Schulenburg Sticker, 22 Feb 1900
DIED. – Miss Agnes Pabel, living on the Manton ranch, died last Thursday night after an illness of some time, being afflicted with cancer of the hip bone. The remains were laid to rest in the High Hill Catholic cemetery Friday afternoon, Rev. Father Gerlach officiating.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, 6 Apr 1895, page 3
Anistine, the little three-year-old daughter of Vincen Pachas, who lives several miles north of town on the Bittner farm, while kindling a fire Wedneswday evening out in the field, was so unfortunate as to have her clothing catch on fire, and her body from head to foot was burned to a solid blister. Her sufferings were terrible to behold, and although Dr. Ed Walker did all in his power to lessen the pain, she only lived two hours.
Schulenburg Sticker, 21 Jan 1916
Reinhold Paetzhold, age 78 years, died Dec. 22, 1915. Round Top.
Contributed by Matt Cross
La Grange Journal, March 16, 1893
Mary, the wife of Russell Page, colored, of this city, died last week of consumption after a lingering illness. THE JOURNAL learns that there are three or four more colored women, in town who are inflicted with the dread disease. When one reflects that prior to the war a case of consumption among the negroes was seldom or never heard of, the question arises as to the cause of its prebalency among them now when free. The cause must have its origin in their irregular habits, mode of living and badly ventilated dwellings.
La Grange Journal, March 16, 1893
DIED—At Fayetteville on the 25th let, the infant child [Alma] of Mr. and Mrs. A. Pagel. The little angel was laid to rest in the family graveyard near this place, Sunday evening.
Alma Pagel lies in an unmarked, though mapped, grave in the Pagel Family Cemetery at Willow Springs. Contributed by Rox Ann Johnson

The La Grange Journal, Thursday, January 20, 1949, p.1
Frank Edmund Pagel, 90, lifelong resident of the Fayetteville area, passed away at his home at Fayetteville Saturday.
Mr. Pagel, who was born at Willow Springs on Oct. 5, 1858, was united in marriage….ler at Shelby. After the passing of his wife, he had lived with Miss Wilhelmina Schil-….20 years. (sic)
Funeral services were held at Fayetteville at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church at Fayetteville Sunday afternoon at 2:30, with Rev. Paul S. Fischer officiating, and burial was in the Pagel Cemetery. Koenig Funeral Home directed….
He leaves one daughter, Mrs. Theo. Heinsohn of Fayetteville, R 3; two sons, W.C. Pagel of Sealy and Frank C. Pagel, Jr. of Fayetteville; and three sisters, Mrs. Emma Albrecht of Fayetteville, Mrs. Helena Zapp of Houston and Mrs. Ida Schultz of Talihina, Okla.
Transcribed by Carolyn Heinsohn. Photograph contributed by Rox Ann Johnson.
La Grange Deutsche Zeitung
11 Feb 1904
Willow Springs, 7. Feb. ‘04.
Gestern starb hier Frau Anna Pagel geborene Born, an Altersschwache. Geboren zu Friederichsdorf bei Bautzen, Konigreich Sachsen, wanderte sie 1853 ein. Auf der Reise starb ihr erster Gatte in England, und sie mußte die Reise mit ihrer kleinen Töchter allein fort setzen. Sie erreichte das hoh Alter von 94 Jahren. Sie war niemals krank und bis vor etwa 2 Wochen körperlich rüstig. Ihr zweiter Gatte H. Pagel sowie ihr einziges Kind und ihre Geschwister sind langst todt. Sie hinterlaßt 7. Enkel 20 Urenkel und einen Ururenkel. Sie wohnte seit 18 Jahren bei ihren Enkelkindern Herrn und Frau Ernst Albrecht, wo sie auch starb. Heute wurde sie auf dem Willow Springs Friedhof unterzahlreiche in Trauergefolge zur letzte Ruhen gebettet. Möge sie sanft ruhen.
[Translation] Willow Springs, 7 Feb ‘04
Yesterday Mrs. Anna Pagel nee Born died here of old age. Born in Friederichsdorf near Bautzen, Kingdom of Saxony, she immigrated in 1853. On the way here her first husband died in England, and she had to continue alone with her small daughter. She reached the old age of 94 years. She was never sick and, until about two weeks ago, was physically strong. Her second husband Mr. Pagel, as well as her only child, and her sisters are long ago dead. She left 7 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild. For the last 18 years she lived with her grandchildren Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Albrecht, where she also died. Today she was laid to rest at the Willow Springs Cemetery with numerous mourners in attendance. May she rest in peace.
Photo and obituary contributed by Rox Ann Johnson
Taylor Daily Press, September 27, 1959, Page 6
Mrs. Lena Jasek Pagel Dies in Taylor
Mrs. Lena Pagel, 93, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alfred Zimmermann, Route two, Taylor, TX Friday night, September 25, 1959.
Born April 22, 1866 in Czechoslovakia, Mrs. Pagel came to the United States at the age of one with her parents, George and Anna Philip Jasek. They settled at Live Oak Hill in Fayette County TX. She had lived in the Taylor area for the past 50 years.
Mrs. Pagel was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church and St. Anne's Altar Society.
Survivors are four daughters, Mrs. Alfred Zimmermann of Taylor; Mrs. Homer White of Dallas; Mrs. A. B. Campbell of Austin and Mrs. Esther Vavra of Houston. Thirteen grandchildren and 31 great grandchildren also survive.
Her husband, W. A. Pagel preceded her in death June 21, 1916. Three sons Willie, Walter, and Leo preceded her in death as did another son and one daughter who died in infancy and one sister.
Grandsons will be pallbearers.
Rosary will be recited at the Condra Memorial Chapel in Taylor Saturday and Sunday at 7:30 p. m.
Services will be held at the Chapel Monday at 9:45 a. m. followed by rites in St. Mary's Catholic Church at 10:00 a. m. with the Rev. Eugene Braden and the Rev. Robert Mahoney officiating. Burial will be in the Taylor City Cemetery.
Weimar Mercury, 10 Feb 1933
Negro Man Drowned in River Near Holman
Wednesday of last week a negro farmer living on the George Brandt farm north of Holman and several miles north of Weimar, Dee Palmer by name, while crossing the Colorado river on horseback, using a sandbar for a roadway, met his death by drowning when his horse slipped off the sandbar and in a desperate efffort to get out of a suck-hole threw his rider off into the waters of the river.
We are told the horse floundered around for a few minutes and succeeded in getting out, but the unfortunate negro was drowned in the suck-hole and at last reports up to the past week end his body had not been recovered.
The negro is said to have been an exceptionally good worker and highly regarded by those who knew him.
Note: The next issue of the paper reported that Mr. Palmer's body had been found right after this article was printed.
Schulenburg Sticker, 3 May 1912
Lucinda Palmer, age 24 yrs., 11 mo., 27 days, Paralysis, Ellinger.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 10 May 1912, page 1
Matthew Mack Palmer, age 1mo., 14 days, Ellinger.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 22 Nov 1912
Mucinda C Palmer, age 24 years, 12 [sic] month, 26 days, Pneumonia.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Shiner Gazette, 15 Dec 1897
G. A. Pannewitz was called to Schulenburg last week by the death of his mother, Mrs. Mary Pannewitz. She was fifty-nine years old, leaves six children – three boys and three girls. She had been ill some time with the dengue.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Galveston Daily News, Saturday, February 28, 1970
LA GRANGE – Hugo Paoli, 83, who was in the restaurant business in Galveston from 1934 to 1952, died in La Grange Friday morning in Memorial Hospital.
Funeral services will be held at 9:30 a.m. Monday in Koenig Funeral Home, followed by services in Sacred Heart Catholic Church, the Rev. Harry Mazurkiewicz, officiating. Burial will be in La Grange Cemetery.
A family rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. Saturday and a parish rosary at 7 p.m. Sunday.
He was in the restaurant business in Galveston until his retirement in 1952. He continued to reside part-time in Galveston at 2325 39th St. and part-time at a residence in La Grange. He moved permanently to La Grange in 1968 due to illness.
Survivors include his wife, Laura Paoli of La Grange; one brother, Bruno Paoli of Lucca, Italy; and two sisters, Mrs. Irma Iacopi of Lucca, Italy, and Mrs. Savnlesa Rossi of San Francisco, Calif.
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
La Grange Journal, Thursday, May 21, 1964
Mrs. Lillie Pape Rites Held Tuesday
Funeral services for Mrs. Lillie Pape, wife of the late Wm. (Bill) Pape, were held Tuesday afternoon at 4 p.m. from the Koenig Funeral Home Chapel. Burial was in the La Grange City Cemetery with the Rev. Paul A. Grout Jr. officiating.
Mrs. Pape was found dead at her home at Oldenberg Sunday afternoon. She had been in ill health for several years and was 76 years old.
Justice of the Peace A. V. Smith held the inquest and returned a verdict of natural death.
Born June 28, 188_, she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dornwell and was married to Mr. Pape here on Dec. 4, 1906. The couple resided in La Grange for many years until he retired from the highway department and began farming in the Rutersville community. For the past eight years she had made her home at Oldenberg. Her husband died June 20, 1962.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. B. L. (Lorene) Denk and Mrs. James (Lois) Hannah of Houston; two sons, William Pape Jr. of San Antonio and Oliver Pape of Oldenberg; two sisters, Mrs. Nora Barden of La Grange and Mrs. Ed. Wright of Smithville; one brother, Wilford Dornwell of Wharton; eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
Two sons, LaVerne and Tommy, preceded her in death.
Schulenburg Sticker, 16 June 1904
Death Record.
Parker – Died at Muldoon, 5-29-04, of chronic dysentery, Electra Parker aged 1 year and 4 months.
Contributed by Matt Cross
William Parks
La Grange Journal, July 13, 1893
Jessie Taylor shot and killed William Parks at Ledbetter last week.
The Schulenburg Sticker, Thursday, May 25, 1967
E. J. Parma, 71 Rites Held May 17
E. J. (Richard) Parma, Allis-Chalmers dealer in Schulenburg since 1938, succumbed suddenly at his residence Monday morning, May 15. He had reached the age of 70 years, 11 months and 22 days.
Funeral services were held from the Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Chapel on Wednesday, May 17 at 2:30 p.m. with continued services at St. Rose Catholic Church at 2:45 p.m. Rev. Hubert Janak officiated at the Mass and burial was in the St. Rose Catholic Cemetery where the American Legion McBride Post No. 143 conducted military rites at the graveside.
Pallbearers were Bob Pratka, Ray Kusey, Gene Vacek, W. A. Farek Jr., Henry J. Klesel and Alphonse Berger.
Mr. Parma, the son of the late Fritz and Veronica Slubar Parma, was born at Ammannsville on May 22, 1896. After completing his studies in the area schools he attended St. Edward’s University at Austin for several years. On May 22, 1922 he was united in marriage to Miss Annie Brossmann in St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church here and the young couple settled in Schulenburg where he continued to reside until his death. He was a member of the St. Rose Catholic Church where he served as an usher for many years. A veteran of World War I, Mr. Parma was a member of the American Legion McBride Post No. 143.
Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. H. L. (Verann) Simmons of Houston; two sons, Richard E. Parma of Houston and Glenn R. Parma of Arlington; five sisters, Mrs. E. H. (Angelina) Pratka and Mrs. J. E. (Eva) Jochen of Schulenburg, Mrs. Alfons (Christine) Olsovsky of Victoria, Mrs. Edgar (Hattie) Witt of La Grange and Miss Wilhelmina Parma of Ammannsville; two brothers, Emil Parma of Ammannsville and John A. Parma of this city; and six grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his wife on January 8, 1955 and a sister, Mrs. Lillie Mican.
Schulenburg Sticker, 3 Nov 1904, La Grange Locals column
La Grange, Oct. 31.
Yesterday evening Henry George infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ig. Parma of this city, died and was buried this evening in the Catholic cemetery on the bluff.
Contributed by Matt Cross
The Weimar Mercury, Friday, October 31, 1952
Mrs. Martha Parma, 35, Killed In Car Wreck Near Taylor
Mrs. Martha Seydler Parma, 35, of Austin, former resident of Holman, was instantly killed at about 9 o'clock last Saturday night when the car in which she was driving alone overturned on a gravel road on the outskirts of Taylor.
Mrs. Parma, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Seydler of Holman, had been to Granger, where she had visited in the home of her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dusek. Her 13-year-old daughter, Diane, had accompanied her and remained at the Dusek home for a week-end visit.
On the return trip to Austin, family members said, she apparently took a wrong road out of Taylor. Highway patrolmen who investigated the accident surmised that she came upon the gravel unexpectedly and lost control of her car. She was found underneath the overturned car about a quarter-mile past the Taylor City limits.
Funeral services were held from Hubbard Funeral Home here Tuesday morning, with further services at the Holman Catholic Church, Rev. Adolph Janda officiating. Interment was in the Holman Catholic Cemetery.
Mrs. Parma was born December 23, 1916 at Holman. She had lived at Granger for several years and for the past three months had made her home in Austin.
In addition to her parents and her daughter she is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Louis Kunetka of Weimar, Mrs. R.T. Townsend of Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and Mrs. Melvin Dusek of Granger.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
San Antonio Express, 10 Nov 1940
PARMA—Vaclav Frank Parma, 47, Jourdanton, Tex., died in this city Friday, November 8th. Survived by wife, Mrs. Annie Parma; a daughter, Mrs. Agnes Matocha; five sons, Emil, Louis, Jerome, Edwin and George Parma; mother, Mrs. Mary Parma, and four sisters, Miss Tracy Parma, Mrs. Mary Bartosh, Mrs. Lillian Struhall and Mrs. Rita Kallus. Funeral Monday at 9:30 a. m. at Praha Catholic Church with requiem mass. Interment at Praha. Arrangements by Zizik-Kearns Funeral Home.
The Weimar Mercury, Friday, June 11, 1954
Funeral Held for Mrs. V. Parma, 85
Funeral services were held Friday morning at Schulenburg and Ammannsville for Mrs. Veronica Parma, 85, who died the previous Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. H. Pratka, in Schulenburg.
Survivors include six daughters, Mrs. Rudolph Mican, Mrs. E.H. Pratka, Mrs. J.E. Jochen, all of Schulenburg, Mrs. Alfonse Olsovsky of Victoria, Mrs. Edgar Witt of La Grange and Miss Minnie Parma of Schulenburg; three sons, Emil, Richard and John of Schulenburg; 26 grandchildren and 43 great-grandchildren.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 15 March 1906
Deaths Recorded Since Last Report.
Alfonse Edmund Parr, age 41 years died Feb. 26.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 19 Nov 1903
Death Record.
Parr: Died at Winchester, November 3rd 03, of typhoid fever, Lilly Parr, aged 17 years.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, 28 Apr 1900, page 1
La Grange Journal: Information is received that a most pitiful case of distress exists near West Point. The Mrs. S. E. Parr, who recently died, left six or seven chidren ranging from twelve years down to a nursing baby. The father of these children is doing time in the pen for theft, and it is only through the kind offices of sympathizing neighbors that the children have been kept alive thus far. It seems that the county should take this matter in hand, and that speedily.
RAchel parsons
The Texas Monument, July 21, 1852
On Tuesday, at the residence of her son, Dr. Gregory, after a protracted illness of eight weeks, Mrs. RACHEL PARSONS, aged 59 years, 11 months, and 22 days.
Mrs. Parsons was born in the State of Virginia, emigrated to Tennessee in her youth, was married to Robert Gregory in 1808, who died in 1813, leaving her a widow. She was married again in 1817, to George Parsons, a soldier of the Revolution, who died in 1850, leaving her a widow the second time. She came to reside with the undersigned last winter. She was for more than 40 years a member of the M. E. Church, was a consistent Christian, and died in the faith, and in prospect of a better world.
Mrs. LOUIS Patterson
Schulenburg Sticker, 22 Oct 1903
Death Record.
Patterson: Died 7 miles north of Flatonia Sept. 29-03 of puerperal septicemia Mrs. Louis Patterson aged 20 years.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Colorado County Citizen, 24 Dec 1931, page 1
Mr. Frank Patzelt Dies
(Flatonia Argus)
After a lingering illness of long duration Mr. Frank Patzelt died early Tuesday morning. He was 63 years, 10 months and 6 days of age. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon with Rev. Dombrowski, pastor of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church officiating. Interment was made in the Catholic cemetery.
Mr. Patzelt's death cast a gloom over our town as he wass known and loved by everybody. He was engaged in the barber business here for many years. He was a member of the Herman Sons order for many years. His friendly and ever cheerful disposition won for him a large number of friends who regret his passing on.
reinhard arthur karl patzold
Schulenburg Sticker, 19 Aug 1909, page 1
Died at Round Top, July 12, Reinhard Arthur Karl Patzold, age 25 days of z ma [?].
Contributed by Matt Cross
Ida Paul
Schulenburg Sticker, 25 Aug 1922, page 1
Mrs. Ida Paul
Flatonia, Tex., Aug. 20. – Mrs. Ida Paul, 67 year old, died at her home here last night after an illness of several months. She leaves several daughters and sons. The funeral took place in the City Cemetery this afternoon a large number of friends attend, ing [sic].
Contributed by Matt Paul
The Schulenburg Sticker, Thursday, July 10, 1997
Eleanora Pauler
Mrs. Emil (Eleanora) Pauler Sr. of Schulenburg died of a stroke on Wednesday evening, June 18 at Colorado-Fayette Medical Center in Weimar after a three-day illness. She reached the age of 82 years, 8 days.
The funeral was held on Saturday, June 21 at 10 a.m. at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, with burial in the church cemetery. The Rev. Timothy Kosler officiated.
Pallbearers were grandsons Ron Popp of Sugar Land, Darryl Popp of Richmond, Va., Jeffrey Pauler of Brenham, and Greg Pauler of Irving; and nephews Alex Wellborn of Schulenburg and Eugene Pauler of Schulenburg. Named as honorary pallbearers were granddaughters Kim Pauler of Kingwood and Shelley Pauler of Phoenix, Ariz.; and the grandsons’ wives, Suzanne Popp of Richmond, Va., and Shae Pauler of Brenham.
Recitation of the rosary, led by the Rev. Kosler, was held on Friday, June 20 at 7 p.m. at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Chapel.
Born at St. John’s on June 10, 1915, she was the daughter of Edward and Ida (Miksch) Kleiber. She attended Abbott’s grade school. On Oct. 21, 1935, she married Emil E. Pauler Sr. at the St. Rose Catholic Church. A lifelong Schulenburg resident, she was a housewife and babysitter, and a member of the Catholic Church.
Survivors include her husband; two daughters, Mrs. Leo (Bernice) Popp of El Campo and Norma Jean Martin of Houston; two sons, Emil E. Pauler Jr. of Schulenburg and Howard F. Pauler of Round Rock; four sisters, Adella Sims of Houston, Florine Ohnheiser of Schulenburg, Olivia Williams of Houston, and Helen Marak of Schulenburg; two brothers, Erwin Kleiber of Schulenburg and Edgar Kleiber of Calvert; and eight grandchildren.
Preceding her in death were her parents, and a brother, Alphonse Kleiber.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Weimar Mercury, February 2, 1907
Flatonia, Jan. 28.—Miss Cloe Paulus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paulus, after several months' illness died a her family residence this morning about 11 o'clock. Miss Cloe was of a loving disposition and noble character and numbered her friends by the whole town. The funeral will take place tomorrow.
Transcribed by Dorothy Albrecht
Schulenburg Sticker, 7 Feb 1907
Miss Chloe Paulus died last Monday at 12 o’clock a. m. after a lingering illness of several week’s [sic] duration. Miss Chloe was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paulus of our town. She was just bordering into womanhood, loved by all acquaintances and adored by her associates. The interment took place at 4 o’clock Tuesday afternoon followed by a large and sympathetic procession. An extensive notice will be given innext [sic] issue. – Flatonia Augus [sic].
Contributed by Matt Cross
The La Grange Journal, March 12, 1936 pg. 1
Henry Paulus Dies Wednesday—Buried Thursday—Flatonia
J.H. Paulus, one of the oldest citizen of the Flatonia section, died Wednesday, March 4; aged about 80 years. His health for several years was delicate. Following the death of Mrs. Paulus at La Grange several years ago, he declined slowly. His last vist to La Grange occurred last summer, at which time he paid his respect to the Journal force, and in response to the friendly inquiry said: “I am slipping fast.”
Henry Paulus, as the writer knew him, was an interesting and friendly citizen. He was, unfortunately, afflicted with deafness, yet keen to sound; he was well read and a good man to talk to. Always a loyal citizens; he served as a peace officer at Flatonia for many years.
When Col. P. E. Edmonson, who removed the weekly newspaper, “The Argus” from Schulenburg to Flatonia (where it is today published) sold the Argus and became owner of the La Grange Journal, he placed Henry Paulus in charge of the Journal agency and correspondence bureau, and for more than decade there was a regular column from Flatonia, containing comment and events of the week. Henry Paulus could write!
The Journal editor today expresses his regrets at the passing of J.H. Paulus, and bids him to sleep peacefully. His name, after a period of 52 years, is removed from the album of regular subscribers.
Transcribed by Stacy N. Sneed
Shiner Gazette, 11 Jun 1902
DIED – At Halletsville, Sunday June 1st Patton, the 18-months-old son of Senator and Mrs. D. A. Paulus. The remains were brought to Flatonia for interment, the funeral occuring [sic] from the 3:48 Aransas. This one makes the fifth child that the family has intered [sic] in their burial ground, our cemetery. In the loss of their dear little boy, said to have been so promising, the hearts of our people go out to the parents in keen, unfeigned sympathy. – Flatonia Record.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 7 Sep 1905
Deaths Recorded Since Last Report.
– . Pavel of Ellinger, age 25 years, died August 11.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Victoria Advocate, May 9, 2001
SCHULENBURG—Felix A. Pavlas, 69, of Schulenburg, died Monday, May 7, 2001.
Survivors: wife, Dorothy Pavlas; daughter, Kathleen Bohac of Schulenburg; brothers, Elmer Pavlas of Fair Oaks Ranch and Richard Pavlas of Houston; and four grandchildren.
Preceded in death by: parents; two sisters; and one brother.
Visitation will be 9:15 to 10 a.m. today at St. Rose Catholic Church in Schulenburg.
Services will be 10 a.m. today at the church, the Rev. Tim Kosler officiating.
Entombment will be at St. Rose Mausoleum in Schulenburg. Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home, Schulenburg, 979-743-4151.
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
The Cuero Record, Friday, October 2, 1953
Cuero Family Attends Funeral in Flatonia
Mrs. H.E. Peters and sons, Melvin and Randolph, attended funeral services at Flatonia this week for Mrs. Adolf Pavlas who was buried from Sacred Heart Catholic Church, the Rev. V.A. Raska officiating at the Requiem High Mass. Burial was in Praha Cemetery.
Mrs. Pavlas who was 71 years of age, had been in ill health for some time.
She is survived by her husband, one daughter, one sons, four sisters, and two brothers. She also leaves four grandchildren and a large number of nieces and nephews.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, February 7, 2012
Julius Pavlas
Julius Adolf Pavlas, 86, of Taylor, died in Georgetown on Friday, Feb. 3.
The funeral was held on Tuesday, Feb. 7 at 10 a.m. at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Praha, with interment in the church cemetery. Rosary was said on Monday, Feb. 6 at 7 p.m. at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home.
Born in Engle on June 6, 1925, he was the son of Julius Roy and Frances Sophie (Brazda) Pavlas. He attended Schulenburg High School. From October 1943 to January 1946, he served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. On June 30, 1962, he married Helen Vlasta Vala in Houston. Mr. Pavlas worked as a QC inspector and farmer. He was a member of the Catholic Church as well as Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Knights of Columbus, KJT and SPJST.
Survivors include three daughters, Ramona Helen Pavlas of Taylor, Monica Ann Pavlas Revette of Elgin and Branda Pavlas of Eddy; a son, Julius Adolf Pavlas Jr. of Eddy; a son-in-law, Gilbert Clarence Revette Jr. of Elgin; a sister, Mildred Cernosek of Schulenburg; a brother, Daniel Pavlas of Needville; and six grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Preceding him in death were his parents, wife and a sister, Margaret Wenske.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Shiner Gazette, Thursday, December 15, 1966
Schulenburg – Rudolf S. Pavlas, age 84 years, 1 month and 20 days, passed away November 29, 1966 at his home in Engle terminating a serious illness of two months.
Mr. Pavlas was born October 9, 1882 as the son of the late Felix and Frances Pavlas and lived his entire life in this vicinity. In his infancy and youth he was baptized and confirmed in the St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Praha where on his birthday in 1912 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Pavlicek. The couple engaged in farming until 1959 when they moved to Engle.
They were blessed with four children, Mrs. William (Mary) Faltysek of Moulton, Mrs. H. E. (Anna) Harrison of Conroe, Rudy Pavlas of Flatonia and Bennie Pavlas of Schulenburg.
Survivors in addition to his widow and children, are six grandchildren; one great-grandchild; four brothers, Adolph Pavlas of Flatonia, Willie and Louis Pavlas Sr. of Moulton and Julius Pavlas of Engle; two sisters, Mrs. Chas. Zamykal of Moulton and Mrs. Mary Doubrava of Flatonia.
Funeral services were conducted Thursday, Dec. 1 from the Smith Funeral Chapel in Flatonia followed by Requiem Mass at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Praha. Rev. M. A. Valenta and Rev. Gerard Cernoch, a great nephew of the deceased, officiated. Interment was in the Praha Catholic Cemetery with the KJT Lodge assisting in the graveside services.
Pallbearers were Ignac and Edwin Faltysek, Fritz Neumann, grandsons; Julius Jr., Daniel and Felix Pavlas, Jimmie Brazda and I. J. Pavlicek, nephews.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 9 Feb 1917
Annie Pavlica, died Jan 17, age about 67 years, near Flatonia.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Austin American-Statesman,
April 30, 2006
Thaddeus Raphael Pavlica died suddenly in his home on April 27, 2006. He was born to Frank and Gertrude Pavlica on September 26, 1943 in Fayette County, Texas.
Raphael was currently employed at the University of Texas Pickle Research Center.
He is survived by five sisters, Anita Boddy and husband Edward of Houston, Teresa Dellana and Ursula Pyka both of Austin, Alfreda DeCecca and husband Don and Judy Little and husband Jack all of Lockhart; brother-in-law, Ed Harbick of Victoria; and a large circle of extended family and friends.
His parents and two sisters, Loretta Williams and Mary M. Harbick, preceded him in death.
Rosary will be at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 30th at Weed-Corley- Fish Funeral Home. Mass of Christian Resurrection will be at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, May 1, 2006 at St. Louis Catholic Church with Fr. Larry Covington officiating. Graveside services will follow at 3:00 p.m. Monday at the Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery in Flatonia, Texas.
Those who wish to make a memorial contribution may do so to St. Louis Catholic Church Building Fund, 7601 Burnet Rd, Austin, TX 78757 or a charity of your choice.
Contributed by Connie Sneed
Dallas Morning News, Monday, July 8, 1929
FLATONIA, Fayette Co., Texas. July 7.—the Body of Mrs. Jim Pavicek [Pavlicek], 37, was brought here from Yoakum, where she died. funeral services will be hald at Praha Catholic Cemetery Monday morning, the Rev. Father Ueubert officiating.
Mrs. Pavicek [Pavlicek] is survived by her husband and family.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Shiner Gazette, Thursday, May 11, 1972
Flatonia. – Funeral services for Ignac J. Pavlicek Sr. of Praha were conducted Monday, April 24, at 10:00 a.m. from Smith Funeral Home, Flatonia, and at 10:30 a.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Praha, with Father Marcus Valenta officiating. Burial was in St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Leroy Fajkus of Carrizo Springs, Ben Firasek of Penelope, Otto Kurtz of Fort Worth, Ben Novak, Adolph Anderle, Jerry Simek of Schulenburg. His grandsons, Jay Pavlicek and Joe Kurtz IV, were honorary pallbearers.
He passed away Friday, April 21, 1972 in Citizens Memorial Hospital, Victoria, after a lingering illness at the age of 84 years.
Mr. Pavlicek, a retired farmer, spent his entire lifetime in the Engle-Praha community. He was married to Vlasta Peter on October 27, 1914.
Survivors include one son, I. J. Pavlicek Jr. of Schulenburg; four daughters, Mrs. Alfred (Agatha) Zapalac of Flatonia, Mrs. Joe (Della) Kurtz, Mrs. Jerome (Georgie Mae) Havel, both of Schulenburg, Mrs. Richard (Earlene) O’Brien of Plano; 13 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren; 3 brothers, Frank Pavlicek of Moulton, Louis Pavlicek of Flatonia, Charles Pavlicek of San Antonio; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Pavlas of Schulenburg and Mrs. Celestine Brazda of Needville.
He was preceded in death by his wife, October 26, 1969; and a son, Edwin, in 1966.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, 1 Dec 1894, page 2
News Special, Faltonia, Fayette Co., Tex., Nov. 26.—A fight occurred last night at a dace at Engel, six miles east of this place, during which a Bohemian, Joe Pavlicek, was fatally stabbed. The sheriff has been notified and is now on his way to the scene of the distrubance. A number of arrests are looked for.
Schulenburg Sticker, 28 July 1922, page 1
Mrs. Pavlicek
Mrs. Pavlicek, aged 80 years, passed peacefully away at her home near Praha last Monday morning after an illness of some three months. The remains were buried at the Praha Cemetery Tuesday morning at 9:00 o’clock, Rev. Father Neubert officiating.
She was one of the early settlers of the Praha section and was well and favorably known throughout the Praha country, and leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn her death.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Victoria Advocate, September 14, 1978
Jim Pavlicek
Advocate News Service
SHINER – Jim Pavlicek, 88, retired Shiner farmer and musician, died Tuesday in a local hospital.
Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Friday at the Praha Catholic Church with the Revs. Marcus Valenta and Patrick Fidgeon officiating. Burial will be in the Praha Catholic cemetery. Rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Buffington Funeral Home chapel in Shiner.
Surviving are his wife, also of Shiner; two sons, Eugene Pavlicek of Lubbock and James Pavlicek of Hereford; two daughters, Mrs. Alvin Boehm of Shiner and Mrs. Louis Barta of Flatonia; 21 grandchildren; and 16 great-grandchildren.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Adolf Pavlik
Weimar Mercury, October 30, 1986
Funeral service for Adolf E. Pavlik, 81, of Schulenburg, were held Thursday, October 23, from St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, Schulenburg, with burial in Weimar Masonic Cemetery. Father Celestino Say of Hallettsville officiated.
Pavlik, a longtime resident of the Schulenburg area, died Tuesday evening, October 21, at the Village Health Center in Houston, where he had been a resident for three weeks.
Born August 22, 1905, in the Wildwood community near Weimar, a son of Frank and Anna (Wanjura) Pavlik. He married Amelia Kunetka on April 17, 1934.
Surviving are his wife, Amelia Kunetka Pavlik of Schulenburg; two daughters and sons-in-law, Irene and W.C. Duncan and Marilyn and Daniel Treybig of Houston; four sons and three daughters-in-law, Erwin Pavlik of Giddings; Bennie and Rita Pavlik, James and Lillian Pavlik, and Bobby and Patricia Pavlik, all of Schulenburg; 14 grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; one sister, Millie Ulrich of Weimar; and one brother, Ernest Pavlik of El Campo.
Preceding him in death were one sister, Annie Berger; and three brothers, Frank, Charlie, and Joe V. Pavlik all of Weimar.
Serving as pallbearers at his funeral were Stanley Pavlik, John Pavlik, Roger Pavlik, Michael Treybig, Daniel Quin, and Scott Spooner.
Submitted by John Pavlik
Amelia “Millie" Pavlik
Weimar Mercury, May 1989
Funeral services for Mrs. Adolf (Amelia) Pavlik, 85 of Schulenburg were held Tuesday, May 9, from the Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Chapel, Schulenburg, with burial in Weimar Masonic Cemetery. Rev. Bruce Bergthold of St. Paul United Church of Christ, Schulenburg, officiated.
Mrs. Pavlik, a longtime resident of the Schulenburg area, died Sunday morning, May 7, at Colorado-Fayette Medical Center in Weimar. She had been a resident of Colonial Nursing Home in Schulenburg eight years.
Born November 13, 1903, in the Svetlo Community, Fayette County, she was the daughter of Frank and Anna (Kouldelka) Kunetka. She married Adolf Pavlik in Weimar on April 17, 1934.
Surviving Mrs. Pavlik are two daughters and sons-in-law, Irene and W.C. Duncan and Marilyn and Daniel Treybig of Houston; four sons and three daughters-in-law, Erwin Pavlik of Giddings; Bennie and Rita Pavlik, James and Lillian Pavlik, and Bobby and Patricia Pavlik, all of Schulenburg; 14 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; and one sister, Annie Svetlik of Houston.
Preceding her in death were her husband Adolf and three brothers, Emil, Edmund, and Henry Kunetka.
Serving as pallbearers at her funeral were grandsons Roger Pavlik, Stanley Pavlik, John Pavlik, Rodney Pavlik, and Michael Treybig and grandson-in-law Daniel Quin.
Submitted by John Pavlik
Bernard “Bennie” Pavlik
[written by nephew]
Bernard "Bennie" Pavlik was born to Adolf and Millie (Kunetka) Pavlik on September 25, 1935 near Weimar, Texas. He passed away on April 22, 2018 in Hallettsville, Texas.
Bennie married Rita Berckenhoff on October 27, 1957.
Bennie had worked for Frank's Restaurant for many years. In 1968 he opened Ben's Gun Store and had served on the Schulenburg Police Department.
Bennie is survived by daughter: Debbie Spooner and husband Scott of Trophy Club; sisters: Irene Duncan and husband W.C. of Livingston and Marilyn Treybig and husband Daniel of Houston; brother: Bobby Pavlik and wife Patricia of Schulenburg; grandchildren: Chris Brasher and wife Lina, and Stephanie Jordan and husband Jeff; great-grandchildren, Alexa and Cruz Brasher.
He is preceded in death by his parents; wife: Rita and 2 brothers: Erwin and Jimmy Pavlik.
Submitted by John Pavlik
Schulenburg Sticker, 25 Oct 2007
James E. 'Jimmy' Pavlik
James E. "Jimmy" Pavlik, who resided at 508 Baumgarten St., passed away at Southwest Hermann Memorial Hospital in Houston on Tuesday, Oct. 16 at age 67 years, 11 months, 18 days.
The funeral was held on Friday, Oct. 19 at 10 a.m. at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, followed by burial in the church cemetery. Rev. Tim Kosler officiated. Pallbearers were Christopher Brasher, great-nephew and godchild; and nephews Mark Narendorf, Michael Treybig, Harvey Berckenhoff, David Berckenhoff and Greg Pavlik. Named as honorary pallbearers were Hunter Neuendorff, Calean Neuendorff, Noah Neuendorff, Drew Neuendorff, Easton Migl and Nicholas Pavlik, all grandsons.
Recitation of the rosary, led by Eugene Hollas, was held on Thursday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home.
Born in Weimar on Nov. 3, 1939, he was the son of Adolf and Millie (Kunetka) Pavlik. He attended Schulenburg ISD. On July 24, 1965, he married Lillian Berckenhoff at St. Mary's Catholic Church in High Hill. Mr. Pavlik was a member of St. Rose Catholic Church.
He is survived by his wife; two daughters and sons-in-law, Rhonda and Mark Migl of Flatonia, and
Pam and Freddy Neuendorff of Bernardo; a son, Rodney Pavlik of Schulenburg; two sisters and brothers-in-law, Irene and W.C. Duncan, and Marilyn and Daniel Treybig, all of Houston; two brothers and sisters-in-law, Bennie and Rita Pavlik, and Bobby and Pat Pavlik, all of Schulenburg; and six grandchildren, Hunter Neuendorff, Calean Neuendorff, Noah Neuendorff, Drew Neuendorff, Easton Migl and Nicholas Pavlik.
Preceding him in death were his parents, and a brother, Erwin Pavlik.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Galveston Daily News, Wednesday, April 21, 1976
FAYETTEVILLE – Funeral services for Mrs. Karel (Mary L. ) Pavlik, 79, a native of Galveston, were held Saturday at St. John’s Catholic Church in Fayetteville. Burial was in the Fayetteville Catholic Cemetery.
Mrs. Pavlik died April 14 in Wharton, Tex.
She was born in Galveston.
Survivors include her husband; four daughters, Mrs. Ovie (Theresa) Roensch of La Grange, Mrs. Leroy (Honora) Hlinsky of Arcola, Mrs. Dan (Mary) Zajack of Galveston and Mrs. Rudolf (Jerry Dene) Kovar of Houston; five sons, Edward Pavlik of Arcola, Karel Pavlik of Coldwater, Kan., William Pavlik of Buffalo, N. Y., Alfred of Oceanside, Calif., and Robert Pavlik of Pearland; three sisters, Mrs. Jerry Anderson of Galveston, Mrs. Noah (?) Coleman and Mrs. Katy Stepchinski, both of La Marque; two brothers, Pat Collerain of Houston and Emmett Collerain of La Marque; 33 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Brenham Weekly Banner, 23 Oct 1890
—Andrew Payne was killed at Ledbetter Sunday by James Burns who struck him on the head with a stick.
Shiner Gazette, 29 Sep 1983
Rites For Emil F. Pechacek
FLATONIA - Emil F. Pechacek, 73, of Flatonia, died Thursday, Sept. 22, 1983 in a Weimar hospital.
Retired, he had been a geophysicist for Texaco for 46 years, and a former mayor for the City of Flatonia.
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Burial followed in the Flatonia Catholic Cemetery.
A rosary was recited at 7:20 p.m. Friday at Smith Funeral Home in Flatonia and at 1:40 p.m. Saturday at the church.
A native of Flatonia, he was the son of Frank F. and Emma (Hajek) Pechacek, both natives of Flatonia. He was reared in Flatonia and graduated from Flatonia High School with the class of 1928.
He was married to Sue Cunningham. They moved to Flatonia a few short years ago. She died July 11, 1981.
Surviving are four brothers, Ernest Pechacek of Fort Worth, Raymond Pechacek of Houston, Johnny Pechacek and Frank Pechacek, both of Flatonia.
He was preceded in death by his mother, who died in a pedestrian-train accident, Dec. 13, 1968; and three days later, Dec. 16, 1968; his father died suddenly after suffering a cerebral hemorrhage; also one brother, Geroge Pechacek, July 30, 1981.
Relatives from Shiner attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. J. Jack Cloutier, Mrs. Ernest Hajek and Mrs. Emil Hajek.
Lavaca County Tribune, 17 Dec 1968, page 1
Mrs. Emma Pechacek Killed By Speeding Train Near Flatonia
Mrs. Emma Pechacek, 79, was killed near Flatonia, Friday, Dec. 13th, when she stepped into the path of a speeding Sunset Limited passenger train.
Investigating officers said Mrs. Pechacek had crossed the track to get her mail and was returning to her home when the accident occurred a half mile west of Flatonia. La Grange Justice of the Peace A. V. Smith returned a verdict of accidental death.
The train was on its way to Houston from San Antonio. The engineer, F. H. Payne of San Antonio, said he tried to stop the train but could not halt it in time. Mrs. Pechacek stepped in front of the train and her body was badly mangled under the train.
Mrs. Pechacek was born March 25, 1889, at Praha, Fayette County, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Hajek.
Funeral services were held Sunday at 1 p. m. from the Smith Funeral Home in Flatonia and at 1:30 p. m. at the Flatonia Catholic Church with burial in the Catholic Cemetery at Flatonia. Rev. Father Galle officiated at the rites, offering a Requiem High Mass at the church.
Surviving are her husband; 6 sons, Emil of Montana, George of Llano, Raymond of Houston, Ernest of Dallas and John and Frank Pechacek of Flatonia; 3 sisters, Mrs. O. S. Manning of Houston; Mrs. Adolph Bohuslav of St. Mary's, and Mrs. Julius J. Kutach of Hallettsville.
Schulenburg Sticker, 13 July 1917
Frank Pechacek, died June 16, aged about 60 years, near Flatonia.
František Pechacek, was born 11 Oct 1856 at Dolni Cermna, Bohemia. Contributed by Matt Cross
Lavaca County Tribune, 20 Dec 1968, pages 1 and 2
Death Takes Husband Three Days After Tragic Death of Wife
The life of a closely knit couple which began on the same date March 25th ended almost on the same day.
At 9:47 Friday, December 13th, Mrs. Frank Pechacek, age 79, was struck down by a train and at 9:47 Monday, December 16th, Mr. Frank Pechacek, age 85 years, was struck down by Cerebrial hemmorrhage.
Her wish had always been that she go first and his wish was to follow her immediately so God granted them their wish.
They had sixty years of a beautiful wedded life. Just two weeks ago they celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary with their six sons and their families and close relatives. Both were in fairly good health and very happy, wishing they could celebrate their seventy-fifth wedding anniversary.
Their life was happy but not an easy one. Mr. Pechacek carried mail on a rural route for about forty years. Fighting the weather after swimming flooded streams to finish his route on foot. There were many sacrifices to help educate their sons but they have been well repaid by the beautiful devotion of the six sons and their families.
Mrs. Pechacek was laid to rest in the Flatonia Catholic Cemetery at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, December 15th from the Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Father Edmund Bily offered the Mass and services at Mrs. Pechacek's funeral and Father Galle offered the Mass services at Mr. Pechacek's funeral. Both priests delivered a very consoling sermon. The large concourse of friends and relatives and the beautiful profuse floral offerings showed the great esteem in which they were held.
Those left not to mourn and grieve but to have fond memories, are the six sons— Emil of Montana, George of Llano, Ernest of Ft. Worth, Raymond of Houston, John and Frankie of Flatonia; fourteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Besides these there are five sisters, two of Mr. Pechacek's namily: Mrs. Jerry (Anna) Michal and Mrs. Frank (Mary) Hanna of Flatonia; three of Mrs. Pechacek's - Mrs. O.S. (Agnes) Manning of Houston and Mrs. Adolph (Mary) Bohuslav and Mrs. Julius (Vlasta) Kutach of Hallettsville.
Pallbearers were the same for both, namely: three grandsons, Terri Pechacek, Johnny Pechacek Jr., and Ernest Pechacek Jr; three nephews, Johnnie Hajek, Jerry Michael & Walter Manning.
Should there be grief for two lives so well spent and so closely called into their heavenly home?—Contributed.
Austin Statesman
Lonesome Whistle Sound Joins Farmer With Wife
Staff Writer
FLATONIA - A passenger train will rumble through Flatonia Wednesday morning just as it has passed for many decades, but an 85-year-old rural mail carrier will not hear the lonesome sound that became too lonely for him to hear last week.
The sounds from the trains were among the many things shared by Frank and Emma Pechacek as they passed through 60 years of married life together.
But the 79-year-old wife of the retured postman walked down the road to her mailbox to post some letters Friday morning. She apparently
did not hear the sound of the train as she crossed the tracks on her way back home.
And Pechacek was left without the woman who had borne him six sons since the church bells rang for them when they were young.
Saturday passed—and the trains passed— and Sunday arrived with a lone bell tolling for the last time for Mrs. Pechacek at her funeral mass at Sacred Heart Catholic Church.
Monday arrived, and the clock was about to strick 10 a.m. It was the hour that the train struck Mrs. Pechacek, killing her instantly.
The old postman, sitting alone with six decades of memories of his wife, heard the fatal sound of the train approaching on the same old schedule.
Before the clickety-click became inaudible, he suffered a stroke.
The next two hours were spent without his wife caring for him as she had always done when he was in pain.
And, he passed on like the trains.
Mr. and Mrs. Pechacek are survived by their sons, Frank and John Pechacek of Flatonia, Raymond Pechacek of Houston, Ernest Pechacek of Fort Worth, George Pechacek of Llano and Emil Pechacek of Montana. They had 14 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Pechacek is also survived by three sisters, Mrs. Adolph Bohuslav and Mrs. Julius Kutac, both of Hallettsville, and Mrs. Oscar Hanna of Moulton.
Pechacek is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Emma Michal of Flatonia and Mrs. Mary Haanna of Moulton.
The train will be arriving Wednesday in Flatonia about the time mourners attend services for Pechacek at Smith Funeral Home. The
services begin at the funeral home at 10 a.m. The funeral will continue at Sacred Heart Church at 10:30 a.m. After the requiem mass, the body will be taken to the Catholic Cemetery, where Pechacek will join his wife again.
Lavaca County Tribune, 4 Feb 1969, pages 1 and 2
Another tragedy struck the Pechacek family of Flatonia. A grandson of Mrs. Frank Pechacek, who died of injuries when struck by a train on December 13th, and her husband, Frank Pechacek, who died of a stroke on December 16th, was killed in a car accident February 2nd about 1:00 a. m. which occurred in a dense fog.
Freddie Pechacek, age 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frankie Pechacek, was killed instantly in the car accident at the intersection of Cistern and Muldoon road. A classmate and neighbor, Dolores Brunner, 15, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brunner, also died in the accident.
The driver of the car, Johnnie Pechacek, jr., 18, a cousin of Freddie's, is in the La Grange Hospital under treatment for injuries sustained.
The youngsters were returning from a social gathering at Cistern and had just taken another classmate home to Muldoon when the accident occurred.
The auto apparently struck a culvert while attempting to avoid another car.
Services for both Freddie Pechacek and Dolores Brunner will be held from the Smith Funeral Home and the Flatonia Catholic Church Tuesday. Freddie Pechacek's services will begin at 9:00 o'clock at the funeral home and continue at the Church at 9:30.
The services for Dolores Brunner will be held about 11 o'clock.
Besides his parents, Freddie leaves to mourn one sister, Mrs. Kenneth (Beth) Mach and a brother, Terri, both of Austin and another brother, Bobbie at home.
Death is always sad for those left behind but when it is the death of someone as young as these two it is indeed sad. To see the caskets of two classmates side by side makes any heart sad.
Our sympathy goes to the heart-broken families.
Freddie Pechacek was a great-nephew of Mrs. Adolph Bohuslav of St. Mary's and Mrs. Julius Kutach of Hallettsville.
Victoria Advocate, 20 Feb 2008
FLATONIA - John J. Pechacek Sr., age 88, of Flatonia passed away Feb. 19, 2008. He was born Oct. 21, 1919 to the late Frank and Emma Hajek Pechacek Sr. John was a postal clerk for 34 years in Flatonia.
He is survived by his his wife, Bessie Smrkovsky Pechacek; a son, John J. Pechacek Jr.; a daughter, Sue and husband Carl Gene Taylor; a brother, Frank Pechacek Jr.; and five grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, and brothers, Emil, George, Ernest, and Raymond Pechacek.
Visitation is at 3 p.m. today at Smith Funeral Home. A rosary will be at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, with services at 2 p.m., at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Flatonia with burial at Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery, Rev. Joe Hybner officiating.
Smith Funeral Home, 128 E. 5th St. Flatonia 361-865-3311.
Austin American-Statesman. 22 Jul 2007
Mary Elizabeth Wood Pechacek, age 82, of Atlanta, GA, died June 3, 2007 after a brief hospitalization at the Emory University Hospital in Atlanta due to complications from an infection. Frank Fred Pechacek, Jr., her husband of sixty-four years, was at her bedside when her heart failed. She was born in rural Lavaca County, Texas on April 29, 1925 to Leona Kuhn and Roland Bunting Wood. She graduated from Flatonia High School in 1942, having been Homecoming Queen in her senior year. While she was a popular and great beauty in high school, young Frank, known to all as "Frankie," was her only love in life. After he enlisted in the Army Air Corp at the start of WWII, they were married on September 12, 1942. During the war years, she worked as an AT&T telephone operator, saving up her salary so she could travel to military training bases across the country to be with Frankie before he entered combat duty in Europe. After living in Flatonia, Texas until her children were grown and Frank retired as a U.S. Postal Service rural mail carrier in 1977, they traveled around the country before returning to Texas, living in Austin and Corpus Christi, then returning to Flatonia before they moved to North Carolina. Most recently, they moved to the King's Bridge Retirement Center at 3055 Briarcliff Road in Atlanta where husband Frank still resides. She was an inspiration to all that knew and loved her. Her gracious and generous spirit was loved by all who knew her. She could find the good in everyone and always gave the credit for accomplishments to others. During her years in Flatonia, she was an active member of the Sacred Heart parish, working as parish secretary in the 1960s. In her own special and loving way, she has been a life-long friend to many in the Flatonia area. As part of her lifelong involvement in volunteer activities, she was elected President of a Travis County, Texas coordinating committee of retired women's organizations, won awards as an outstanding volunteer at the Corpus Christi Naval Medical Center Pharmacy, and helped establish and coordinate Emergency Medical Services (EMS) for Fayette County, Texas. She was preceded in death by her son Frank Fred Pechacek, III (Freddie), and by her two brothers Leroy and Jessie Wood. Her memory will be cherished by her husband of sixty-four years, Frankie; daughter, Betty Ludlum and her companion Roy Greenwood of Austin, Texas; son and daughter-in-law, Terry Frank Pechacek and Julie Ann Fishman of Atlanta; son and daughter-in-law, Robert and Carol Pechacek of Mooresville, North Carolina; her grandson, Samuel Frank Pechacek of Atlanta; granddaughter, Renee and her husband Charles Raven of Corpus Christi, brother-in-law, John Pechacek and wife Bessie of Flatonia; and a large number of cousins, nephews, nieces, and friends in Texas and around the country. Everyone who has had the chance to be around Elizabeth knew her generous, loving spirit and now feels a heartfelt sorrow from the fact that she is no longer here with us in physical form. But everyone who knows her great spirituality can sense that she is still very much with us. As she often has been heard to say, "Don't cry for me, I'm now with the angels." Burial services are scheduled for July 27th at the Sacred Heart Church, 516 South Faires Street, Flatonia, with rosary at 5:00 p.m. and funeral mass at 6:00 p.m., followed by interment at the Sacred Heart Catholic cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Fayette County EMS System at 979-968-8991 or The Heifer Project International, 1 World Ave., Little Rock, AR 72202, (800) 422-0474, for her "Joy To The World" memorial registry at, and search under "Pechacek."
Contributed by Connie Sneed
La Grange Journal, Thursday, 15 Dec 1955
Vinc Pechacek Dies At Kovar
Vinc Pechacek died suddenly Dec. 3 and was buried Dec. 5 with services conducted in the Marrs Funeral Home Chapel in Smithville and in the Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Bartons Creek. Buriel was in the Barton’s Creek Catholic Cemetery. Rev. Lambert Schiel officiated.
Mr. Pechacek was born in Czechoslovakia on Aug. 8, 1865. He attained the age of 90 years.
After completing his military duties in the land of his birth, he married Antonia Pechacek on Jan. 18, 1891. Together they came to America, and settled in Fayette County and engaged in farming. Mrs. Pechacek died in 1939.
Surviving are two sons, Jim of Flatonia and John of Austin; two daughters, Mrs. Frank Stepan of Kovar, with whom he had made his home since his wife’s death and where he died. Also Mrs. Albert Jurica of Glidden; four grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
Schulenburg Sticker, 22 Oct 1903
Death Record.
Pekar: Died near Schulendurg [sic], 28-03, of Ionic Eclampsia, Hattie Pekar, aged 22 years.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Henry Pelikan
Schulenburg Sticker, 31 March 1922, page 1
Henry Pelikan Former Schulenburg Citizen Accidentally Killed
Friends and acquaintances of Henry Pelikan will be painfully shocked to learn of his untimely death in St. Pedro, California, on Sunday, March 26th., Mr. Pelikan was working for the Telephone Co., at St. Pedro, Calif., and while on a pole, in some manner slipped and fell, receiving internal injuries from which he never revived, and after suffering for twenty four hours during which he never regained consciousness, relief came only when the death Angel moved the spirit to the other shore.
Mr. Pelikan was born and reared in our city but for the past 14 years has made his home at Los Angeles, California, and he will be remembered by all as a steady, upright young man, and why he should be taken just in the prime of life we cannot conceive.
Mr. Pelikan leaves a wife and little five year old daughter to mourn his death besides his mother, Mrs. Pauline Herms of our city, one brother, William Pelikan of Los Angeles, Calif., two sisters, Mrs. G. T. Albrecht of Sugar Land and Mrs. Arthur Swindler of San Antonio.
The Sticker joins the entire community in extending sincere sympathy to the bereaved relatives.
Contributed by Matt Cross
The Fayette County Record, Vol. 1, No. 38, Ed. 1, Tuesday, January 6, 1874
We regret to learn that Greenville Penn, an old and very much respected citizen of this county, died a few days ago, in the vicinity of Flatonia, where he had lived for a number of years. He had been in ill health for some time.
Swilla Penn

from funeral program
Mrs. Swilla Penn was born to Mr. Billie and Narcissus Smith on October 4, 1889 in Muldoon, Texas. She grew up in that community, attended school there. She professed a hope in Christ at an early age and united with Western Chapel Baptist Church where she remained a faithful member until death. In the year of 1909, on Dec. 13, she was united in Holy Matrimony to Mr. Eugene Penn. To this union 8 children were born. Mother, father, husband and 4 children preceeded her in death.
She held numberous offices in the church for many years. She was Supt. of Sunday School, teacher, church treasurer, president of missionary society.
She leaves to mourn her passing: one son, Johnny C. Penn, Houston, Texas; three daughters, Mrs. Zelma Winston of Muldoon, Texas, Mrs. Cora Penn Williams, San Francisco, Calif., Mrs. Wilma Jean Hollin of San Francisco, Calif.; two brothers, Louis Smith of Muldoon, Texas and Johnny Lee Smith of Flatonia, Texas; 11 grandchildren, 14 great grandhildren, and a host of other relatives and friends.
She departed this life September 20, 1979.
Swilla Penn was interred in the Henson Cemetery. Contributed by Yvonne Chambers
W. E. "Will" PERLITZ
Weimar Mercury, December 25, 1908, page 1
Just as we were ready to go to press the sad news of the death of Mr. W. E. Perlitz was received. Funeral service will be held at the residence of his mother, Mrs. F. W. Perlitz, at 2 o'clock this afternoon and his remains will be taken to LaGrange for interment, which will take place at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon. The Sticker extends sincere sympathy to the bereaved ones. Will was 34 years of age on the day of his death.
Schulenburg Sticker, 21 Jan 1909
Died at Schulenburg, Dec. 17, W. Perlitz, age 34 years, of phthisis pulmonalis.
Contributed by Matt Cross
The Galveston Daily News, 20 Nov 1875, page 1
A Dead Man Found --Was Probably Murdered.
(Special to the Galveston News.)
FLATONIA, Nov. 19, 1875.
The body of a stockman styling himself, G. A. Duncan, of Dogtown, was found in Hottentot Cemetery, two miles east of here, with a bullet hole through his head. He is supposed to have been murdered. His true name has since been ascertained to be Cass Perry, from Dallas, and his death is probably the result of an old quarrel.
The unknown man who was shot in Schrip's saloon in October has since died.
La Grange Journal, 25 Feb 1937, page 1
Deaths Reported
Died at La Grange, February 21 of senility; Larkey Perva, colored, aged 79 years.
Dallas Morning News, 27 Jun 1898
Fall Resulted Fatality
LaGrange, Fayette Co., Tex., Jun 25—Mr. W. Peschka, a prominent farmer, while returning home, fell off his wagon. When picked up the doctor found that his limbs were paralyzed, from which effects he died yesterday evening. He was interred in the Bluff Cemetery. He leaves a wife and five grown children.
Transcribed by Debbie Hanson
Weimar Mercury, 7 Sep 1889, page 2
Mr. Wendel Peschka, jr., a respectable and industrious farmer, living in Bluff neighborhood, a few miles south of this place, some three or four weeks ago, while separating some dogs which were fighting in his yard, was bitten on the head by one of the [brutes], which made its escape. He thought nothing of the affair, the wound having about healed, until Tuesday of last week when he became strangely affected, but did not become alarmed. Finally growing worse, Dr. Koester of Cedar was called to see him and prescribed for him, but as he go worse, on Friday Dr. Renfro of this city ws summoned to the bedside of the unfortunate man,who was suffering from hydrophobia. The physicians did all that medical skill could suggest, but without avail. He lingered in great agony until Saturday at 10 o'clock a. m. and died. The deceased leaves a wife and two children and a number of relatives, who have the sympathy of every one who has heard of the unfortunate affair.—Journal.
Victoria Advocate, October 12, 2012
SCHULENBURG - Agnes, Hrncir Pesek, 89, of Schulenburg, passed away on Wednesday, October 10, 2012. She was born September 15, 1923 to Emil Marak and Janie Smolik.
She is survived by her daughters, Carol Berger (Gene) of Schulenburg and Elaine Kulhanek (Jim) of Katy; sister, Emma Vornsand (George) of Schulenburg; 4 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren.
She is preceded in death by her husband, Ivan Hrncir and George Pesek, 1 sister and I brother.
Visitation will begin at 5 p.m. with a Rosary recited at 7 p.m. at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home, Schulenburg. Funeral service will be held at St. Rose Catholic Church, Schulenburg, at 10 a.m. on Saturday, October 13, 2012.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home, 979-743-4151.
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
The Victoria Advocate, Thursday, August 5, 1976
YOAKUM—Miss Albina Pesek, 82, of Rt. 4, Yoakum, died suddenly Wednesday at her home of an apparent heart attack.
She was born Aug. 19, 1893, in Lavaca County and lived near Yoakum for about 25 years. Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Thursday at the Buffington Chapel in Yoakum.
Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Friday at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Praha with the Rev. Marcus Valenta officiating. Burial will be in the Praha Catholic Cemetery.
Miss Pesek is survived by several nieces and nephews. The nephews will serve as pallbearers.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
La Grange Journal, Thursday, February 3, 1938
Emil Pesek
La Grange friends were shocked to hear of the sudden death of Emil Pesek, insurance salesman of Yoakum, and which occurred at Weimar last Thursday evening. Mr. Pesek had driven to Weimar with his family and was apparently in good health. His mission to Weimar was to meet a prospective client. Shortly after his arrival he complained of dizziness, and entered Dr. A. H. Potthast’s office, where he expired before the doctor could leave another patient to attend him.
Emil Pesek frequently visited in La Grange, and was a close personal friend of Congressman Mansfield, always in the ranks at election time, working for Mr. Mansfield’s re-election. He had many friends in La Grange and his death is sincerely regretted. Surviving him is his wife and two children.
Dallas Morning News, January 28, 2007
PESEK, ERWIN F., Was born on October 1, 1928 in Schulenberg, Texas and went home to his Lord and Savior on January 26, 2007.
Preceded in death by his daughter, Pamela Pesek, he is survived by his wife, Mae Chang; brother, Sylvian Pesek; son, Frank Pesek, sister-in-law, Joan Pesek; aunts, Martha Pesek and Julie Pesek; step-daughter, Cynthia Patty and her husband, Frank; step-daughter, Sylvia Schlegle and her husband, Ben; grandsons, Trent Patty, Chris Day, and Adam Day; granddaughters, Caitlin Patty and Angie Pesek; niece, Cathy Nelson and her husband, John; nephews, Mike and Jeff Nelson.
Mr. Pesek was employed by Sun Oil Company for more than 30 years and served as Chief Geologist in charge of planning.
The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m., Monday, January 29, 2007 at Sparkman/Hillcrest Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, January 30, 2007 at 11:00 a.m. at the Episcopal Church of The Good Shepherd, 11120 Midway Rd., Dallas, Texas 75229, Rev. Jay Hobbs, officiating. Private interment will take place Wednesday, January 31, 2007 at the St. Rose Cemetery in Schulenberg, Texas.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd Memorial Fund. Dignity Memorial Sparkman Hillcrest 7405 W. Northwest Hwy. Dallas (214) 363-5401 OB6 Obituaries, Notices
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Shiner Gazette, 13 Feb 1908, page 1
Passed Away Wednesday Afternoon After Much Suffering.
Frank J. Pesek, collector of axes [sic] of Lavaca County, and one of its most beloved citizens, breathed his last after much suffering Wednesday evening at 5:30 o’clock at the Sokol hotel in this city snrrounded [sic] by his friends and loved ones. For the past five days it was known that he was beyond help, though everything was done for him that skilled physicians and nurses could do.
The remains were taken yesterday morning in a hearse across the country to the Catholic cemetery at Praha, Fayette County, where the interment occurred yesterday afternoon in the presence of what was no doubt a vast concourse, many people going out from here. Members of Moltke lodge and a large number of others also accompanied the remains as far as the Hermann park.
Mr. Pesek was a native of Bohemia, the town of Metalie being his birth place. His father was a Bohemian and his mother a German which accounts for the fluency with which he spoke both languages. He received a good education at the Industrial Academy of Budweis, Bohemia, after which, in 1868, he emigrated to Texas, locating at High Hill, Fayette County.
Mr. Pesek’s death means the loss to the county of a truly good man and a most efficient officer, who was loved by every man; woman and child that knew him. The possessor of a very engaging personality, sound common sense, great discretion and honesty – these were the qualities that accounted for the remarkable esteem in which he was held by the people of our county from the time he entered public life until the Angel of Death called him hence. May he rest in peace.—Halletsville New Era.
Shiner Gazette, 13 Feb 1908
Pesek Burial at Praha
Halletsville, Texas, February 6. – The remains of F. J. Pesek, county collector, were this morning taken to his home at Novohrad, twenty miles north of here, and burial will take place in the Catholic cemetery at Praha this afternoon.
Commissioners court will meet in regular session next Monday and will at that time elect some one to fill out the unexpired term. The friends of S. L. Bennet, who is the chief deputy in office, will present his name for the office and so far has now known here, no other name will be presented.
Weimar Mercury, 15 Feb 1908, page 3
Halletsville, Feb. 6.—F. J. Pesek, tax collector, of this county died yesterday afternoon after an illness of about three weeks.
Mr. Pesek had served the county as its tax assessor for ten years prior to the last election, when he was elected tax collector, and was serving his first term when death claimed him. He was very popular with the people.
He was in his 58th year and is survived by a wife and eleven children. His death was due to a complication of troubles. His body was interred at Praha in Fayette County in the family graveyard.
Shiner Gazette, 20 Feb 1908, Moulton News column
—Rud. Jaeggli, E. Boehm, Jno. Bucek, F. J. Knesek, F. A. Kubicek, Jacob Kurc, and Jacob Nachlinger, all of this city, went to Praha last Thursday to attend the burial of F. J. Pesek.
Mercury article transcribed by Sharon Sutton. Gazette articles contributed by Matt Cross.
Weimar Mercury, Friday, October 30, 1959
Anton Pesl Sr. Succumbs at 90; Rites Held Monday
Funeral services for Anton Pesl Sr., 90-year-old father of A.K. Pesl of Weimar, were held Monday, Oct. 26, at the Cistern Catholic Church, with burial in the church cemetery.
The Rev. Emil Vinklarek of Moulton was celebrant of the Requiem Mass. The Rev. Black of Cistern assisted at the cemetery.
Mr. Pesl died Saturday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joe Burger, in Moulton after a year's illness.
A native of Moravia, Czechoslovakia, he brought his family to this country in 1907, settling in the Cistern area.
Survivors include four sons, Mr. Pesl of here, John and Cyril of Smithville and Henry of Freyburg; four daughters, Mrs. Cyril Dornak of Praha, Mrs. Joe Urban of Terrell, Mrs. Burger of Moulton and Mrs. O. T. Zapalac of Smithville; 24 grandchildren and 42 great-grandchildren.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 8 Dec 2010, page 3
Lena Pesl
Lena Elizabeth Zimmerhanzel Pesl, age 94 years, 3 months, 9 days, passed away on Thursday, Dec. 2 at Stevens Nursing Home following a long illness after a stroke.
The funeral was held on Saturday, Dec. 4 at 10:30 a.m. at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, with the Rev. Tim Kosler officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Pallbearers, all grandsons, were Mark Mikulenka, Don Mikulenka, Chris Mikulenka, David Pesl, Robert Pesl Jr., Darrell Pesl and Will Flato.
Rosary was recited on Saturday, Dec. 4 at the church at 10 a.m., led by the Rev. Kosler.
Born at Kovar on Aug. 23, 1916, she was the daughter of Frank and Mary Ann (Kubicek) Zimmerhanzel. Her marriage to Henry Paul Pesl took place on Oct. 12, 1935 in Kovar. She lived in Kovar from 1916-50, Freyburg from 1950-67 and Schulenburg from 1967-2001. Mrs. Pesl was a homemaker. She attended St. Rose Catholic Church and was a member of the KJZT.
Survivors include two daughters, Bernice Pesl Mikulenka of Yoakum and Beatrice Pesl Flato of Houston; a son, Robert E. Pesl of Schulenburg; a brother, James Zimmerhanzel of La Grange; and 12 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren.
Besides her parents, preceding her in death were her husband, two sisters and two brothers.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Contributed by Matt Cross
John Pesna, Sr.
Schulenburg Sticker, 10 March 1922, page 1
John Pesna, Sr.,
One of the best known Bohemian farmers of the Velehrad community passed peacefully away at his home there last Tuesday morning at 9 a. m. at the ripe old age of 91 years.
He was buried Thursday morning at 10 a. m. at the St. John Cemetery, Father Moczygemba officiating.
He leaves a wife and one son, John, Jr., to mourn his loss. The Sticker extends heartfelt sympathy.
Contributed by Matt Cross |
PETER Infant
Weimar Mercury, 10 Jul 1897, page 5
The little baby of Mr. Joe Peter and wife of Dubina died early Wednesday morning, after a three weeks' illness, aged 1 year and 6 months. We extend sincere sympahty to the grief stricken parents in their loss.
Weimar Mercury, Friday, February 28, 1958
Final Rites for Mrs. Emil Peter, 80, Wednesday
Funeral services for Mrs. Adriana Peter, 80, wife of Emil Peter of Dubina, were held Wednesday morning at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Chapel, Schulenburg, continuing with rites at Dubina Catholic Church.
Interment was in the Dubina Catholic Cemetery, Rt. Rev. Msgr. A. F. Drozd of Weimar officiated.
Mrs. Peter died at her home Monday, Feb. 21, after a four-year illness.
Born Oct. 22, 1877, in Praha, Texas, she was the daughter of the late Filip and Agnes Haidusek Miculka and had lived in the Dubina area about 70 years. She was married at Dubina to Mr. Peter on Feb. 18, 1903. She was a member of Dubina Catholic Church and the Christian Mothers Society.
Surviving in addition to her husband are a son, Edwin Peter of Weimar; a daughter, Mrs. Adolf Filip Sr. of Dayton; five grandchildren; three brothers, Chas. Miculka of Eagle Lake and Jerome and August Miculka of Weimar; and three sisters, Mrs. John (Annie) Drapela of Houston, Mrs. Joe (Janie) Fojtik of Granger, and Mrs. Rudolph (Agnes) Vacek of La Grange. A son and a daughter died as infants.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Victoria Advocate, Friday, Feb. 8, 1957
Mrs. Agnes Peters [sic.]
Mrs. Agnes Peters, 86, mother of Mrs. Charles Jurica of Victoria, died Wednesday night in Schulenburg.
Services will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday at St. Rose Catholic Church in Schulenburg with the Rev. Eustuce Hemes officiating. Burial will be at St. John’s Catholic Cemetery at St. John’s, Tex., under the direction of Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home.
Mrs. Peters is also survived by three other daughters, Mrs. Leonard Michina [Michna] of Austwell, Mrs. Willie Machac of El Campo and Mrs. Louis Hermis of Schulenburg; two sons, Charles Peters of Midfield, Tex., and Raymond Peters of Corpus Christi, 15 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 21 Nov 1901, Fayetteville column
Alois Peter died and his remains were interred in the Catholic cemetery, Father Chromcik officiating. Mr. Peter leaves a wife and quite a number of children. He belonged to two Bohemian Lodges.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, 22 Jul 1938, page 1
Mrs. Barbora Peter, widow of the late Hon. Jos. Peter of Dubina, died at the family home in that community early Monday morning, after an illness of some three weeks, at the ripe old age of 84 years. Burial was held Wednesday morning in Dubina Catholic Cemetery, after imposing ceremonies in the Dubina Church. Rev. Jos. Szymanski officiated.
Mrs. Peter came to this country in 1858, with her husband and family settling in Fayette county, and the remainder of her life was spent there. She is survived by three sons, Dr. Leo J. Peters of Schulenburg, Messrs. Emil and Julius Peter of Dubina, five daughters, Mrs. Millie Vacek of Dubina, Mrs. Josephine Mikeska of Granger, Mrs. Mary Sobotik of Schulenburg, Mrs. Frances Riebe of Taylor and Mrs. Wilhelmina Miculka of Schulenburg; 24 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren.
The Mercury was unable to secure a full and complete history of this splendid woman’s life in time for this issue, but same has been promised by the family and will appear in the next issue of the Mercury.
In the meantime sincere and heartfelt sympathy to her bereaved ones is extended by one who had known her for the past fifty years.
Weimar Mercury, 29 Jul 1938, page 1
The Mercury last week mentioned briefly the death of Mrs. Barbora Peters, widow of the late Hon. Josef Peters of Dubina, which occurred at the family residence after an illness of several weeks. The funeral took place at the Dubina Catholic Cemetery, with Rev. Szymanski officiating in a touching burial service. The funeral was largely attended, and there was a profusion of beautiful floral offerings.
Mrs. Peters was the widow of the late Hon. Josef Peters, member of the Texas Legislature for four years in years gone by, where he served with distinction. She was born in Dobra, Austria, Europe, Jan. 28, 1854, and came to this country when 7 years of age. At the age of 17 years, she was united in marriage to Joseph Peter in the High Hill Catholic Church, then settled in the Dubina community, a few miles northwest of Weimar. Ten children were born to this union. Surviving are Mrs. H. W. Riebe of Strawn, Texas; Mrs. Joe Sobotik of Schulenburg; Mrs. Dr. E. F. Mikeska of Taylor, Texas; Mrs. R. Vacek and Mrs. Aug. Miculka of Dubina; Dr. Leo J. Peters, Schulenburg; Messrs. Emil and Julius Peters of Dubina. Two children of this union are dead — Misses Caroline and Cecelie Peters; other survivors include 21 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren.
In 1921 this venerable and honored couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in the Dubina Catholic Church, with the Rev. Goertz officiating. (Rev. Jos. Szymanski was not at home at the time.) One of her sisters, Mrs. Terezie Hromadka, still lives in Dubina.
Mrs. Peters was indeed a lovable character. Throughout her life she ever proved herself a consistent christian woman, a devoted wife and mother, a friend and neighbor to one and all. She was ever ready to extend a helping hand to any and everyone in distress, and those about her remember her many and graceful deeds of charity and helpfulness. She was beloved wherever known, and in her passing all feel that it is a distinct and irreparable loss to them.
To the bereaved ones our heartfelt condolence is extended, with the hope that the Good Father above will comfort them as He alone can.
Weimar Mercury, October 31, 1963, page 1
Emil Peter, 85, Dubina Musician, Ex-Page Boy, Dies
Emil Peter, who was organist of his church for 58 years at Dubina and once served as a page boy in the Texas Legislature, died Sunday, Oct. 27, at the home of his daughter in Dayton.
Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at Hubbard Funeral Home here and Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church in Dubina, with interment in the Dubina cemetery. Rev. Henry O. Rolf officiated.
Mr. Peter, except for the last 5 years, was a lifelong resident of Dubina, where his parents, Joseph and Barbara Vrana Peter, were pioneer settlers. He was born Oct. 1, 1878, and received his earliest education in the Catholic State School in Dubina, where he also learned to play the violin and piano.
Father Was Legislator
He was 14 years old when his father was elected as the Fayette County representattive in the 23rd Texas Legislature, and his father took him along to Austin, where he attended Captial Business College and continued with his music lessons. The following years, 1893, he began work as a page boy in the Legislature, and he recalled recently that his pay was $3 a day while that of his father as representative was $5 a day.
Mr. Peter also attended St. Edwards College in Austin before returning to Dubina, where on Feb. 18, 1909, he married Miss Adriana Miculka. She preceded him in death Feb. 24, 1958.
Postmaster 5 Years
Mr. Peter followed his father as postmaster at Dubina in 1905 and served in that capacity for 5 years. The post office was in the large frame building which also was a saloon and the Joseph Peter family's home, still a landmark in the 107-year-old community. He served as organist of Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church for 58 years and played piano, cornet and other instruments in various bands of the community. In 1904 he served in the Texas National Guard Band which toured the New England states.
Surviving him are one daughter, Mrs. Adolf (Rosie) Fillip of Dayton; one son, Edwin Peter of Weimar; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. E. F. Mikeska of Burton; and two brother, Dr. L. J. Peter of Schulenburg and Julius Peter of Dubina.
Pallbearers were Edwin Joe Peters, Leon Peters and Adolf Fillip Jr., grandsons, and Raymond Vacek, Joe Vacek and Ivan Koenig.
Contributed by Dorothy Albrecht
Schulenburg Sticker, 12 Aug 1921, page 1
Death Of Monte Peter
Herman Peter, but better known by the name of “Monte” passed quietly away last Sunday evening at the Hospital, at La Grange, where he was taken after his escape from the state penal institution and capture near here by the officers a few weeks ago. At that time he was suffering from appendicitis, and this coupled with the gun shot wounds which he received in his capture, caused his death.
He had been in a semi-conscious condition for nearly 48 hours previous, and hardly able to recognize anyone.
At the time of his death he was 26 years of age, having been born here in 1895. At normal he weighed about 155 pounds, but ill health had dragged him down.
Quiet and simple funeral services were held at the City Cemetery Monday where the remains were interred.
“The wages of sin is death”, Let the morul [sic] penetrate the younger minds and forever be remembered.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Colorado Citizen, August 25, 1881, page 3
Weimar Local Matters
Joseph Peter, Sr., an old citizen of this neighborhood, was buried Monday. Mr. P. came here from Bohemia, and settled near the place where he died twenty-six years ago. By economy he had struggled from poverty to a competency, was a good, quiet Christian gentleman, a faithful member of the Catholic faith. [Interred at Dubina Catholic Cemetery.]
Weimar Mercury, Thursday, November 3, 1966
Final Rites for Julius Peter, 77, Held Saturday
Funeral services for Julius Peter, 77, lifelong Dubina resident and grandson of one of its settlers, were held Saturday morning, Oct. 29, at Hubbard Funeral Home here and in Sts. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church, Dubina.
Rev. Albert Hubertus offered the Solemn Requiem High Mass, assisted by Rev. John Matocha of Yoakum and Rev. Sigmund Wojciechowski of Weimar. Burial was in the Dubina Catholic Cemetery.
Mr. Peter died at his home at 2 a.m. Thursday, October 27. He had been totally disabled since suffering a stroke 15 months ago.
A farmer and cattle raiser, he lived on the old Peter homestead established by his grandfather, Joseph Peter Sr., when he and other immigrants settled at Dubina in 1856.
Julius Peter was born July 4, 1889, at Dubina the son of Joseph Peter Jr. (who later became a state representative) and Barbara Vrana Peter. He served in the Army in France in World War I and returned to make Dubina his home the rest of his life. He married Miss Amalia Kubenka.
His wife survives, along with two daughters, Mrs. Ivan (Josephine) Koenig of Weimar and Mrs. John (Mary Ann) Janacek of Yoakum; 13 grandchildren; and one brother, Dr. Leo J. Peters of Schulenburg. He was preceded in death by an infant son, Joseph, one brother and seven sisters.
Mr. Peter was a member of American Legion Post 259 here. Fellow veterans conducted military rites.
Pallbearers were Robert, William, and James Koenig, Jacob and Michael Janacek, all grandsons; and Adolph Masek, a nephew.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 5 March 1915
Magdalena Peter, age 82 years, Weimar, R. 2.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, Friday, August 27, 1948
Funeral services for Mrs. Frank Peterek, 54, who died August 17 at the hospital in Schulenburg, were held the following Thursday in Schulenburg, Rev. Leo Goertz and Rev. Hamala officiating.
Mrs. Peterek was born in Hallettsville, the daughter of John and Annie Marek. In 1913, she was married to Mr. Peterek. They lived at New Bielau until a short time ago, when they moved to Schulenburg.
Surviving are her husband; five children, Mrs. Edwin Ryba of Schulenburg, Mrs. Selma Mazac of Houston, Charlie Peterek of Dubina, Albert and Ernest of Dallas; one sister, Mrs. Frank Valla of Bila Hora; and three brothers, Frank and Willie Marek of Hallettsville and John Marek of Bila Hora.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, Thursday, December 21, 1967
Dr. L. J. Peters' Wife Succumbs At Schulenburg
Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 20, at First Methodist Church in Schulenburg for Mrs. Alma Peters, 80, wife of Dr. L. J. Peters.
Rev. Carl Taylor officiated. Burial was in Schulenburg's City Cemetery.
Mrs. Peters died at 12:45 p.m. Monday at her home after an illness of nearly two years.
A lifetime resident of Schulenburg, she was born June 6, 1887, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Baumgarten, and was married to Dr. Peters on June 15, 1910. She was a member of the First Methodist Church, Order of the Eastern Star, Hermann Sons Lodge, and Schulenburg Garden Club.
Surviving in addition to her husband are a son, Dr. L. J. Peters jr. of Dallas; a daughter, Mrs. Hazel Shaller of Amarillo; five grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Pallbearers were Ivan, Bobby and Billy Koenig, Ray Vacek, George Pechacek, Edwin Peter, Bill and George Riebe.
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, Sept. 2 1999, page 2
Emil E. Peters Funeral Services Held Aug. 27
Emil E. Peters, 77, of La Grange, died August 25 in the VA Hospital in Houston due to a terminal illness. Funeral services were held Aug. 27 at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Chapel with Bro. Mike Gresham and Father John Peters officiating. Burial followed in the City Cemetery of Schulenburg.
Mr. Peters was born March 5, 1922 in Weimar to Augusta Kruegar and John Peters Sr.
He was a resident of La Grange for one and one half years also living in Weimar, Borden and 28 years in Glecker.
Mr. Peters was an oilfield worker. He served his country from Nov. 10, 1942 until Jan. 4, 1946.
He was a member of First Baptist Church of Schulenburg.
Survivors include: step-daughters, Linda King of La Grange, Sue Beyer of Flatonia, Paulett Srubar of Sommerville and Sandra Huffman of La Grange; step-son, Paul Andersen of Schulenburg; a sister, Rosie Shumbera of Weimar; brothers, Joe Peters and Eddy Peters both of Weimar and Adolph Peters and Frank Peters, both of Columbus; 14 step-grandchildren and 12 step-great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Edwin Stock Jr. of Weimar, Phillip Davis of Schulenburg, Shawn Davis of Flatonia, Joseph Paul Melanson of La Grange, Jimmy Wallace of Weimar, and Damian Hafley of La Grange. Honorary pallbearers were Herman Allen of Hemphill, Patrick Peters of Weimar and Paul Andersen of Schulenburg.
La Grange Journal, Thursday, February 10, 1938
Round Top, Texas, Feb 7.
Mrs. Friedericka Peters
Mrs. Friedericka Peters, aged 87 years, died at the home of her son, Chas. Peters, of near Round Top, Friday night, February 4, following an illness that had lasted for more than a year. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock, from the Peters home, with Rev. W. J. Kralik, pastor of the Round Top Lutheran church officiating.
Deceased had lived in Fayette county for more than a half century; she was born in the province of Saxony, Germany, and emigrated to America in 1877, the family locating in Washington county, later removing to Fayette county. She was a member of the Lutheran church.
Surviving are her 3 sons: Ernest, Fritz and Gus. Peters of the Round Top section, and two daughters: Mrs. Augusta Anders of near Round Top and Mrs. Anna Ruppaner of Dalhart, Texas; two children preceded her to the grave.
Frank Pratka of La Grange prepared the body for burial and Ernest von Minden had charge of the funeral arrangements. The attendance upon the funeral was large, and Rev. Kralik’s services were very impressive and touching.
Weimar Mercury, March 23, 1972
Last Rites for Dr. Peters, 85, Held March 14
Funeral services for Dr. Leo J. Peters Sr., 85, widely known Schulenburg physician, were held Tuescay, March 14, in First United Methodist Church, Schulenburg, with burial in the City Cemetery.. Rev. Robert Parsons officiated. Dr. Peters died at 2:45 p.m. Friday, March 12, in Youens Memorial Hospital here. He had been in the hospital two months.
"Doctor of Year"
Dr. Peters had practiced medicine in Schulenburg nearly 63 years and in 1951 was named "Texas Family Doctor of the Year” by the Texas Medical Association. He was runner up for the national award that year.
Born Nov. 11, 1886, at Dubina, he was a son of Dubina pioneers Joseph and Barbara Vrana Peters. He attended elementary school there and graduated from Schulenburg high School in 1905. He attended St. Edward's University at Austin before entering the university of Texas Medical School at Galveston, where he received his medical degree in 1909, at the age of 21.
"Babies" Returned
He began his practice at Schulenburg, where his first transportation was horseback, and he was still there in 1959 when he celebrated his 50th year in medicine. Many of the 2,500 babies he had brought into the world attended the celebration.
Dr. Peters married Miss Alma Schulenburg Baumgarten at Schulenburg on June 15, 1910. She died Dec. 18, 1967. Five sisters and two brothers also preceded him in death.
He is survived by a son, Dr. Leo J. Peters Jr. of Dallas, and a daughter, Mrs. Hazel Shaller of Houston; five grandchildren and two-great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers at his funeral were R. L. Praytor, Ben Sustr, Leslie Lippman, C. J. Overgoner, Ivan Koenig, and I. W. Speckels. Honorary pallbearers were physicians of the surrounding area.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 13 July 1917
Olivia Peters, died May 7, aged 6 years, 1 month and 28 days, near Round Top.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Thomas william peters
Victoria Advocate, January 9, 2003
WAELDER – Thomas William Peters, 51, of Waelder, died Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2003.
He was born Sept. 16, 1951, in Ganado, to Julia Peters of Ganado and the late Clem Peters. He was a welder for Dow Chemical Company. He was a member of the Sunshine Kids and Cistern Catholic Church.
Survivors: daughter, Jana McNair of Angleton; son, Matthew Peters of Cistern; mother; sisters, Marie Matlock of El Campo and Susan Gabrysch of Victoria; and one grandchild.
Preceded in death by: father.
A rosary will be recited 9:15 a.m., Saturday at Cistern Catholic Church in Cistern.
Services will be 10 a.m. Saturday at the church, the Rev. Charles B. Carolan officiating.
Burial will be at Cistern Catholic Cemetery, Smith Funeral Home, Flatonia.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis

La Grange Journal, March 1914
An Old Citizen Dies
Tuesday afternoon C. Peterson [sic.], who has been ill for some time, gave up the battle and passed to his reward, aged 74 years, 7 months and 6 days. Owing to his advancd age, medical skill and faithful nursing failed to restore him and death came as a relief.
Deceased, a quiet and unpretentious citizen, had been a resident of Fayette county since 1861, and for the greater part of that period conducted a photograph studio in LaGrange. He was born in Hamburg, Germany, August 25, 1839, and came to America when a mere lad of fourteen years; in the year 1853. On November 26, 1874, he was united in marriage with Miss Minna Locke of LaGrange, and seven children were the result of this union. The children are: Mesdames Tracy Nichols, Alleyton; Louise Etzell, Smithville; Othilie Francke, Smithville; Bertha Francke, Leo, and Misses Minnie and Annie Petersen, LaGrange.
The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon from the family residence, and the interment took place at the new cemetery.
Obituary contributed by Judy Koehl. Photograph contributed by Nancy Kelsey.
Fayette County Record Nov. 4, 1986
Angeline Vitek Petter, 70 of Bastrop formerly of Fayetteville passed away Tuesday evening, Nov. 1 in Hurst.
Funeral services are set for 10:30 a.m. Friday at the Knesek Chapel in Fayetteville. Parish rosary will be at 10 am. Friday at Ascension Catholic Church in Bastrop, with the Rev. Ed J. Kokupil officiating.
A family rosary will be recited at 6 p.m. Friday at the Knesek Chapel in Fayetteville. Parish rosary will be at 10 a.m. Saturday morning at St. John’s Catholic Church before the funeral Mass at 10:30 a.m. Burial will be in the Fayetteville Catholic Cemetery with the Rev. Msgr. Ben Mazurkiewwicz officiating.
Mrs. Petter was born May 31, 1918 in Fayetteville, the daughter of the late John and Karolina (Pavlica) Vitek. She was united in marriage with Rudolf Petter in April 1947 in Fayetteville. After her marriage she resided in Bastrop.
Surviving are her husband, Rudolf Petter of Bastrop; a son, Robert Petter of Conyers, Ga.; a daughter, Jeanette Reeder of Hurst; a brother, Willie Vitek of McKinney; one sister, Marcella Liska of LaGrange; and five grandchildren.
Friends may call at the Knesek Chapel in Fayetteville after noon on Friday.
Koenig-Peel Funeral Home is in charge of local arrangements.
Fayette County Record Dec. 17, 1954
Anton Petter, 76 of near Fayetteville passed away at his home Saturday morning.
Funeral services were held at 8:45 Monday morning at the Knesek Chapel in Fayetteville with continued services at the Fayetteville Catholic church. The Rev. Thomas Matl officiating and burial was in the church cemetery.
Mr. Petter is a native of the Fayetteville area, was born on June 13, 1885, son of Alois and Anna Polasek Petter and was married at Fayetteville in 1907 to Rosie Sury. His wife preceded him in death on Dec. 13, 1954.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Ludmila Bielec of Wallis and Mis Julia Petter of near Fayetteville; two sons, Rudolph Petter of Bastrop and Johnnie Petter of near Fayetteville; two sisters, Mrs. Anna Chovanec of Fayetteville and Mrs. Julia Sulik of Houston, three brothersm Willie Petter of near Fayetteville, Frank Petter of Wallis, and John Petter of Rosenberg; and two grandchildren.
Rosary was recited Saturday evening by the KJT and a parish rosary was recited Sunday evening.
Koenig Funeral Home was in charge of the funeral.
Fayette County Record, Apr. 23, 1997
Johnnie S. Petter, 80, of Fayetteville died Saturday in Fayette Memorial Hospital.
Funeral services were held Monday, April 21 at 10 a.m. in St. John’s Catholic Church with Rev. Msgr. Ben Mazurkiewicz officiating. Burial was in the Fayetteville Catholic Cemetery.
Mr. Petter was born Dec. 24, 1916 in Fayetteville, the son of the late Anton and Roznia (Sury) Petter. He was educated in the Fayetteville schools and entered the United States Army March 8, 1942 during World War II. He attained the rank of sergeant and served in the 3rd Medical Depot Company in the Pacific Theatre, the Phillipines, and New Guinea. He was honorably discharged Dec. 26, 1945.
He was a farmer and rancher and was a carpenter by trade. He later was employed and retired from the ASCS. He was a member of St. John’s Catholic Church, a 50 year member of the KJT and a 50 year member of Fayette Memorial VFW Post 5254 La Grange.
Survivors include a niece, Jeanette (Petter) Reeder of Hurst; a nephew, Robert Petter of Conyers, Georgia; and several cousins. He was preceded in death by two sisters and one brother.
Graveside services were under the auspices of Fayette Memorial VFW Post 5254.
Funeral arrangements were under the direction of Koenig-Peel & Strickland Funeral Home.
Fayette County Record Jan. 14, 1986
Miss Julie Frances Petter, 71 of Rt. 1 Fayetteville passed away Saturday in Fayette Memorial Hospital.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. at St. John’s Catholic Church in Fayetteville with the Rev. Msgr. Ben Mazurkiewicz officiating. Burial will be in the Fayetteville Catholic Cemetery.
Miss Petter was born in the Park Community Aug 8, 1914. She was the daughter of Anton ad Rozina (Sury) Petter. She was a lifetime resident of the Park area. She was a member of the KJZT and Alter Society.
Surviving are two brothers, Johnnie Petter of Fayetteville and Rudolph and his wife Angeline Petter of Bastrop; one sister, Ludmila and her husband, William Bielec of Wallis; one nephew, Robert and his wife Better Petter of California; one niece, Jeanette and her husband, Terry Reeder of Odessa; four great-nephews and one great niece.
Koenig-Peel Funeral Home, Inc. is in charge of arrangements.
Unidentified newspaper clipping
Funeral services for Mrs. Rosie Petter, 65 of near Fayetteville were held at the Knesek chapel Thursday morning with continued services at the St. John’s Catholic church. Rev. Thomas Matl officiated and burial was in the Fayetteville Catholic cemetery.
Mrs. Petter expired at her home Monday evening.
Born at Fayetteville on September 4, 1889, she was a daughter of the late Paul and Anna Lastovica Sury. In 1907 she was united in marriage with Anton Petter at Fayetteville.
Surviving are her husband; two daughters, Mrs. Ludmila Bielec of Wallis and Julia Petter of near Fayetteville; two sons, Rudolf of Bastrop and Johnnie of near Fayetteville, three sisters, Mrs. Veronica Novosad and Mrs. Frank Danek of Wharton and Mrs. Agnes Matus of Ganado; two brothers, Peter Sury of Rosenberg and Henry Sury of Needville; one half-sister Mrs. Sophia Krenek of Ellinger; two half-brothers, Ernest Sury of Houston and Emil Sury of Fayetteville and two grandchildren.
Austin American-Statesman, February 23, 2013
Amanda (Wessels) Petras
Amanda (Wessels) Petras, 89, of La Grange, Texas, died on Wednesday, February 20, 2013. Amanda was born in Prairie Valley, Texas on April 14, 1923.
She was the daughter of Hermann Wessels, Jr. and Annie Wessels. Amanda was baptized June 24, 1923 and was confirmed on April 12, 1937 at St. Peter Lutheran Church in Prairie Valley. Amanda attended school in Prairie Valley. She was a champion bowler; her team having won State honors in the '60's. In her later years, she enjoyed Wii bowling with family and dominos with her Jefferson Place friends. Amanda began an early career in nursing, under the watchful eye of the late Ida Reichart, Director of Nurses. She worked at Fayette Memorial Hospital and then for Dr. Leslie Boelsche for many years until she retired. Scholarships are still given to students interested in nursing at St. Mark's Hospital under the name of the late Ida Reichart. Amanda married Ike Petras on June 9, 1947 in La Grange, Texas. After their marriage, Ike and Amanda lived in Fort Worth and later moved back to La Grange to start a family while continuing her nursing career. Amanda lost the love of her life and best friend, Ike, unexpectedly on August 19, 1969. At that time, Ike Petras was serving as Fayette County Judge.
Amanda was active at St. Peter's Church. She served on the Altar Guild and was Vice-President of the Women of the Church. She served in many capacities of the VFW Auxiliary, patriotic instructor for many years and preparing food for Post and Auxiliary. In December 2011, Amanda was presented her 55-year member Auxiliary pin. Amanda loved to travel not only with her daughter, Cindy, but also with her dear friends Nita Zapalac and Virginia Adamcik. Amanda will be remembered for her grace, generosity and thankful heart.
She is survived by son, Mike Petras and wife, Norma, of Mullins Prairie; daughter, Cindy Hayes and husband, Pete, of Austin; sister, Charleen (Wessels) Koopmann of La Grange; brother-in-law, George Petras of La Grange; two step granddaughters: Addison Myrick and husband, Elijah, of Georgetown; Lindsay Taylor and husband, John Faith, of Austin; step great-grand daughter, Westlea Faith; and numerous nieces, nephews and friends.
Amanda is preceded in death by her parents; husband, Ike; two sisters: Stella Wessels and Dolores Huebel; brother, Herbert Wessels and his wife, Joyce; two brother-in-laws: Raymond Koopmann and Clinton "Bits" Huebel.
Visitations will be held on Saturday, February 23, 2013 from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and on Sunday, February 24, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Koenig & Strickland Funeral Home. Family will receive friends on Sunday, February 24, 2013 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. A prayer service will follow at 7:00 p.m. Funeral Services will be held at St. Peter Lutheran Church in West Point (Prairie Valley), Texas, at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, February 25, 2013. Burial will follow at La Grange City Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to St. Peter Lutheran Church or St. Peter Lutheran Cemetery, P. O. Box 70, West Point, TX 78963 or VFW Post 5254, 7826 E. Radhost School Rd., La Grange, TX 78945. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Koenig & Strickland Funeral Home 208 W. Pearl, La Grange, Texas. Family and friends can view and sign the guestbook online at
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, 7 Nov 1952, page 1
Edward Petras, 38, Dies Unexpectedly; Rites Held Today
Funeral services were held this (Thursday) morning at La Grange and Holman for Edward J. Petras, 38, of the Mullin's Prairie area, who was stricken while playing dominoes at about 11:15 Tuesday night, dying a short time later in the La Grange Hospital.
Rev. Adolph Janda officiated, assisted by Msgr. Anthony Drozd, in the services, which began at the Koenig Funeral Home in La Grange and continued at Holman Catholic Church. Burial was in the Holman Catholic Cemetery.
Survivors include his wife, the former Miss Millie Kainer; a son, Dennis; a daughter, Jolynn; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus I. Petras of Mullin's Prairie; two brothers, George and Ike J. of La Grange; and one sister, Mrs. Alfred Kainer of the La Grange area.
Weimar Mercury, Thursday, August 21, 1969
Fayette Judge Ike Petras Dies Unexpectedly
La Grange – Fayette County Judge Ike J. Petras, 49, died Tuesday at Fayette Memorial Hospital here after minor jaw surgery. He had had a tooth extracted recently and the jaw apparently failed to heal properly.
Judge Petras, an employee of the county for 18 years, was deputy tax collector from 1949 until he was elected district clerk in 1950, a position he held until 1965. He was appointed county judge Aug. 1, 1965, to succeed Henry J. Schovajsa, who resigned to enter private law practice.
Born Nov. 30, 1919, at Mullins Prairie, he was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Petras. He was a World War II veteran and a member of the American Legion and VFW.
He is survived by his wife, the former Amanda Wessels; a daughter Cynthia, and son, Michael; his parents; a sister, Mrs. Alfred (Helen) Kainer; and a brother, George. All live at La Grange.
Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Thursday at Koenig Funeral Home in La Grange, continuing with a requiem mass at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Burial will be in the La Grange City Cemetery.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Houston Chronicle, 20 Jun 200
Bennie F. Petrash
Funeral Mass for BENNIE F. PETRASH, 78, of Sugar Land, formerly of Ganado, will be held at 10:00 A. M., Wednesday, June 20, 2007 at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Praha, with celebrant Msgr. John Bily and concelebrant Father Edward Bartsch. Interment will follow at St. Mary's Cemetery in Praha.
Bennie was born March 13, 1929 in Ganado to Joseph V. Petrash, Sr. and Elnora Liberda Petrash. He served his country proudly in the United States Air Force and was a member of Knights of Columbus Council 07036 and KJT. He was a 1956 graduate of St. Mary's University and was a consultant with HL&P for 28 years. He passed away June 17, 2007 in Richmond.
He is survived by his wife, Elaine Greive Petrash of Sugar Land; brother, Allen Petrash and wife, JoAnn, of Ganado; sister-in-law, Wanda Petrash of Ganado; along with many nieces, nephews and friends.
Words of condolence and memorial tributes may be left for the family at Service arrangements are under the direction of Davis-Greenlawn Funeral Home, 3900 B. F. Terry Blvd., Rosenberg, Texas, 77471, 281-341-8800.
La Grange Journal, 4 Oct 1978
Funeral Services for Felix David Petrash, 67, of route 4, LaGrange were held Tuesday, October 3 at 4 pm with the Reverend Wm. Halata officiating. Burial was in Hostyn Cemetery under direction of Koenig Funeral Home.
Mr. Petrash, a general laborer, died Sunday in the Villa North West Convalesant [sic] Center in Houston, he was 67.
Born in Hallettsville December 30, 1910, he was the son of Henry and Johanna Hajek Petrash. He was married to Annie Haverda, October 15, 1941 in Lavaca County. He resided in Fayette County most of his life.
Surviving are his wife Annie, of Austin; three daughters, Mrs. Charlie Rose Lehmann of Winchester, Mrs. Mary Maly of Wichita Falls, and Miss Helen Petrash of Houston; a son Tony Petrash of Houston, three sisters, Mrs. Frank (Margarete) Bohac and Mrs. Louis (Irene) Klare both of Houston and Mrs. Werner (Nita) Fritsch of Denison; three brothers, Johnny of Baytown, Edwin Petrash of Schulenberg and Julius of Cotulla and four granddaughters.
He was preceded in death by his parents, one son, two daughters and one brother.
Undated newspaper clipping
Henry Petrash, Jr.
Funeral services for Henry Petrash Jr., age 51, of Schulenburg, were held Thursday, July 29, at 8:45 a. m. from the Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Chapel with continued services at the Rose Catholic Church at 9 a. m. Burial was in the Catholic Cemetery.
Mr. Petrash passed away at the local doctor's clinic after becoming ill suddenly at his place of business Monday, July 26.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Henry Petrash Jr.; a daughter, Mrs. David (Janie) Crawford; two sons, Henry A. Petrash with the United States Navy and Donald Petrash; and his mother, Mrs. Henry Petrash Sr. of Schulenburg.
Schulenburg Sticker, 7 Mar 1958
Last Rites Held for Henry J. Petrash Sr.
The funeral services for Mr. Henry J. Petrash Sr., a retired farmer of Schulenberg were held from the Schwenke-Baumgartner funeral chapel on Wednesday, March 5, 1958 at 8:45 with services continuing at Saint Rosa of Lima Catholic Church at 9:00 am with Reverend Laddie Jasek conducting last rites and burial was in Saint Rose Catholic Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Julius Anderle, N.J. Stoever, Chas Wagner, Ike Petrash, Frank Prihoda, Ben Sustr, Raymond Nize and Joe Petrash.
Mr. Petrash, who was 72 years, three months and 13 days, passed away on Sunday March 2 after being in ill health for one year. He was born in 1885 at Schulenberg the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Petrash.
On June 17, 1919 he married Miss Annie Sustr at Breslau. Mr. Petrash was a member of the Catholic Church and the SPJST Lodge.
Survivors are his widow of Schulenberg, three daughters, Mrs. Frank (Margarete) Bohac and Mrs. Louis (Irene) Klare of Houston and Mrs. Werner (Anita) Fritsch of Denison; five sons, Edwin, Felix and Henry L. Pertrash Jr. of Schulenberg, John Petrash of Baytown and Julius of Edinburgh; three sisters, Mrs. John (Mary) Pesek of Taylor, Mrs. Annie Petrash and Mrs. Millie Altmann of Houston, two brothers, Louis and Eddie Petrash of Schulenberg and 29 grandchildren.
Fayette County Record, Friday, April 24, 1959
Mrs. Petrvalsky’s Funeral Saturday
Funeral service will be held Saturday at 9 a.m. at the Knesek Chapel in Fayetteville for Mrs. Emilie Petrvalsky, 80, mother of Mrs. E.S. Kovar of La Grange, who died at her home early Thursday. Requiem Mass will follow at St. John’s Catholic church, with the Rev. Thomas Matl officiating, and burial will be in the church cemetery. Rosary will be recited Friday night at 7:30 at the chapel. Further particulars will appear in the next issue.
Contributed by Kathy Carter
Schulenburg Sticker, 21 Jan 1916
Harvey Leo Pettschke [sic.], age 1 year, died Oct. 18, 1915, Engle.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 2 June 1904, Engle Items column
Engle, Texas. May 31-04.
Quite a crowd from Engle attended the funerals of Mr. J. J. Kolar of Flatonia and Mr. Anton Petter a young musician man and well liked by all who knew him. We sympathize with the bereaved family.
Rev. A. B. Davisson held his regular preaching last Sunday. On account of so many deaths the attendance was not as large as expected.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, Friday, May 21, 1948
Funeral services for Henry Petter, 70, brother of Miss Sophie Petter of Ammannsville, were held Tuesday morning at the family home in Hostyn community, Rev. Edward J. Jansky officiating.
Mr. Petter, a farmer, died at his home Sunday after an extended illness.
Born in Europe, he came to this country with his parents at the age of four. In 1899, he married Miss Karoline Kubos. He spent his entire life in the Hostyn community.
Surviving are his widow, 2 daughters, Misses Edith and Martha Petter of near La Grange; three sons, Richard of Rosenberg and Adolph and Joseph of near La Grange; three sisters, Mrs. Louise Knesek of Schulenburg, Miss Sophie Petter of Ammannsville, and Mrs. Johanna Barta of Hungerford; and one grandchild.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Fort Worth Star-Telegram, November 11, 1993
HURST - Rudolph A. Petter, a retired electrician and appliance repairman in Bastrop, died Wednesday at a Hurst nursing center. He was 83.
Vigil is pending Friday at Koenig Funeral Home in La Grange.
Funeral Mass is pending Saturday at Assension Catholic Church in Bastrop.
Burial will be in Fayetteville Catholic Cemetery.
Lucas Funeral Home in Hurst in in charge of local arrangements.
Mr. Petter was born in Fayetteville. He was a longtime Bastrop resident before moving to Hurst.
Survivors: Son, Robert Petter of Conyers, Ga.; daughter, Jeanette Reeder of Hurst; brother, Johnnie Petter of Fayetteville; sister, Ludmilla Bielec of Wallis; and five grandchildren.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis