, of the St. Mary's Catholic church, officiated and burial was made in the Praha Cemetery.
He is survived by his wife, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Faykus of Praha, three sisters, Mrs. Isadore Krohojak of Taylor, Mrs. Jerome Olsovsky and Miss Vlasta Faykus of Praha, and four brothers, Joe Faykus of Waterloo, Alphonse Faykus of Garwood, Louis Faykus of Praha and Peter Faykus of Taylor.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Colorado County Citizen, 5 Nov 1959, page 12
Miss Mary Fellman's Last Rites Are Held Sunday
Last rites for Miss Mary Fellman were held Nov. 1 at the Live Rev. Francis Kolar officating at Oak Hill Catholic church, with the requiem high mass. [Two lines were transposed when printed.] Rosary was recited Sunday evening, led by Rev. Alex Kraus. Untermeyer Funeral home was in charge.
Miss Fellman was born in Alsace Lorraine Sept. 6, 1875, and came to America as a small child, living near Ellinger until the death of her brother in 1947, after which she went to live with a niece, Mrs. Leo Werland and her husband. Last February she was taken to Knight's Rest home where she died Oct. 31.
She is survived by nieces, Mesdames Celestine Schneider, Leo Werland, Henry Becker and Elo Willman of Columbus; Mrs. Alvin Wendel of El Campo and Mrs. Walter Delmar of Missouri City, and nephews, Robert Fellman of Fayetteville and Ted Fellman of San Antonio; also 16 great nieces and 24 great-great nieces [sic.].
Pallbearers were Lester Schneider, [?]. A. Smahlik, Willie Hoelscher, David Schneider, Ted Fellman and Erwin Wostarek.
Schulenburg Sticker, 9 Nov 1905
Deaths Recorded Since Last Report.
Lizzie Fendley, age 20 years and 9 months, died October 22.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 28 Feb 1913
Cha. Fiebig, age 51, years, 7 months and 9 days, Pneumonia, near LaGrange.
Contributed by Matt Cross

The La Grange Journal, March 26, 1936 pg. 1
Mrs. Albert Fiebig Dies Suddenly At San Antonio, Wed.
Mrs. Albert Fiebig, nee Miss Ella Schaefer, died Wednesday of last week, at San Antonio. Her body was brought to La Grange and Friday afternoon, from the family residence the funeral was held, interment was made in the Cedar cemetery, west from La Grange. Rev. J. E. Roth officiated at the home and at the cemetery.
Mrs. Fiebig is survived by her husband, and two daughters, Mrs. Louis (Edna) Baucam of San Antonio; Mrs. C.B. (Bernice) Swails of Sonora; and one son, Edgar Fiebig of San Antonio. She was born in Germany, and when six years old her parents immigrated to America [see note below]. Two children preceded her in death.
October 1895, she was united in marriage with Albert Fiebig, and made their home on a farm near La Grange. For the past twenty years they resided in La Grange, Mr. Fiebig, being employed at the Schuhmacher Company (wholesale) as shipping clerk. There are also five brothers and two sisters surviving and four grandchildren. To the survivors the Journal offers, with friends, sincere sympathy.
Note from Lauren Jodoin: Ella Schaefer was born 26 Oct 1876 in La Grange. Her mother, Emilie Fiebig, was born in Germany and came to Texas with her parents when she was 6. Photo contributed by Barbara Boyd. Obituary transcribed by Stacy N. Sneed.
La Grange Journal, August 27, 1937 pg.1
Poison Gas In Well Instant Death
‘Squire Marburger and Deputy Flournoy were called to West Point, Saturday morning at 11:00 o’clock to investigate the death of Ben Fields, colored.
Fields is said to have crawled into the well on Melvin Jackson’s (also colored) place, with the intention of cleaning it. As he neared the bottom a few gasps announced that the fact that “all was not well in the well.” In just about as much time as it taked to tell it, he had died.
Death was due to poisonous gas. A lantern lowered into the well would not burn at that depth. A man at that depth could not breath, and live.
Transcribed by Stacy N. Sneed
Schulenburg Sticker, 18 Feb 1904
Death Record.
Fields: Died near Fayetteville, 2-7-04, of gunshot wound, Eddy Fields, colored, aged 25 yrs and 10 months.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Dallas Morning News,
30 December, 1897
Shot by an Officer
LaGrange, Tex., Dec 29.—Sheriff Loessin received a telephone message from Oldenburg that one of his deputies, Rudolph Sladek, had shot and killed a negro named Jasper Fields for resisting arrest. Sladek is a deputy sheriff, residing in Ellinger, who went yesterday to the house of John Fields, father of Jasper Fields, about six miles east from here, on the Fayetteville and LaGrange road, with a writ to arrest on Jasper Fields. On arrival he found that he wanted Eddie Fields also, son of John Fields. The negro defied the officer, who next day returned with help and met the negroes on the road going toward Oldenburg, hailing them and asking them to surrender, as he had a warrant for the arrest of Eddie Fields for carrying a pistol, whereupon the negroes commenced abusing the officers and told them they would not be arrested. During the melee Sladek shot and killed Jasper Fields. Eddie Fields is still at large. Sladek has surrendered to an officer.
Contributed by Debbie Hanson
Schulenburg Sticker, 26 Jan 1917
Mrs. J. J. Fietsam, wife of ex-county commissioner Fietsam, died at the family home near Ammannsville Wednesday morning.
Among those attending the funeral of Mrs. Fietsam Thursday from here were Chas. Sengelmann, Henry Eilers, George Albrecht, Emil Gieptner, H. P. Schaefer, Rudolph Vogt, Wm. Cornelson and Robt. Williams.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, 4 Feb 1938
Mr. Joe Fietsam of Ammannsville Died Tuesday of This week
Mr. Joe Fietsam of Ammannsville —son of the late Jos. G. Fietsam and wife of this city— died at the family residence Tuesday, following a paralytic stroke that came upon him Thursday of last week. Following this stroke he was able to and did talk with members of his family almost up to the time of his demise. The funeral took place at Ammannsville Cemetery Thursday, and was attended by a large crowd of relatives and friends, many from this city.
Mr. Fietsam was 81 years of age at time of death. He was born Feb. 6, 1856 in Fayette county. His death occurred Feb. 1, 1938. He was married to Miss Ida Albrecht sixty years ago. She passed away Jan. 23, 1917. Later he was united in marriage to Miss Flora Huettel, who survives him. The surviving children are Mrs. Chas. Munke, Mrs. Willie Munke, Mrs. Adolph Schindler of Weimar, Mrs. Gus Munke, Mrs. Herman Munke, Mr. Arnold Fietsam, Mr. Bruno Fietsam and Mr. Walter Fietsam. Three sisters are also among the survivors — Mrs. O. Hilden of Shiner, Mrs. Wm. Tell and Miss Emma Fietsam of Weimar.
A great part of Mr. Fietsam's life was spent in this section. He was truly a good man, one that was known and beloved by a large circle of friends, honest, upright, a devoted husband and father, a kindly, good neighbor and friend, whose passing is viewed with regret by many of the citizens of this section.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to his bereaved ones.
La Grange Journal, Thursday, February 3, 1938
Joe J. Fietsam
Former Commissioner J. J. Fietsam of the Ammannsville section died at the family home Tuesday, February 1, at the age of 81 years, 11 months and 25 days. Funeral services were held at the home Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock, and interment was made in the Williams Creek cemetery.
Deceased was born in Fayette county, in that sector known as the Bluff section, February 6, 1856, and had spent his entire life in Fayette county. Reared on the farm, he never forsook that early training and continued to follow the life of the farmer until his demise.
For several terms of two years each, he served his precinct as commissioner back in the early 1900’s and ever had the interests of the county at heart. He retired from the office only because of desiring to devote his entire time to his farm.
Surviving are his wife, nee Miss Florence Huettel, and the following children by his first marriage: Walter Fietsam, Mesdames Sophie Munke, Katherine Munke, Judith Munke, Elizabeth Munke, all of the vicinity of La Grange, Route No. 3; Bruno and Arnold Fietsam of Ammannsville and Mrs. Laura Schindler of Weimar.
Sisters to survive him are Mrs. Mary Hilden, Shiner; Mrs. Wm. Tell and Miss Emma Fietsam of Weimar. The Koenig Funeral Home had charge of the funeral and Rev. R. Heise of the St. Paul Lutheran church conducted the religious service at the home and the grave.
Weimar Mercury, January 10, 2008
John J. Fietsam Funeral Service Held Dec. 27
John J. Fietsam passed away on Dec. 22 at the Schulenburg Regency Nursing Home.
He was born on May 27, 1930 as the youngest of five children to Bruno and Bertha (Munke) Fietsam in Ammannsville on a farm just east of this community.
The Mass of the Resurrection was offered by Rev. Tim Kosler on Thursday, Dec. 27 at St. Rose of Lima Church in Schulenburg.
Rosary was led by Rev. Kosler and Eugene Hollas, representing the Knights of Columbus, was held at St. Rose of Lima on Wednesday, Dec. 26.
Preceding the rosary, the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars held their service honoring their comrade.
Burial was in the St. Rose Mausoleum.
Pallbearers were grandsons Andrew and Adam Behlen and Jaxon Fietsam; also, David Kainer of Houston, Ronnie Kainer of Tomball, Wilbert Demel and Willie Meyer of Schulenburg.
Adam Behlen, grandson sang and played organ both Wednesday evening and on Thursday morning and was accompanied by Denise Trojacek.
Altar servers were Katie and Seamus Bennett.
Scripture was read by Kevin Walker of Kyle and petitions were read by Baylie Fietsam, granddaughter.
Offertory gifts were presented by Baylie, Kelsie and Jaxon Fietsam, grandchildren.
On Oct. 2, 1955 John married Annie Kainer at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in High Hill.
The couple resided in Houston, where he was employed by Schlumberger Well Surveying in the accounting department until March 1964 when they moved to Schulenburg and owned and operated the Texaco station at the corner of Hwy 77 and 90.
On May 27, 1964 he became a Texaco distributor and in 1965 founded Tex Butane Company.
In the spring of 1986 he purchased Moulton Propane Gas Company.
John was active in his church and community.
He served on the Financial Board at St. Rose of Lima Church.
He was a charter member of present-day Lions Club and held offices, including that of president.
He also served as president of Chamber, Young Farmers and Little League.
He was a member of Knights of Columbus and served as Grand Knight.
When the Schulenburg Festival was established, he worked anxiously to help others in making it a success and served as director and president.
John was an avid supporter of both the 4H club and FFA stock shows and purchased many animals.
He enjoyed football, baseball and basketball on the local level and drove many miles to watch them play.
He served his country during the Korean War, stationed in the Panama Canal.
John also served on the Schulenburg City Council for 17 years.
John leaves behind his wife, Annie of 52 years; daughters, Debbie and husband Kenneth Behlen and Diana and husband Eddie Thomas; son, James and wife Wendy Fietsam, all of Schulenburg; and sisters, Lillian Steusser of Amarillo, Bessie Bean and Imogene Williams of San Antonio.
He was preceded in death by his son John, Jr. on Dec. 12, 1985; parents Bruno and Bertha Fietsam and brother Roy Fietsam.
Contributions may be made to St. Rose of Lima Church, St. Rose School, Lions Club Camp, Schulenburg Public Library or American Legion.
Schulenburg Sticker, 5 May 1910
Died at Ammannsville, April 23, Adolph Fillip, age 1 year and 6 months of dysentery.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, Friday, October 24, 1952
Alois Fillip, 80, Dies, Ammannsville
Funeral services for Alois Fillip, 80, lifelong resident of Ammannsville, were held Monday from St. John's Church, Ammannsville, with Rev. Stanley Petru of Schulenburg officiating. Interment was in the Ammannsville cemetery.
Mr. Fillip died last Friday after a long illness.
Surviving are his widow, the former Miss Albina Kadlecek; two sons, Jerome and Alvis, both of Swiss Alp; two daughters, Mrs. Ed Dobrava of La Grange and Mrs. Joe Dobrava of Oklahoma City; two brothers, Adolph of Schulenburg and Frank of Swiss Alps; and four grandchildren.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 27 Oct 1904
Mr. Joseph Fillip, living with his five little children, ages ranging from two to seven years, was found dead in his bed Tuesday by a neighbor, Mr. Lucks. The children probably thought their father was only asleep, but they soon became hungry and went to a Mr. Luck’s house for something to eat and was questioned about where their father was, and the answer was that “Papa was lying in bed.” Mr. Lucks, thinking he was ill, went over to investigate and found that Mr. Fillip was dead and had, in all probability, been dead for two or three days. His remains were prepared for burial by Baumgarten & Bros., undertakers, and interred in the Catholic cemetery at this place.
The children are being cared for by Mr. Otto Schwenke until a permanent home can be secured.
Mr. Fillip was probably forty-five years of age and was a victim of brights [sic] disease and heart trouble which caused his untimely death. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the five little orphans.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 16 Feb 1912
L. J. Fillip, formerly of this city, but who has been living in Shiner for quite a while, died at his brother-in-law’s, Ernst Tengler, near Dubina Friday at ten o’clock and was buried in the Catholic Cemetery Saturday afternoon at 3:30.
Deceased took sick in Shiner and was brought to his brother-in-law’s Thursday in an Auto. To the grieved ones we extend our heartfelt sympathy.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 4 Aug 1916
Olga Marie Fillip, age 11 days, died June 8, near Schulenburg.
Contributed by Matt Cross
The Galveston Daily News, 12 Oct 1873, page 4
FAYETTE COUNTY.— . . . The Record, of the 7th, says: "One of our very oldest citizens, and most successful merchants, Caspar Fink, died very suddenly of what was supposed to be apoplexy, on Sunday evening, 5th inst. He had been in usual health all day, had taken his supper as usual, smoked his pipe and was talking pleasantly with his children, when suddenly he fell from his chair dead. He had ben severely shocked during the afternoon by seeing one of his little boys come near being severely hurt, if not killed, by a fall out of a tree he was climbing. This may have excited the paroxysm."
Weimar Mercury, 18 Feb 1927
Flatonia, Texas, Feb. 11. —Mrs. Ida Finkenstein was found by neighbors Thursday morning lying unconsciious by the well where she had gone for water, before retiring , Wednesday night. A cold rain fell most of the night. The supposition is she had a stroke of paralysis. She is past 70 years of age, and but little hope is held for her recovery.
Weimar Mercury, 25 Feb 1927
Flatonia, Texas, Feb. 18. —Mrs. Ida Finkenstein died at her home early Thursday morning after a few days' illness. She and her husband settled here in the early '70s. She was 70 years of age and loved by the entire community. One son and three daughters survive, besides other relatives. Funeral services took place in the city cemetery at 3:30 Friday afternoon, Rev. S. D. Lambert, Methodist minister, officiating.
Weimar Mercury, 30 Jan 1897, page 8
News Special: Flatonia, Texas. January 21. —L. Finkenstein of this place committed suicide by shooting out his brains about 9 o'clock tonight. He was a member of the Odd Fellows, Sons of Hermann and Knights of Honor. He leaves a wife and six children.
Dallas Morning News, September 8, 1937
FLATONIA, Texas, Sept. 7.—Ludwig Firasek, 50, was killed on the Yoakum highway Tuesday afternoon when his car turned over. He was by himself. He leaves a family.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
ALBERT FISER La Grange Journal, Thursday, January 2, 1947
Aged Ammannsville Man Dies Saturday
Albert Fiser, 84 of Ammannsville passed away at the hospital here Saturday after a year’s illness.
Rosary will be said at Koenig Funeral Home Chapel about 7:30 Monday evening and the body will be taken to the Ammannsville Catholic Church for funeral services Tuesday morning. Rev. John Hanacek will officiate and burial will be in the Ammannsville Cemetery.
Born in Hungary on Oct. 16, 1862, Mr. Fiser came to Texas at the age of 12 and had lived at Bluff and Ammannsville since. He was married to Miss Annie Kadlecek and in January they would have been wed 51 years.
Survivors are his widow; two daughters, Mrs. Martha Corporron of Schulenburg and Mrs. Jerome Kristek of San Antonio; two sons, John Joe Fisher of Ammannsville and Pete P. Fisher of Clio, Mich.; three sisters, Mrs. Angeline Sumbera of Ammannsville, Mrs. Filomena Janek of East Bernard and Mrs. Otillie Vacek of Bay City; a brother, Joe Fiser of La Grange R3; and seven grandchildren.
Schulenburg Sticker, 25 April 1913
Pelegrin Fiser, age 75 years, 11 months and 14 days, heartfailure [sic], Ammansville [sic].
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, Friday, July 4, 1952
Joe Fisher, 76, Buried Wednesday At Ammannsville
Funeral services for Joe Fisher, 76, of Ammannsville who died Monday at Renger Hospital in Hallettsville about a week after suffering a heart stroke, were held Wednesday morning from his home and Ammannsville Catholic church, Rev. Adolph Janda officiating. Interment was in the church cemetery.
Mr. Fisher, a retired farmer, was a native and lifelong resident of the Ammannsville area, the son of Czechoslovakian immigrants Peregrin and Filomina Vacek Fisher. He was married in November 1901, to Miss Frances Sumbera.
Surviving are his widow and two daughters, Mrs. Jim Stavinoha of San Antonio and Mrs. Victor Knape of San Antonio; four sons, Jode of Dayton, Henry of El Campo, and Johnie and Albert of Houston; three sisters, Mrs. Angela Sumbera of Ammannsville, Mrs. S. T. Vacek of Palacios and Mrs. Minnie Janak of East Bernard; and 13 grandchildren.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
La Grange Journal, Thursday, May 30, 1935
In Memoriam
A large throng of relatives and friends gathered last Thursday morning, May 23 to pay last respects to Miss Marie Fisher, a prominent and popular young lady of Ammannsville and a teacher of the public school in that community for the past five years.
Death came to Miss Marie at 11:45 Tuesday morning at the La Grange Hospital at the age of 31 years, 5 months and 19 days, after a period of ill health that finally led her to a complicated operation from which she suffered through fourteen days of agony. After struggling and pleading for her life, she became very weak and passed away quietly, in the presence of her bereaved parents, one sister, three brothers and her loved companion, Miss Olga Kahanek, who has taught school and lived with her for the past five years. Her other sister, Mrs. Jim Stavinoha, and another brother, Joe D., were unable to be with her when she passed away.
Funeral was conducted from the home of her parents at 10:00 a.m., the procession then going to the St. John’s Catholic church at Ammannsville. The procession was led into the church from the K.J.T. hall by Miss Kahanek, her principal, leading all the school girls dressed as flower girls, and Mrs. Ernest Kallus, her friend at La Grange, leading the school boys, followed by the school board, Messrs. Hubert Heller, Fred Schram and Joe Hulub. Many flower girls and boys, among whom were her loved ex-students, relatives and friends, followed in the procession into the church where a requiem high mass was said.
The Rev. A. Raska conducted the services at the home and said the mass. He likewise preached in Czech while the Rev. S. A. Zientek of the Sacred Heart church of La Grange, preached a most inspirational sermon commemorating the joyful and melancholy days of her life, also explaining why and how she will be rewarded for her duties as a devout Catholic teacher and citizen. His sermon was one that will always linger in the memories of those present, for it aroused the sympathy of every heart. Rev. A. Raska conducted the funeral rites at the grave. Interment was made in the St. John’s Catholic cemetery.
Miss Marie leaves her bereaved parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Fisher; two sisters, Henriette, a junior in the La Grange high school, and Mrs. Jim Stavinoha of Ammannsville; four brothers, Joe D., of East Gate, Henry at home, Albert, who is employed at Jacob’s Service Station in La Grange, Johnnie at home; and two nephews, Marcus Joe Stavinoha and Jacques Joe Fisher. Two brothers, George and Vojtech, preceded her to the grave while in childhood during the influenza epidemic fourteen years ago.
Active pallbearers were her first cousins: Jerome Sumbera, Jerry Sumbera, Laddie Sumbera, Ivan Sumbera, Joe Pfertner, and Victor Walla. Honary pallbearers were ex-students of Ammannsville public school, namely: Frank Bartosh, Frank Cernosek, Sidney Mensik, Jerome Kossa, Ivan Bartosh and Leo Heller.
The deceased was born near Ammannsville, December 1, 1903, the oldest of nine children. She grew to young womanhood at Ammannsville, attending both parochial and public schools there. At the age of seventeen she attended the Hallettsville convent, later going to summer normal at Shiner. She began her teaching career in the fall of 1923 as assistant of the Pecan school, with Mr. Edward Hilscher as her principal. The next year she taught at Abbott’s Grove with Miss Rosie Jeemenek. In the fall of 1925 she taught in the St. Joseph’s school, Colorado county, with Mrs. Clara Krenek. In 1926 she taught in the Bordovic school, Fayette county, holding this place two terms.
After having taught school for five consecutive terms she enrolled with Draughon’s Business College at San Antonio in 1928. Finishing her course, she was employed in the Toudouze Furniture store in San Antonio. During the depression she was unable to retain her position, turning back to the teaching profession.
In 1930 she was elected as assistant of the Ammannsville public school with Miss Olga Kahanek as her principal. During three consecutive summers, beginning in 1931, she attended the Southwest Texas State Teachers College at San Marcos with her companion in preparing themselves for further advancement in their teaching careers. They worked in harmony during the past five years and were re-elected for the next term.
A very faithful, considerate and industrious teacher, Miss Marie was a friend of everyone. During her life she had experienced the deepest sorrows and the greatest of joys, and having always been a devout Catholic, she had a strong faith in her Dear Lord who now saw that it was best to take her to His great kingdom. She is a great loss, not only to her parents, sisters, brothers and other relatives and friends, but to her community as well. The esteem in which she was held was evidenced by the large crowd attending the funeral. The great abundance of flowers which covered her grave gave testimony of the love of her countless friends.
May she rest in Peace!
AUGUSTA FLATH La Grange Journal
Thursday, January 20, 1921
Death’s Claim
Died at the home of her son, Emil Flath of Plum, Tuesday evening, January 18, Mrs. Augusta Flath, aged about seventy years. Deceased had been an invalid for many months, yet her death came as a shock to all of her loved ones and friends, when a stroke of apoplexy ended her sufferings on Tuesday night about nine o’clock.
Her remains will be laid to rest this, Thursday morning at nine o’clock at the Prairie Valley cemetery, Rev. R. Heise of La Grange officiating.
La Grange Journal
Thursday, July 26, 1973
Rev. A. E. Flathmann, 75, Succombs Sunday
Funeral services for Rev. Albert E. Flathman, Sr., 75, of La Grange will be held Thursday, July 27, at 10:00 A.M. at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in La Grange with Rev. Clarence Oestreich officiating. Burial will follow at 2:00 P.M. in Austin’s Memorial Park Cemetery.
Reverend Flathmann, minister of The American Lutheran Church for over 50 years, was stricken Sunday morning at his home at 710 North Horton Street and was pronounced dead upon arrival at Fayette Memorial Hospital.
Pastor Flathmann was born on February 2, 1898, in Ewington, Minn., the son of the late Rev. Henry F. and Christine Raschke Flathmann. After completing his studies for the ministry, he was ordained by his father on June 26, 1921, in Winnipeg, Canada. He served in Canada until 1924 when he came to Texas. Since then, he served various congregations in this state and one in New Orleans, La.
In March 1962, Pastor Flathmann came to La Grange to serve the Ellinger-Prairie Valley-Rutersville parish with the Rev. Raymond Durst, and since 1963 he served St. John Lutheran Church, Ellinger, and St. Peter Lutheran Church, Prairie Valley. He retired about a year ago; however, he still participated in some services at Prairie Valley.
He celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ordination on June 27, 1971, with a service of praise and thanksgiving to God at St. Paul Lutheran Church, La Grange, which was followed by a reception at the Fellowship Hall.
He was united in marriage with Mary Zinkhan on October 25, 1923, and she preceded him in death on July 22, 1951. On August 15, 1954, he was united in marriage with Frieda Miller in New Orleans, La.
Surviving are his wife of La Grange; one daughter, Mrs. Waldemar (Pauline) Wendel of Phillipsburg; two sons, Henry Flathmann of St. Paul, Minn., and Albert E. Flathman, Jr., of New Guinea; four sisters, Mrs. Adelheid Jenkins of Wayzata, Minn., Mrs. Dan (Erica) Sheatsley of Columbus, Ohio, Mrs. William (Lydia) Mills of White Bear Lake, Minn., and Mrs. Mel (Dorothy) Anderson of St. Paul, Minn.; two brothers, Ernest of Menlo Park, Calif. and Jerry Flathmann of St. Paul, Minn., and 9 grandchildren.
Rev. Flathmann will remain at the Koenig Funeral Home until 8:00 A.M. Thursday.
In lieu of usual remembrances, the family requests memorials be made to a cause of the donor’s choice.
Colorado Citizen, 31 Mar 1881, page 2
DEATH OF EDDY O. FLATO.—Died, at St. Louis Thursday, March 17, 1881, Eddy O. Flato, age 1_[?] years. The remains of this estimable young man, accompanied by his father, F. W. Flato, Esq., arrived last Monday on the afternoon train, and was met at the depot by the relations and a large concourse of our citizens of, both sexes. When the train stopped and it was ascertained that Mr. F. with the corpse was aboard, a scene occurred that was heart-rending in the extreme. The wails of anquish that went up from the mother, father, brothers and sisters elicited the sympathy and drew the tears from the eyes of every one present. The deceased was truly an estimable and exemplary young man; one who won the confidence, and we might say love, of every one who made his acquaintance. He was for two years or more an attache of the railroad office at this place, and by his assiduity, strict attention to the discharge of his duties, and manly, upright conduct, won the confidence and admiration of the officers of the road, who promoted him by making him the agent of the company at Rosenburg junction. Here he reained until failing health compelled him to resign. After getting better he received an appointment as agent of the I. & G. N. road at [Wallis] where he remained until he was offered a situation in the house of Hunter Evans & Co., St. Louis Missouri, where he was engaged until he was taken sick with pneumonia, which terminated his young life. The Argus tenders to his grief stricken relatives its sincere sympathy and condolence in their sad bereavement. —Flatonia Argus, 24th.
Shiner Gazette, 24 May 1899
Frederick William Flato.
The town and community were greatly shocked last Thursday, to hear the sudden death of Mr. F. W. Flato, sr., at the residence of his son Mr. Chas. H. Flato. “Grandpa” Flato had been ailing for several days, but it was not thought to be anything serious, as he would not consent to summon a physician. A few minutes before his death, he stated that he felt sleepy and would lie down and take a nap. Shortly afterwards Mrs. Flato, his wife, entered the room to see if he was resting well. He was lying on his side with his hand under his head, and appeared to be peacefully sleeping, but it proved to be a sleep from which there is no awaking. Mrs. Flato immediately summoned the family, and although the body was yet warm, breath was extinct and he never spoke again to the loved ones who quickly crowded around him. The end came at about 11 o’clock a. m. and was caused by heart failure. None of his children were present at his death. His son C. H. Flato after kindly ministering to his wants in the morning, had driven twelve miles into the country to inspect and purchase some cattle, and several messengers were hastily despatched [sic] to inform him of the dire news. He returned immediately to the city, reaching there at 1:30 o’clock. His six sons and four daughters were all scattered in widely distant parts of the country from San Antonio to Kansas City, and telegrams were hurriedly sent, informing them of the sad news. The body was embalmed and held until Sunday the 21st inst., to await the arrival of all the children.
The interment took place at Flatonia at 10:30 o’clock on Sunday, and was presided over by the Masonic lodge of that city, of which the deceased was a member. The largest crowd ever seen at a funeral in Flatonia, followed the remains to its last resting place. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the bereaved wife and children.
Frederick William Flato was 79 years and 3 months old at the time of his death, and was born February 22d 1820, and he was married January 9, 1848 at Cat Springs, in Austin Co., to Miss Sophia Welhausen, a sister of Mr. Chas. Welhausen of Shiner and Mrs. R. Wolters of Schulenburg. Mr. Flato is some eleven years younger than her deceased husband. The couple celebrated their golden wedding in January last year in the presence of a great gathering of their descendants, in Shiner.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Shiner Gazette, 18 Mar 1903
Death of Harry L. Flato.
The sad news reached the city last Thursday of the death of Mr. Harry L. Flato, who died the day previous, Wednesday, March 11th of a complication of malarial fever and rheumatism, at St. Joe., Missouri. The news was quite a shock to his relatives and friends here.
He was the youngest son of F. W. Flato, the founder of Flatonia. He leaves a wife and son, besides mother, four brothers and three sisters.
Shiner Gazette, 18 Mar 1903
Funeral of Harry L. Flato.
The funeral of Harry L. Flato took place last Sunday, March 15, at Flatonia, the old home of the deceased. The funeral was attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends. The services were conducted by Rev. J. T. Gillett, a Methodist divine, and were very impressive.
Those who attended from Shiner were: Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Flato, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Flato, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Welhausen, Sr., Mrs. W. T. Amsler, Miss Sophie Amsler, Messrs. C. H. Flato, Jr., Philip Welhausen, C. B. Welhausen, Chas. Amsler, W. T. Amsler, Edmund Wolters, E. J. Merrem, C. I. Jaeggli, Wm. Green, Chas. Garbade, and Walter Jersig, of Houston.
We give herewith a short biography of the deceased:
HARRY L. FLATO was born at Flatonia, Texas, October 2, 1871, died March 11, 1903, aged 31 years, 6 months and 21 days.
Mr. Flato at an early age was interested in the railroad business through the influence of two of his older brothers who were then agents on the Southern Pacific R. R. Being a man of excellent character and unreproachable habits, he steadily grew in the esteem of his employers. At El Paso, Texas, he served the company as chief clerk in the ticket office. While working in this capacity he met there the love of his life, he was married to Miss Isabella Ainsa, in September 1895. In November of the same year he was appointed city ticket agent at Houston, serving in that capacity a year and a half, after which he associated himself with his brothers in the cattle business. In the year of 1900 he accepted the position of manager for the Flato Live Stock Commission Co., at St. Joseph, Mo. By the application of his business talent, together with his popularity, he succeeded in building up a very satisfactory business. He was a man of exemplary habits, honest candid and true in his business transactions and of the highest morality in social life. He leaves a loving wife and son, an aged mother, three sisters and four brothers, who have the sympathy of a host of friends.
Contributed by Matt Cross
La Grange Journal, Thursday February 8, 1934
Family Names Are Slowly Passing Away
The city of Flatonia on the southern end of Fayette County, derived its name from one of the early settlers of that section, Mr. Flato. One followed the others in death until the family name has become less in number.
Friday of last week Henry N. Flato, aged 78, died at San Antonio, less than a week after the death of his son Henry W. Flato, Laredo businessman. Henry Flato suffered a stroke after he was informed of his son’s death. He was a native of Flatonia.
The elder Flato, is survived by his wife; two sons, L.B. and Fred P. Flato, San Antonio; daughter, Mrs. Adolph Boldt, St. Louis; two sisters, Mrs. F.P. Yeager, Houston (formerly of Flatonia; three brothers, Oscar, formerly of La Grange, Chas. And F. W. Flato, all of Kingsville.
Transcribed by Connie F. Sneed
Shiner Gazette, 11 Apr 1900
Death of Paul Flato.
The sad intelligence reached the city last Saturday of the death of Mr. Paul Flato, at Kansas City. The remains were brought to Flatonia and the burial took place there yesterday in the city cemetery. A large number of the relatives and friends attended the funeral from Shiner.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 12 Apr 1900
Paul Flato Dead.
The Sticker sincerely regrets to chronicle the death of Mr. Paul Flato, which occurred at Kansas City last Saturday. Paul Flato was born and reared in Fayette county and a finer, more nobler gentleman in every respect never existed. Ah, what a pity, such a young man was taken just in the prime of life. His remains were brought to Flatonia and laid to rest in the family graveyard Tuesday. He leaves a wife and one child and an aged mother and several brothers and sister to whom we extend our heartfelt sympathy.
Contributed by Matt Cross
La Grange Journal, 19 Apr 1900
The remains of Paul Flato, who died on Saturday, April 7 in Kansas City, Mo., were interred at Flatonia at 10 o'clock a.m., on the 11th, under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias lodge, of which he was a member.
Mr. Flato was for several years treasurer of the Southern Pacific railroad, with headquarters at Houston.
The Houston Post, Thursday, June 2, 1994
Elvera Amberg Fleet, died May 31, 1994. Mrs. Fleet was born in La Grange, Texas, January 19, 1909, fourth daughter of Otto L. and Agnes Prause Amberg. She was a member of Bethany Christian Church of Houston. Mrs. Fleet was predeceased by husband, George W. Fleet, partner, John L. Wortham and Son. Many years associated with American General Insurance Co.. She is survived by niece, Agnes Wilkinson, great-nieces Gail Wilkinson, Lynn Wilkinson, all of Austin; nephews, John Tracy, Jr. of Houston, Paul and Wayne Koehler of Beaumont, sister-in-law, Carol Tracy of Brenham. Friends may call at Geo. H. Lewis & Sons, 1010 Bering Drive after 1:00 P.M. Thursday, where the family will be present from 6:00 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. to receive friends. Entombment services will be held 10:00 A.M. Friday, June 3, 1994 in the Memorial Mission Mausoleum Chapel, Forest Park Westheimer Cemetery followed by a Memorial service at 1:30 P.M. in the chapel of Geo. H. Lewis & Sons with Dr. Charles L. Isbell officiating. Honorary pallbearers will be Ronald Wilkinson, J. M. Hamilton, Barry O’Dell, Andrew Shebay, J. D. Shannon, James Liska, and John Tracy. For those desiring contributions may be made to Bethany Christian Church, 3223 Westheimer, Houston, TX. 77098, or to the charity of your choice.
Mrs. W. F. FLIPPING [?]
The Austin Weekly Statesman, 13 Apr 1882, page 2
The wife of Mr. W. F. Flipping, living in the neighborhood of Black Jack springs, Fayette county, took a dose of strychnine by mistake for quinine, causing her death.
Weimar Gimlet, 14 July 1887
JULY 12, 1887
. . . Miss Selma Flocke, the niece of our merchant, Mr. Flocke, who had been sick with typhoid fever for three weeks, died yesterday morning. She was a promising young lady, only 14 years of age. Here sisters and other relatives have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement.
Schulenburg Sticker, 27 Jun 1901
Card of Thanks.
With many thanks I acknowledge having received from the Grand Secretary of the Ancient Order of United Workmen a draft for $2000, in payment of certificate No. 8652 on the life of my late deplored husband T. C. Flocke, who was a member of Robert Blum Lodge No. 54, A. O. U. W.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 29 Aug 1913
May Florus. age 16, years 7 months, 15 days, malaria fever, near cistern [sic].
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 14 April 1911
Anton Foerster died of heart failure at his home about six miles south of the city Monday about 12 o’clock ad his remains were interred in the City Cemetery Tuesday afternoon, Rev. F. Piepenbrok officiating.
Mr. Foerster was born at the Bluff near La Grange, December 1854, was married to Miss Bertha Schaefer, December 26, 1877. Schulenburg was made his home for a while after his marriage, then they removed to Breslau, and later on came back to Schulenburg, engaging in the gin business with S. T. Schaefer, afterwards buying a farm about six miles south of the city consisting of several hundred acres upon which he made a successful living.
A wife, four daughters, Mrs. Morris Sydler of Rosenberg, Mrs. Aug. Prove of Houston, Misses Alma and Elise, and three sons, Messrs. Henry of Galveston, Ben and Charles, are left to mourn his loss. One son preceded his father in death at the age of ten months.
It was the pleasure of the writer to be personally acquainted with Mr. Foerster and we were indeed grieved to hear of his death. He was a jolly, good whole soul fellow, one who made friends easily and kept them.
The Sticker joins the many friends of the family in extending sincere sympathy to the grief stricken family.
Contributed by Matt Cross
La Grange Journal, April 16, 1936, page 1
Aged Citizen Dies Near La Grange Sat. Aged Eighty-Four
Death came to Franz Foerster, aged 84 years, 2 months and 29 day, Saturday April 11, at his home at O’Quinn, following a stroke of apoplexy. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock, from the farm home, and interment was head at the Philadelphia Lutheran Cemetery near Swiss Alp, Rev. E. J. Hirsch officiated at the home and at the cemetery.
Deceased had lived in Fayette County, near La Grange, for 80 years; he was born in Austria, January 12, 1852, and came to America, a mere child, with his parents in 1856, the family locating near La Grange. Here, on a farm he spent his earlier years, and on November 20, 1877 he was united in marriage with Miss Lena Bruggmann who, with the following children survive:
Gus. Foerster, Swiss Alp; Julius and Fred Foerster, O’Quinn; Mesdames W. Blankenburg, Emil Blankenburg, Helen Oehler, Ed. Sander and Miss Louise Foerster of O’Quinn. One son, Chas. Foerster, preceded him in death.
Transcribed by Stacy N. Sneed
Schulenburg Sticker, 28 July 1910
Mr. and Mrs. Rud. Foitik and family and Mrs. Anton Foitik and daughter, Miss Julia, of Flatonia, attended the funeral services of the little son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Foitik Monday afternoon.
Schulenburg Sticker, 28 July 1910
We extend our sincere thanks to our many friends and aquaintances [sic] who have been so kind to us in our sad bereavement – during the illness and death of our infant son, Anthony Marian, and also our Rev. Father Fred Neubert for his kind words in church and at the grave.
Schulenburg Sticker, 28 July 1910
“The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord.”
Little Anthony Marian Foitik, aged 9 days, died Sunday afternoon last, and his tiny remains were laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery Monday afternoon at five o’clock, Rev. Neubert, officiating. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the grief stricken parents in their sad hour of grief. May they be consoled by the fact that their little darling is now resting in the arms of Jesus and in the home eternal in the heavens where there is neither sorrow nor care.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Mrs. Anton Foitik
Schulenburg Sticker, 5 Sep 1913, page 1
The Death Angel visited the home of Mr. Frank Foitik Sunday and claimed his beloved mother, Mrs. Anton Foitik, Sr., The end was peaceful and it was as though she had fallen asleep.
Mrs. Foitik was born in Frankstadt, Moravia, April 1, 1838. In 1881 she with her family came to Texas, first settling at Flatonia, where she lived until the death of her husband in 1903, when she came to Schulenburg and made her home with her son, Mr. Frank Foitik and family.
Interment took place in the cemetery at Flatonia beside the remains of her husband, Rev. Lilly, officiating. Undertaker O. B. Schwenke had charge of the funeral.
She is survived by three sons, Anton and Rudolph of Flatonia and Frank of this city and by eleven grand children.
Our sincere sympathy goes out to the bereaved ones in this their sad hour of affliction.
Those from here who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foitik and family, Mr. and Mrs. John St. Wrba and Miss Mary, Mesdames Alvina Herder and Adolph Khrer, and Miss Cecilia Czichos.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Colorado County Citizen, Thursday, October 26th, 1939
Joseph Foyt is Victim of Early Morning Crash; Companion is Unhurt
One Ellinger youth was killed and another escaped injury in an automobile accident on Highway No. 71 south of Columbus early Sunday morning.
Fatally injured was Joseph Foyt, 26. B. Martinek, driver of the car, was unhurt.
The two youths were returning to their homes at Ellinger when the accident happened. Martinek was said to have lost control of the car, which knocked down the highway sign at the intersection of Highway No. 71 and the spur which leads into Milam Street. The car crashed into a tree at the intersection just out of the south city limits of Columbus.
Foyt's skull was fractured in the impact. The car, a 1938 Plymouth coupe owned by Martinek, was practically demolished.
Funeral services for Foyt were held Monday morning at nine o'clock at the Hostyn Catholic Church near Ellinger, Rev. In. Raska officiating. Interment was at Hostyn.
Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Foyt of Ellinger, and several brothers and sisters.
An ambulance of Columbus Funeral Home served the accident victims.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
San Antonio Express, Tuesday, January 10, 1950
Flatonia, Jan. 9.—Funeral services were held for Mrs. John Fojtik, 89, with interment in the Praha Catholic Cemetery. Mrs. Fojtik was a life-long resident of the Flatonia section.
Survivors are three sons, Emil and Rudolph of Praha, and William of Sealy; two daughters, Mrs. Agnes Condel and Miss Emma Fojtik both of Praha; and a number of grandchildren.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Fayette County Record, Tuesday, Aug. 17, 2010
Doreen Evelyn Fojtik, 61, died at Colonial Care Center in Schulenburg Friday, Aug. 6, 2010. Funeral services were held Sunday, Aug. 8 at 2:30 p.m. at the United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Swiss Alp with the Rev. Lemae Higgs and the Rev. Walter Hildebrandt presiding. Burial was in the Salem Lutheran Cemetery in Freyburg.
She was born in Wharton July 23, 1949, the daughter of Phillip and Evelyn (Guerteert) Fojtik. She was a member of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church at Swiss Alp, lifelong member of the SPJST, 37-year member of the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary Unit 143.
Survivors include a sister, Gladys Fojtik and husband Johnnie of Schulenburg; and nephew, Ronnie Fojtik of Schulenburg. She was preceded in death by her parents, brother, and grandparents.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
JOSEPH HENRY FOJTIK La Grange Journal, Wednesday, July 20, 1977
Joseph Fojtik
Funeral services for Joseph Henry Fojtik, 76, of Fayetteville were held Monday, July 11 at 8:30 A.M. at the Koenig Funeral Home, Inc. Chapel with Rev. Ben Mazurkiewiez officiating. Interment was in the Fayetteville City Cemetery.
Mr. Fojtik, a retired postal clerk, succumbed July 9 in Fayette Memorial Hospital.
Born Dec. 28, 1900, in Fayetteville, he was the son of Frank J. and Agnes Chovanec Fojtik. He was married to Florence Kaderka May 18, 1931 in Fayetteville. He had resided in Fayetteville the past 12 years.
Surviving are his wife and a sister, Mrs. Mary Hobizal of Sugar Land.
He was preceded in death by a daughter in 1968.
San Antonio Express, Sunday, September 14, 1930
Died, Saturday, Sept. 13, 1930, William F. Fojtik, 22, beloved son of F. J. Fojtik and brother of Mrs. Mary Hobizal, and Joseph H. Fojtik, all of Flatonia. Remains were sent to Fayetteville, Texas, Saturday night. Interment at Fayetteville Monday. Arrangements by Zizik-Kearns Undertaking Co.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 7 June 1912
Mrs. Hy. Folkens, age 69 years, Apoplexy near Ruttersville [sic].
Contributed by Matt Cross
Hallettsville Herald, September 5, 1895
Col. "Rip" Ford, an old and popular war veteran died near Muldoon a few days ago, "unwept, unhonored and unsung," at the age of 83 years. It is a sad commentary on the "rising generation" that so gallant an old soldier should be permitted to spend his last days on earth eating a pauper's crusts.
Note: This is not the famous John Salmon "RIP" Ford, who died in 1897 at San Antonio.
Schulenburg Sticker, 21 Jan 1909
Died at Fayetteville, Jan. 6, Chas. F. Fordtran, age 62 years and 8 months, of appendicitis.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Brenham Weekly Banner, 23 Feb 1888
DIED.—At Flatonia, Texas, February 17, 1888, Wm. Fordtran, eldest brother of Mrs. M. A. Healy, of this city. The deceased was born and raised in Austin county, Texas, but had resided at Flatonia for the past 13 years. He leaves a son and five daughters, an aged father, and many relatives to mourn his untimely death.
Weimar Mercury, 5 Jun 1897, page 1
Schulenburg, Tex., May 27.—Mrs. Augustine Forres, wife of Henry Forres of this place died this morning of consumption, aged 48 years. Her remains were carried to Fayetteville for interment in the family burial ground.
Schulenburg Sticker, 23 Aug 1900, page 1
At Rest.
Mr. C. Foster died at 11 o’clock Friday night, August 10, of apoplexy. He left his place of business at the usual hour apparently well, and before midnight had passed the confines of earth to enter into that new stage of existance [sic] beyond the river that skirts the shores of time, to which, if an exemplary life here has its reward in Heaven, he has received a welcome to his home above. Mr. Foster was for many years a zealous member of the Baptist church, held in high esteem by his brethren, and for many years was a leading member of the Masonic fraternity, having filled all important offices in the order. Mr. Foster was 54 years of age, in the flower of his vigorous manhood, and apparently bidding fair for a long life, but in the midst of his usefulness was called hence, leaving a devoted wife and daughter to mourn his untimely loss, to whom the Argus extends sincere sympathy. – Flatonia Argus.
Contributed by Matt Cross
The La Grange, Journal, 16 May 1938
Saturday evening, an illness that had extended over a period of two years, came to an end, so also did the pilgrimage of Mrs. Alvine Francke. For two years calmly waiting for the call, and unable to leave her room, except for the briefest period of time. Suffering, that had tested her strength and sapped it, tested her faith and failed to destroy it. She passed on; may her sleep be that of the just, she had been patient, and had been willing to go. Mrs. Francke reached the ripe age of 79 years, 6 months and 28 days; she was the daughter of early settlers of the Bluff section, born in Fayette County and had lived her entire years in the county of her birth. Looking back, to a distance of more than two score years, it is the province of the writer to state that there were many sorrowful hours in her life; she possessed a most wonderful trait, and in all of her sorrows ever came back with a smile. Bereft of her first husband, and with small children to rear, she battled against the tide of adversity. A son, Gustav, preceded her to the grave about 30 years ago.
Born Alvine Tell, and reared on the Bluff, she remained in that section until 22 years ago when she was united in marriage with Hermann Francke of Cedar, Later to locate near the city on the west side of the river. Beside her husband, she is survived by her two sons, Rud. Helmcamp, local constable and Robert Helmcamp, musician of South Bend, Indiana. William Tell, a brother, now past 80 years and living at Weimar, is the only survivor of the Tell family. Interment was made in Williams Creek Cemetery south of La Grange with many family friends and her son Rudolph and relatives attending. Surviving are also 4 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Rev. R. Heise conducted the services, both at the home and the cemetery.
Weimar Mercury, 27 May 1938, page 1
Mrs. Alvina Franks [Francke] was buried in the Williams Creek Cemetery Monday afternoon, May 23rd. She was born on the Bluff near La Grange in October 1857. Surviving are her husband, Herman Franke [sic.], and two sons, Rudolf Helmcamp of near LaGrange and Robert Helmcamp of South Bend, Ind., and a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren. Also one surviving brother, William Tell of Weimar.
Mrs. Franke died Saturday night after a lingering illness of over two years, suffering from injuries received from a broken hip. She was a lifelong resident of Fayette county, having lived near LaGrange all her life. Her parents came to this country and settled on the Bluff near LaGrange in the early fifties.
The La Grange Journal, Thursday, December 6, 1951
Henry Francke, 75, Retired US Mail Carrier, Succumbs
Henry Francke, 75, who served as mail carrier here for 30 years before he retired, passed away at his home in La Grange Monday morning.
Funeral services were held at the chapel of Koenig Funeral Home Tuesday at 3:30 PM, with the Rev. H. T. Flachmeier officiating. Interment was made in the New City Cemetery.
Mr. Francke was born in the Cedar Community on Dec. 4, 1875, and was united in marriage with Miss Marie Wieting on Nov. 7, 1899. Their golden wedding anniversary celebration two years ago was one that was attended by a large circle of relatives and friends. The Franckes had been residents of La Grange for the past 47 years.
Mr. Francke’s passing left only one living member of the old La Grange Saengerbunde. He is Henry Koenecke.
Surviving besides his widow, are one daughter, Mrs. Karl (Hedwig) Thuemler of La Grange; two sons, Erwin H. Francke of La Grange and Cleo G. Francke of Port Ridge, Ill; three sisters, Mrs. John Schwake, Mrs. Max Wildner and Mrs. Fritz Lampe, all of La Grange; one brother, Otto Francke of Elgin; one granddaughter, Marianne Thuemler; and one nephew, Leslie H. Willrich of South America, who was reared by Mr. and Mrs. Francke.
La Grange Journal, Thursday, December 1, 1938
Mrs. Anna Franke
Mrs. Anna Franke, relict of the late John Franke, died at her home north of La Grange, (near Warda) Wednesday, November 23, aged 86 years and 23 days; her passing due to advance age. She is survived by her two sons, Paul Franke of Sealy and Alfred Franke of San Antonio, and her daughter, Mrs. Mary Schnell, Giddings.
Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 1:00 o’clock, at her late home and interment was made in the Warda churchyard cemetery, Rev. Eifert officiating. Koenig Funeral Home had charge of the funeral.
Mrs. Franke, whose maiden name was Anna Schubert, was born in Germany and immigrated to Texas in 1866, the family locating near Giddings; for the past 39 years she has lived in Fayette county. She had been a member of the Lutheran church since early girlhood.
Schulenburg Sticker, 3 Sep 1903
Death Record.
Franke: Died at Fayetteville, August 25-03, of Follicular Toncillitis, Bertram L. Franke, aged 6 years and 1 mo.
From an undated ca 1865 newsclipping (probably True Issue) that includes another obituary for George R. Seay and mentioning the La Grange Lodge, I.O.O.F.:
Departed this live at 1/4 past seven o'clock A. M., on the 14th of February last, in the thirtieth year of her age, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Franklin, wife of Lieut. Nicholas Franklin, C.S.A.
As "in the midst of life we are in death," so it proved in the demise of our much loved and esteemed friend. The fell destroyer laid his hand upon her suddenly, but it did not take her unawares. With that calm resignation which bespeaks the christian, wife, mother, sister and friend, she passed from time to eternity, with an abiding confidence in the goodness and mercy of her God, and exhorting her relations and friends to meet her in heaven, "where the righteous cease from their troubles, and the weary are at rest."
Schulenburg Sticker, 6 Aug 1903
Death Record.
Franta: Died near Fayetteville, July 25th-03, of congestion of the brain, John Franta, aged 28 years and 2 months.
Contributed by Matt Cross
The La Grange Journal, February 20, 1936, pg. 6
John Franta
John Franta, Sr., died at the home of his son, John Franta, Jr., (at the old family home) Saturday night, February 15 of pneumonia, aged 75 years. Burial was in the Ross Prairie [Fayetteville Brethren] cemetery, Monday. He is survived by his five daughters and three sons. Our deepest condolence goes out to the bereaved ones. Rev. Horak of Caldwell officiated.
May he rest in peace!
Transcribed by Stacy N. Sneed
Schulenburg Sticker, 17 Sep 1903
Death Record.
Franta: Died at Ross Prairie, Sept. 6th-03, of cancer of the face Rosina Franta aged 78 years and 3 months.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, 16 Apr 1898, page 8
LaGrange, Texas, April 12.—George Franz, city marshal of this place, was found dead lying across his bed last night about 9 o'clock. He was seen in town yesterday morning and last night some of his friends rememberred that he had not been seen since noon. Sheriff Loessin then went to his house, which was locked, but he effected an entrance through the window and found him dead, as stated above. He was one of the defeated candidates for city marshal at the election last Tuesday, and the new marshal, J. H. Riley, would have taken his oath of office Wednesday (tomorrow) night. Mr. Franz had just accepted a few days ago an agency at this point.
Deceased was about 40 yers of age and leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss, besides a number of friends. He was interred in the city cemetery this afternoon by the A. O. U. W., of which lodge he was a member.
La Grange Journal, Thursday, October 23, 1930
Body of Mrs. Isabella Franz Buried at La Grange
The body of Mrs. Isabella Zapp Franz of San Antonio was brought to La Grange last Friday afternoon, and taken to the home of her sister, Mrs. Lucy Speckels, and from there the funeral was held at four o’clock, with interment at the new cemetery. Rev. C. O. Boatman, pastor of the Travis Street Methodist church, officiating.
Mrs. Franz was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zapp, early settlers of this county, and was born at Waldeck, August 26, 1863, and was the tenth child of a flock of 15 children born to Mr. and Mrs. Zapp; there were seven girls and eight boys. Of these there is now living two sisters, Mrs. Hannah Weyand of Carmine and Mrs. Lucy Speckels of La Grange; three brothers: Kossuth Zapp of Walhalla, Robert Zapp of Galveston and Sam H. Zapp of San Antonio.
Mrs. Franz was the widow of the late George Franz, formerly marshal of the city of La Grange; there was born to that union four children, one of whom, Mrs. Aubrey Heath (Siddie) of San Antonio, died several years ago. The living children are: Mrs. Will (Lucy) Fuller of San Antonio; Mrs. C. B. (Minnie) Stroud of Fort Worth, and Clarence Franz of San Antonio. There are also six grandchildren who will miss good old grandma. Mrs. Franz had resided in San Antonio for the past twenty years.
As one by one we pass down the lane we are reminded that the best of loved ones must leave us; mother, interested in the welfare of her children, bids them a last farewell, yet ever leaves a wound that will bleed for years. As the roll is called and the next one responds, we see the long line dwindling down to a few, and to these the last meeting just held, oftentimes appears as the very last of those who are left to keep the family ties alive.
May she sleep peacefully on; to those who by family ties are the chief mourners, we offer our sincere sympathy, but point to them the inevitable rule, that after a pilgrimage here, the next journey must be taken. And everyone mourns the going of a mother.
Bryan-College Station Eagle, March 19, 2004
Sept. 23, 1927 — March 12, 2004
Services for Lucile “Lou” Frazer, 76, of College Station are set for 10 a.m. Saturday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in LaGrange.
Monsignor Harry Mazurkiewicz of Sacred Heart Catholic Church will officiate. Burial will be in LaGrange City Cemetery.
Visitation will be from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday at Memorial Funeral Chapel College Station.
Mrs. Frazer died Friday in St. Joseph Regional Health Center.
She was born in Hostyn and graduated from LaGrange High School and Santa Rosa School of Nursing in San Antonio. She was a nurse for more than 40 years in Houston, Conroe and Lafayette, La., before retiring from the Conroe Regional Medical Center. She was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Conroe and was a volunteer with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Carl B. Frazer Jr.
Survivors include a son and daughter-in-law, Ross and Carol Frazer of Houston; two daughters and sons-in-law, Lisa F. and Tim Frazier of Fort Worth and Nell and Eric Lindquist of College Station; two brothers, George Prilop of Angleton and Jerry Prilop of Manchaca; her mother-in-law, Marge Frazer of Houston; five sisters-in-law, Dolores Prilop, Ann Prilop, Carla Frazer Murphy, Priscilla Massey and Marion Frazer; two brothers-in-law, Greg Frazer and Jeff Massey; and seven grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 109 N. Frazier St., Conroe, Texas 77302.
Weimar Mercury, 9 Aug 1890
HOMICIDE.—From Mr. C. T. Zapp who was in town Monday, the Journal learns that on Wednesday the 23rd inst., about two miles from Zapp postoffice, Peter Davis, colored, shot and killed Anderson Williams and Freeman Fears, also colored, with a winchester rifle. It seems that Williams, who has a family, and is represented as being a preacher, has made an unenviable reputation in that neighborhood among his class, by devoting much of his time and attention to the wives of his neighbors; that he made it a rule, as soon as any of the young men married a girl, to set to work to alienate her affections, and in one instance actually succeeded in inducing a newly married wife to go off with him, and was gone some three or four weeks before they returned. The cause of the recent killing was the result of his meddling with Davis' wife, in which he was assisted by Freeman Fears, brother of the woman. It also seems that Williams had also threatened to kill Davis for trying to prevent him from invading his home and disturbing his marital relations, claiming that he had as much right to the woman as Davis had. It seems that after doing the killing Davis foolishly left for parts unknown, but it has since been reported that he went to Brenham and surrendered.—La Grange Journal
Contributed by Debbie Hanson
Dallas Morning News, 13 April, 1898
Found Dead in Bed
City Marshal of LaGrange Died from an Overdose of Morphine
LaGrange, Tex., April 12.—City Marshal George Franz was found dead in his bed last night by his brother-in-law and a night watchman. As he had not been seen all during the day, they got suspicious and started a search. They found him in bed in his room. They found a box of morphine powders on his person, a bottle of whisky and an empty glass on a table near the bed. He was last seen yesterday morning in a restaurant, his family being out in the country enjoying Easter festivities. Justice Ledbetter held an inquest, rendering a verdict that the deceased came to his death by an overdose of morphine administered by his own hand.
Contributed by Debbie Hanson
Weimar Mercury, 10 Dec 1898, page 6
LaGrange, Tex., Nov. 30.—Mrs. Elizabeth Frede, aged 90 years, died at the residence of Mr. John Schuhmacher in this city last night; cause, old age. Mrs. Frede was born in Oldenburg, Germany, in 1808, came to La Grange in 1847, lived in a log hut where now stands the residence of Mr. John Schuhmacher. Mrs. Frede had three daughters and two sons, Mrs. Schuhmacher being the only daughter that survives her. she was a great-grandmother many times. Mrs. Frede was a devout Cathollic, and was loved by all who knew her.
Schulenburg Sticker, 8 Dec 1898, page 1
Death of Mrs. E. Frede.
On Tuesday evening of this week Mrs. E. Frede, who had never before in all her life experienced a day’s sickness, passed peacefully to rest over the river of death, at her home in this city. The death angel found her. Although the loving care of a daughter and the devotion of relatives and friends did all they could for her, life soon ebbed away, and the angels hovering near released her spirit from its clay casket and carried it to the brighter shore above.
She leaves to mourn her loss, a daughter and many grand children and several great grand children, besides a lot of friends. She was 90 years of age. Peace to her silent sleep. – LaGrange Journal.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 22 Jan 1903
Mr. Frank Frederich, who several years ago was a citizen of Schulenburg, having been engaged here in the tailoring business, but more recently a resident of Lavaca county, died at his home near Moravia, Sunday morning, January the 18th and his remains were interred in the Catholic cemetery at St. John Monday the 19th, Rev. Father Neubert officiating. The deceased was well known in this section and leaves a wife, several children and a host of friends to mourn his loss, with whom the Sticker sincerely sympathizes.
This may be an unmarked grave. Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 29 Aug 1913
Miss Annie Fredrich, age 12 years, 5 months, 15 days, pulmonary tuberculosis, near LaGrange.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 21 Oct 1921, page 1
Body Of Young Freeman Will Arrive Here Sunday
News was received here the first of the week of the funeral of Frank W. Freeman, brave soldier boy, which will take place in Schulenburg at the Catholic Cemetery, Sunday afternoon from the 3:30 train. The body will be taken to the Catholic Church, where appropriate services will be held by Rev. Father. J. Lenzen. It will then be turned over to the American Legion for interment. All ex-service men of this section are expected to take part in these services.
Frank W. Freeman was a member of Company K, 360th Infantry, 90th Division, and was killed in action. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freeman of Glidden, a young man loved by all who knew him. A suitable obituary will appear in our next issue of the Sticker.
Schulenburg Sticker, 28 Oct 1921, page 1
Body Of Frank W. Freeman Is Laid To Rest Here Sunday
The remains of Frank W. Freeman was [sic] brought here Sunday afternoon and taken in charge by members of the American Legion, and carried to the Catholic Church where Rev. S. J. Ledwig formerly State Chaplin [sic] of the American Legion, paid a beautiful and touching tribute to the life of the decedent. The body was then taken to St. Rosa’s Cemetery for interment.
The American Legion had charge of the services at the grave. Rev. Lenzen made a short talk regarding the life and services of this young soldier, after which the firing squad fired a salute, “Taps” was sounded and the remains of this brave soldier boy were committed to mother earth.
Frank W. Freeman was born in Schulenburg, September 17th 1895, but together with his parents moved to Glidden while yet a boy. Prior to his enlisting in the army at the age of 23 years Frank was a valued employe of the Southern Pacific Railroad Co. He enlisted in February, 1918, going to San Antonio. After six months of training he set sail for foreign shores to do his part in the world struggle for Democracy. He fought, bled and died that this world might be a better place in which to live, but he did not die in vain for through his death together with others, our country was saved. Frank was a model young man, honest and upright at all times, of a kind disposition and gentlemanly manners. Performing his duties as soldier feerless [sic] he at all times had the respect of his comrades and superior officers. He was loved and admired by all who knew him, which was attested by the assemblege [sic] that gathered here to pay their last tribute to this brave soldier boy who made the supreme sacrifice on the battle field. He was wounded in action Nov. 2nd [1918] dying eight days later.
He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freeman, two sisters, Miss Cleo Freeman and Mrs. Marie Adams and one brother, George Freeman, all of Glidden, and many other relatives.
The Sticker joins many others in extending heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved relatives in this their sad hour.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, October 28, 1921. page 5
Glidden Gleanings
The body of Frank Freeman, who lost his life in France, was returned home last Friday afternoon. A large number of friends and acquaintances of the family gathered at the depot. The active pall bearers were chosen from among the overseas boys, some of whom were in the same company with the deceased The body lay in state at the home of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman, from Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon, when it was removed to Schulenburg for burial. Practically the entire town of Glidden attended the funeral in a body.
margaret freierson
Schulenburg Sticker, 9 Feb 1917
Margaret Freierson, died Jan 7, age 66 years, 3 months and 8 days, West Point.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, November 19, 1981, page 12
Joe Freis, 73, Dies; Funeral Held Tuesday
Funeral services for Joe Freis Jr., 73, of Route 3, Weimar, were held Tuesday, Nov. 17, from Weimar United Church of Christ, with burial in Brandt Cemetery at Holman.
Rev. Ernest Dean officiated.
Mr. Freis, farmer-rancher and lifelong resident of this area, died Sunday at 7 p.m. in Youens Memorial Hospital, after a stroke. He had been in the hospital two days.
Born January 18, 1908, in the Wildwood community, he was a son of Joe and Pauline (Kainer) Freis. He married Lillie Margaret. Kahlden on Sept. 28, 1937, in St. Michael's Rectory.
His wife survives, along with one daughter, Mrs. Wilbert (Jean) Heger of Weimar; three grandchildren, Russell, Mark and Jena Heger; four brothers, Richard Freis of the Wildwood area, Adolph, Felix and Fred Freis of Weimar; and a sister, Mrs. Regina Breithaupt of Columbus.
Pallbearers were Russell Heger, Mark Heger, George Heger, Paul Jurica, Harvey Kahlden, and Kervy Kahlden.
Contributed by Dorothy Albrecht
Colorado Citizen, 6 Jul 1876, page 1
SUDDEN DEATH.—We learn that as Mr. Peter Frels, of Ross Prairie, was returning on Wednesday last from Columbus, he was taken suddenly and violently ill, and expired shortly after getting home.—La Grange Record.
Peter H. Frels was buried in St. John Lutheran Cemetery at Ross Prairie.
Schulenburg Sticker, 26 Sep 1913
Joe French age about 30 years was shot through abdomen, Flatonia.
Contributed by Matt Cross
The Galveston Daily News, 20 Sep 1867 page 2
Zeb. French and Theo. Carter, County and District clerks at La Grange have died with yellow fever. Twelve deaths occurred there on Wedensday and fourteen Thursday.
La Grange Journal, August 7, 1941
D. A. JUREN, Agent and Correspondent
Edwin Frerrich, 10-years old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Frerrich of Houston, was drowned when he fell into the Bayou, it was learned Saturday.
The father of the drowned youth is a former citizen of Ellinger, a son of the late Wm. Frerrich who resided in the Ross Prairie section. Sincere sympathy is expressed by the writer to the bereaved family.
Transcribed by Judy Rowe Koehl
Schulenburg Sticker, 28 Jan 1904, page 2
Death Record.
Frerichs: Died at Plum Dec 26 of malarial haemateria, Eilert Frerichs, aged 48 years and 1 month.
Fayette County Record, 14 May 2000
Adela M. Freudenberg, 84 of La Grange died Saturday, March 11 in La Grange.
Funeral services were held Monday, March 13 at 10 a.m. at Sacred Heart Catholic Church with burial in St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Weimar. The Rev. Msgr. Harry Mazurkiewicz and the Rev. Msgr. Emil Weslesky of San Antonio celebrated the Mass and Msgr. Weslesky, cousin of the deceased, delivered the homily.
Born May 13, 1915 in Ammannville, she was the daughter of Robert and Ida (Bittner) Belcik. She married her first husband Rudy H. Ulrich in 1936 in Ammannsville. He preceded her in death in 1964. She married her second husband, Elton Freudenberg May 29, 1971 in La Grange. A homemaker, she was member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Altar Society, VFW Ladies Auxiliary, Plum Sons of Hermann Lodge and La Grange Evening Homemakers Club.
Survivors include her husband, Elton Freudenberg of La Grange; daughter and son in law, Cathy Flournoy and husband Gary of Katy; stepdaughter, Betty Barney of La Grange; stepson and step daughter in law, Harry L. Freudenberg and wife Stacy of Katy; two brothers, Robert John Belcik Jr. of California and Thomas T. Belcik of Fredericksburg; two sisters and brothers in law Helen Roddam and husband Lawrence of La Grange and Hilda Demel and husband Alton of High Hill; two sisters n law, Verline Belcik of Pasadena and Bea Belcik of Galveston; and four grandchildren, Travis and Heather Barney and Brandon and Bret Freudenberg.
She was preceded in death by her parents; first husband; two sisters, Erna Luce and Ida Kubos and two brothers, Fritz and Ben Belcik and stepdaughter, Gloria Dixon.
Memorial contributions may be made to the March of Dimes or American Cancer Society. Koenig and Strickland Funeral Home of La Grange was in charge of arrangements.
Fayette County Record, June 24, 2004
Funeral services for Adelea Mary (Toll) Freudenberg,79, were held Friday June 25 at Faith Lutheran Church at 1:00pm with graveside services at La Grange City Cemetery in La Grange at 4 pm.
She was born on Oct 10, 1924 in Nechanitz, the daughter of Albert and Hattie Toll.
She is survived by her son and wife, David and Karen Freudenberg; grandson, David Freudenberg and wife Melissa; two great grandchildren; three step great grandchildren, two brothers-in-law; two sisters-in-law; and special friends, Ed and Betty Kurtz and Mary Ann Morrison.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Erwin Freudenberg; son Harvey Lee Freudenberg; brothers Anton, Alvin and Ervin Toll; and sisters, Millie Luecke and Florence Ziese.
Memorials may be made to the Faith Lutheran Church, Woodrow Av., Pflugerville Care Center or Odeyssey Hospice.
Cook Walden Funeral Home in Austin was in charge of arrangements.
Fayette County Record, February 3, 1929
Young Man of Prairie Valley Succumbs to Flu
Alfred Freudenberg, age 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Freudenberg of Prairie Valley, died Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock from the effects of the flu. The man had been sick only three days.
Funeral services were conducted from the family home Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. the Rev. R. Heise of La Grange officiating. Interment was in the Prairie Valley Cemetery. Besides his parents the young man is survived by several brothers and sisters.
Fayette County Record, September 2, 1997
Funeral services for Alice Rabe Freudenberg, 88, of La Grange were held Sunday, Aug. 31 at 3 p.m. at St. Paul Lutheran Church in La Grange. Burial followed in the La Grange City Cemetery. The Rev. Bill Hassel and the Rev Ron Weber officiated at the services.
Mrs. Freudenberg died Aug. 29 at the Monument Hill Nursing Center in La Grange.
She was born Aug. 3, 1909 in O’Quinn to August and Alma (Templin) Rabe. She married Gus Freudenberg March 18, 1930 in La Grange. She was homemaker and member of the St. Paul Lutheran Church. She was a past member of AARP and Sons of Herman Plum Lodge No. 238.
Surviving Mrs. Freudenberg are one son and daughter-in-law, Edward and LaDell Freudenberg of Houston; two daughters and sons-in-law, Dorothy Koether and husband Glenn and Gloria Fajkus, all of La Grange; 11 grandchildren; and one brother and sister-in-law, Clarence and Delta Rabe of La Grange.
Memorials are suggested to St. Paul Lutheran Church or the charity of one’s choice.
Sergeant Memorial Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Fayette County Record, 4 Sep 1951
Mrs. Freudenberg is Buried Monday
Funeral services were held at the Koenig Funeral Home and the Prairie Valley Lutheran Church at Prairie Valley Monday afternoon for Mrs. Alma Freudenberg, 61, who died Saturday at her home near West Point following several months’ illness.
The Rev. H. T. Flachmeier of La Grange conducted the final rites and interment was in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Freudenberg was a daughter of the late Fritz and Minnie Tramp Marquart. She was united in marriage to George Freudenberg Sr. at Prairie Valley on April 11, 1912.
Besides her husband, she leaves a daughter, Miss Annie Freudenberg of West Point; six sons, Elton, Willie and Erwin of La Grange, Edgar of Houston, George Jr. of Austin, and Gilbert of West Point; four sisters, Mrs. Anton Oeltjen, Mrs. Otto Willmann, Mrs. Lillie Schroeder and Mrs. Fritz Miller, all of the West Point area; three grandchildren and three step grandchildren.
Fayette County Record, 2 Feb 1999
Funeral services for Alvin F. Freudenberg 87, of La Grange were held Sunday, Jan. 31 at 2 pm at Koenig-Peel & Strickland Funeral Home Chapel. Burial followed in the Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church Cemetery in Plum. The Rev. Msgr. Harry Mazurkiewicz officiated.
Mr. Freudenberg died Friday, Jan 29 at Fayette Memorial Hospital.
Born April 19, 1911 in Prairie Valley, he was the son of John and Johanna (Baumann) Freudenberg. He married Martha Siller Jan 8, 1935 in Hostyn. He was a retired mechanic, member of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in La Grange and 60 year member of the Sons of Hermann Lodge in Plum.
Survivors include his wife of 64 years, Martha Freudenberg of La Grange; one daughter and son-in-law, Virginia and Daniel Olenick of La Grange; one son, Alvin Freudenberg Jr. of La Grange; three grandchildren and their spouses, Daniel W. and Stacy Olenick and Theresa Olenick, all of La Grange and Brad and Tracy Olenick of Copeland; and four great grandchildren, Blake, Briar, Peyton and Jacey Ann Olenick.
He was preceded in death by his parent, nine brothers and four sisters.
Memorial contributions are suggested for the Sacred Heart Catholic Church or Sons of Hermann Lodge in Plum. Koenig-Peel & Strickland was entrusted with the arrangements.
Fayette County Record, 21 Feb 2003
Alvin J. “Bubba” Freudenberg 60, of La Grange died Feb. 16 in Austin.
Funeral services were held Thursday, Feb. 20 at 10 a.m. at Sacred Heart Catholic Church with Burial in the Plum Catholic Cemetery. The Rev. Msgr. Harry Mazurkeiwicz officiated.
Born July 2, 1942 in La Grange, he was the son of Alvin F. and Martha (Siller) Freudenberg. He was a member of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, in Plum KJT and Sons of Herman Lodge No. 238 at Plum.
Survivors include his mother, Martha Freudenberg of La Grange; one sister, Virginia Olenick and husband Danny of La Grange; nieces and nephews, Theresa Olenick and fiancée Lee Chovanec, both of La Grange; Daniel Olenick and wife Stacy of La Grange and Brad Olenick and fiancée Kristal Upchurch of Brenham; great nieces, Jacey, Jamey and Blake Olenick, all of La Grange, Peyton and Briar Oelnick, both of Hutto, Victor and Paulette Siller of Tyler, and John and Mary Siller of Minco, Okla.
He was preceded in death by his father and grandparents.
Memorial contributions are suggested to Sacred Heart Church, Sacred Heart School or to the Plum Hermann Sons.
Koenig & Strickland Funeral Home of La Grange was in charge of arrangements.
Fayette County Record
February 13, 1962
Charlie Freudenberg is Buried Saturday
Charlie Albert (Butch) Freudenberg passed away Thursday afternoon at St. Anthony Rest Home at the age of 65 years and 25 days.
Funeral services were held at 9:30 Saturday morning at the Koenig Funeral Home Chapel, the Rev. Raymond W. Durst officiating. Burial was in the Prairie Valley cemetery.
A native of the Prairie Valley community where he was born on Jan 13, 1897, son of John Freudenberg Sr. and wife, Johanna Baumann, he made his home in La Grange since 1931. He was not married.
Survivors include three sisters, Mrs. Edwin Treuper of West Point, Mrs. Gerhard Reimers and Miss Selma Freudenberg, both of La Grange; and six brothers, George Freudenberg of Rutersville, and Hugo, Gustav, Emil, Alvin and Johnnie Freudenberg all of La Grange.
Fayette County Record
November 15, 1988
Emil G. Freudenberg, 87, of Houston, formerly of La Grange, passed away Sunday in Houston.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at St. Peter Lutheran Church in Prairie Valley with the Rev. Alvin H. Bohls officiating. Interment will be in the La Grange City Cemetery.
Mr. Freudenberg was born August 29, 1901 in Fayette County, the son of the late John and Johanna (Baumann) Freudenberg. He was united in marriage with Erna Rabe November 16, 1927 in Muldoon. Mrs. Freudenberg preceded him in death November 3, 1974. In his younger years, he was a farmer and in 1948 he began working for the City of La Grange. During that time he worked at the old ice plant. He retired from the City in 1976. He was a member of St. Peter Lutheran Church in Prairie Valley and the Plum Hermann Sons Lodge. He resided with his daughter in Houston for the past three years.
Surviving are his daughter and son-in-law, Delores and Anton Toll of Houston; one granddaughter Mrs. L. R. (Christina) Whiteside of Magnolia; one great-granddaughter, Kimberly Lynn Whiteside of Magnolia; two sister, Selma Freudenberg of La Grange and Katie Reimers of Georgetown; and three brothers, Gus, Alvin and John Freudenberg, all of La Grange. He was preceded in death by two sisters and five brothers.
Sergeant-Sheppard Memorial Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. |
Fayette County Record, Dec. 10, 2004
Funeral services for Elton O. Freudenberg, 90, of La Grange are set for 3 pm Friday, December 10 at St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church in La Grange with the Revs. Robert Groenke and Matthew Groenke officiating. Interment will follow with military honors in the La Grange City Cemetery.
Freudenberg died Monday, Dec. 6 at Fayette Memorial Hospital.
He was born June 21, 1914 near Smithville, the son of George and Alma (Marquart) Freudenberg. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II in Europe from 1942 until 1945. He married Nelda Hauschild on Sept 1946 in Yoakum and was a retired heavy equipment operator for the Texas Highway Department. After his first wife’s death in 1964 h, he married Adela (Belcik) Ulrich on May 29, 1971 in La Grange. He was a member of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, a 35 year member of the La Grange VFW, was a member of the Sons of Hermann Plum Lodge for over 60 years, and was a past member of the La Grange Round Up Hall.
Survivors include one daughter, Betty Barney of La Grange and son-in-law Michael Barney of Leander; one son, Harry Freudenberg and wife Stacey of Katy; one stepdaughter, Cathy Flournoy and husband Gary of Katy; four grandchildren, Travis Barney of Canyon; Heather Barney of Georgetown; Brandon Freudenberg and Bret Freudenberg, both of Katy; one brother, Gilbert Freudenberg and wife Bonnie of La Grange ; and sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law, Lydia Freudenberg of Austin, Helen and Lawrence Roddam of La Grange, Hilda and Alton Demel of High Hill, Verline Belcik of Pasadena, and Bea Belcik of Galveston.
He was preceded in death by his parents, George and Alma (Marquart) Freudenberg, his first wife, Nelda Freudenberg; one daughter, Gloria Dixon; one sister, Annie Freudenberg; one infant brother, Edwin Freudenberg; and four brothers, Edgar, Willie, Erwin, and George Freudenberg Jr.
Memorials are suggested to St. Mark’s Hospital Foundation or any favorite charity.
Koenig and Strickland Funeral Home of La Grange was in charge of arrangements.
Fayette County Record, November 5, 1974
Freudenberg Funeral Set for Tuesday
Mrs. Emil G. (Erna) Freudenberg of 953 N. Jackson St. in La Grange passed away Sunday at Fayette Memorial Hospital.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Prairie Valley Lutheran Church with Rev. Ronnie a. Mueller officiating. Burial will follow in the La Grange City Cemetery.
The deceased was a daughter of August C. and Alma Templin Rabe, and was born at Freytag on Jan 2, 1907. She was united in marriage with Mr. Freudenberg at Black Jack on November 16, 1927. The Freudenbergs lived in La Grange for the past 12 years.
Surviving are her husband; one daughter, Mrs. Anton (Delores) Toll of Houston; one sister, Mrs. Gus Freudenberg of La Grange; one brother Clarence Rabe of La Grange and one granddaughter, Christine Toll of Houston.
Mrs. Freudenberg will remain at the Koenig Funeral Home Chapel until noon Tuesday.
Fayette County Record
July 5, 1996
George G. Freudenberg, 70, of Austin died Wednesday, July 3 in Seton Medical Center in Austin.
Mr. Freudenberg is a brother of Gilbert and Elton Freudenberg of La Grange and Annie Freudenberg of Rutersville.
Funeral services will be held at 1 pm Saturday, July 6 in Faith Lutheran Church in Austin. Interment will follow in the La Grange City Cemetery at about 3:30 pm Saturday. The Rev. Jesse Essinger will officiate.
He was born Jan 3, 1926 in West Point to the late George and Alma (Marquart) Freudenberg Sr. He married Lydia Huebel in 1949.
Formerly of La Grange, he was an Austin resident since 1950. He was a member of Faith Lutheran Church since 1953.
Survivors include his wife of 47 years, Lydia Freudenberg of Austin; one daughter, Jocelyn “Josh” Doherty of Thousand Oaks, California; a son, Elvy Burris of Sacramento, California; seven grandchildren; three great grandchildren; three brothers, Gilbert and Elton of La Grange and Willie Freudenberg of Bryan; and one sister, Annie Freudenberg of Rutersville.
He was preceded in death by three brothers, Edwin, Edgar and Erwin Freudenberg.
Memorial contributions are suggested to the Faith Lutheran Church altar Guild, 6600 Woodrow, Austin, Texas; the American Cancer Society or the charity of one’s choice.
Cook Walden Funeral Home of Austin was in charge of arrangements.
Fayette County Record, December 15, 1984
Last rites for Mrs. Ida Freudenberg, 91, of Harlingen, formerly of La Grange, were scheduled for this Monday at 1 p.m. at the Koenig-Peel Funeral Home, Inc. Chapel with the Rev. Alvin Bohls officiating and burial in the La Grange City Cemetery.
Mrs. Freudenberg died December 15 in Harlingen.
Born in Plum on April 29, 1893, Mrs. Freudenberg lived in the Plum area until 1933 at which time she moved to La Grange where she resided until 1980 and then moved to Harlingen. She was retired restaurant worker. She was a member of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Prairie Valley.
Surviving are two brothers, Emil Harbers of Baytown and Henry Harbers of Plum; and two sisters, Mrs. Bertha Bruns of Junction and Mrs. Antonio Lueders of La Grange.
Fayette County Record, 3 Feb 1954
John Freudenberg Dies at Age 93
Funeral services will be conducted at the Prairie Valley Lutheran church Tuesday at 2 p.m. for John Freudenberg, 93, who expired Sunday at Fayette Memorial Hospital.
The Rev. Raymond Durst will officiate and burial will be in the Prairie Valley cemetery.
Mr. Freudenberg, a retired farmer, came to Texas from Germany at the age of 18, lived first at Galveston and later at Prairie Valley. For the past 22 years he had made La Grange his home.
He was married in 1886 to Miss Johanna Baumann who preceded him in death on June 4, 1931.
Surviving are three daughters, seven sons, 27 grandchildren, three step-grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren.
Daughters are: Mrs. Edwin Treuper of West Point, Mrs. Gerhard Reimers and Miss Selma Freudenberg of La Grange; son; George and Gustav of West Point, Hugo, Charlie, Emil, Alvin and Johnnie of La Grange.
Mr. Freudenberg will remain at the Koenig Funeral Chapel until 12 noon Tuesday.
Fayette County Record, 8 Jan 1970
Hugo Freudenberg Rites Wednesday
Funeral services for Hugo Freudenberg, 75, were held at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Koenig Funeral Home with the Rev. A.E. Flathmann Sr. officiating. Burial followed in the La Grange City Cemetery.
Mr. Freudenberg, retired farmer and merchant here passed away Monday at the Cozy Rest Home.
He was born in Plum on November 8, 1894, a son of John and Johanna Baumann Freudenberg, and married Miss Ida Harbers at Prairie Valley on December 13, 1917. He and his wife had lived in La Grange for the past 40 years.
Surviving Mr. Freudenberg are his wife; three sisters, Mrs. Edwin Trueper of McDade, Mrs. Katie Reimers and Miss Selma Freudenberg, both of La Grange; five brothers, George of Rutersville, Gus, Emil, Alvin and John F. Freudenberg, all of La Grange. His parents, three brothers and a sister preceded him in death.
Card of Thanks:
We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who were so kind at the passing of our loved one, Hugo Freudenberg. Special thanks to Dr. Makinson, the Cozy Rest Home, Pastor Flathmann for his comforting words, the Koenig Funeral Home, the pall bearers, the Ladies Aid of St. Peters Lutheran Church of Prairie Valley who prepared the noon meal the day of the funeral and to all those sho sent food, flowers, cards and memorials.
May God bless all of you for you kindness and thoughtfulness.
His wife Ida Freudenberg, His Brothers and Sisters.
Fayette County Record, June 6, 1932
Aged Prairie Valley Woman Dies Thursday, Funeral Held Friday
Mrs. Johanna Freudenberg, aged 63 years, wife of John Freudenberg, passed away at the family home there Thursday morning, June 4, shortly after she had been dragged out of shallow water in the Colorado River near the home by her son who was plowing in the field and who had noticed her going to the river.
Funeral services were held Friday afternoon from the family residence with interment in the Prairie Valley Cemetary with Rev. R. Heise officiating.
Deceased is survived by her husband and 11 children-7 boys and 4 girls. They are George, Emil, Hugo, John, Alvin, and Gus, all of Prairie Valley; Mrs. Olga Trueper of La Grange; Mrs. Katy Reimers and Miss Selma Freudenberg of Prairie Valley. Also 18 grandchildren, one brother, Mr. Fritz Metzendorf, and one sister, Mrs. John Kirchoffer of La Grange survive. Five children preceded her to the grave.
Mrs. Freudenberg was born in Bremen, Germany, on December 5, 1867. Her maiden name was Johanna Baumann. She was married to John Freudenberg on November 29, 1886 here in Fayette County. The family has resided on the place in Prairie Valley for the last 40 years, and were to move to La Grange in the fall.
To the bereaved relatives the Record extends heartfelt sympathy in their hour of grief.
Koenig and Mueller of La Grange were the funeral directors.
La Grange Journal, June 9, 1931
Another Unfortunate
Last Thursday morning death ended the life of Mrs. Johanna Freudenberg of Prairie Valley. The deceased had suffered for some time with an affliction, the failure of which to heal gave the family much worry.
The news came to her friends as a shock; she was very highly esteemed and loved by her neighbors, a good wife and devoted mother.
Rev. R. Heise officiated at the funeral which was held on Friday afternoon at 4:00 o’clock from the family home, the body taken to the little Lutheran church of which she was a member and interred in the well-kept cemetery near the church. Present to witness the last rites and to mingle their tears of grief with the relatives, was an immense concourse of friends. As the mound was covered it was bedecked with floral offerings. We bid her to rest in peace, her sufferings are over.
Mrs. Freudenberg , whose maiden name was Miss Johanna Baumann was united in marriage with John Freudenberg on November 29, 1886, at the age of 19 years; to this union there was born 16 children, 11 boys and five girls, of whom five preceded her in death. She was 63 years, 5 months and 29 days old at the time of her death.
The living children are: George, Hugo, Charles, Emil, Johnnie, Gustav, Alvin; Minnie, (Mrs. Harry Treuper), Olga, (Mrs. Edwin Treuper), Katie, (Mrs. Gerh. Reimers), and Selma at home. Beside the husband and children she also leave mourn her going, one sister, Mrs. Bernadine Kirchoffer and one brother, Fritz Metzdorf, and a number of grandchildren.
In their hour of sorrow, the Journal offers its sincere sympathy to the mourners.
Fayette County Record, May 11, 2007
Lydia Caroline Huebel Freudenberg, 89, of Austin, died in Hospice Austin’s Christopher House.
Funeral serviced were held Friday, May 11 at 10 a.m. at Faith Lutheran Church. Graveside services were held at 1:30 p.m. at La Grange City Cemetery.
She was born the daughter of Otto and Emma Huebel on July 8, 1917 in Glidden. She resided in Austin since 1949, where worked as a book-keeper and raised her family. She was a longtime member of Faith Lutheran Church.
She was preceded in death by her husband, George G. Freudenberg, Jr.; her sister, Elsie Roesler; and her parents.
She is survived by her daughter, Jocelyn Burris Doherty; son, Elvy Burris; seven grandchildren; five great-grandchildren.
For those desiring memorial contributions may be made in Lydia’s honor to Faith Lutheran Church, 6600 Woodrow Ave., Austin, Tx 78757 or to Hospice Austin’s Christopher House 4107 Spicewood Springs Rd., Ste. 100, Austin, Tx 78757.
Cook-Walden Funeral Home of Austin was in charge of arrangements.
Fayette County Record, Jan. 12, 2007
Graveside services for Marjorie Freudenberg, 93, were on Jan. 9 at 11 am at Cook Walden/Capital Parks Cemetery in Pflugerville with the Rev. Ray Kraemer officiating.
She died on Jan. 6 in Austin.
She was born on Dec. 4, 1913 in Marble Falls, the daughter of William and Mary Terry Martin.
Survivors include her son, Al Shaffer and wife Bonnie; step-son, Gene Freudenberg and wife LaDell; grandchildren; great-grandchildren; and great-great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her parents; son, John William Shaffer; brothers, A. G. Martin and Bill Martin; sister, Ruby Barringer; and three husbands; Justin Shaffer, Edlin John Dosky and John Freudenberg.
Cook-Walden Funeral Home in Pflugerville was in charge of arrangements.
Fayette County Record, April 15, 2006
Funeral services for Nettie Mae (Mitzie) Freudenberg, 70, of La Grange are set for 10 a.m. Wednesday, April 26, at Saint Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church with Pastors Robert Groenke and Matthew Groenke officiating. Interment will follow in the La Grange City Cemetery.
Friends may call Koenig and Strickland after 8 a.m. on Tuesday where the family will receive friends from 6-8 p.m.
Freudenberg died suddenly Saturday, April 22, at her residence.
She was born July 1, 1935 in Bartlett, the daughter of Walter and Irene (Friedrich) Steglich. She married James Freudenberg on Oct. 4, 1958 at St. John Lutheran Church in Bartlett. She moved to La Grange in 1957 to become the Fayette County home extension agent and retired in 1990. A certified home economist and a volunteer for many organizations including the La Grange Chamber of Commerce, she was a member of the Business and Professional Women’s Club, La Grange Pilot Club, Walhalla EEA Club, Texas Retired Teachers Assn., and La Grange Senior Citizens Activity Center. She was a member of the Texas Ex’s Assn. An active member of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, she was a member of the Afternoon Circle of WELCA, served on many church committees and was member of the Friends of Faith Circle.
Survivors include her husband of La Grange; two sons, Bruce Freudenberg and wife Mary of Pflugerville and Randy Freudenberg and wife Lorri of La Grange; four grandchildren, Megan and Christopher Freudenberg, Logan Chowning, and Briana Freudenberg; two sisters, Ruth Cortese and husband Vince of Little River, Mary Gerick and husband Milam of Portland; sisters-in-law and brother-in-law, Audrey Fitzgerald and husband Don of Frankston and Monroe Dunk of La Grange.
She was preceded in death by her parents; and sisters-in-law Annie Lee Dunk and Ethel Melcher.
Memorial may be made to the Nettie Mae Freudenberg Scholarship Fund, St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church Memorial Fund, or any favorite charity
Koenig and Strickland Funeral Home of La Grange was in charge of arrangements.
Fayette County Record, November 22, 1996
Graveside services for Willie (Bill) Freudenberg, 78, of Bryan were conducted Tuesday, Nov. 19 at 2 pm in College Station Cemetery with the Rev. Craig Borchardt officiating.
Mr. Freudenberg died Nov. 17 in St. Joseph’s Hospital in Bryan.
He was born Nov. 1, 1918 in Prairie Valley, the son of the late George Sr. and Alma (Marquart) Freudenberg. He was united in marriage with Pearl Taylor Feb. 14, 1946 in England. Mrs. Freudenberg preceded him in death on March 4, 1988. He resided in Bryan for 33 years and was retired from R. B. Butler Construction. Mr. Freudenberg was a World War II veteran, having served in the Army. He was a member of Peace Lutheran Church, VFW Post #4692 and the Plum Sons of Hermann.
Surviving are two sons, Ray Freudenberg of Bryan and Rodney Freudenberg and wife Patti of League City; one sister, Annie Freudenberg of Rutersville; two brothers, Elton Freudenberg and his wife Adela and Gilbert Freudenberg and his wife Bonnie, all of La Grange; six grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by four brothers, Edwin, Edgar, Erwin and George.
Memorial Funeral Home of Bryan was in charge of arrangements.
Weimar Mercury, 7 Feb 1889, page 2
Just as we go to press we learn of the horrible death of one of our country's best citizens. Mr. Louis Freyer was killed yesterday evening about four miles north of town by being crushed under the wheels of his wagon, while his horses were running away at a fightful speed. —Schulenburg Messenger.
joseph freyerer
Schulenburg Sticker, 20 Apr 1899
Otmas Kallus visited Flatonia Monday for the purpose of paying off the death policy of Joseph Freyerer, of Praha, who was a member of the K. J. T. of which Mr. Kallus is grand treasurer. He left a wife and several children.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 5 July 1912
Anton Freytag, age 74 years, 13 days. Prostatibus, Flatonia.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Victoria Advocate, 7 Jan 2004
Kenneth R. Freytag
FLATONIA - Kenneth R. Freytag, 74, of Flatonia, died Monday, Jan. 5, 2004.
He was born Sept. 11, 1929, in Moulton, to the late Arnold and Lena Miksch Freytag. He was a veteran of the Korean War, serving in the U.S. Air Force. He was a member of the Rotary Club, Knights of Columbus, American Legion, Direct Chamber of Commerce, Meals on Wheels, Fayette Co. Airport Advisory Committee, P.O.L.K. of A., and SPJST. He was a supervisor for Armco Steel with 30 years of service and served as mayor pro-tem for Flatonia City Council. He was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church.
Survivors: wife, Loretta Greive Freytag; daughter, Rhona Freytag of Houston; sons, Kenneth D. Freytag of Seabrook, Keith Freytag of Pasadena, and Kirk Freytag of Fort Worth; sister, Jo Ann Dixon of Giddings; brother, Brigadier General James E. Freytag of Moulton; and six grandchildren.
A rosary will be recited 7:30 p.m. tonight at Smith Funeral Home chapel.
Services will be 10 a.m. Thursday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, the Rev. Charles Carolan officiating.
Burial will be at Praha Catholic Cemetery. Smith Funeral Home, Flatonia, 361-865-3311.
Galveston Daily News, Friday, December 2, 1938
Flatonia, Tex., Dec. 1.—Funeral services were held from the Sacred Heart Church Thursday morning for Lothar A. Freytag, 39, who passed away at his home here Tuesday. Interment was in the Catholic Cemetery.
Mr. Freytag is survived by his wife; two daughters, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Freytag of this city, and two brothers, Max and Allan of this city.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Galveston News, June 7, 1944
Flatonia, Tex., June 6. Funeral services for Ludwig Freytag, 90, who died at his residence Sunday, was buried in the City Cemetery Tuesday afternoon, with Rev. Peterson, Methodist minister, officiating.
Ludwig Freytag died after a lingering illness. He is survived by his wife, two daughters and three sons.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Victoria Advocate, February 15, 2000
FLATONIA—Max A. Freytag, 102, of Flatonia, died Sunday, Feb. 13, 2000.
He was born April 8, 1897, in Flatonia, to the late Pius and Wanda Maeker Freytag. He was a retired farmer and a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Flatonia. He was a member of Knights of Columbus and Herman Sons.
Survivors: daughters, Gertrude Harris of San Antonio and Clara Mae Bohuslav of Seguin; sons, Daniel R. Freytag, Ralph Freytag and Dennis Freytag, all of Flatonia and Wallace Freytag of Austin; 22 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; and two great-great grandchildren.
Preceded in death by: wife, Clara Freytag; parents; three brothers.
A rosary will be recited 7 p.m. tonight at Sacred Heart Catholic Church.
Services will be 10 a.m. Wednesday at the church, the Rev. Charles Carolan officiating.
Burial will be at Flatonia Catholic Cemetery. Smith Funeral Home, Flatonia, (361) 865-3311.
Memorials: Sacred Heart Renovation Fund
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
Victoria Advocate, Jan 10, 2004)
Ralph G. Freytag
FLATONIA - Ralph G. Freytag, 69, of Flatonia, died Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2004.
He was born Jan. 15, 1934, in Flatonia, to the late Max and Clara Jarosek Freytag. He was a driller for a well company and member of the Knights of Columbus and Sacred Heart Catholic Church.
Survivors: stepdaughters, Diana Goodall of Hallettsville and Linda Beale of Flatonia; stepsons, Loyd Craig of Hallettsville and Brian Craig of Flatonia; sisters, Gertrude Harris of San Antonio and Clara Mae Bohuslav of Seguin; 12 stepgrandchildren; and 14 stepgreat-grandchildren.
A rosary will be recited 7 p.m. tonight at Smith Funeral Home chapel.
Services will be 10 a.m. Saturday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, the Rev. Charles Carolan officiating.
Burial will be at Catholic Cemetery. Smith Funeral Home, Flatonia, 361-865-3311.
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 3 May 1912
Paul Fridel, age 50 yrs., 2 mo., Cancer, Ellinger.
Contributed by Matt Cross
New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung, March 28, 2007
Joseph "Jody" Friedel
Joseph "Jody" Friedel passed away at his home on March 26, 2007 at the age of 68.
A life-long and proud Texan, Jody, a long-time resident of New Braunfels, was born in Fort Worth and grew up in Weimer. Jody was a devoted husband, father, grandfather, brother and uncle. For him family came first. His devotion to God and his community were never in doubt as was evident in the many volunteer projects he gave his time to. He never turned anyone down for help and often offered it without any prompting or expectation of repayment. He defined the word neighborly and no one was a stranger to him. He was an avid classic car fan and rebuilt many cars with his family and friends in the New Braunfels Area Car Club. His pride and joy was his lovingly rebuilt 1938 Chevrolet Coupe; he was a Chevy man through and through. A great dancer, Jody was never at a loss for conversation and advice. He built many homes for his family and took real pleasure in woodworking and donating his time to church projects.
He is survived by his loving wife of 45 years, Monica, son, Bobby and wife Kim, daughters Donna Wise and husband Dean, Cheryl Scholze and husband Larry, Carol Holder and husband Damon and Nancy Friedel and partner Consuelo Allen; brother Ben Friedel and wife Allene, sister Irene Oncken and husband Norwin; and grandchildren, Kim Hutchinson and husband Jared, Josh Wise and wife Carrie, Clint Wise, Amy and Michael Scholze, Matthew and Catherine Friedel and Isaac and Sarah Holder.
He was preceded in death by his parents Anton Friedel and Helen Pavlik, brother Louis "Buddy" Friedel and step-father Herman "Lefty" Pavlik.
Visitation will begin at 11 a.m. Thursday, March 29, 2007 with a vigil service at 7 p.m. at Zoeller Funeral Home on Thursday evening. A funeral Mass will be celebrated at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church on Friday, March 30, 2007 at noon. Burial will take place at the Holy Rosary Church Cemetery in Hostyn, Texas on Friday March 30, 2007 at 5 p.m. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to: The Gabriel Project of Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, The Mission of Divine Mercy of Canyon Lake or Hope Hospice of New Braunfels.
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury,
November 16, 1895, pg 2
The news of the death of Mr. Franz Frlederich, of Middle creek community came with a surprise to the Schulenburg people on last Sunday afternoon. The deceased had left town Friday afternoon at about 4 o'clock p. m. to ride home, but he never reached it, as his dead body was found In the Zollteor pasture near the Mays farm on Sunday afternoon. His death must have been caused by heart trouble in there were no marks of violence visible upon the body. The funeral ill took place Monday afternoon at the Catholic cemetery, Father Kirch officiating. The deceased was 76 years of age and was an old settler, highly esteemed by all who knew him. It Is strange what time will bring forth; it was the was the 18th of April when Mr. and Mrs. Franz Friederich celebrated their golden wedding in the best of health; now both are sleeping side by side, his wife preceding him only two months. Six children, all married, are left to mourn their loss.
Transcribed by Sharon Sutton
Weimar Mercury, September 14, 1895, pg 2
Mrs. Franz Freiderich, wife of an excellent citizen of the Middle Creek Community , died last Wednesday after a short illness, at the home of her son in law, Mr. Paul Schuman.
Transcribed by Sharon Sutton
Schulenburg Sticker, 2 Dec 2010, page 3
Nelson Friedrich
Our beloved husband, father, grandfather and friend to many was called home to his heavenly Father on Nov. 23, 2010 at the age of 85. Nelson Friedrich was born July 16, 1925 to Ed and Erna Friedrich in Freyburg, Texas.
Nelson served his country in the U.S. Navy during World War II. After serving his country, he married the love of his life, Ruby Maxine Holz, and went on to celebrate over 63 years of love and marriage.
Nelson was preceded in death by his parents and infant grandson, Seth Friedrich.
He is survived by his loving wife, Ruby; daughter Bonny Allbright and husband Johnny; son Billy Friedrich and wife Bobbie; son David Friedrich and wife Zoe; grandchildren Jody Allbright and wife Jenifer, DeeDee Allbright and companion Robert, Benjamin Friedrich and wife Amber, Jacob Friedrich, April James and husband Andre, and Talia Friedrich. He leaves behind his six great-grandchildren: Kelsie, Tori, Madison, Ty, JoVaughn and Octavia. He is also survived by two sisters: Myrtle Vasek and Bernice Goppert; two brothers: Lawrence Friedrich and wife Tracy, Clarence Friedrich and wife Jeanette; one brother-in-law, Nelson Holz and wife Penny; and many special nieces, nephews and friends.
Nelson was a wonderful person and will be missed dearly by many. He will be forever in our hearts and will never be forgotten.
Visitation was held at 9:30 a.m. at Redeemer Lutheran Church on Friday, Nov. 26, 2010, followed by funeral services at 11 a.m. at the church. Graveside services were at Salem Memorial Cemetery, Freyburg, Texas.
Memorials can be made to Redeemer Lutheran Church or Salem Memorial Cemetery Building Fund.
Contributed by Matt Cross
The La Grange Journal, Thursday, December 11, 1947
Frank Friemel Sr., 54, Is Claimed by Death
Frank Friemel Sr., 54, well known farmer of the Halsted community, passed away suddenly at his home Monday morning.
Funeral services were held at the Koenig Funeral Home Chapel Wednesday at 3:30 p.m., with Rev. H. T. Flachmeier officiating, and burial was in the New City Cemetery.
Mr. Friemel was born Oct. 8, 1893, in the Halsted section and lived there all his life. In November of 1919 he married Miss Nora Stahmer.
Beside his widow, he leaves three daughters, Mrs. Roy Croft of Franklin, Ohio, and Misses Hertha and Mannie Friemel of La Grange; five sons, Gus H., Henry, Arthur, Herbert and Frank Friemel, Jr.; and two brothers, Rudolph and Ernest Friemel, all of this community. Three grandchildren also survive.
Schulenburg Sticker, 13 Feb 1902
Mr. George Fries, a german [sic] farmer living on the Irvine place west of Schulenburg, left his residence Monday afternoon for the purpose of doing some repair work on his pasture fence. He did not return to the house at his usual time and his family, as night approached, having become apprehensive for his safety instituted search but were unsuccessful in locating him until Tuesday morning, when his remains were discovered in the pasture near where he had been employed the afternoon before, he having been afflicted with hemorrhage of the lungs which resulted fatally. His remains were interred in the Catholic cemetery at High Hill Tuesday afternoon, the services having been conducted by the Rev. Father Gallach. Mr. Fries leaves a wife and several children to whom the Sticker extends its sympathy.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 13 July 1917
Edwin Rudolph Frietsch, died April 13, Schulenburg.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, August 21, 2012
Emil W. Frietsch, 91, passed away at Colonial Care Center in Schulenburg on Tuesday, Aug. 14. He had been ill with cancer for a short time. The funeral was held on Thursday, Aug. 16 at 10 a.m. at St. Rose Catholic Church, with Rev. George Kunnath officiating. Interment took place in the High Hill Cemetery. Pallbearers were James Hatfield, James Brossmann, Jim Miksch, Ted Kolek, Ermin Stuchly and Melvin Kunz. Named as honorary pallbearers were his nephews, Mike Blahuta, Alvin Frietsch Jr., Carl Frietsch, Dennis Frietsch, David Frietsch, Winston Frietsch, Mike Steinhauser, Chester Steinhauser, Randy Steinhauser, Willie Steinhauser and Jeff Steinhauser. Rosary was led by Rev. Kunnath on Wednesday, Aug. 15 at 6:30 p.m. at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home.
Born at High Hill on April 12, 1921, he was the son of Paul and Mary (Billeck) Frietsch. He attended High Hill School. From Nov. 14, 1942 to Oct. 30, 1945, he served in the military. On Jan. 19, 1948, he married Alice Blahuta at St. Rose Catholic Church. A lifelong resident of the Schulenburg area, Mr. Frietsch was retired from Double B Foods. He was a member of St. Rose Catholic Church, American Legion Post 143 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5623. He enjoyed football, Astros baseball, puzzle books/puzzles, being with family and friends, and sitting on the front porch with a cup of coffee in his hand, watching the world go by.
Survivors include his wife; a daughter, Deborah A. Mache and husband Ronald W. Mache of Houston; a sister, Helen Steinhauser and husband Otto of Flatonia; and a brother, Charles Frietsch and wife Mary Jo of Schulenburg.
Preceding him in death were his parents; seven brothers, Werner, Walter, Victor, Edwin, Alvin, Rudy and Vastine; and two sisters, Ernestina and Olga.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the charity of one's choice.
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, July 7, 1933
Alois Fritsch Dies From Auto Accident
Alois Fritsch, Sr., was seriously injured in an automobile accident five miles north of El Campo last Friday at 11 a.m. and died in El Campo at 4:20 p.m.
Funeral services were held at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, with interment at Taiton, Father Duda officiating.
Mr. Fritsch was born in Gross Peters Dorf Maren Schlassen and came to America in 1880. At the time of his death he was 68 years of age.
Deceased is survived by three sons, Anton of Cuero, Alois, Jr., and Alfred, one daughter, Mrs. Herman Stanzel of Schulenburg, and two grandchildren, Clarence Stanzel and Lucille Fritsch.
Deceased was a good, honorable, Christian gentleman, a faithful member of the Catholic Church.—Schulenburg Sticker.
Schulenburg Sticker, 10 Mar 1904
Death Record.
Fritsch: Died in La Grange, 2-10-04, of asthenia, Anna Fritsch, aged 2 months and 13 days.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 10 Oct 1913
Annie H Fritche, aged 20 years, 8 months and 22 days, uterine hemorhage [sic], Fayetteville.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 5 Nov 1903
Death Record.
Fritsch: Died near High Hill, October 10th 1903, of general debility, Anton Fritsch, aged 80 years.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 21 Nov 1919
At Fayetteville, October 23, of cholera infantum, Dorothy Louise Fritsch, aged 3 days.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Colorado County Citizen, 5 July 1984
Funeral services for Frank John Fritsch were held June 26, 1984, at Fayetteville Brethren Church with Rev. Jimmy Hejl officiating. Burial was at the church cemetery.
Frank Fritsch was born March 10, 1911 in Ellinger to Frances and Otto Fritsch. He lived most of his life in this area and had worked as a farmer.
Survivors include his sisters: Mrs. Ella Louis Fritsch Byer of Poth, and Mrs. Pauline Victoria Zatopek of Baytown; and his nephew John Cook of Baytown.
Weimar Mercury, 27 Jan 1928, page 8
Austin, Texas, Jan. 23. — Fred Fritschik, inmate of the San Antonio State Hospital since December 23, is dead, victim of a knotted noose suspended from a window grate at the institution, the state board of control was notified today.
Dr. W. J. Johnson, the superintendent of the asylum, reported to Dr. H. H. Harrington, board chairman, that an inquest had been held. He called Frtischik's death suicide. The man came to the hospital from Fayette county.
Gustav froelich

La Grange Journal, Thursday, June 1, 1922, page 5
The earthly life of Gustav Froelich, aged civil war veteran, abruptly came to an end Thursday evening, May 18, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. H. Boelsche of Industry, where for the past years, he lived in peace and contentment and enjoying the declining days of his earthly sojourn, which carried him both through the bright and dark sides of life.
Gustav Froelich first saw the light of day on July 12, 1841, in Ragnit, Germany. Died May 18, 1922, attaining the ripe, old age of 80 years, 10 months and 6 days. In 1860 he came to Texas and immediately thereafter took part in the civil war, casting his fortunes with the Confederate cause, serving both in the artillery and in the commissary department. In the year of 1860 [1866], he was married to the widow of his deceased brother, A. C. Froelich, whose maiden name prior to her marriage was Miss Minna Doerr. His wife and two children preceded him to the eternal shore, also a stepdaughter. The children who died were: Emma, aged 8 years, died in 1872, ad his stepdaughter, Mrs. Clara Posch, died in 1912. [Note: this lists only one child and a stepdaughter.] Mrs. B. Wiederaenders, Clifton, Texas; E. A. Froelich, Cuero; Mrs. H. H. Boelsche, Industry and G. A. Froelich, Bellville [sic.].
The family resided at Round Top, Fayette county where deceased was engaged in the mercantile and phonographic [photographic] business until 1914, when death claimed his noble helpmate with whom he shared the blessings of married life for almost a half century. Growing feeble and being burdened with the oncoming of the infirmities of old age, he made his home with his daughter, Mrs. H. H. Boelsche, at Industry. Here he spent his declining days free from care and sorrow, devoting much of his time to the reading of periodicals and books of which he was very fond, especially in his later years when the silvery color of his hair plainly showed that he was growing up in age.
About five ago [sic.] he suffered a stroke of paralysis and was confined to his bed for many weary days and nights, absolutely helpless. He received the best of attention and nursing that human hands could give him. Full of filial love and devotion to her father, Mrs. Boelsche, his daughter, paid constant attention to his calls, smoothed his pillows, and performed every other duty with out a murmur or sign of fatigue. He rallied sufficiently to leave his bed and move about in the house until six months ago when he had the misfortune of breaking his hip-bone which probably accelerated the end of his useful life.
His mortal remains were taking [sic.] to Round Top Friday evening where interment took place in the cemetery of that locality and his corpse was lowered and deposited in the grave beside the resting place of his wife, there to await the resurrection morn. Rev. H. Schmalz of the local Methodist church delivered the funeral sermon and paid a glow- [sic.] tribute to the life of the deceased, citing passages from the holy scriptures which went a long way to console the bereaved children at this period when they realize that this life is only a dream.—New Ulm Enterprise.
Schulenburg Sticker, 24 Nov 1916
Mrs. Louise Froelich, age 67 years, 4 months and 7 days, died Oct. 2, Winchester.
Contributed by Matt Cross
La Grange Journal
DIED.—We regret to note the death of Henry Frosch, Jr. which took place on the 23rd of Dec., 1880, at his residence near Long Prairie. Mr. F. was 53 years of age, and left a wife and a number of children to mourn his loss. He was an old citizen of our county; an honest, upright man and a good citizen.
La Grange Journal, Thursday, November 3, 1921
Aged Confederate Soldier Passes
Shortly before closing our forms we learned of the passing of Charles Fuchs, familiarly known as “Uncle” Fuchs, of Industry. Death came as a kind messenger to relieve the aged veteran of his deplorable, helpless condition. His faithful spouse and two sons survive. The latter are residents of Cypress Mills, Blanco county. Mrs. Fuchs is aged and feeble and was not in a condition to render any assistance to her husband who suffered of the infirmities of old age for several months. The good people of Industry provided the couple with all the necessities of life, and thus avoided their dying of starvation. We have no information at hand revealing the age of the deceased, nor anything else of his family record except what has already been mentioned above. – New Ulm Enterprise.
La Grange Journal, Thursday, December 27, 1962
Mrs. Clara Fuchs
Funeral services for Mrs. Clara Fuchs, 65, were held Thursday, Dec. 20, 1962 at 10 a.m. in the Jecmenek Chapel in Ellinger. Burial was in the I. O. O. F. Cemetery in Columbus. Mrs. Fuchs died at her home Dec. 18 after having suffered with a malignant illness for many months.
Surviving are her husband John whom she married on April 28, 1926 in Columbus. A son, Elton of Houston, a sister, Mrs. Adela Otto of Weimar and three grandchildren also survive.
Mrs. Fuchs was born on June 24, 1897 in Cleveland. She had resided in Ellinger for the past 8 years.
Rev. A. E. Flathmann and Rev. Raymond Durst officiated at the last rites.
Mary Fuessel
Schulenburg Sticker, 28 April 1922, page 1
Miss Mary Fuessel Buried Here
Miss Mary Fuessel of San Antonio, aged about 55 years, who passed peacefully away last Monday morning in San Antonio, was brought to Schulenburg Tuesday afternoon, and buried here Wednesday morning at 9:30 a. m., Rev. Father Lenzen officiating.
Miss Fuessel was born in Gross Petersdrof [Petersdorf] Austria, coming to Texas in 1887.
Miss Fuessel was for many years a resident of Schulenburg, but for the past 15 years had been staying in San Antonio.
Deceased was a member of the Herman Sons Sisters Lodge whose members attended the funeral in a body.
Miss Fuessel is survived by two brothers, Leopold and Edward of High Hill and one brother in the old country.
The Sticker tenders its sympathy to those in the loss of their beloved sister.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, 22 Jun 1889, page 2
Died, at the residence of Mr. J. F. Sisson, Friday evening, June 13, little Eddie, infant son [of] Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fullick. Funeral took place at 5 p. m. Saturday. The Argus extends to the parents its sincere condolence in this hour of their sad affliction.—Argus.
Schulenburg Sticker, 23 May 1901
Mrs. Theresa Futschek, an estimable lady of 83 years of age, died Sunday afternoon last at her home in High Hill and her remains were interred in the Catholic Cemetery at that point Monday afternoon. Mrs. Futschek was born in Austria but came to this country in 1883, where she since resided. The Sticker begs to extend its sympathy to the afflicted family.
Contributed by Matt Cross
The Schulenburg Sticker, Friday, May 31, 1929
Mrs. Anthonia Futschik Dies
Mrs. Anthonia Futschik, who has been making her home with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Franz Jochen, passed quietly away last Wednesday, she was born in Austria May 17th, 1858.
Deceased has resided in the Freyburg section for sometime, she was 71 years of age. Death was attributed to old age.
Deceased was a good christian woman, always ready to offer a helping hand to anyone in need.
The remains were laid to rest Friday morning at 9 o’clock in the High Hill Catholic Cemetery. Rev. Father Parr officiated.
Deceased leaves a family of two daughters, Amelia and Sophia, five sons, Franz, Joe, Rudolph, Louis and Chas.
The Sticker tenders it’s sympathy to the bereaved family.
The Schulenburg Sticker, November 4, 1927
Frank Futschik Dies
Frank Futschik, one of the pioneer citizens of the High Hill section, passed quietly away at the family home Monday evening about seven o’clock. Death was due to old age, he was 78 years of age.
Deceased was a member of the Catholic Church and the Herman Sons Lodge. He was highly respected and beloved by all who knew him. He was always termed a good man, he reared a family of good honorable men and women.
The remains were laid to rest in the High Hill Catholic Cemetery at 3 p.m., Tuesday afternoon. Rev. Father Gerlach officiating.
He is survived by six sons: Frank, Joe, Rudolph, Louis, Chas. and Fred. Two sons preceded him in death. Two daughters, Mrs. Frank Jochen and Mrs. Joe Berger, also survive.
To his bereaved survivors the Sticker tenders its sincere sympathy.
The Schulenburg Sticker, Friday, January 27, 1928
Fred Futschik Suicide
Fred Futschik of the High Hill section who lost his mind and who was sent to the asylum at San Antonio about a month ago, committed suicide there last Thursday. He was sick eight months.
O. B. Schwenke went to San Antonio and brought the body here. It was laid to rest in the High Hill Catholic Cemetery Saturday morning, Rev. Father Gerlach officiated.
Fred was a fine young man, he served his Country in the World War, spending 12 months in France. He was always highly esteemed by everyone.
He is survived by his wife and one child, by his mother, by two sisters, Mrs. Frank Jochen and Mrs. Joe Berger, by five brothers, Rudolph of Wyoming, Joe of Yoakum, Frank of Dallas, Louis and Chas. of this section. His father and two brothers preceded him in death. To them the Sticker tenders its sincere sympathy and condolence.
The article from the San Antonio Evening News telling of his death is as follows:
“Fred Futschik, 34, of Schulenburg, an inmate of the San Antonio State Hospital, is dead, the victim of a twisted piece of wire suspended from an iron bar in his room at the institution.
This became known when Justice of the Peace J. W. Davis of Hot Wells announced a verdict of suicide following an inquest.
Futschik died early Thursday. Attendants at the hospital found his body, still warm, hanging by the neck when they inspected his room.
His death was not made public at the hospital and the first intimation of the affair came from Austin when necessary notification was made Monday to the state board of control.
Justice of the Peace Davis, who conducted the necessary inquest, gave an account of the man’s death. He said that a hospital employee, A. A. Rosemond, found the body of Futschik hanging by the neck from a piece of wire, which had evidently been hidden in the room.
The wire had been wrapped tightly around an iron bar above the barred windows of the room while the man apparently stood on the window sill. The other end was twisted about Futschik’s neck.
Death was due to strangulation, Justice Davis said.
Hospital attaches sent the body to Schulenburg, after notifying relatives.”
A letter from the physician in charge of the asylum stated that Fred was making excellent progress toward recovery, he was eating much better. He was watched very closely but secured and hid a piece of wire in a room seldom used, when the nurses attention was detracted for a minute he got in that room and ended it all. |