On last Monday there was a man named Baar killed by his horse running against a tree, near Matejowsky's store.—Record
The Weekly Colorado Citizen, January 1, 1880
SPJST Vestnik, Wednesday, May 16, 1990
We, the undersigned Resolution Committee of Lodge Cecho-Moravan No. 106, la Grange, Texas on behalf of our entire membership, wish to express our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family of our departed brother
who passed away Sunday, March 4, 1990 in St. David’s Hospital in Austin at the age of 79 years. He was born at Plum on January 2, 1911, son of the late Anton B. and Therezie Psencik Baca.
He was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, KJT, Holy Name Society and the SPJST.
He was a dairyman and pecan farmer.
Funeral services were held Tuesday at 10 a.m. in Sacred Heart Catholic Church with Rev. Monsignor Harry Mazurkiewicz officiating, with burial at the La Grange City Cemetery.
Surviving are his wife, Esther Barton Baca of La Grange; two sons and daughters-in-law, Thomas Wayne and Marguerite Baca of Austin, William L. and Marilyn Baca of Giddings; one daughter, Judy Lynn Baca of Austin; five grandchildren, Tammy, Dana and Stacy Baca of Austin, Christi and Steven Baca of Giddings; one sister, Lenora Kallus of Luling and one sister-in-law, Dorothy Baca of Universal City.
May our departed lodge brother rest in eternal peace.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Dallas Morning News, June 14, 1954
BACA, Frank Louis, residence 8703 San Benito Way, passed away Sunday.
Survived by wife, Mrs. Albina Kubala Baca; brothers, John Baca and William Baron, both of El Campo, Texas.
Rosary 8 p.m. Monday, Crane, Longley Chapel. Remains to be forwarded to Fayetteville, Texas, for funeral Mass 9 a.m. Wednesday, St. John Catholic Church. Interment St. John Parish Cemetery, Fayetteville
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Fayette County Record, 17 Oct 2008
Gil Baca, 83, the third generation Czech musician who began his musical career at age 9, died on Wednesday, Oct. 15 in Houston Hospital.
Funeral services are set for Saturday, Oct. 18 at 10 a.m. at St. John Catholic Church in Fayetteville. Burial will be in the Fayetteville City Cemetery.
Visistation will be held Friday form 4-8 p.m. at St. John Catholic Church and a rosary will be said at 7 p.m.
He was born April 1, 1925 in Fayetteville, the son of Raymond and Antonia Baca.
Baca played his last concert in Fayetteville on Saturday, Sept. 6 which was professionally filmed and recorded. He was the last Baca to play in the band. He was well-known for uhis unique piano style that is [known] to many as the "Baca Beat." He has made many TV appearances. He was featured on Ron Stone's Eyes of Texas, Czech Newspapers, Texas Monthly, and Czech Institute of Culture.
He played for the inauguration for Richard Nixon when he became president of the United States. He also played for the bi-centennial celebration of our country at the [Smithsonian] Institute in Washington, D. C.
He served on the original Washington Folk Festival, and the Texas Folk Festival in San Antonio.
He was especially invited by the Czech Institute of Culture to play during the communitst regime. They sent over their Czech Airline to take him back where he played two tours throughout the country. He was alsways proud of his Czech heritage and Czech musical background. He served his country during World War II in the United States Navy.
Survivors include his wife, Florence Baca of Fayetteville; three stepchildren, Lynda, Mike and Him; and grandchildren, Alison and Jeffery and wife Erin.
The family requests that memorials be given to St. John Catholic Church in Fayetteville.
Earthman Funeral Home of Houston was in charge of arrangements.
Ignac BACA
Victoria Daily Advocate, Thursday, April 7, 1932
LA GRANGE, April 7.—Ignac Baca, 24, son of Anto(n) Baca of Buckners Creek community, died at the hospital here early today of injuries received two hours earlier when a sedan driven by Frank Mika, local barber, and another collided.
Young Baca was pinned beneath the upturned car. Funeral services will be held Friday morning at the Catholic Church at Plum.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 3 Sep 1903
Death Record.
Baca: Died near Plum, August 22-03, of fever, Joe Baca, jr., aged 8 months.
Galveston Daily News, Wednesday, December 8, 1915
Fayetteville, Tex., Dec. 7.-- Mrs. Johanna Baca, widow of Frank Baca, was found dead at her lot near her house yesterday morning by her son, Vinc Baca. She had been dead apparently for twelve or fifteen hours. She was last seen alive late Saturday evening and was found about 9 o'clock Sunday.
She lived by her self in a house near her son's.
The inquest which was held disclosed the fact that she had died from the effects of a stroke of paralysis. She was buried in the Catholic Cemetery here today, Rev. Father Vanicek officiating at the church and the grave.
Mrs. Baca was 71 years old, and leaves five children, four daughters and one son.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Waco News-Tribune, Saturday, February 11, 1956
Funeral services for John Baca, 85, who died at his home, 620 Garden Drive at 4:30 a.m. Friday, will be held at Sacred Heart Catholic Church at Flatonia at 9 a.m. Saturday with Rev. Victor Raska officiating.
Burial will be in Oak Hill Cemetery at Flatonia.
Rosary was recited at Smith Funeral Home in Flatonia at 8 p.m. Friday.
Mr. Baca was born in Flatonia and had lived in Waco for the past five years. He was a retired farmer.
Surviving are six daughters, Mrs. W. J. Smajstrla, Mrs. Ralph H. Marshall and Miss Anna Baca, all of Waco, Mrs. J. J. Harnutka (?) of Temple, Mrs. Paul Mrnustik of El Paso and Mrs. Emil E. Nersersta of Houston; two sons, Adolph Baca of Schulenberg and Herman Baca of Flatonia; and a sister, Mrs. Mary Shimek of La Grange.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, Friday, April 24, 1953
John R. Baca, 60, director of Baca's Original Band and Orchestra for 33 years, died in hospital at La Grange last weekend and was buried Monday at Fayetteville.
He was the son of Frank J. Baca Sr., who organized the band and orchestra in 1892, six years after the Spanish-American War. [Note: The Spanish-American War was in 1898 -- RE]. After the elder Baca died in 1907, the band was directed by a son, Joe O. Baca. He died in 1920 and was succeeded by John R. Baca.
Recordings of the Baca Band were made in 1930 by Okeh Phonograph Corp., in 1931 for Columbia, and in 1935 for Brunswick.
Mr. Baca is survived by his wife, a daughter, two sons, and several sisters and brothers.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 7 Sep 1905
Deaths Recorded Since Last Report.
Josef Baca of Fayetteville, age 80 years, died August 19.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, June 5, 2007
Larry Bruce (L. B.) Baca
Larry Bruce (L. B.) Baca died Sunday, June 3rd, in Lubbock. He was a resident of Ft. Worth for 45 years and was hospitalized there before transferring to Mackenzie House in Lubbock to be near his family.
Mr. Baca was born Oct. 12, 1933, in Fayetteville. His family subsequently moved to San Angelo where he attended public schools. He is a graduate of San Angelo High School and the University of Houston, where he earned a B.A. in journalism.
He was employed by McGraw Hill Publishing and worked there 37 years before retiring in 1999.
He is survived by a sister, Maxine Blakemore of Lubbock; two nephews, Terry Gardner of Abilene and Darrell Baca of Cat Springs; five nieces, Lisa Moore of Lubbock, Penny Willhite of Midland, Deniece Hockett of Missouri City, Sherry Johnson of Alvarado, and Cindy Ansaldo of Boerne; a sister-in-law, Virginia Carlson of Dickinson; and a brother-in-law, Jim Page of San Antonio.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Myrtle and Ludwig Baca; a brother, Cleo Baca; a sister, Margie Page; and a niece, Kandy Stofa. His father, Ludwig Baca, was a composer and performer of Czech folk music and a member of the original Baca Band in the Fayetteville-La Grange area.
A memorial service will be held at 4 p.m. Tuesday, June 5th, in the Franklin-Bartley Chapel at 4444 S. Loop 289 in Lubbock. The Reverend Sam Estes will officiate. Interment will be at Fayetteville, Texas Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to the Susan G. Komen Foundation or a favorite charity.
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, February 28, 1974
Final Rites for Miss Bacak, 75, Held at Dubina
Funeral services for Miss Angelina Bacak, 75, were held Wednesday, February 20, from Hubbard Funeral Home and Sts. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church, Dubina, with burial in the church cemetery.
Rev. Charles Carolan officiated.
Miss Bacak died Monday, Feb. 18.
An almost lifelong resident of this area, she was born May 28, 1898, at Nada, the daughter of Frank and Maria Veselka Bacak.
Survivors are one brother, Ed Bacak of Weimar, and several nieces and nephews.
Two brothers, Adolph and Emil Bacak, and a sister, Mary Kocurek, preceded her in death.
Pallbearers were Allan Bacak, James Bacak, Frank Bacak, Lacy Buie, Jerry Trochta, and Rafael Veselka.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury,
April 6, 1945
Funeral Rites for Frank Bacak, 76, Last Wednesday
Funeral services were held for Frank Bacak, 76, on Wednesday of last week at the Dubina Catholic Church, with the Rev. Leo Pesek officiating. Interment was in the Dubina Cemetery.
Mr. Bacak was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Bacak and was born in Czechoslovakia on May 12, 1868. He came to America with his parents in the year 1880 when he was 12 years of age. The family settled at or near Schulenburg and engaged in farming. He was united in marriage to Miss Mary Veselka on June 18, 1889, at Dubina, and to this union five children were born. Mr. Bacak died at the family home in the Dubina community on Monday, March 26. He was a member of the Cataholic Church.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Mary Kocurek of Beaumont, Miss Angeline Bacak of Weimar; three sons, Emil Bacak of El Campo, Edward and Adolf Bacak of Weimar; one sister, Mrs. John Orsak of El Campo; three brothers, Chas., Louis and Rudolf Bacak of El Campo.
The Mercury extends condolence.
Galveston Daily News, Tuesday, December 13, 1932
Flatonia, Tex., Dec. 12.—Mrs. J. A. Bacak, 81, died at the hospital here after a short illness. Funeral services were conducted from the Sacred Heart Catholic Church at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Interment was in Catholic Cemetey.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, 2 Jan 1892, page 2
At a dance at Praha Saturday night John Bacha was shot and instantly killed by Anton Bohuslau. From what the News correspondent can learn the row originated over the question who should dance with a certain girl. Bohuslau has been arrested and is now in the calaboose. Squire Hopkins, who is at LaGrange, has been telegraphed for to hold an inquest. In the meantime the body is lying as it fell when shot.—Flatonia cor. Galveston News.
Weimar Mercury, 19 Dec 1903
Flatonia, Dec. 9.—Ed Bailey, who accidentally shot himself in the stomach with a pistol Monday, died from the wounds last night. He was to have been married to Miss Allie Leach at 8 o'clock tonight. Rev. Rowland, who had been engaged to perform the marriage ceremony, will officaite at the funeral at 3 p.m. tomorrow.
Schulenburg Sticker, 27 Dec 1912
John Bajer, 75 years Dubina, Appoplexy [sic].
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, 6 Jun 1889, page 2
A railroad section hand named Baker, was run over and killed by a Taylor, Bstrop and Houston freight train near Fayetteville Sunday night. The remains were brought here and Justice Baker held an inquest Monday. From the evidence adduced before his honor it seems that the unfortunate man was lying on the track and was not discovered until too late to stop the train. The conductor, engineer and other employes of the road were exonerated from all blame. The funeral took place Tuesday morning from the Colorado house.—LaGrange Journal.
Joseph Echols BAKER
Schulenburg Sticker, 26 Apr 1906, La Grange News column
On Tuesday the 10th inst. Mr. J. E. Baker, for many years District Clerk of Fayette County died at the family home in this city. He was survived by a widow, two daughters and a son, Lieut. Len. Baker U. S. A., now in the Philippine Islands. Mr. Baker was a Confederate veteran.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 9 Feb 1917
Lorne [sic.] Baker, died Jan 20, age 10 years, 11 months and 30 days, West Point
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, 3 Jan 1903, page 1
Chas. Bittner, Jr., Kills a Negro.
A difficulty occurred last Friday afternoon between Charles Bittner, Jr. a respected farmer of the Holman vicinity, and Louis Baker, a tough negro of the same section, in which Mr. Bittner killed the negro with a winchester bullet in the brain. The negro was a gambler and had no business on Mr. Bittner's place, and had been ordered to leave. He replied that he would not, and that Mr. Bittner could not make him go, intimating that he would make it pretty warm for anyone to attempt to make him do so. Late that evening he rode up to the lot where Mr. Bittner was at work. He was on horseback and had a double-barrel shotgun on the pommel of the saddle. Mr. Bittner asked him what he intended to do with that gun, and he replied that he "wanted an even break with the white man," at the same time jumping off his horse and throwing the gun over the saddle in Mr. Bittner's direction. He fired, but as he was afraid to raise his head above the saddle, the bullets went over Mr. Bittner's head. Mr. Bittner had a winchester rifle, and he fired at once, cutting a hole in the negro's hat. The negro then ran, but turned and snapped the gun at him, the charge failing to explode. He continued running and had gone about 120 yards down a ravine, when he again turned and endeavored to fire. Mr. Bittner than gave him one more shot, with the result that the negro was shot in the forehead and instantly killed. Louis Baker is said to have borne a very bad reputation as a tough negro, and his demise is regretted by few, if any. Mr. Bittner is a quiet, peaceable man, and not the one to pick a fuss with anybody.
Schulenburg Sticker, 7 Jan 1916
Frank Balcar, died Dec. 17, 1915, [H]olman, age 80 years,
Contributed by Matt Cross
Ursela Josie Vavra Balcar
The Weimar Mercury, Thursday, November 7, 2013 page 2
Ursela J Balcar Services Held October 30
Ursela Josie Balcar of Schulenburg passed away on October 26 at age 95 years, 11 months.
Ursela was born November 28, 1917 in Fayette County to John and Frances (Mican) Vavra.
She was united in marriage to Fred Balcar on January 25, 1941 at St. Michael Catholic Church in Weimar and was married for 56 years.
Josie resided in Victoria with her husband for four years and after the war moved to Schulenburg where she enjoyed life to the fullest.
She was a loving wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.
She will always be remembered for her kindness and taking care of her sister, Frances.
Josie enjoyed baking her wonderful recipes (strudels, pear cakes, poppyseed rolls) that were always enjoyed by her family.
Her grandchildren and great-grandchildren were always very special to her.
She very lovingly crocheted beautiful afghans for each of her grandchildren and great-grand children.
Josie worked for Victor Stanzel Company where she retired after 24 years of service.
After retirement, she was a regular volunteer at the Colonial and Regency Homes. Josie was very devoted to the Blessed Mother and occasionally lead the rosary in church and at Regency.
She was also instrumental in sponsoring the film, "Miracle of Medjugorie Blessed Mother" at the K of C Hall in 1987.
Josie was a lifetime member of St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church and a 50 Year Pin recipient from the Catholic Daughters and KJZT.
She was blessed with two children: James Balcar and wife, Carolyn of Weimar; JoAnn Helmcamp and husband, Larry of Sugar Land and guardian to a niece, Lora Faltysek and husband, Tim of East Bernard.
Josie is also survived by seven grandchildren, Chris Balcar and wife, Cristea of Houston; Lisa Senogles and husband, Beau of Katy; David Helmcamp and wife, Amber of Cat Spring; Rodney Helmcamp and wife, Bridget of Richmond; Dawn Boehnemann and husband, William of Beasley; Craig Faltysek and wife, Jodie of East Bernard; and Michael Faltysek of East Bernard and sixteen great-grandchildren, Ethan, Makensie and Carson Balcar; Kaylen, Kyle and Ryan Senogles; Cole and Todd Helmcamp; Bailey, Brooke, Reid and Ryder Helmcamp; Garrett and Brandi Boehnemann and Chloe and Jillian Faltysek.
She was preceded in death by her husband, parents, two brothers, six sisters, along with a brother and sister in infancy.
Funeral services were held on Wednesday, October 30 at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church with Rev. Tim Kosler and Deacon Lee Sharron of Cuero officiating.
Interment followed in the church cemetery.
Pallbearers were grandsons: Chris Balcar, David Helmcamp, Rodney Helmcamp, Craig Faltysek, Michael Faltysek and grandsons-in-law; Beau Senogles and William Boehemann.
Scripture readings were given by Amber and Cole Helmcamp.
Offertory gifts were presented by her granddaughters: Lisa Senogles and Dawn Boehnemann and granddaughters-in-law Cristea Balcar, Amber Helmcamp, Bridget Helmcamp and Jodie Faltysek.
The vocalist was Bernie Jillings, accompanied on the organ by Nicole Michalke.
The eulogy was given by Allan Schoeneberg.
The rosary was said by the Catholic Daughters of America at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home.
Funeral services were under the direction of Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home.
Schulenburg Sticker, 26 Jan 1905, Swiss Alp column
Mrs. Aug. Balke [sic.], aged 55 years and 7 months, died last Sunday night. She leaves a grief stricken husband and 9 children to mourn her death. Deceased was laid to rest in Black Jack cemetery Tuesday morning. May she rest in peace.
Mrs. Louis Luck from Austin was here to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Aug. Balke.
Mr. Ernst Schwenke of Houston was here to attend the funeral of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Balke.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 20 Oct 1904, Swiss Alp column
Grandpa Balks [sic.] of O’Quinn died Friday after a very short illness. He leaves many children, all grown, to mourn his death. Deceased was 87 years old.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 25 Feb 1921, page 1
One of the two twins, born to John Ballard and wife, colored, last week, passed away Monday morning. It is said that the other twin is a healthy individual. The father, a well known colored man of this section is 62 years of age. He was married about a year ago.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, 22 Feb 1924, page 8
John Ballard, well known local negro, died Tuesday at the age of 75 years. John was one of the old school. He was a slave, gaining his freedom after the civil war when [he] was 16 years old. He formerly worked for Stafford Bros., at Columbus, and hauled the lumber for the big Stafford home near Columbus. — Schulenburg Sticker.
Schulenburg Sticker, 5 May 1904
Death Record.
Ballard, Died at Waelder, 4-12-04, of acute Peritonis [sic], Mollie Ballard, aged 28 years.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 14 May 1908
At Swiss Alp, April 29, Henry Ballinger, age 35 years, 8 months, of typhoid fever.
Contributed by Matt Cross
The La Grange Journal,
Thursday, December 11, 1947
Chris Balko Expires at Warrenton Home
Chris Balko, well known Fayette County resident, passed away at his home at Warrenton Monday. He was 84 years, nine months and 26 days of age.
Last rites were held at the Koenig Funeral Home Chapel Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. Rev. H. T. Flachmeier officiated, and interment was made in the New City Cemetery.
Mr. Balko was born in Germany on Feb. 12, 1863, and immigrated to Texas at the age of five. _____________ community with his parents. On Dec. 14, 1893, he was united in marriage with Miss Frances _____ at Black Jack and they lived near Plum for about 50 years. About five months ago they moved to Warrenton to make their home.
Had he lived six more days, the couple would have attained their 54th wedding anniversary.
Survivors include: his widow; three daughters, Mrs. Herman Winters of Thrall, Mrs. O. A. Krueger of Warrenton and Mrs. Marvin Meares of Kerrville; three sons, Erwin of Houston, Edgar of San Pedro, Calif. And Walter O. Balko of Memphis, Texas; one sister, Mrs. Mary Balko Schroeder of Vernon; 13 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Fayette County Record, Friday, August 30, 1974
Mrs. Balko, 105, Is Claimed by Death
Mrs. Frances E. Balko, apparently Fayette County’s oldest resident, passed away Wednesday at Fayette Memorial Hospital. She attained the age of 105 years, six months and four days.
Funeral services are set for 2:30 p.m. Friday at St. John Lutheran Church in Warrenton with the Rev. Wayne Walther officiating, and burial will be in the La Grange City Cemetery.
A daughter of Adolph and Theresta Junall Carby, she was born February24, 1869, at Black Jack and was united in marriage there with Christof Balko on Dec. 14, 1881. Her husband preceded Mrs. Balko in death of Dec. 8, 1947, and in recent years Mrs. Balko resided with a son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Otto A. Krueger at Warrenton. She was a life-long resident of the general La Grange area.
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Krueger of Warrenton, Mrs. Hilda Winter of Hondo and Mrs. F. M. Meares of Kerrville; one son, Walter O. Balko of Grand Prairie; one sister, Mrs. Nettie germany of Houston; 12 grandchildren, 39 great-grandchildren and nine great-great-grandchildren. Also surviving are two daughters-in-law, Mrs. Onal Balko and Mrs. Lillian Balko.
She was preceded in death by three sons, Edgar, Erwin, and Arnold Balko, four brothers and four sisters, in addition to her husband.
Mrs. Balko will remain at the Koenig Funeral Home until noon Friday.
Fayette County Record, Tuesday, September 15, 1953
Mrs. Balzer Dies At Schulenburg
Funeral services for Mrs. John C. Balzer, 66, past 30 year resident of Schulenburg, whose death occurred Saturday in a Weimar hospital, were held in Schulenburg Monday, Rev. Wm. C. Anderson officiating.
Mrs. Balzer was a native of Swiss Alp. In 1908, she married John C. Balzer, and the couple moved to La Grange. Later, they moved to Swiss Alp where Mr. Balzer operated a gin until 1922, when the couple became residents of Schulenburg.
Survivors are: one son, Ralph E. Balzer of Schulenburg; and a daughter [sister], Mrs. A. M. Frierson of Bristow, Oklahoma.
Interment was in the city cemetery at Schulenburg.
Fayette County Record, Friday, August 30, 1974
Elo Balzer’s Funeral Held On Thursday
Elo W. Balzer, well-known resident of near Ellinger, passed away Tuesday at the Columbus Hospital at the age of 66.
Funeral services for Mr. Balzer were conducted by Rev. Francis Kolar at the Jecmenek chapel in Ellinger at 10 a.m. this Thursday, followed by services at the Hostyn Hill Catholic Church. Burial was in the church cemetery, Henneke Funeral Home of Columbus the funeral director.
Mr. Balzer was born Aug. 15, 1908, at Shaw’s Bend near Ellinger, and was united in marriage with Miss Lillan Zapalac at Hostyn Hill on June 25, 1935. He had resided in the community for the past 25 years, and was a Columbus gravel pit employee.
Surviving, beside his wife, are a daughter, Mrs. Charles (Patsy) Ott of Bastrop; a son, Robert Balzer of Austin; a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Kansteiner of Ellinger; three brothers, Herman of Columbus, and Rudolph and Willie Balzer, both of Hallettsville; and two grandchildren, Doug and Liza Balzer of Austin.
A parish rosary was recited at the Jecmenek chapel at 8 p.m. Wednesday.
The La Grange Journal, January 16,1936 page 5
Former Citizen of La Grange Dies at Corpus Christi—50
Relatives and friends, advised Sunday, were grieved to learn of the death of Ernst Balzer, formerly of La Grange, but for the past fifteen years a ginner at Robstown. Death came to Mr. Balzer at Corpus Christi, ill with double pneumonia, at a hospital.
Ernst Balzer was a very likeable man, born and reared in La Grange, he had many friends in this city where for several years he was engineer at the oil mill. The ginning occupation, previously followed by his father, had its influence to his liking, and Robstown became his home. He operated, near to Robstown two gins. In company with Mr. Balzer he visited with La Grange relatives in La Grange during the recent holidays.
Deceased is survived by his widow, nee Miss Mathilda Rippel (daughter of the late Jos. Rippel) and three brothers: G.A. Balzer, prominent merchant at Robstown, W.K. Balzer of Driscoll, and Richard Balzer of Houston; his mother Mrs. K.A. Balzer and one sister, Mrs. Willie Slagimiller of Sagerton. Interment was had at Robstown, Monday.
Transcribed by Stacy N. Sneed
The Schulenburg Sticker, Thursday, December 2, 1982
Gus Balzer Rites Dec. 1
Funeral services for Gus A. Balzer will be held at 2:00 p.m. at the St. Paul United Church of Christ. The body will lie in state at the church on Wednesday, Dec. 1 from 1:15 p.m. until service time. Interment will be in the Schulenburg City Cemetery and Rev. Ernest Melchert will officiate at the last rites.
Pallbearers will be Erwin Otten, Ralph Balzer, Douglas Cornelson, Tom Chromcak, Brad Chromcak and Robert Cornelson.
Those who will serve as honorary pallbearers will be Shelton Wagner, Ray Newbern, Wallace Vornsand, Oscar Strobel, Dr. Norman DeRuiter, Jerry Bucek, Barney Vornsand, Rudy Smrkovsky, Erwin Blaschke, Lawrence Grasshoff and Emil Barton.
Mr. Balzer, who resided at 205 Paulus St. in Schulenburg, died unexpectedly in Sagerton on Sunday, Nov. 28. He reached the age of 81 years, 9 months, and 0 days.
He was born on Feb. 28, 1901 in La Grange to the late Ernest and Augusta Balzer. He and Ruth Cornelson were married on June 27, 1948 in Schulenburg. Mr. Balzer was a member of the St. Paul United Church of Christ and the Hermann Sons. He was retired at the time of his death.
Surviving him are his wife; a daughter, Barbara Chromcak of Houston; two sons, Larry Cornelson of Sagerton and Bill Cornelson of Houston; and seven grandchildren.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Chapel was in charge of arrangements.
La Grange Journal, March 15, 1934, page 3
Death of K.A. Balzer: A Former Citizen
Brief mention made on page eight of the death of K.A. Balzer, formerly, a citizen of La Grange, is supplemented by the following obituary, sent to the Journal for publication, Tuesday afternoon. Local and rural friends will recall this former citizen who was engaged in the mercantile business in the building now occupied by the Struve Market.
Deceased was born in Weihsenberg, Saxony, Germany, May 6, 1865; was baptized and confirmed there; in 1871 he emigrated to America, landing at Galveston, and from there continued his journey to Giddings, where he worked on a farm for several years. In the year 1884 he was united in marriage with Miss Anna Schiewart of Warda, and settled in that village, opening a wagon shop. After four years he removed to La Grange and associated himself with his brother, E. G. Balzer in the general merchandise business, and bakery, with which business he was connected for several years.
When the La Grange oil mill was built he accepted the position of superintendent, and several years later became a part owner of the La Grange Ginning and Milling Company plant. With his family, in the year 1908 he removed to Saegerton, and engaged in the ginning business.
He became seriously ill in December 1918, his illness passing to pneumonia affliction; since that time he has been in failing health. Unable to assume active duties as before, he made his home with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stagemoeller since 1920 and at this home, March 6, he passed to his reward. The body was buried at the Fairview Cemetery in Saegerton the next day.
Mr. Balzer was a member of the St. Paul Lutheran church at Saegerton; he is survived by his widow and five children; these are: Gerhard Balzer of Robstown, Ernst of Rabb, Willie of Dissoll and Richard of Houston; Louis of Haskell. One daughter Hulda, preceded him. A brother, E. G. Balzer of Schulenburg also survives.
La Grange Journal, March 15, 1934, page 5
G.A. Balzer received a message Monday night that his father , K.A. Balzer, of Sagerton had passed away. Due to illness Mr. Balzer was unable to go to Saegerton, but Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Balzer of Rabb and W.K. Balzer of Driscoll attended the funeral that was held Wednesday. W.K. Balzer was at his father’s bedside during the week preceding his death. –Robstown Record
Mrs. P.O. Goldammer of this city, a niece of K. A. Balzer of Saegerton, was notified of the death of her uncle, but was unable to attend the funeral. Her father E. G. Balzer of Schulenburg, visited with his brother a few days before his death. Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Balzer of Schulenburg and Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Stavinoha of Engle, brother and sister of Mrs. Goldammer’s attended the funeral last Wednesday.
Transcribed by Connie F. Sneed
The Colorado County Citizen, May 31, 2000
BALZER, Lillian
Lillian (Zapalac) Balzer, 86, of Ellinger passed away May 20.
She was born Feb. 6, 1914, near Ellinger, the daughter of John P. and Bertha (Hubenak) Zapalac. On June 25, 1935, she married Elo William Balzer in Ellinger and was a lifetime resident of the Ellinger area. She was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Ellinger, the Altar Society, Catholic Daughters of America and Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.
Funeral services were conducted May 23 at St. Mary's Catholic Church with Msgr. Ben Mazurkiewicz officiating. Interment followed in St. Mary's Catholic Church Cemetery.
She is survived by son and daughter-in-law Robert D. and Lorene Balzer of Austin; daughter and son-in-law Patsy and Charles Ott of Rockne; grandchildren Robert D. and wife Lori Balzer of Austin, Lisa Renee and husband Jamie Lantzsch of Houston, Ann Marie Ott of Littleton, Colo. and Barbara Ott of College Station; great-grandchildren Jonathan, Jackie, Julie, Jacob and Jeanie Balzer; Jordan, Jared and Joshua Lantzsch; brothers and sisters-in-law Alfred J. and Bernice Zapalac and Ben and Lilly Zapalac, all of La Grange; sisters Ruby Burrough of La Grange and Isabel Knipple of Fayetteville; and, numerous nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her parents and her husband.
Memorials may be made to St. Mary's Catholic Church or the donor's favorite charity.
Funeral services were under the direction of Koenig and Strickland's Jecmenek Chapel in Ellinger.
Schulenburg Sticker, 18 Jun 2009, page 3
Ralph E. Balzer
Ralph Ernest Balzer, 93, passed away at Schulenburg Regency Nursing Center on Tuesday, June 9.
A graveside service was held on Wednesday, June 10 at the Schulenburg City Cemetery, where he was interred. Rev. Herb Beyer officiated. “Amazing Grace” was sung by Kristi McBride.
Born in La Grange on Feb. 23, 1916, he was the son of John C. and Christie (Knigge) Balzer. He attended Schulenburg High School, and he was a veteran of World War II. Mr. Balzer, who never married, worked at Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio for 30 years, then was a bus driver for Schulenburg ISD and was self-employed as an electrician. He was a member of St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Schulenburg.
Survivors include cousins Georgia Ann McBride and June Berger of Schulenburg.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Contributed by Matt Cross
The Schulenburg Sticker, Thursday, August 3, 1995
Ruth L. Balzer
Ruth L. Balzer, age 92 years, 6 months, 28 days, passed away Friday, July 28 at Colorado-Fayette Medical Center in Weimar after a one-week illness. She had resided at Regency Villas, 205 East Ave., Schulenburg.
The funeral was held Sunday, July 30 at 4:30 p.m. at the St. Paul United Church of Christ, followed by burial in the Schulenburg City Cemetery. The Rev. Juanice Tomlinson officiated.
Pallbearers were Brad Chromcak, Tom Chromcak and Robert Cornelson, all grandsons from Houston; Gary Cole, grandson from Austin; and Michael Jurica and Howard Wagner, both friends from Schulenburg. Named as honorary pallbearers were Ralph Balzer, Milton Kaase, Shelton Wagner, Mike Wagner, Oscar Strobel and Emil Barton.
Born at Bluff on Jan. 10, 1903, she was the daughter of Fritz and Elise (Koehler) Mensing. She attended school in La Grange.
Her marriage to Gus A. Balzer took place on June 28, 1948 in Schulenburg. A lifetime Fayette County resident, she lived in La Grange and Schulenburg. She was a housewife and member of St. Paul United Church of Christ.
Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, Barbara J. and E. J. Chromcak of Houston; two sons and one daughter-in-law, Larry Cornelson of San Antonio and Bill and Ruth Cornelson of Houston; seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Her parents and husband preceded her in death.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Dallas Morning News,
8 December, 1893
Death and Life Term
La Grange, Fayette Co., Tex., Dec. 7
Fleming Price, charged with murder, was convicted of murder in the first degree and given a life term in the penitentiary.
Alt Hall, colored, charged with the murder of Grant Banks, colored, was convicted of murder in the first degree and the death penalty given. The trouble originated over the game of craps. Hall took his Winchester and rode to the field where Banks was at work and shot him twice and after Banks fell Hall ran up to him and beat his brains out with the butt of the gun.
Weimar Mercury, 17 Oct 1891, page 1
Tom Heller, a prominent citizen and farmer in the neighborhood, shot and killed a negro named Hatley Banks, at Weichel's gin Wednesday afternoon. The particulars, as near as we could learn, are as follows: Banks lived on the farm of John Speckels, and was an overbearing, bulldozing negro, and sought to "run over" Heller on all occasions. At one time not long before his tragic ending, he chased Heller with a shotgun and swore he would kill him. They met at the ginhouse Wednesday, each with cotton seed, and both had shotguns. The negro, however, left his gun in the wagon, and said to Heller, "I am going to get my gun and kill you." He got the gun and Heller screened himself behind the ginhouse, the negro also taking refuge behind the opposite corner. They held these positions for some seconds, and finally Heller came out form his corner, got the drop on his man and filled his side with buckshot. The jury of inquest sat upon the body of deceased yesterday, but up to going to press the result of their verdict was not learned.—LaGrange Democrat.
San Antonio Express-News, September 21, 2007
Lorine M. Banks passed away on Wednesday, September 19, 2007 at the age of 91. Preceded in death by her husband, Raymond L. Banks in 1974 and her infant son, Roy G. Banks in 1950. She is survived by her son, Dan R. Banks and wife Wynona of Boerne, Tx., granddaughters, Laura A. Arldt and husband James of Austin, Tx., Jennifer L. Lee and husband Timothy of Bastrop, Tx., nephew Lt. Col Dalton W. Hielscher Jr (Ret.), and nieces Lynda Anozie and Barbara Minami and a host of cousins. She was born September 7, 1916 in rural Fayette County, Texas to Otto and Martha (nee Noack) Hielscher. A younger brother, Capt Dalton W. Hielscher (USMC Ret.), also preceded her in death. She moved to San Antonio in 1934 and graduated from Draughon's Business College after which she worked for San Antonio Music Company and the Express-News Publishing Co. On April 30, 1940, she married Raymond L. Banks and had two sons, Dan and Roy. She returned to work in 1960 with the Northeast Independent School District food services group and later for Bexar County Hospital food services group. She retired in 1982 and enjoyed a happy life of church, gardening, family and loved ones. She recently had relocated to Boerne, Tx with the assistance of her beloved care-giver Lupe Alamilla, to be closer to her son and daughter-in-law. SERVICES Visitation will be Friday, September 21, 2007, from 4pm to 6pm at Roy Akers Funeral Chapel at 515 N. Main in San Antonio, Tx. Funeral services will be on Saturday, September 22, 2007, with an open casket viewing from 10am to 11am, and services at 11am at Concordia Lutheran Church at 16801 Huebner Rd. where she had been a member since 1958. Interment will be at San Fernando #3 Cemetery off Roselawn Ave. immediately after the service. A light meal will be held at Concordia Lutheran Church at 2pm immediately after interment. Donations may be made to the Concordia Lutheran Church Building Fund in honor of Lorine M. Banks.
Contributed by Connie Sneed
Schulenburg Sticker, 8 Oct 1908
Died near Schulenburg, Anna Barak, Septembe [sic] 25, age 63 years of coma.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Colorado County Citizen, August 5, 1976
Emilie Barborak
Mrs. Emilie D. Barborak of East Bernard died in De Tar Hospital in Victoria July 28 at the age of 79.
Services were held at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Hostyn Hill July 30 with Father Kolar officiating. Burial was in Life Oak Hill Catholic Cemetery.
Mrs. Barborak was born in Ellinger in 1897 and had lived in East Bernard 30 years.
She is survived by a sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary Dvorak of Frelsburg and 5 nephews and 3 nieces.
Pallbearers were Dwayne Dvorak, Victor Dvorak Jr., Randy Dvorak, Justin Dvorak Jr., Jerry Dvorak and Glenn Dvorak.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, Friday, September 10, 1909
Hallettsville, Sept. 1.–Yesterday evening at 6 o'clock while Martin Barbarak [Barborak], who was hauling cotton seed for the Moravia gin, was struck by lightning during an electrical storm and instantly killed; one of the mule team was killed.
Barbarak was 40 years of age and was buried at Praha Catholic cemetery today. He was unmarried.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Victoria Advocate, March 10, 2006
FLATONIA - Mary Voldan Barcak, 90, of Flatonia, died Wednesday, March 8, 2006.
She was born Oct. 3, 1915 in Holman, to the late Frank and Rose Migl Voldan. She was a farmer and a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church.
Survivors: sons, Johnny Barcak and Eugene Barcak, both of Flatonia, and Laddie Barcak of Spring; sister, Henrietta Koester of El Campo; brothers, Frank Voldan of El Campo, Daniel Voldan of Richmond and George Voldan of Eagle Lake; seven grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren.
Preceded in death by: husband, Ladik Barcak; infant daughter, Georgie Mae Barcak; sister, Clara Svec; and brother, John Voldan.
Services will be 10 a.m. today at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Praha, the Rev. Edward Bartsch officiating.
Burial will follow at Praha Catholic Cemetery. Smith Funeral Home, Flatonia, 361-865-3311.
Pallbearers: Elroy Holik, Allen Barcak, Ronnie Barcak, Jeffrey Barcak, James Voldan, Johnnie Voldan.
Honorary pallbearers: Connie Tolles, Susan Estes, Margie Moncrief, Debbie Brogdon, Shirley Schoem, Theresa Barcak.
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
La Grange Journal, August 7, 1913
Died Tuesday Night.
Mrs. Lorinda Jane Barden, wife of D. C. Barden, died at the family residence in this city Tuesday night, after an illness of nearly two months, at the advanced age of seventy-two years, eight months and twenty-six days.
Deceased was born in the state of Alabama, December 1, 1840, and accompanied her parents to Texas in 1855, the family locating in Burleson county. On the 11th of October, 1865, she was united in marriage with her now bereaved husband, and the result of that union was four children, three sons and one daughter, the latter, as the wife of I. Y. Kennedy, preceding her mother in death. The sons, Charles, Albert and John still live and are the heads of families. Seven grandchildren will miss dear grannys face and her loving affection.
Wednesday afternoon the funeral was held from the family residence and friends and relatives accompanied the remains to the new cemetery and placed them to their last rest.
Weimar Mercury, Thursday, December 5, 1968
John Baresh Dead at 63; Funeral Here
Funeral services for John Baresh, 63, of Pt. Lavaca, were held at Hubbard Funeral Home and St. Michael's Catholic Church here Wednesday morning, Dec. 4, with Rev. Albert Hubertus officiating.
Burial was in City Cemetery at Schulenburg.
Mr. Baresh, an auto mechanic who lived most of his life in the Weimar-La Grange area, died Monday at M. D. Anderson Hospital in Houston, where he had been a patient for five weeks.
Born in Fayette County on Oct. 5, 1905, he was a son of James and Ann Baresh. He married Miss Mary Korenek and they settled on a farm near La Grange. They lived in Weimar from 1944 to 1953, during which time he worked as a mechanic for Oscar Koehn and Brasher Motor Co. Since 1953 they had lived in Port Lavaca.
Surviving in addition to his wife are two sons, Johnnie Joe and George James, both of Houston; one daughter, Mrs. Elzie (Janie) Dalton of Los Angeles; six grandchildren; three brothers, Louis Baresh of Robstown, Jim of Corpus Christi and James of Edinburg; and sisters, Mrs. Ernest (Helen) Kallas of Karnes City, Mrs. Bill (Mary) Jurica of Schulenburg, Mrs. Louis (Millie) Blahuta of Schulenburg, Mrs. Joe (Bessie) Schachul of Karnes City, Mrs. Vic (Frances) Bain of Houston and Mrs. Jim (Ann) Hudnall of Galveston.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Mrs. M. M. Barkley
Schulenburg Sticker, 18 May 1899
DIED. – Another old citizen of this vicinity departed this life last week. Mrs. M. M. Barkley, who has been a resident of Gleckler for the last 15 years, died last Wednesday, aged 77 years.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 28 July 1910
Charlie has worked for the Sticker on several different occasions and has a number of friends in this city who will regret to learn of his death.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, 21 Apr 1961, page 5
Adolf G. Barta Buried April 12 at Schulenburg
Funeral services for Adolf G. Barta, 76, of Schulenburg were held at the Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home there with the Rev. Fred Mehrtens officiating. Burial was in the Schulenburg City Cemetery.
Mr. Barta suffered a fatal heart attack at his home early Tuesday morning, the day after the funeral of his brother, Edward Barta, here.
Born March 28, 1885, near Weimar, he was a son of Joe and Anna Barta. He married Miss Emilie Folta on Sept. 27, 1909, at La Grange. He lived in the Weimar area 18 years then moved to Fayette County. Ten years ago he retired from farming and moved into Schulenburg. He was a member of the Weimar United Church of Christ and had been secretary of the SPJST Lodge No. 8 for more than 30 years.
Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Emilie Barta of Schulenburg; two daughters, Mrs. Agnes (Mary) Lichnovsky of Schulenburg and Mrs. Henry (Lillie) Thompson of Austin; 5 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren; three brothers, Louis, Joe and Robert Barta, allof Weimar; and two sisters, Mrs. John (Annie) Blahuta of Weimar and Mrs. Cecil (Julia) Sedberry of [Redwood] City, Calif. A son, Julius, died Nov. 27, 1960. Two brothers, August and Edward, also preceded him in death.
Pallbearers were Lawrence Barta, Edwin and William Barta, Emil Shumbera, Laddie Orsak and Joe Vacek.
Victoria Advocate, 18 Oct 1990, page 10A
Alfred Barta
BOERNE – Alfred Barta, 76, of Boerne, died at 9 p.m. Tuesday in a San Antonio hospital.
Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Smith Funeral Home chapel in Flatonia, with the Rev. Clarence Ehler officiating.
Burial will be in the Flatonia City Cemetery under the direction of Smith Funeral Home of Flatonia.
Weimar Mercury, 2 May 1889, page 3
Our little community has received a hard shock by the death of Anton Barta, son of the widow Barta, which occurred last Wednesday. I had reported him to be dangerously sick, suffering with a lung disease, in my last report. Anton was a boy of sixteen and one of my best scholars: A gentle, studious, unassumingly and brave boy. He was before his sickness a fine specimen of perfect strength and beauty. I was never obliged to speak a harsh word to him while he attended school. I have said in a former report, he was beloved by every one and so he was. Peaceably and quietly that good boy has passed from the living and gone to the undiscovered country from "whose bourne no traveler returns." Thinking of my former scholar Anton Barta will always be a sweet recollection to me. People have informed me how patiently that poor suffering boy breathed his last. It reminds me of the death of little Nell described by Charles Dickens where the schoolmaster is at the death bed of little Nell: "'It is not,' said the schoolmaster, as he bent down to kiss her on the cheek and gave his tears free vent, 'It is not on earth that heaven's justice ends. Think what earth is compared to the world to which her spirit winged its early flight and say if one deliberate wish expressed in solemn terms above this bed could call her back to life, which of us would utter it?'"
Shiner Gazette, 26 Jun 1980
Barta Services
Funeral services for Christian Charles Barta of Flatonia were held at 10 a.m. Friday, June 20 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Flatonia. Burial was in the Flatonia Catholic Cemetery with the Rev. Anthony Matula officiating.
Rosary was recited at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the Smith Funeral Home Chapel, Flatonia, where the body rested in state.
He died in Citizens Memorial Hospital in Victoria Wednesday, June 18, 1980 at the ageof 70 years and 9 days.
Mr. Barta was born June 9, 1910 at Praha, Texas, son of Frank R. and Henrietta (Sembera) Barta.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Julie Zapalac Barta; a son, Leonard Barta; his mother, Mrs. Henrietta Barta, all of Flatonia; six sisters, Mrs. Ben (Lillie) Novak, Mrs. John (Olga) Merecka, both of Flatonia, Mrs. A.A. (Hermina) Tucker of Houston; Mrs. Willie (Elsie) Dornak of Yoakum, Mrs. George (Vlasta) Pavlas of Moulton, Mrs. Ronnie (Georgia) White of Alvin; five brothers, Alfred Barta of Boerne, Louis Barta of Flatonia, Ladig, Frankie and Bill Barta, all of Houston; and two granddaughters.
His father preceded him in death June 3, 1979.
Flatonia Argus, April 15, 2010
Della G. Barta
Della Georgia Barta died in an automobile accident on Tuesday, April 6. She was born on April 24, 1927, to Charles and Theresa Lev Zamykal of the Scotts School area.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her brothers, Frank Charles, Julius and Adolph Zamykal; and sisters, Mary Svatek, Hattie Zamykal, Agnes Krhovjak, Bessie Novak and Julia Kothmann. She is survived by two daughters and sons-in-law and four granddaughters: Peggy and Jonathan Kalich, Karey Ann and Christina, of the Engle-Freyburg area; and Theresa and Bruce Newton, Michelle and Sarah, of San Antonio.
Del attended Scotts School and two years of Flatonia High School. While growing up, she helped take care of her nieces and nephews. She worked as a PBX operator for the phone company in Flatonia, and for many years as a PBX operator for Foley's and Sears department stores in Houston, after her marriage to Frank Barta in 1948. "She eventually became a full-time mom, wonderful baker and cook, and owner of the cleanest house with the prettiest yard in Houston", her family writes. She also was an excellent seamstress, sewing many of her children's clothes and grandbabies' smocked dresses. Both she and her husband were very active members of St. Ambrose Church in Houston, and after retiring to this area, attended several years at Sacred Heart Church in Flatonia before becoming members of St. Rose Church in Schulenburg. They spent the last few years living at the Schulenburg Regency Villas.
The rosary and Funeral Mass were held on Saturday morning, April 10 at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, Rev. Timothy Kosler presiding. Entombment was in the Sacred Heart Mausoleum in Flatonia. Pallbearers were her nephews: George Svatek, Dennis Kothmann, Emil Svatek, Quentin Janak, David Novak and Charles Zamykal. Honorary pallbearers for both Frank and Del were their godchildren: Karen Barta Milson, Cindy Svatek Flores, Darrell Svatek, Kevin Svatek, Loretta Cykala MacCurdy, Deralee Pavlas Pohler and Andrew Novak.
Arrangements were under the direction of the Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home in Schulenburg.
Memorial donations may be made to the Sacred Heart Cemetery Endowment Fund in Flatonia, or to St. Rose Church in Schulenburg.
Flatonia Argus, April 15, 2010
Frank D. Barta
Frank Daniel Barta died on Wednesday, April 7 as a result of an automobile accident. He was born on Sept. 2, 1923, to Frank R. and Henrietta Sembera Barta
He was preceded in death by his parents; his brothers, Christian, Alfred, Ladik and Bill Barta; and his sisters, Lillie Novak, Elsie Dornak, and Olga Merceka. He is survived by a two daughters and sons-in-law and four granddaughters: Peggy and Jonathan Kalich, Karey Ann and Christina, of the Engle-Freyburg area; and Theresa and Bruce Newton, Michelle and Sarah, of San Antonio. He is also survived by a brother, Louis Barta of Flatonia; three sisters, Hermenia Tucker of Brenham, Vlasta Pavlas of Moulton, and Georgia White of Alvin; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Mr. Barta graduated from Flatonia High School and The University of Texas. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He married Della Zamykal on Aug. 30, 1948. They eventually moved to Houston where he worked for 38 years for an oil company before retiring to the Engle-Freyburg area. He was an avid baseball, basketball and volleyball player in his younger days; and in later years an avid gardener, fisherman, and horseshoes, washers, dominoes and poker player.
A Veterans of Foreign Wars memorial service, rosary and funeral Mass were held on Saturday morning, April 10 at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, Rev. Timothy Kosler presiding. Entombment was in the Sacred Heart Mausoleum in Flatonia. Pallbearers were nephews Dennis and Daniel Tucker, Johnny Wayne and Ronnie Merecka, Richard Barta, and Kenneth, Randall and Stanley Barta.
Arrangements were under the direction of the Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home in Schulenburg.
Memorials may be made to the Sacred Heart Cemetery Endowment Fund in Flatonia, or to St. Rose Church in Schulenburg.
Shiner Gazette, 14 Jun 1979
Frank Barta
Frank R. Barta, 90 years, 11 months and 25 days, of Flatonia, died Sunday morning, June 3, 1979 in the Colonial Nursing Home at Schulenburg.
Rosary was recited at 8 p.m. Monday at Smith Funeral Home in Flatonia.
Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, June 5, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Flatonia with burial in the Flatonia City Cemetery.
He was born June 8, 1888 at Novohrad, son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Lauer) Barta.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Henrietta Sembera Barta of Flatonia; six sons, Christian and Louis Barta, both of Flatonia, Alfred Barta of Boerne, Ladik, Frankie and Bill Barta, all of Houston; six daughters, Mrs. Ben (Lillie) Novak, Mrs. John (Olga) Merecka, both of Flatonia, Mrs. George (Vlasta) Pavlas of Moulton, Mrs. A.A. (Hermina) Tucker of Houston, Mrs. Willie (Elsie) Dornak of Yoakum, Mrs. Ronnie (Georgia) White of Alvin; four sisters, Mrs. Julius (Annie) Pospisil of Praha, Mrs. Anton (Della) Kubenka of Cordele, Mr.s Leroy (Emma) Guiberteau of Corpus Christi and Mrs. Joe (Vlasta) Bolf of El Campo; 25 grandchildren, 34 great-grandchildren and a great-great-grandchild.
Besides his parents, he was preceded in death by a brother, Adolph Barta, June 29, 1973.
Schulenburg Sticker, 13 Aug 1903, page 1
Death Record.
Barta: Died near Dubina, July 28th-03 of dysentery, Gabriel Barta aged 2 years.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Victoria Advocate, December 12, 1999
FLATONIA —George T. Barta, 70, of Flatonia, died Friday, Dec. 10, 1999.
He was born Dec. 8, 1929, in Flatonia, to the late Theodore T. Barta and Ida Katherine Hollub. He was a self-employed rancher, a member of Independent Cattlemen's Association and a member of the Baptist Church.
Survivors: wife, Bessie L. Barta; daughter, Kelly D. Mode of Flatonia; son, Glenn R. Barta of LaGrange and six grandchildren.
Preceded in death by: parents; and an infant brother.
Visitation will begin at 4 p.m. today at Smith Funeral Home Chapel in Flatonia.
Services will be 10 a.m. Tuesday at Smith Funeral Home Chapel, the Rev. Dean Evans officiating.
Burial will be at Oak Hill Cemetery in Flatonia. Smith Funeral Home, Flatonia, (361) 596-4631.
Memorials: Flatonia EMS or EA Arnim Archives of Flatonia.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Shiner Gazette, 10 Jul 1980
Services For Henrietta Barta
Mrs. Frank Barta, nee Henrietta Sembera, of Flatonia, died Sunday, July 6, 1980 in a Weimar hospital at the age of 89 years, 11 months and 21 days.
Funeral services were held Tuesday, July 8 at 10 a.m. in Sacred Heart Church and burial followed in the Flatonia City Cemetery with the Rev. Anthony Matula officiating. Smith Funeral Home of Flatonia was in charge of arrangements. of arrangements. $ of arrangements. [sic]
Mrs. Barta was born July 15, 1890 at Flatonia, daughter of Christian and Maria Sembera, both natives of Czechoslovakia, who came to America about 1883 from Dolni Hermanice, Czechoslovakia and settled at Flatonia. She was married to Frank R. Barta and the couple continued to make their home at Flatonia. Her husband died June 3, 1979.
Surviving are six daughters, Mrs. Ben (Lillie) Novak, Mrs. John (Olga) Merecka, both of Flatonia, Mrs. A.A. (Hermina) Tucker of Houston; Mrs. Willie (Elsie) Dornak of Yoakum, Mrs. George (Vlasta) Pavlas of Moulton, Mrs. Ronnie (Georgia) White of Alvin; five sons, Alfred Barta of Boerne, Louis Barta of Flatonia, Ladik, Frankie and Bill Barta, all of Houston; 25 grandchildren, 34 great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren.
Besides her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by a son, Christian Charles Barta, June 18, 1980; two sisters, Mrs. Joe (Kristina) Barta, Feb. 11, 1966; Mrs. Maria Bartos; two brothers, Frank Sembera, Oct. 18, 1970; and Kristian Josef Sembera, Nov. 19, 1941.
Schulenburg Sticker, 10 Oct 1913
Joe Barta, age 84 years, heart disease, near Praha.
Josef Barta died 23 Sep 1913. Contributed by Matt Cross
La Grange Journal, 29 Aug 1946
Flatonia News
Joe Barta, aged about 80 years, died suddenly at the house of his son Frank on Saturday, August 24. Funeral services were held Monday morning August 26 at 10:00 with interment in the local cemetery by the side of his wife who preceded him in death several years ago. He is survived by several children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren to whom sincere sympathy is extended.
Schulenburg Sticker, 20 Aug 1903
Death Record.
Barta: Died 3 miles north-east of Flatonia, of congestion Julia V. Barta, aged 3 years and 1 month.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 17 Dec 1908, page 1
Died near Holman, Dec. 3, Marcela Barta, age 10 years, 2 months 23 days of tetanus.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 4 May 1917
Mary Barta, died April 2, age 11 years 7 months and 9 days Ammannsville.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, 20 May 1927, page 6
Mrs. Mary Barta, the faithful wife of Mr. John Barta, quietly passed away at the LaGrange Hospital on last Tuesday, May 10th. She had been ill for some time, but spent only the last few days of her earthly career at the hospital, receiving medical treatment. She attained an age of 65 years and is survived by her sorrowing husband and several children. One of her daughters was just recently a patient at the same hospital. The funeral took place at the family home at Ammannsville. Mrs. Barta was well known and enjoyed the confidence of a host of friends, as attested by the attendance at the obsequies. —La Grange Record.
Schulenburg Sticker, 5 Nov 2009
Oscar Lee Barta
Oscar Lee Barta, 83, of Hallettsville, passed away on Monday, Oct. 26.
He was born on Aug. 6, 1926, to Alfonse and Martha Cook Barta in Breslau. He married Irene Brossmann on April 15, 1950 in Schulenburg. Mr. Barta was a member of the Knights of Columbus, Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Hallettsville, Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion. As a young man, he served in the U.S. Army, receiving the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Ribbon, Good Conduct Medal, Army of Occupation Ribbon and (Japan) Victory Ribbon. He ended his service as a stenographer with an honorable discharge. Mr. Barta enjoyed dinner clubs, dancing, and spending his time hunting, fishing and being outdoors at the farm.
He is survived by one son, Tim Barta and wife Julia of Katy; two grandsons, Matt Barta and Mark Barta, both of Houston; one brother, Clarence Barta and wife Mary Rose of Shiner; and several nieces.
He was preceded in death by his wife; parents; one son, Michael Lee Barta; one infant son, Marc Anthony Barta; and one brother, James Barta.
The funeral service was held on Friday Oct. 30 at 10 a.m. at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Hallettsville. Officiating was Rev. John Peters. Pallbearers were David Kotzebue, Kyle Kotzebue, Brad Kotzebue, Matt Barta, Mark Barta, and Pete Revel. Honorary pallbearers were Ben Sustr and Marvin Cernik.
Burial took place in the St. Rose of Lima Cemetery in Schulenburg.
Rosry was said on Thursday, Oct. 29 at 7 p.m. at Kubena Funeral Home in Hallettsville.
Memorials can be made to Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Hallettsville.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Victoria Advocate, 16 Jul 1931, page 1
Funeral services will be held at St. Mary's Catholic Church at Praha, Fayette County at four o'clock Friday afternoon for Thomas Barta, 39, well known Ganado farmer, who died at the Victoria Hospital at seven o'clock Wednesday evening from a fractured neck and skull, suffered when he dived into the shallow waters of a creek near Ganado Wednesday morning, causing paralysis of his entire body.
The deceased was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barta of Flatonia. In addition to his parents, he is survived by his wife, formerly Josephine Pospisil; three sons, Fred August and Joseph; two daughters, Della and Agnes; four sisters, Mrs. Julius Pospisil and Mrs. Joseph Blof of Flatonia, Mrs. Anton Kubenka of Moulton and Miss Emma Barta of Ft. Worth, and four brothers, Adolph and Joseph Barta, Jr., of Corpus Christi, Frank of Flatonia, and John and Henry Barta of Schulenburg.
Weimar Mercury, Friday, February 20, 1959
Tetanus Fatal To Dennis Bartek, 21, of Holman
Dennis D. Bartek, 21, of the Holman area, died Sunday in Fayette Memorial Hospital, La Grange, a victim of tetanus. His physician, Dr. Henry C. Paine of La Grange, said the disease apparently was introduced through a minor hand wound.
A native of Holman, son of Alvin and Frances Jalufka Bartek, the young man was a truck driver for the Texas Co. in La Grange.
Surviving in addition to his parents are his wife, the former Miss Lois Ahlschlager, whom he married at Holman Aug. 23, 1958; and two brothers, Edwin and Johnnie Bartek. All reside in the La Grange Holman area.
Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at Koenig Funeral Home, continuing at Sacred Heart Church, with Rev. Roman Janak of Holman and Ammannsville officiating. Burial was in the La Grange City Cemetery.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Pasadena Citizen, 9 Sep 2009
Ernest Bartek
Ernest George Bartek, age 81, of Flatonia, TX passed away on Monday, September 07, 2009.
Ernest was born on March 8, 1928 to Frank and Mary Weidel Bartek. He married Dolores Janak and together they had 3 children. He was self-employed at Houston Wire Works in South Houston, Texas. Ernest was a Veteran of the Army Air Core and WW2.
He is survived by 2 Daughters: Barbara Legler and husband Ken of Pasadena, TX. and Belinda Ingram and husband Shelby of Flatonia, TX. 1 Brother: Daniel Bartek of San Antonio, TX. 1 Sister: Ann Mullins of Ben Wheeler, TX. 7 Grandchildren: Joseph Legler, Michael Phillips, Brandi Blackwell/Dustin, Krystina Legler, Julianne Ingram and Kathryn Legler. And 2 Great-Grandchildren: Brenden Legler and Kadence Blackwell.
He was preceded in death by parents, wife, 1 Son: Michael Bartek, 1 Brother: Joe Bartek and 1 Sister: Della Briggs.
Visitation will be held on Saturday, September 12, 2009 from 8 am - 9pm at Smith Funeral Home in Flatonia, TX. Services will be Sunday, September 13, 2009 at St. Mary's Catholic Church of Praha at 1:00 pm with Father Sonnier officiating. Interment will be at St. Rose Cemetery in Schulenburg, Texas.
Arrangements are under the direction of Smith Funeral Home, Flatonia, Texas. 361-865-3311
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, 31 March 1933
Young Lady Dies.
Miss Lillie Bartek, aged 26 years, a resident of the Holman section, where she made her home with her brother, Mr. Alvin Bartek, died and was buried at Holman Cemetery last Saturday. She had lived for awhile at El Campo, but returned to this section some time ago.
There have been three deaths inthe Bartek family within the past three years—mother and two daughters.
Weimar Gimlet, 9 June 1887
Andreas Barton, the Bohemian farmer, whose horse fell with him May 20, while he was crossing the railroad track at a reckless speed as heretofore mentioned by the GIMLET, died on the 1st inst., from the effects of injuries received.
[Barton, born in 1840, is buried in the Dubina Catholic Cemetery.]
The Schulenburg Sticker, Thursday, July 22, 1999
Elvern Barton
Elvern Vogt Barton, 80, a resident of Schulenburg Regency Nursing Center, passed away on Saturday, July 17 at 4:45 p.m. at Colorado-Fayette Medical Center in Weimar after a brief illness.
The funeral was held Tuesday, July 20 at 10 a.m. at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, followed by interment in the Weimar Masonic Cemetery.
Born at O’Quinn on Oct. 30, 1918, she was the daughter of Julius and Adela (Loessin) Vogt. She attended Cedar School and Alamo Beauty College. On Sept. 11, 1948, she married Emil Barton. A lifelong resident of Fayette County, she was a beautician. Mrs. Barton was a member of St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, American Legion Auxiliary and Hermann Sons.
Two nieces and three nephews survive her. Her husband preceded her in death.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements
The Schulenburg Sticker, June 10, 1999
Emil Barton
Emil Barton, 91, died in Victoria at Victoria Regional Hospital on Thursday, June 3.
He was born Oct. 11, 1907 in Dubina, the son of Andrew and Frances Pudich Barton of Dubina, immigrants from Czech-Moravia. He attended parochial and public schools in Dubina through the sixth grade. In the U.S. Army during World War II, he was a quartermaster heavy truck driver in Belgium and Germany with deliveries into Iran, Persia and Russia from 1943-45. After the war, he completed a degree from Blinn Junior College. He married Elvern Vogt on Sept. 11, 1948 in Schulenburg. After graduating from Alamo Beauty College in San Antonio, Emil joined Elvern for over 40 years in the Chat & Curl Beauty Shop in Schulenburg. Mr. Barton was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, sons of Hermann and St. Paul’s United Church of Christ.
He is survived by his wife; a sister-in-law, Martha Barton of Dubina; and 15 nieces and nephews.
Services were held Sunday, June 6 at 3 p.m. from St. Paul’s United Church of Christ. Burial was in the Masonic Cemetery in Weimar. Pallbearers were Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion members. Funeral services were directed by Schwenke-Baumgarten.
American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars Memorial service was held Saturday, June 5 at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home at 6:30 p.m.
Memorial contributions may be sent to St. Paul’s United Church of Christ.
Weimar Mercury, 31 Mar 1944, page 1
Herbert Barton 17, High School Senior, Dies in Hospital
Herbert Joe Barton, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barton of Dubina, passed away in a Shiner Hosptial at 3 a.m. Wednesday, March 29, after being ill about two weeks.
Funeral services will be held Friday morning from the family residence with services at the Dubina Catholic Church at 9:30. Father Vaclav Bily will offication. Interment will be in the Dubina Cemetery.
Acting as pallbeares will be Herbert's classmates, eight Senior boys: Charles Schroeder, Melvin Sander, Howard Raabe, Marvin Leihardt, Wilbert Kobersky, John Polach, Leroy Cernosek and Max Konz.
Herbert was born October 23, 1926, at Dubina and lived his entire life in this community. He was a popular member of the Senior class of the Weimar High School and had expected to take part in the Senior play to be presented soon. He was a member of the Catholic Church and of the Catholic Youth Organization. He was a part-time [employee] of the M. Gilbreath Produce Co. here.
Herbert contracted the measles about two weeks ago and later developed pneumonia. Tuesday morning he was taken to the Shiner hospital, where every attention was given him. He failed to rally, and died early Wednesday morning.
Survivors, besides his parents, are two sisters, Misses Adela and Evelyn; and one brother, Aaron, all of the Weimar community.
The Mercury extends sincerest sympathy to his bereaved family, in the untimely death of their son and brother.
Schulenburg Sticker, 20 June 1913
--- Barton, age 1 month and 28 days, whooping cough, Ammannsville.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, May 3, 1973
Joe Barton Rites Held At Dubina
Funeral services for Joe Barton, 75, of Dubina were held April 14 at Sts. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church in Dubina, with Rev. Benton A. Thurmond officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.
Mr. Barton, a retired farmer, died April 12 at Citizens Memorial Hospital in Victoria.
A lifelong resident of the Weimar area, he was born Sept. 8, 1897, the son of Andrew and Frances Barton. He married Anna Pauler on Oct. 28, 1919, at Schulenburg.
He was a member of the Ammannsville-Dubina Farm Bureau, KJT, and a president of SPJST Lodge No. 8.
Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Anna Barton of Dubina; two daughters, Mrs. Benno (Adela) Christ of Pasadena and Mrs. Johnny (Evelyn) Cernosek of Guy; a son, Erwin Barton of Pasadena; 15 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; two brothers, John Barton of Dubina and Emil Barton of Schulenburg; and two sisters, Mrs. Annie Anheiser of Sugar Land and Mrs. Aug. (Alvina) Pauler of Wharton.
A son, Herbert, preceded him in death March 29, 1944.
Pallbearers were his grandsons, John, Glenn and Larry Cernosek, Thomas and David Christ and Mike Poindexter.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Victoria Advocate, 16 Sep 2003
Charlie J. Bartos Sr.
FLATONIA - Charlie J. Bartos Sr., 81, of Flatonia, died Monday, Sept. 15, 2003.
He was born Dec. 2, 1921, in Praha, to the late Frank and Amalie Kubenka Bartos. He was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, KJT and Catholic Life. He was a farmer.
Survivors: wife, Annie Bartos; daughters, Angie Hajek of Shiner and Annette Kocurek of Flatonia; son, Charlie F. Bartos of Flatonia;
sister, Mary A. Bartos of Flatonia; seven grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
A rosary will be recited 7 p.m. tonight at Smith Funeral Home chapel.
Services will be 10 a.m. Wednesday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, the Rev. Charles Carolan officiating.
Burial will be at Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery. Smith Funeral Home, Flatonia, 361-865-3311.
Schulenburg Sticker, December 11, 2012
Emma Bartos
Emma Kubos Bartos, 94, passed from this life on Sunday, Dec. 2.
Born to August and Anastasia Kubos in Moravia on Aug. 8, 1918, Emma married Joseph A. Bartos in Moravia on Nov. 11, 1941. Together they lived in the Schulenburg area where they were lifelong members of St. Rose Catholic Church.
A faithful and loving wife, mother and “Granny,’’ Mrs. Bartos stayed engaged in church and community activities, was a longtime employee of Stanzel’s airplane factory, an avid gardener and quilt-maker, excellent cook, and enjoyed playing bingo. Above all, she took special pride in her three children, and spoiling her two grandsons and then her two granddaughters. More recently, she enjoyed four very special great-grandchildren, Ashley and Andrew Mergele, Jaylie Mergele and Brian Bahry.
She is survived by daughters, Emma Bartos Mergele and husband Charles of St. Hedwig, and Josephine Bartos Drake and husband Dennis of San Antonio; son, Ben Bartos of Houston; grandsons, Jason Mergele and wife Diane of Jefferson, Ga., and Tim Mergele and wife Cyndi of San Antonio; granddaughters, Denise Drake Muller and husband John of San Antonio, and Lauretta Drake Bahry and husband Greg of Houston; and many nieces, nephews and faithful friends.
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 7 Nov 1913
Francis Bartos, age 13 years and 2 months Invalid always, near Flatonia.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Marie Bartos
Schulenburg Sticker, 25 Aug 1922, page 1
Mrs. Bartos Dies
Mrs. Bartosh, mother of our friend and commissioner John Bartosh, passed peacefully away at her home at Ammannsville at 4 a. m., Tuesday, August 22nd. She had passed the ripe old age of 73 years. She was well known and beloved by everyone in the Ammannsville section and a member of one of the best families there.
Funeral services were held at the Ammannsville Catholic Cemetery at 10:00 a. m. Wednesday, Rev. Father Raska officiating. The Sticker joins their many friends in extending sympathy to the bereaved ones.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Mary M. Bartos
Weimar Mercury, December 2, 1999
Mary M. Bartos, 94, of Parkview Manor Nursing Home in Weimar, died Nov. 25 at Colorado-Fayette Medical Center. Funeral services were held Nov. 27 at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Ammannsville with Father Peter Koyplinski officiating. Interment followed in St. John the Baptist Cemetery.
Mrs. Bartos was born Nov. 13, 1905 to John M. and Marie (Winter) Bartos at Ammannsville. She was a member of the KJZT and a housekeeper.
Survivors include: sisters, Marcella Zalesky of Dayton and Lillie Russell of La Grange; a sister-in-law, Cecelia Bartosh of Columbus; and nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by brothers, John, Justin, Frank, Ivan and Victor and a sister, Milada.
Pallbearers were: Justin Bartos Jr., Thomas J. Bartosh, Michael Bartosh, Richard Herbrich, Lawrence Adamcik and Leo Janda. Honorary pallbearer was Leonard Bartos.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, Friday, May 27, 1938
Schulenburg, Texas, May 21.-- Funeral services were held Friday at Ammannsville for Mrs. Anna Bartosh, 98. She would have been 99 in July. Burial was in the Ammannsville Catholic Cemetery. Rev. A. Raska officiating.
Mrs. Bartosh was born in Czechoslovakia. She came to the United States eighty years ago, settled in Ammannsville and had lived there since.
She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Marie Knesek, Schulenburg; Mrs. Sofie Petr, Ammannsville, Mrs. Johana Barta, Wallis, and one son, Henry Peters, Ammannsville. Also 27 grandchildren, 60 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, Friday, April 14, 1944
(La Grange Record)
Anna Belle Bartosh, six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bartosh of Ammannsville, passed away at the home of her parents last week Wednesday after being ill with measles, which later developed into pneumonia.
Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at Ammannsville with Rev. A. Raska officiating. Interment was in the Ammannsville Catholic cemetery.
Surviving are her parents, one brother and one sister.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, March 18, 1971
Mrs. Annie Bartosh, Schulenburg, Dies
Mrs. Annie Bartosh, 63, of Schulenburg, sister of Mrs. Alvin Klam of Weimar and Mrs. Justin Bartos Sr. of Ammannsville, died in Youens Memorial Hospital here Wednesday, March 10, and was buried Saturday at Schulenburg.
A native of Ammannsville, she was a daughter of Mike and Frances Naiser Bohac.
Three daughters, Mrs. Victor Michalec, Mrs. Henry Machac, and Mrs. Emmet H. Baylor, all of Schulenburg, also survive.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, Jan 12, 1945, page 1
Funeral Rites for Hy. R. Bartosh, 70, Held Friday, Dubina
Funeral rites were conducted for Henry R. Bartosh, 70, Friday morning at 9:00 o'clock from the Hubbard Funeral Home here, with services being held at the Dubina Catholic Church at 9:30. The Rev. Vaclav Bily officiated. Interment was in the Dubina Cemetery.
Mr. Bartosh died January 3 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joe Vacek, following an operation several weeks ago. He had been ill about 37 days.
Born November 26, 1874, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Josef Bartosh. He has been a life-long citizen of Fayette County, and was a member of the Catholic Church and the K. J. T. Lodge. He was united in marriage to Miss Mary Kurecka in Weimar. By occupation Mr. Bartosh was a farmer and stock raiser.
Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Mary Bartosh of Weimar; two daughters, Mrs. Joe Vacek of Schulenburg, and Mrs. Ed Adamcik of Houston; two sons, J. G. Bartosh of Weimar and W. J. Bartosh of El Campo; one sister, Mrs. Leo Hromadke of Weimar; four brothers, L. G. Bartosh of La Grange, John M. Bartosh of Ammannsville, Lad. Bartosh of Ammannsville, Lad. Bartosh of Needville, Jos. F. Bartosh of Weimar; one step-brother, Laurence of Weimar. One daughter, Mrs. Lad Charbula, and three sisters, Mrs. Victor Slavik, Mrs. John Machan and Miss Albine Batosh, preceded himin death.
The Mercury extends sincere sympathy to the bereaved.
San Antonio Express, 3 Oct 1949
WEIMAR, Oct. 2. – Funeral services for Ivan M. Bartosh, 30-year-old war veteran and merchant of Holman who was drowned in the Colorado River near Altair, was held in LaGrange.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, Friday, July 28, 1933
News was received in Weimar early Wednesday morning of the death of Mr. Joseph R. Bartosh, aged father of Mr. J. F. Bartosh, local druggist, which occurred at the family home about 5 o'clock, aged 89 years.
Mr. Bartosh had been in bad health for some time past, due to the natural infirmities of old age, and a short time since contracted hemostatis pneumonia. In his feeble condition his system was in poor condition to resist the attack of this dreaded disease, and his death soon followed.
The funeral took place at Ammannsville, with solemn ceremonies in the Ammannsville Catholic Church and interment in the Ammannsville Cemetery. The funeral was largely attended. Rev. A. Raska officiated.
Mr. Bartosh was a good man and citizen. He had lived in the community of Ammannsville for many years, and no man stood higher in the estimation of its citizens. A kindly, courteous gentleman, upright citizen, friend and neighbor, he was a welcome addition to every gathering. he will be sadly missed in the community where he had lived for so long a time.
He is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. John Machann and Mrs. Leo Hromadka of the Weimar section; five sons, L. G and John M. Bartosh of Ammannsville, Henry R. and Joe F. Bartosh of the Weimar section, Lad. Bartosh of Needville; also one adopted son, Lawrence Bartosh of Schulenburg.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to his bereaved family.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, Friday, March 21, 1941
Funeral services for Mrs. Roman Bartosh, Sr., 75, life-long resident of this section whose death occurred at 12:45 Wednesday morning at the family residence at Dubina, were held Thursday morning at Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church, Dubina, with the Rt. Rev. J. J. Szymanski officiating.
Survivors are her husband, Roman Bartosh, Sr.; four sons, Roman Bartosh of Weimar, Bernard of Dubina, Raymond of Needville, Willie of Midfield; four daughters, Mrs. Frank Stos of Ammannsville, Mrs. John Kubesch of Weimar, Miss Adele Bartosh of Dubina, Mrs. Joe Cernoch of Dubina; and a sister, Mrs. Joe Vacek of Needville.
Burial was in the Dubina cemetery.
The Mercury extends to sorrowing survivors, its sincere sympathy.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, April 14, 1961, pages 1 and 8
Funeral Rites Held for Two Wreck Victims
Double funeral services for Herbert Lee Zimmermann and Lawrence (Larry) Barosh[sic], both 16, were held Saturday morning, April 8, at Hubbard Funeral Home, continuing at St. Michael’s Catholic Church.
Herbert was buried in St. Michael’s Cemetery, Larry in the Catholic cemetery beside St. Wenceslaus Church, Holman.
The Rt. Rev. Msgr. A. F. Drozd was celebrant of the mass and was assisted in the services by the Revs. Thomas Flanagan, Thomas O’Callaghan, Louis Fritz, Roman Janak, and eight other priests.
The two boys, juniors at Bishop Forest High School, lost their lives April 5 when the car in which they were riding skidded on wet pavement and crashed into a culvert bannister on the outskirts of Schulenburg. A third victim was Jimmy Hajovsky, a classmate, of Schulenburg.
The other two occupants, Richard Lee Pavlas of Schulenburg and Freddie Berger of Weimar, were not seriously hurt, although Berger was hospitalized for awhile.
Pallbearers for young Zimmermann were Marvin Janda, Pete Stavinoha, Victor Vacek, Eugene Berger, Thomas Janek and Daniel Binder. Larry’s pallbearers were William Neiser, Marcus Neiser, Eugene Janecka, Eugene Holub, Jimmy Vornsand and Francis Joe Janacek.
Herbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Zimmermann, was born Sept. 27, 1944, at Columbus and had lived here all of his life. He was a member of the CYO and of the football team at Bishop Forest. Surviving him in addition to his parents are two sisters, Mrs. Daniel (Marjorie) Kuhn of Houston and Annie Marie, who is a freshman at Bishop Forest.
Larry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kunz, was born Oct. 13, 1944, at La Grange. His father, the late Ivan Bartosh, a Holman merchant at the time, drowned in a fishing accident in 1949. At Bishop Forest, Larry was treasurer of the Library Club and report of the junior class. Beside his mother and setp-father[sic], he is survived by a sister, Veronica Bartosh; a brother, Kenneth Kunz; and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vacek of Holman and Mrs. Mary Bartosh of Ammannsville.
Weimar Mercury, Thursday, February 7, 1963
Final Rites For Mrs. John Bartosh, 53, Held Sunday
Funeral services for Mrs. John Bartosh, 53, of Ammannsville, were held Sunday morning, Feb. 3, at Koenig Funeral Home Chapel, La Grange, and Ammannsville Catholic Church.
Rev. Lambert Laskowski officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Bartosh died Friday morning at Fayette Memorial Hospital, La Grange, after a long illness.
The former Miss Magdalene Cernosek, she was born at Ammannsville Dec. 5, 1909, daughter of Alois and Rosalia Mazoch Cernosek. She was married there to Mr. Bartosh on Oct. 19, 1934, and she lived there since.
Two of their five children preceded her in death. Surviving her in addition to her husband are one daughter, Mrs. Henry Lawrence (Rose Marie) Adamcik of La Grange; two sons, Michael Bartosh of Ammannsville; Thomas Bartosh of Weimar and four grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Joe Kloesel of Schulenburg and Mrs. George Vacek of San Antonio; and two brothers, I. E. Cernosek of Houston and Frankie V. Cernosek of Holman.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, April 29, 1971
Mrs. Bartosh, 92, Buried at Ammannsville
Funeral services were held Saturday morning at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Ammannsville for Mrs. Marie Bartosh, who died Thursday, April 22, at Fayette Memorial Hospital at the age of 92.
Widow of the late John M. Bartosh, she was born in Europe on April 8, 1879, and came to America with her parents at the age of 14. They settled at Ammannsville, where she was married Nov. 16, 1897. Her husband, a former county commissioner and justice of the peace, died May 18, 1958.
Two sons, Frank and Ivan, also preceded her in death.
She is survived by three daughters, Miss Mary Bartosh of Ammannsville, Mrs. Lillie Russell of La Grange and Mrs. L. M. Zalesky of Dayton; three sons, Victor L. Bartosh of Sugar Land, Justin Bartos Sr. and John A. Bartosh, both of Ammannsville; nine grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren.
Rev. Patrick Figeon officiated in the services. Burial was in the Ammannsville cemetery.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, February 6, 1964, page 1
Final Rites for Mrs. Mary Bartosh, 89, Held Tuesday
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Bartosh, 89, of Bellaire, widow of the late Henry Bartosh, were held Tuesday mroning, Feb. 4, at Hubbard Funeral Home here and at Sts. Cyril & Mehtodius Catholic Church, Dubina.
Rev. Henry O. Rolf of Weimar was celebrant of the Requiem High Mass, assisted by Rev. Lad Klimicek of Frydek, and Msgr. A. F. Drozd of Schulenburg preached the sermon.
Mrs. Bartosh died at 6 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 2, in Haba's Rest Home at Schulenburg, where she had been a resident only two weeks. She had lived in the Fayette County rural area near Weimar until about nine years ago, after her husband's death, when she moved to Bellaire to live with her daughter. At times since then she ahd also lived here and at Schulenburg with a son and a daughter.
Born Aug. 3, 1874, at Amannsville, she was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kurecka. She and Mr. Bartosh settled on a farm in Fayette County after their marriage; he died Jan. 3, 1945. She was a member of Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church, the KJZT, and the Christian mothers.
A daughter, Adela, three sisters and a brother preceded her in death.
Surviving are two sons, James Bartosh of Weimar and Willie Bartosh of El Campo; two daughters, Mrs. Joe F. (Lillie) Vacek of Schulenburg and Mrs. E. F. (Mary) Adamcik of Bellaire; 18 grandchildren and 26 great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers, all grandsons, were Johnnie H. Bartosh, Roy Adamcik, Billy D. Bartosh, Erwin Charbula, Arnold Charbula and Lawrence J. Charbula.
Weimar Mercury, Friday Morning, October 8, 1943
Roman Bartosh Sr., 76, Passes Away; Funeral Thursday
Funeral services for Mr. Roman Bartosh, Sr., of Dubina were held this (Thursday) morning from the family residence at 10 o'clock. Rev. Vaclav Bily officiated at service held at the Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church, and interment was made in the Dubina Cemetery.
Mr. Bartosh had attained the age of 76 years, 11 months and 4 days. He was born in Czechoslovakia and came to this country, settling in Fayette County, more than fifty years ago. He had been in ill health since December of last year. He was a member of the Catholic Church.
Mr. Bartosh was preceded in death by his wife, who passed away on March 19, 1940 [sic; death certificate and gravestone say 1941]. Also preceding him in death were one sister and two brothers.
Surviving him are four children Raymond Bartosh of Needville; Bernard Bartosh of Dubina, Roman Bartosh, Jr. of Wallace; Willie Bartosh of Midfield; and Mrs. Frank Stos of Ammannsville. Also surviving are one brother, Frank Bartosh of Yoakum; and four sisters, Mrs. Albina Kubesch, Mrs. Joe Cernoch, Miss Adela Bartosh of Weimar and Mrs. Richard Boehm of Port Lavaca.
The Mercury extends sympathy to the bereaved family.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Fayette County Record, Friday, December 24, 2010
Thomas J. Bartosh of Weimar, 70, died Saturday, Dec. 11.
He was born March 23, 1940 in Ammannsville the son of John A. and Magdalene (Cernosek) Bartos.
He married Bernadette Nesrsta of Praha June 18, 1961, 49 years.
Shortly after his marriage, he started working for Braser Motor Co. of Weimar. He loved and enjoyed his job for 49 years.
His family admired his hard work ethic and kind spirit shown to all. He was a devoted husband, father, and grandfather. He enjoyed watching his grandchilden in their sporting events.
Some of his hobbies were woodcraft projects, working on his farm in Ammannsville and petting his pet bull named Vegas.
If there was an empty space of land, he would be there planting a pecan or fruit tree. Going with his family to Las Vegas was his favorite place to travel.
He would always tell his family when they would start to get a little tired during a Vegas trip, "Keep on going. You can sleep in Texas."
Survivors include his wife and two daughters, Monica Rose Bartosh and Jennifer Herbrich and husband Richard of Ammannsville, two grandchildren, Victoria and Dylan Herbrich; one brother, Michael Bartosh and wife Dana of Ammannsville; one sister-in-law and brother-in-law; Agnes and Eugene Jobb of Alvin; four nieces including Geraldine McDonald of Murphy and five nephews including Larry and Fred Adamcik of La Grange.
Thomas was preceded in deaqth by his parents; three sisters, Marie and Annabel Bartos and Rose Marie Adamcik and one brother-in-law, Lawrence Adamcik.
Funeral services were held Dec. 14 at St. Michael Catholic Church in Weimar with Father John Billy presiding.
Interment was at St. John the Baptist Catholic Cemetery in Ammannsville.
Pallbearers were Larry Adamcik, Fred Adamcik, Christopher Jobb, Warren Roy Ulrich, Leroy Kainer, and Kermit Kurtz.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
The Patriot, July 29, 1865
On Sunday morning last our citizens were startled by the intelligence that Mr. E. S. Basford, one of our old and respected citizens, had shot himself. Truly it is a sad affair, & one which filled the community with astonishment and deep regret. He was much esteemed—a valuable citizen, and a worthy good man.—No cause is known for this rash act and it rests as a deep mystery why such a character could be driven to that extremeity that life became a burthen past enduring.
Burial place unknown
Schulenburg Sticker, 10 Mar 1904
Death Record.
Bashke: Died in LaGrange 2 10-04, of tuberculosis, Albert Bashke aged 75 years.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Mrs. E. Bass
Schulenburg Sticker, 18 Oct 1906
Mrs. Bass, a most estimable lady and who had reached the ripe old age of 79 years, died Monday afternoon last after a short illness. Mrs. Bass was the mother of Mr. Ashberry Bass, and he is the only one of her children now living. Her remains were interred in the cemetery near where she lived.
Schulenburg Sticker, 18 Oct 1906, Hackberry News column
We are sorry to note Mrs. E. Bass, dead. She died Monday 15, Oct.
Schulenburg Sticker, 25 Oct 1906, Gleckler News column
Mrs. Bass, who has been sick some time, died at her home near Schulenburg, Monday last. Mrs. Bass had only been sick a few weeks but owing to her age, death followed soon. Mrs. Bass was a member of the Methodist Church at this place and has been since the age of fourteen years, has lived a true Christain [sic] life, and she was a good example for any body to follow in her pathway. Mr. A. Bass is the only surviving child, and may he so live as to meet his reward and mother in heaven.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, 22 Jan 1898
On last Friday afternoon, after a short illness, Myrtle E., the 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Asberry Bass, living southeast of Schulenburg, breathed her last. Little Myrtle was the idol of the family, and her death will be deeply regretted by friends, whom the Sticker joins in extending heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved.—Schulenburg Sticker.
Schulenburg Sticker, 5 July 1912
Fritz Bathe, age 76 years, 8 mo 19 days. Mitral Insuffiency [sic] near Carmine.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Colorado County Citizen, April 1, 1971
Mrs. Lillian Batot
Mrs. Lillian E. Batot, 535 Travis, passed away in Columbus Hospital Friday, March 26.
Born in La Grange Feb. 2, 1902, she was the daughter of Paul and Auguste (Nollkamper) Sladezyk. She was a graduate of La Grange High School and attended Texas State College for Women at Denton.
She was united in marriage with C. V. Batot Feb. 9, 1929 in La Grange. She was a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Columbus Music Club and the Columbus Foundation Auxiliary.
Funeral services were held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at St. Paul Lutheran church with the Rev. H. L. Anderson officiating. Burial was in City Cemetery in La Grange. Columbus Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Surviving are: her husband, C. V. Batot; a son, Paul and wife Georgie (Hickman) Batot of Irving and 4 grandchildren, Mike, David, Susan and Linda Batot.
Pallbearers were Marley Giddens, Ernest Lawrence, Douglas Hastedt, Jimmy Seymour, John Wagner and Neville Miekow.
La Grange Journal, September 12, 1889
The Journal has been informed that a great deal of sickness prevails in the country, especially in Cedar neighborhood, where several cases have terminated fatally, among them Mrs. Baugh [sic.] and her sister, daughters of Dr. Denker. The continued rains are a great drawback to those who are sick. It is to be hoped that there may be a change of weather and a general improvement of the health of the people.
La Grange Journal, May 28, 1903
Bauch, Theodore, aged 49 years, of heart failure, at Freyburg, May 19.

La Grange Journal, undated clipping
Died at Round Top, October 28, Carl Ehrgott Bauer, aged 78 years, 7 months and 20 days of senile gangrene.
Obituary contributed by Jon Todd Koenig. Photo contributed by Terry Matula.
La Grange Journal, November 6, 1930
Edw. Bauer of the Muldoon section, aged 76 years, passed away last Tuesday after a long siege of illness. He followed the life of farmer and molasses-maker, was highly esteemed by all who knew him.
Last year he and his good wife celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, then, seemingly, in the best of health. His wife and five children are the principal survivors. Interment took place in the Black Jack [Springs] cemetery, a large concourse of relatives and friends accompanied the deceased to his last resting place.
Our sympathy to the bereaved.
Schulenburg Sticker, 26 Feb 2009, page 3
Leona Alma Bauer
Funeral services of Leona Bauer, 89, of La Grange were held at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 21, 2009 at the United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Swiss Alp with Pastor Lemae Higgs officiating. Interment followed in the Schulenburg City Cemetery. Friends could call at Koenig & Strickland Funeral Home on Friday, Feb. 20 from noon to 7 p.m. and family recieved [sic] friends from 5 to 7 p.m.
Leona Alma Bauer was born in Swiss Alp on March 6, 1919, the daughter of the late Willie E. and Alma (Kiesling) Bauer. She attended Washington Grade School and helped her parents on the family farm. In 1962, her parents retired from the farm and the family moved to La Grange. She accepted employment at the Royal Crown Cola Bottling Co. and worked there for 20 years. While she was working at the bottling company, she attended night school and achieved her G.E.D. After the closing of the bottling company in 1983, she began work at Lukas Bakery, assisting in the day-to-day tasks of the bakery. During this time, she also cared for her parents until their passing in August and December 1982. “Leona was a faithful Christian woman who enjoyed volunteering in her church and community,” her family writes. She was very involved with Luther Hill and volunteered many hours at the Luther Hill Camp. She served as Sunday School treasurer, Luther League president and secretary, on the executive board of the State Luther League, and recorder for the Women of the Church. “Leona was a beloved member of her family, church, and community all of whom will miss her greatly,” according to her family.
She passed away on Monday, Feb. 16 at age 89 years, 11 months, 10 days.
She was preceded in death by her parents; sister and brother-in-law, Laura and Harry Ruegg; and sister-in-law, Anna Zimmerman Bauer.
She is survived by her brother, Alvin R. Bauer of Arlington; niece, Vivian Bauer Wyatt of Georgetown; nephew, Ralph W. Bauer and wife Rita of Coppell; and niece, Shenan Tucker and husband Joe of Duncanville. She is also survived by her great-nieces and great-nephews and their families; her cousins; and her church family, neighbors and numerous friends.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to United Evangelical Lutheran Church, Swiss Alp, or the charity of one’s choice.
The obituary can be viewed and the guestbook can be signed online at
Contributed by Matt Cross
La Grange Journal,
Thursday, November 30, 1944
Willie Bauer – 64
Willie Bauer, aged 64 years and eight days, of near Fayetteville, died at the La Grange Hospital Tuesday evening, November 28.
Mr. Bauer, born at Round Top, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bauer. In 1905 he was married to Miss Gesine Gerdes, who with two children, Mrs. Alleta Keilers of Round Top and Weston Bauer of Fayetteville, survive him. Five grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. Martha Oetken and Mrs. Minnie Ziese of Shiner, and two brothers, Alfred Bauer of Dallas and John Bauer of Warrenton, mourn his going.
Funeral services will be held Thursday, Nov. 30, at 2:00 p.m., from the Koenig Funeral Home, with interment in the Townsend cemetery near Round Top, Rev. Bosshard officiating.
Schulenburg Sticker, 16 July 1908
Died near Warrenton, June Bauerkamper, age 39 years, 9 months and 12 days of acute gastritis complicated with chronis [sic] Aepetic enlargement.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 20 June 1913
Clara Baumbach, age 15 years, 5 months and 5 days, heart failure, Ellinger.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 9 Oct 1902, page 1, Fayetteville column
Three estimable young ladies, two married and one single, left this vale of tears for the eternal home above. They were: Mrs. Ludwig Hillmann, (nee Mathilda Fritsch of ElCampo [sic], Mrs. Chas. Knippel, (nee Schmidt) of Beaumont, and Miss Ella Baumbach of Ross Prairie. Mrs. Hillmann was brought here and interred in the Catholic cemetery, Mrs. Knippel was also brought here and laid to rest in the Lutheran Ross Prairie cemetery. Miss Baumbach, too, was buried at the latter place. She died of typhoid fever. Three members of the family had it at the same time she did, but were recovering when she died. Since then another member, Frank Baumbach, a boy of seventeen, became afflicted and died. He was laid to rest last Friday. To the grief-stricken family, we offer our sincerest sympathy.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, June 5, 1931, page 1
Schulenburg Lady Meets Tragic Death
Particulars of the unfortunate and tragic death of Mrs. Wallace Baumgarten of Schulenburg, which occurred Tuesday evening late, southwest of Schulenburg, are given in an item printed elsewhere in this paper. The accident happened while she and her husband were out hunting and was caused through accidental discharge of a shotgun.
Mrs. Baumgarten had often visited in our city, was well and favorably known to many of our people. and her death is deeply lamented. We understand the funeral is to take place in Schulenburg some time today (Thursday). She leaves a husband, two children, a boy and girl, and her parents, who live in New Orleans. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to her bereaved ones.
Weimar Mercury, June 5, 1931, page 5
Schulenburg, Texas, June 2.—Mrs. W. L. Baumgarten was accidentally short and killed near here tonight as she was returning with her husband from ___ and hunting rabbits for amusement.
The gun, a small-gauge shotgun, had been lying against the set behind Mrs. Baumgarten and her husband, he said, and she must have been in the act of moving it when it was accidentally discharged and shot her through the heart. Death was instantaneous.
Besides her husband, survivors are Thomas Baumgarten, 13, and Loretta Baumgarten, 10, and her parents, who live in New Orleans Gus Baumgarten, father of the widower, is owner of the Alison flour mill here, a mill making edible flour from cottonseed.
Contributed by Dorothy Albrecht
Schulenburg Sticker, 4 Oct 1912, page 1
Sunday, the 29th of September 1912, saw the passing away of a pioneer settler of South Texas, and the pioneer cotton seed oil mill man of the state, Christian Baumgarten, Sr.
Deceased first saw the light of day more than 76 years ago, at Madgeburg, Germany on March 13, 1836.
It is doubtless true that the most energetic and enterprising young men of European birth leave their early home for a larger field of operations and on American soil find the goal of their ambition. Prominent among this number was Mr. Baumgarten who came from the Fatherland, poor in pocket but rich in courage, at the age of seventeen, and had through his own efforts risen from a very humble position to that of one of the representative men of a prosperous and intelligent community, and an important factor in advancing its industrial and business interests.
In the fall of 1853 he reached Galveston after a stormy voyage of eleven weeks on a sailing vessel. He found that now important port a small and unimportant spot upon the map. Finding employment at the ship building trade he remained there fifteen months in which time he saved $450.00. With this he started up the country. At the fork of the Trinity river he met an Indian maid with a bear, buying this bear as a present, he sent it to his old ship carpenter, then buying a pony and saddle from an Indian, Mr. Baumgarten began exploring the country round about.
Unable to speak the English language he had rather a hard time and in a short while his money was gone, he returned to Galveston empty handed. Returning to work in the ship yard, he continued his employment for a few months and then went to LaGrange, Fayette County, where he secured work at the carpenter trade. Although a strong Union man, Mr. Baumgarten was ever loyal to his state and during the Civil war enlisted in Company B, 3rd Texas Regiment of Infantry with which he remained a short time when he was transferred to the Engineer’s Corps and served under General McGruder, who promoted him to the position of first sergeant of the 2nd Engineer’s Corps. He served in that capacity in the Trans-Mississippi Department until the close of the conflict. Returning from the war as poor in purse as when he landed in Galveston, Mr. Baumgarten, who possessed an excellent physical ability strong and courageous heart and willing hands, he again turned his attention to his trade and during the ensuing few years saved some money. This he invested wisely, in 1858 buying a tract of land, a part of which is now included within the limits of the town of Schulenburg. Since that time he has been engaged in various enterprises upon which fortune has smiled.
He has erected several buildings in Schulenburg and in 1875 established a lumber, hardware and furniture business which is still in existence and in which he retained an interest together with his sons until the time of his death. He further built, years ago, a planing mill and sash and door factory and later made furniture of curly pine which, being the first ever made, found a ready market in Houston, Galveston and other parts of the state.
In 1867 he built the first successful oil mill operated in the United States for Mr. Hillje at High Hill, Texas, according to the United Census of 1900. In 1882 he built the Schulenburg Oil Mill of which he was the proprietor until his death. He ordered the machinery for the Hillje oil mill from Germany as also the greater part of that used in theSchulenburg mill. In 1890 he erected mills at Halletsville, Luling, Hemstead [sic] and Caldwell and in 1891 built the mills at Taylor, Rockdale and Kyle.
In 1884 he invented the hydralic [sic] cotton oil press.
In 1859 on June 6th Mr. Baumgarten was married and lived in happy union with his wife until June 24, 1909, fifty years later, when Mrs. Baumgarten preceded him in death. Fourteen children were born to them, nine of whom survive him.
The last services over the rugged old pioneer were held on Tuesday Oct. 1st under the magnificent old live oak tree which has sheltered his home for more than half a century, and under which during those years, four generation [sic] have gathered on many memorable occasions.
Gathered on this last sad occasion were the seven sons, Ernst, Gustav, Emil, Christian, Charles, William and Fritz, all of Schulenburg; Mrs. G. E. Ruhmann also of Schulenburg and Mrs. M.E. Wolters of Shiner, their children and children’s children, one brother, Gustav, of Sweet Home and hundreds of friends who came from all parts of the state.
Interment took place in the Old High Hill cemetery, Tuesday afternoon beside the remains of his wife, burial services being conducted by Rev. F. Piepenbrok of Port Arthur and the Sons of Herman, of which order he was an esteemed member. Out of respect due an old citizen the business places of the city closed their doors during the funeral services.
The out of town relatives and friends who attended the funeral of Mr. Baumgarten were: Mr. and Mrs. Max Wolters, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wolters, Mrs. C. L. Williams, Shiner. Mr. Gus Wolters, Bryan. Mr. Wallace Baumgarten, New Orlean [sic]. Miss Catherine Baumgarten, Houston Messrs. Gustav Baumgarten and Herman Baumgarten, Sweet Home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hillje, San Antonio. Mr. Will Hillje and others, Weimar. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eissler, Hallettsville. Messrs. Will Mennike, Fritz Presun, Chris. Steinmann, Rudolph Klatt, and others, LaGrange. Mr. Aug. Kiehn. Moulton. Mrs. Rosa Senechal, Misses Elizabeth Newkirk and Anna Jansen, Galveston.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 1 July 1909, page 1
While it was not unexpected, the news of the death of Mrs. Chris. Baumgarten, Sr., which occurred at 5:40 o’clock Thursday morning was a shock to her family and many relatives and friends, casting a gloom over the entire city.
Just at the dawn of a new day the Death Angel came to escort her soul to that beautiful home on high, to join those gone before and to await the loved ones left behind.
After a long and busy life, she died as she had lived – honored, trusted and loved.
Deceased was the mother of a large and gifted family, and as the death dew gathered upon her marble brow, around her bedside gathered her “girls” and “boys” – always girls and boys to her, though now grown to mature years with girls and boys around their own firesides, and with the aged husband and father, watched as the life, so long interwoven with theirs, slowly but surely passed away.
Vain is the attempt to measure the loss of a wife and mother to her husband and children; after all the poets have sung and lovers dreamed, outside of heaven there is no love like that of a wife or mother.
Mrs. Baumgarten was born in Penig, Saxonia, near Leipsic on March 12, 1841, and came to this country in her early days, first living at LaGrange with an uncle.
She was married to Mr. Christain [sic] Baumgarten, Sr., at LaGrange, June 6, 1859, and on the 6 of this month they were married 50 years, but on account of her illness no celebration took place. Fourteen children blessed their union, five of whom have passed to the higher beyond, namely Mary died at the age of thirteen. Lillie died when seventeen years old and three died in infancy. Nine children are still living as follows. Ernrt [sic], Gustav, Emil, Mrs. Max Wolters, Christain, Mrs. Gus Ruhmann, Charles, Willie and Fritz.
Interment took place at the High Hill cemetery Friday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock, by the side of her departed children, Rev. Piepenbroke officiating.
To the grief stricken husband and children we extend our sincerest sympathy. May you be consoled by the fact that your life long companion and beloved mother is waiting with the angels for you when the time comes for you to depart this life.
Shiner Gazette, 1 Jul 1909, page 1
Death of Mrs. Ernestine Baumgarten.
On Thursday morning, June 24, the sad news was received in Shiner that Mrs. Ernestine Baumgarten had passed from life to death at the age of 68 years, after a lingering illness.
Mrs. Baumgarten was one of the pioneer settlers of Texas, and had been an honored citizen of Schulenburg ever since it was founded.
Mrs. Ernestine Baumgarten was the daughter of Johan Gottlieb and Wilhelmina Pannewitz, was born in Penig, Saxonia, March 12, 1841. While a young girl she came to Texas with an aunt and was married to Christian Baumgarten June 6, 1859. Deceased is survived by her husband and nine children – Ernest, Gustav, Emil, Charles, William and Fritz Baumgarten and Mrs. G. E. Ruhmann of Schulenburg, Mrs. M. E. Wolters of Shiner and Christian Baumgarten, Jr., of Big Springs, all of whom are married and have families.
Shiner Gazette, 1 Jul 1909, Local News column
—Mr. Max Wolters and two sons, Victor and Gussie, were called to Schulenburg last Thursday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Baumgarten. Postmaster Pannewitz also accompanied them.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 12 July 1912
The funeral of the little year-old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Baumgarten, who died Tuesday morning at five o’clock after a very brief illness, was held Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Groth of the German-Methodist church conducted the services and spoke in words of tenderest sympathy and comfort, of deepest Christian hope and promise. The choir sung with peculiar beauty and sweetness several appropriate selections. The little form was laid to rest in the family lot in the City Cemetery.
Death came with friendly care,
The opening bud to Heaven conveyed,
And bade it blossom there.
The sincere sympathy of the entire community goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Baumgarten in their sad hour of grief.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, March 1, 1902
Julius, the year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Baumgarten of Schlenburg died Thursday morning and will be laid to rest today (Friday) Our sincere and heartfelt sympathy is tendered the bereaved parents in the loss of their beloved one.
Weimar Mercury, 15 May 1897, page 4
Schulenburg Stcker: It is with the deepest regret that we chronicle the death of little Rufus H., son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Baumgarten, which occurred last Wednesday night at their home, aged one year and five months. Little Rufus had been unwell for a few days before his death, but not seriously, and as the superintendents of the oil mills convention took place at Houston Monday, Mr. B. attended, not dreaming of any danger, but, before he could be reached with a telegram on last Wednesday in time for the train, little Rufus grew worse and expired that night at 9 o'clock. The funeral took place at 4 p. m. the next day at the city cemetey, Mr. H. Forres officiating. We extend to the bereaved our sincere sympathy.
Weimar Mercury, August 2, 1946, page 1
Wallace Baumgarten Buried Last Friday At Schulenburg
Final rites for Mr. Wallace Larette Baumgarten, who died Wednesday morning, July 24, in a Corpus Christi hospital, were held from his parents home in Schulenburg Friday morning, with interment in the Schulenburg City Cemetery.
The Rev. A. C. Peterson of the Schulenburg Methodist Church was in charge.
Well known to residents of this section. Mr. Baumgarten was 53 years old at the time of his death. Born in Schulenburg April 7, 1893, he was educated in the' Schulenburg School and Gem City college in Quincy. Illinois, from which he was graduated with degrees in banking and business administration. After working for some time with his father, Mr. Gus Baumgarten, in the oil mill, flour and feed business, he served for four years with the Railroad Commission.
He was married in June, 1916, to Miss Catalise McSmith of New Orleans, to which union two children were born. Mrs. Baumgarten died in 1931; in March, 1934, Mr. Baumgarten was married to Miss Florence Granger of Beaumont. The family lived in Schulenburg and Houston, and finally in Corpus Christi.
A son, Thomas Edgar. was killed in the recent war. In the air forces, he was reported missing in action as of June. 1942. and the following year was declared officially dead.
Mr. Baumgarten’s survivors include his widow, his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Baumgarten; a daughter, Mrs. Larett Durham of Washington, D. C.; two brothers, Roy of Houston and Otis Kent of San Antonio; four sisters, Mrs. W. H. Wimp of Houston, Mrs. George Herzik of Lake Jackson, Mrs. Benno Meyer of San Antonio, and Mrs. Norma Trest, Schulenburg.
The Weimar Mercury, 10 June 1927, page 1
The 9 moths old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bayer of the Ammannsville community met with a tragic death Sunday. The little felllow in the momentary absence of its parents pulled over a bench upon its neck and died soon afterward. The remains were buried in the Ammannsville cemetery. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the bereaved parents in the loss of their only child.
Weimar Mercury, January 2, 1975
Heart Attack Is Fatal to Mrs. Bayer
Funeral services were held Monday, December 29, for Mrs. Victor Bayer, 67, of Dubina, who died unexpectedly at 9:45 p.m. Friday of a heart attack.
Father McKenna officiated in services at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Ammannsville. Burial was in the church cemetery.
Pallbearers were L. J. Charbula, Eugene Charbula, John Mensik, Albert Mensik, Ervin Bayer, nephews; and Stanley Vacek.
Mrs. Bayer was the former Betty Charbula, daughter of Florian and Annie Sobotik Charbula. She was born October 22, 1907, at Ammannsville and was married there to Mr. Bayer on October 29, 1928. She was a member of the KJZT, Society of St. Agnes No. 24, at Ammannsville.
Surviving in addition to her husband are two sisters, Mrs. Annie Psencik of Smithville and Miss Mary Charbula of Schulenburg.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
The Weimar Mercury, 11 Feb 1955, Page 1
Funeral Services For Mrs. Bayer, 75, Held Today
Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Bayer, 75, who died Tuesday in Youens Hospital, were held this (Thursday) morning at Hubbard Funeral Home, with continued services in the Dubina Catholic Church.
Interment was in the Dubina Cemetery, Rev. Adolph Janda officiated.
Mrs. Bayer had been an invalid the past three years. She had entered the hospital Monday after suffering a heart stroke.
Born in Austria Nov. 16, 1879, she was the daughter of Frank and Elizabeth Kaluza, who brought her to this country as a young girl. She was married to Julius Bayer in 1900, and they settled at Ammannsville, where they have lived ever since. She was a member of the Ammannsville Catholic Church.
Survivors in addition to her husband are five sons, Henry and Eddie of Houston, John of Ammannsville, Joe of Schulenburg, and Emil of La Grange; four daughters, Mrs. Adolph (Annie ) Veselka and Mrs. John (Mary) Kainer of El Campo and Miss Martha Bayer and Mrs. Anton (Tillie) Bily of Houston; two brothers, Frank Kaluza of Vernon and John Kaluza of Ammannsville; three sisters, Mrs. Louis Anders of Dubina and Mrs. Louis Bartosh and Mrs. Fritz Rohan of Ammannsville; 18 grandchildren and four great-grand-children. A son, Julius Jr., died as an infant, and a brother, Pete Kaluza of El Campo, also preceded her in death.
The Weimar Mercury, December 20, 1962
Henry Bayer, 59, Buried Wednesday, Dubina Cemetery
Funeral services for Henry Bayer, 59, who died Saturday, Dec. 15, in the Tyler Tuberculosis Hospital, Tyler, Texas, were held Wednesday morning, Dec. 19, at Hubbard Funeral Home and Sts. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church, Dubina.
Interment was in the Dubina Catholic Cemetery. Rev. Henry O. Rolf officiated.
Mr. Bayer had been a patient in the Hospital 30 months. Born Jan 21, 1903, at Ammannsville, he was the son of Julius and Elizabeth Bayer. He married Miss Albina Anders at Ammannsville in 1925 and they settled in that vicinity. Later he moved to El Campo, then to Wharton in about 1939. He had been living in Houston about 12 years before going to the hospital.
Surviving in addition to his former wife are 5 sons, Frank and Johnny of Wharton, Raymond of El Campo, Willie of Freeport, and George of Edna; one daughter, Mrs. Lydia Krasty of Houston; and 8 grandchildren; 3 sisters, Mrs. Annie Veselka and Mrs. Mary Kainer of El Campo, Mrs. Martha McKnee of Pasadena; and 4 brothers, Johnny of Ammannsvile, Joe of Schulenburg, Eddie of Houston and Emil of La Grange. A daughter, Agnes, died as an infant.
Weimar Mercury, Friday, December 2, 1955
Final Rites for Julius Bayer, 74, Held Here Friday
Funeral services for Julius Bayer, 74, who died Nov. 21 in Wagner Hospital at Shiner, were held at Hubbard Funeral Home here last Friday, Rev. Kallina of Ammannsville officiating.
Continued services were held in the Dubina Catholic Church and burial was in the church cemetery there.
Mr. Bayer had been ill about three years and in the hospital the past four weeks.
His was the third death in his family in less than a year. His wife died Feb. 8 and his daughter, Mrs. Matilda Bily, died Sept. 8.
Born Feb. 14, 1881, in Fayette County, the son of John and Veronica Bayer, he married Miss Elizabeth Kaluza at Dubina Oct. 29, 1900. He was a lifetime resident of the Weimar area, a member of the Catholic Church and the KJT Lodge.
Survivors are five sons, Henry and Eddie Bayer of Houston, John Bayer of Route 3, Schulenburg, Emil Bayer of Route 3, La Grange, and Joe Bayer of Schulenburg; three daughters, Miss Martha Bayer of Houston, Mrs. Annie Veselka and Mrs. Mary Kainer of El Campo; three sisters, Mrs. Rudolf Matura of Route 3, Schulenburg, Mrs. Frank Broz and Mrs. Jim Kuchar of Weimar; a brother, John Bayer of Route 3, Schulenburg; 19 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were members of the KJT Lodge; Justin and Emil Bartosh, Frank and Albert Cernosek, Charlie Mazoch Sr., Charlie Mazoch Jr., and Joe Adamcik.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, Thursday, February 23, 1967
Mrs. Lad Bayer Buried Tuesday At Ammannsville
Funeral services for Mrs. Lad Bayer of Ammannsville, 55, were held Tuesday morning at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home in Schulenburg and at Ammannsville Catholic Church with Rev. Jos. Hamala officiating.
Burial was in the Ammannsville cemetery.
Mrs. Bayer died Sunday, Feb. 19, at Youens Memorial Hospital here.
Surviving are her husband; a daughter, Mrs. Robert Hollas of Houston; two sons, Irwin and Daniel Bayer, both of Houston; four sisters, Mrs. Cecilia Mican of Weimar, Mrs. Annie Kana of La Grange; Mrs. Martha Bordovsky of Hostyn and Mrs. Edith Bayer of Holman; two brothers, Jimmie Mazoch of Weimar and Bill Mazoch of Rosenberg; and six grandchildren.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
The Colorado County Citizen, 26 Aug 1954
Mrs. Sophia Bayer Services Held Sunday at Weimar
Funeral services were held in St. Michael's Catholic church at Weimar Sunday morning for Mrs. Sophia Bayer, 66, who was found dead In her apartment at Welmar Saturday morning. Burial was in the Dublna cemetery.
Her body was found by her daughter, Mrs. Mike Gregory of Ganado, who had gone to see about. her mother. Mrs. Bayer had been ill Thursday night and Mrs. Gregory and another daughter, Mrs. Robert Neisner of Glidden had been called to her bedside. The daughter had left their mother feeling well Friday morning.
Mrs. Bayer was born Sophia Dadek [sic.] near Schulenburg Dec. 13, 1888. Her husband died 17 years ago.
Besides her 2 daughters, she is survived by 4 sons, Alphonse and Sylvan of Houston, Louis of Maryland and Henry of Galveston and 6 sisters, Mrs. Mary Lasina and Mrs. Cecelia Solansky of Weimar, Mrs. Millie Soiansky of Columbus, Mrs. Louise Zalesky of Houston and Mrs. Albie Holub and Mrs. Tony Cerny of Oklahoma; also a brother Ludwig Dadek of Weimar.
Weimar Mercury, Friday, August 27, 1954
Mrs. Sophia Bayer, 66, Dies Friday Of Heart Stroke
A heart stroke which occurred sometime Friday afternoon caused the death of Mrs. Sophia Bayer, 66. Funeral services were held Sunday morning at Hubbard Funeral Home and St. Michael's Church, with burial in the Catholic cemetery at Dubina.
Mrs. Bayer died in her room at the home of Mrs. Emil Ryba. She had been ill for some time with heart disease and other ailments.
Her death was not discovered until 12 to 18 hours after it occurred.
Mrs. Ryba told Justice of the Peace A. J. Ratliff, who held the inquest, that she had gone to Mrs. Bayer's door and called her at 10:30 Saturday morning. Not receiving any answer, and having heard no sound from the room since the previous afternoon, she became worried and tried the door. It was fastened shut. Then Mrs. Ryba called Mrs. Bayer's doctor, who found her dead. Judge Katliff estimated she had been dead 12 to 18 hours.
Mrs. Bayer was a native of Fayette County, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dedek, Czechoslovakian immigrants. She had been living in Weimar about two years.
Among her survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Robert Naizer of Glidden, and some other children whose names were not available.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
The Weimar Mercury, 21 Aug 1925, page 2
Mrs. John Bayer, a pioneer settler of the Dubina section, passed into the great beyond Wednesday night at 8 o'clock, after suffering about two weeks, at the age of 74 years.
Deceased was injured about two weeks ago. She was living alone in her home. One morning about two weeks ago she was found in the yard unconscious, her shoulders and neck black and blue, and when she regained consciousness screamed out, "Go away, I have no money," which leads to the opinion that she might have met with fould play. Another supposition is that she fell from the porch and injured herself. She never fully regained consciousness for any length of time.
Ther remains will be laid to rest Friday morning at 9 o'clock, Rev. J. Szymanski will officiate.
She is survived by seven children, they are: Julius, John, Joe, Mary, Filomina, Agnes and annie. To them the Sticker tenders its sincere sympathy. — Schulenburg Sticker.
Schulenburg Sticker, 30 June 1910
The sad mews [sic] reached here Wensday [sic] of the death of Mrs. P. T. Beach of New Braunfels whither she had gone in search of health. Mrs. Beach (nee Emma Holman) was reared in LaGrange and many love her for her amiability and sweetness of character. She was the youngest daughter of Cap’t and Mrs Natt Holman. The remains were interred here Thursday from the Episcopal Church, a large number of relatives and friends from a distance attended the obiequies [sic].
Contributed by Matt Cross
Victoria Advocate, 9 Nov 2005
Paul E. Beale - FLATONIA
FLATONIA - Paul E. Beale, 92, of Flatonia, died Monday, Nov. 7, 2005.
He was born May 21, 1913, in Flatonia, to the late Harry and Augusta Agricola Beale. He was a self-employed meat cutter and a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church.
Survivors: son, Paul Wayne Beale of Flatonia; two grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
Preceded in death by: wife, Rosie Marie Beale; and numerous brothers and sisters.
Visitation will be 10 a.m. today at Smith Funeral Home chapel.
A prayer service will be 6 p.m. tonight at the chapel.
Services will be 10 a.m. Thursday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, the Rev. Joe Hybner officiating.
Burial will be at Praha Catholic Cemetery. Smith Funeral Home, Flatonia, 361-865-3311.
Memorials: Flatonia Volunteer Fire Department.
Victoria Advocate, 11 Sep 2000
FLATONIA -- Rose Marie Greive Beale, 86, of Flatonia, died Sunday, Sept. 10, 2000. She was born Dec. 26, 1913, in Praha, to the late Willie and Amelia Klecker Greive. She was a retired public school teacher, and a member of Texas State Teachers Association and Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Flatonia. Survivors: Paul E. Beale; son, Paul W. Beale of Flatonia; brother, Joe Greive of Flatonia; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. tonight at Smith Funeral Home Chapel. Services will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Sacred Heat Catholic Church, the Rev. Charles Carolan officiating. Burial will be at Praha Catholic Cemetery. Smith Funeral Home, Flatonia, (361)596-4631. Memorials: donor's choice.
The Schulenburg Sticker, Thursday, December 2, 1982
Thomas Beale Passes Away
Thomas Beale of the Scots community south of Flatonia died on Thursday, Nov. 25 at the Shiner Hospital at age 50.
Funeral services were held on Saturday, Nov. 27 at 10:00 a.m. at the Smith Funeral Home chapel in Flatonia. Burial took place in the Oak Hill Cemetery in Flatonia.
Survivors are his mother, Mrs. Margaret Beale of Flatonia; and a sister, Susanna Grizzard of San Antonio.
El Campo Leader News, Monday, April 2, 2012
Frank Becak
Frank Jim Becak, a lifelong resident and businessman of Garwood passed away on Sunday, April 1, 2012 at the age of 91. He was the third of four sons, born to John Joseph Becak and Louise Gerla Becak on March 9, 1921.
He was ever the thinker, scientist, inventor and mechanical genius. He was a self-taught airplane pilot and a master mechanic. He graduated from Garwood High School in 1938. He joined the Army in 1941, serving during WWII. He married in 1947, started his business and raised his children in Garwood. He was a dedicated member of the Garwood Volunteer Fire Department and the Methodist Church.
He is survived by his loving wife of over 64 years, Josephine Bures Becak and will be dearly missed by his three children and their spouses, Wayne Becak (Robyn), Karen (Mark Lambert) and David Becak (Sonia), his seven grandchildren, Christine (Michael Thiele), Jarrod (Sarah), Johanna and Peyton Lambert, John David, Ross and Shelby, his one great-grandchild, Jackson Thiele and his 10 nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his parents, three brothers, William, John and Jimmy and his foster sister, Theresa Richardson.
Visitation will begin at 1 p.m. Wednesday, April 4 with family receiving visitors from 5-8 p.m. at Triska Funeral Home. Graveside services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, April 5, at Lehrer Memorial Cemetery in Garwood with the Rev. Ron Shott officiating.
Memorials may be made to the Garwood Volunteer Fire Department or Lehrer Memorial Methodist Church. Friends may share condolences with the family at
Arrangements by Triska Funeral Home, El Campo.
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, 28 Mar 1891, page 1
Died, at Ross Prairie, on the 18th inst., John Becka, an old citizen of Fayette county, and was buried on the 19th inst. at the Catholic cemetery of Live Oak Hill, Fayette county, Texas. Mr. Becka was taken sick on the 14th inst. with pneumonia, and after a few days of suffering died. The deceased was born in Vsetin, Moravia, Euroope. He immigrated to Texas in 1855, settling in Austin county, and in 1866 moved to Fayette, where he has resided ever since. He was the father-in-law of Judge Haidusek. During the late war he served in Capt. Martindale's militia company. He was a successful farmer and was highly esteemed by his neighbors, as could be seen from the large concourse of friends who attended his burial.—Democrat.
Fayette County Record, Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Lillian Becka, 87, of Fayetteville, died Thursday, Feb. 11, 2010 at St. Joseph's Hospital in Bryan.
A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at St. John's Catholic Church in Fayetteville at 10 a.m. Monday, Feb. 15 with Rev. Stephen Nesrsta officiating. Burial was in St. John's Catholic Cemetery.
She was born in Ellinger Nov. 15, 1922, the daughter of Joseph and Anna Tobias. She was a long time member of KJZT St. Anne No. 10 and member of St. John's Altar Society.
She is survived by two sons, Tommy Becka and wife Theresa of College Station; and Johnny Becka of Caldwell; seven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Johnnie Becka; and 13 brothers and sisters.
Koenig & Strickland Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Victoria Advocate, September 26, 2004
Sophie C. Becka
ELLINGER - Sophie Chovanec Becka, 91, of Ellinger, died Friday, Sept. 24, 2004.
She was born March 26, 1913 near Ellinger. She was a retired owner of a grocery store and a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church.
Survivors: daughters, Pearlie Binns of Dallas and Betty Ann Michalsky of Ellinger; son, Jimmy Becka of Shiner; brother, Benjamin Chovanec of Columbus; five grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren.
Preceded in death by: parents; husband, Emil E. Becka; three brothers; and one grandson.
Visitation will begin after 3 p.m. today at Jecmenek Chapel in Ellinger.
A rosary will be recited 7 p.m. tonight at the funeral home and 9:30 a.m. Monday at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Ellinger.
Services will be 10 a.m. Monday at the church, the Msgr. Ben Mazurkiewicz officiating.
Memorials: donor's choice.
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
Colorado County Citizen, 6 Oct 1960, page 10
Fritz A. Becker Succumbs After Six-Year Illness
Funeral services were held at the Jecmenek chapel in Ellinger Monday afternoon for Fritz A. Becker, 75, who died at his home in Ellinger Saturday night after an illness of nearly 6 years.
Rev. Raymond W. Durst, pastor of St. John's Lutheran church of which Mr. Becker was a member officiated and burial was in the La Grange City Cemetery.
Mr. Becker was born at Live Oak Hill near Ellinger, May 17, 188?, son of August and Gertrude ??? Becker. On Aug. 4, 1914[?] he was married to Selma Koepke, who survives. Also surviving are daughters, Mae Esther (Mrs. Henry) Dungen and Clara (Mrs. Marvin) Horndt, a son, Delvin A. Becker and 3 grandchildren, Jimmy and Carol Becker and Tommy Horndt, all of Columbus; also 2 sisters, Mrs. Annie Eggemeyer of Garwood and Mrs. Mary Beimer [of] Ballinger, and 2 brothers, August of Ellinger and Henry of Columbus. One son, Wilhorn, died May 6, 1959.
Until about 6 years ago when Mr. Becker retired because of ill health, he was ranch foreman for I. O. Simank more than 18 years. For many years he was flag bearer, leading parades of the annual Tomato festivals in Ellinger.
Pallbearers were his nephews, Louis Priesmeyer of El Campo, Milton Girndt of Wharton, Oscar Becker and Frank McChesny Jr. of Baytown, Jay Allen Koepke of Houston and Albert Werland of Columbus.
Weimar Mercury, 30 May 1891, page 3
Died, on Saturday, May 23d, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Beckham, after a week's illness. The remains were taken to Moulton Sunday for interment. The Argus sympathizes deeply with the bereaved parents.—Flatonia Argus.
Weimar Mercury, 4 March 1927
Death of An Honored, Good Citizen, Monday
Judge W. A. Beckman, formerly of Flatonia, but who has been making his home with his daughter, Mrs. W. S. Shaver of this city, for some time past, died Monday morning after a lingering illness of several weeks. The funeral took place at Flatonia Tuesday morning, quite a number of friends of the family from this place going over to the funeral.
Judge Beckham was an honored, good man, a citizen whose usefulness was exemplified in a practical manner, a devoted husband and fathr, a neighbor and friend whose presence bought cheer into every gathering where he was present. He lived long, but his life was ever a useful one. His passing is deeply and sincerely lamented by many.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to his bereaved ones.
Schulenburg Sticker, 20 Aug 1908
Mrs. D. Beckmann died at Warda Sunday the 16th inst. Mrs. Beckman was the wife of Dr. Paul Beckman and the daughter of Hon. A. E. Falke of Giddens but for many years a citizen of Fayette County. At one time he represented Fayette County in the Legislature.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 14 Jan 1916
Suicide of Stanislav Becvar
Wednesday morning the body of Stanislav Becvar was found hanging from the rafters in the second story of the Schulz Bros. wood working shop.
Mr. Becvar has been employed in the Schulz blacksmith shop for more than twenty years. He was an expert at his trade, a quiet man who tended strictly to his own business and of a disposition that seldom tends to such a tragic end. He was a Bohemian and so far as known had but one living relative, that one being in the old country. He had not been in good health for some time and the Schulz Bros had been bringing his meals to him for the past few days. For more than a month he had been trying to get Emil Schulz, Sr., to make out a will for him and Tuesday became so insistent that Mr. Schulz came down from the house to his room, which is over the blacksmith shop, and the will was made out according to his directions. The following morning when his breakfast was brought to him by Emil Schulz, Jr., and Frank Kautsky, they found the body suspended by a small rope from the rafter in the large room adjoining his sleeping quarters.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, 28 Sep 1889, page 2
Wm. Bede of Round Top, who was injured by the bursting of a cannon on the 4th of July last, committed suicide a few days ago.
San Antonio Express-News, October 18, 1991
Ed J. Bednar, 89, worked at Kelly AFB
Ed J. Bednar, a woodcrafter in civil service at Fort Sam Houston, did all the basic wood construction of the floats in the Fiesta parades. He also did the restoration of the ambulance and other antique vehicles in the museum at the fort.
He retired in 1968 after 26 years of civil service work. He also had worked at Kelly AFB.
Bednar, 89, died Wednesday of congestive heart failure in a nursing home where he had lived one week. He had been sick off and on for eight years and had lived in a retirement villa more than three years until he was hospitalized in August.
Born in Latium, he was the third of nine children. After attending school to the fifth grade, he had to quit and help his father on the farm. When he was a teen-ager, his mother died. His father married again and had five more children.
Worked in LaGrange
Bednar moved to LaGrange in his early 20s and worked at Ford Motor Co. In 1929 he and Tillie Baron were married in Fayetteville. He later had a wrecker service and was employed at Brasher Motor Co.
During World War II he moved his family to San Antonio and went to work at Kelly in December 1942.
"After his retirement, he and his wife did a lot of camping and fishing at Copano Bay," said his daughter, Betty Jo Emerick of Helotes. "She died in July 1980. My father had a beautiful life. In the retirement villa he played dominoes daily, bingo twice a week, went to happy hour and had candlelight dinners.
"His social calendar kept him busy, and he forgot how bad he felt. He had many happy memories. He was very sensitive and was a good, good person. During his last years, I took care of him. He spent one year in our home."
Bednar was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in La Grange from the 1920s to 1942. In San Antonio he was a member of St. John Berchman's Catholic Church from 1943 to 1980, then became a member of St. Dominic's Catholic Church.
Additional survivors are two sons, Edward J. Bednar of Austin and Sidney L. Bednar of San Antonio; a sister, Cecilia Piwetz of Baytown; three half-sisters, Mary Curbello of Trinity, Annie Pomykal of Brenham and Barbara Moseley of Houston; five grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
Mass will be celebrated at 3 p.m. Friday in Sacred Heart Catholic Church in La Grange. Burial in La Grange City Cemetery will be arranged by the Angelus Funeral Home.
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, Friday, April 28, 1944
Sgt. Lad J. Bednar, 24, died at the Briggs Field hospital in El Paso. His death was caused from injuries received in a car and army ambulance collision about 20 miles east of El Paso. He was riding with his brother, Louis Bednar, when the accident occurred, killing three members of the Bednar family.
Sgt. Bednar suffered a fractured skull and other injuries.
He was born near Brenham September 5, 1918, and volunteered for army service in September, 1939. He had been stationed in California and was transferred to Camp Bowie, Texas, prior to going overseas. He was en route to his new station when the accident occurred.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 30 Nov 1899
DIED. – The three-months old boy baby of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bednarz, living 3 miles north of town, last Thursday night.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 21 Dec 1899
The two days old infant of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bednaz died Tuesday morning. The remains were consigned to earth in the Catholic cemetery in the afternoon, Rev. Father Breucklin officiating.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, 19 Jun 1942, page 1
Anton Bednarz Buried Monday At Schulenburg
Final rites for Mr. Anton Bednarz, 65-year-old fathr of Mrs. Julius Vacek of Weimar, were held at Schulenbug Monday, with the Rev. Leo Goertz, pastor of St. Rose Catholic Church, officiating. Interment was made in the St. Rose Cemetery there.
Mr. Bednarz's death came last Saturday, after a two-year illness. Born in Schulenburg in 1877, he was the son of Ferdinand and Rosie Bednarz. On April 27, 1896, he married Miss Minnie Gerla, also of Schulenburg. He spent his entire life in the Schulenburg section, engaging in farming as an occupation. He was a member of the Catholic Church, Hermann Sons and the Holy Name Society.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Minnie Bednarz of Schulenbug; seven children, Mrs. Agnes Haas, Raymond and Erwin Bednarz, all of Schulenburg; Mrs. Addie Vacek and Mrs. Annie Schneider of Weimar; August Bednarz of Alice, Texas; and Pvt. Edward Bednarz of Columbus, Ohio. One son, Alfred, died at the age of 25, and another, Albert, died in infancy.
Also surviving are four brothers, Frank, Charlie and Fred Bednarz, all of Poth, and Alois Bednarz of Corpus Chrristi; and six sisters, Mrs. Annie Schindler and Mrs. Caroline Schindler of Marlin, Texas; Mrs. Rosina Barber of Dallas, Mrs. Tillie Guenther of Poth, Mrs. Mary Gerla of Schulenburg, and Mrs. Pauline Baumgarten of Schulenburg. One sister, the late Mrs. Rosie Luecke of Schulenburg, preceded him in death. Fifteen grandchildren also survive.
The Mercury extends sympathy to the bereaved survivors.
Schulenburg Sticker, 18 May 1917
Franz Joseph Bednarz Dead
Franz Joseph Bednarz, aged sixty nine years, died Tuesday evening in a San Antonio hospital. The funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at High Hill cemetery, Father Schweller being in charge of the services.
Mr. Bednarz was one of the pioneers of this section, highly respected by all. He was taken to the hospital Sunday for treatment and never rallied after the operation.
Among those from Poth here to attend the funeral were Otto Bednarz and wife, John Bednarz and family, Fred Billimek, Sr., and wife, Ferd Bednarz, Sr., and others.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 9 June 1922, page 1
Joe Bednarz Dies at Slaton
Word was received in the city Wednesday evening of the death at Slaton of Joe Bednarz, formerly of this city.
The corpse will be shipped here for burial. It will arrive here on Friday afternoon train. The funeral will be held from the Ferd Berger residence near High Hill at 9:00 a. m. Saturday, June 10th, burial will be at the High Hill Catholic Cemetery.
Schulenburg Sticker, 16 June 1922, page 1
Joseph Bednarz
Jos. Bednarz was born at High Hill the 6th of May 1888. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bednarz.
On Nov. 7, 1910, he was married to Miss Wilemina Kahlich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kahlich. Five years ago he left this country and moved to Slaton, Lubbock County, where he built a home, about 2 year [sic] later he had the misfortune to lose his home and all his household goods by fire.
About four months ago he contracted influenza and he partially recovered when heart trouble developed, which caused his death on the 6 of June at 7:45 p. m. His last will was that he wished to be buried at High Hill. The corpse was shipped to Schulenburg which arrived here Friday afternoon and was taken to Ferd. A. Berger’s residence where his mother stays now.
The funeral was held at 9 o’clock Saturday morning June 10th. Internment [sic] was made at the High Hill Catholic Cemetery, Rev. Jos. Schweller officiating.
He leaves his wife and 4 little children the oldest 9 years and the youngest one year, three girls and one boy, his old mother Mrs. Mary Bednarz, 4 brothers John Bednarz of Poth, Rud. Bednarz of Slaton, Otto Bednarz of Poth, Will Bednarz of High Hill and 4 sisters: Mrs. Jos. Kainer, Mrs. Ferd. A. Berger and Mrs. Alois Demel, all of High Hill and Mrs. Carl Kahlich of Slaton.
The Sticker tenders its sincere sympathy to the bereaved.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 7 April 1916
Johan Gerhard Behrens, age 73 years, 11 months and 8 days, died Peb [sic] 29 Rutersville.
Contributed by Matt Cross
The Fayette County Record, February 18, 2005
Josephine P. (Novosad) Behrens, 69 of the Frelsburg area and formerly of Plum, died Monday Feb 14 in a Houston hospital.
Funeral services were held Thursday, Feb. 17 at 10 a.m. at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Plum with burial in the Plum Catholic Cemetery. The Rev. Stanley Petru officiated.
Born May 10, 1935 in Plum, she was the daughter of Paul and Maira Novosad.
Survivors include her husband, Clarence E. Behrens of Frelsburg: three sons, Gary W. Behrens and wife Dolores of Houston, David W. Behrens and wife Maria of Waller, and Ronnie Behrens and wife Danelle of Houston; sister, Sister Alberta Novosad, I.W.B.S. of Houston; and seven grandchildren, Chris Behrens and wife Christie, Craig Behrens and fiancé Ryan Combs, David Behrens, Jr., Justin Behrens, Brandon Behrens, Colby Behrens, and Ashley Behrens.
She was preceded in death by her parents and by nine brothers and sisters.
Koenig and Strickland Funeral Home of La Grange was in charge of arrangements.
Transcribed by Gayle Clemons Newkirk
The Fayette County, Record May 13, 2005
Funeral services for Ronnie lee Behrens, 35, of Houston are set for 11 a.m. Friday, May 13, at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, 6646 Addicks-Satsuma Road in Houston with Father Ed Kilianski officiating. Graveside service and interment will follow at 4 p.m. at the Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church Cemetery in Plum with Father Raja Kommereddy officiating. Visitation will be held before Mass at the church in Houston.
Behrens was born August 7, 1969, in Houston, the son of Clarence E. and Josephine (Novosad) Behrens. He married Danelle Elise Weber on May 20, 1995 at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Houston. He is preceded in death by his mother, Josephine (Novosad) Behrens, his grandparents from the Behrens and Novosad families; and brother-in-law, Stephen Webber.
Survivors include his wife: three children, Mark Webber, Colby Behrens, Ashley Behrens, all of Houston: father, Clarence Behrens of Frelsburg; two brothers, Gary Behrens and wife Dolores of Houston; David Behrens and wife Maria of Waller; father-in-law and mother-in-law, Clarence Jr. and Barbara Webber of Houston; sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law, Rebecca Webber of Bellville; John and Debbie Webber of Willis; Yvonne and Richard Hannum of Houston; Annette and Kevin Enke of Katy; aunt, Sister Albert Novosad of Houston and 10 nieces and nephews.
Memorials may be made to the family of Ronnie Lee Behrens % Koenig and Strickland, 208 W. Pearl, La Grange, TX 78945
Funeral arrangements by Koenig & Stickland.
Transcribed by Gayle Clemons Newkirk
The Fayette County Record, Friday, February 6, 2015
John Horace Behringer, 59, of La Grange, died Thursday, Jan. 29, 2015.
John was born in Houston on Feb. 12, 1955, the son of Horace E. and Mary (Kresta) Behringer.
A devoted husband, father, and grandfather, John enjoyed hunting, fishing, football, his friends and working as a cabinet maker. He built many beautiful pieces, stairwells, and sets of cabinetry throughout Fayette and surrounding counties. A very giving man with a huge heart, he loved his family and friends, especially his grandchildren and pup Stella.
He is survived by his wife, Deborah Fitzpatrick Behringer; two daughters; Jenna Miller of Houston, Kimberly Stokes, and husband, Rodney; granddaughters, Jasmine and Hannah Holman; grandsons, Travis and Caleb Stokes of La Grange; one sister, Debbie Nielsen of Pinehurst; a nephew, Lucas Allen, wife Amanda, and great-niece Hannah, of Canyon Lake; father and mother-in-law, Dr. E. L. “Doc” and Joan Fitzpatrick; brother-in-laws, David and wife, Debbie Fitzpatrick; Dr. Michael and wife, Diana Fitzpatrick; Dr. Marc and wife, Stephanie Fitzpatrick, all of La Grange, and many nieces and nephews.
He is preceded in death by his parents, grandparents, Guy Edwin and Ruth Behringer of Houston; Chas. and Valasta Kresta of Moulton.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, 18 Jun 1898, page 5
John Belcek [sic.], a well-to-do Bohemian farmer living midway between Holman and Ammansville, commited suicide Thursday morning by shooting his brains out with a winchester. He owned two splendid farms. It is not known what caused him to commit the rash act.
Schulenburg Sticker, 31 Mar 1904
Death Record.
Bell: Died near Muldoo [Muldoon], 3 17 04, of inflamation [sic] of Bowels, John Felix Bell aged, 8 mos. and 19 days.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 7 July 1904
Bell: Died near Muldoon, June 19-04, of Congestion of the Brain, Lawrence Bell, aged 10 years.
Contributed by Matt Cross
The Weimar Mercury, May 5, 1911
Ellinger News Items.
May 1.—John Belzung who was reported very ill last week, died at his home near Ellinger on the 26. He was born in Germany and came to Texas in the early seventies. The deceased was in his 75th year and was one of the foremost citizens of this section. He leaves a wife and a host of friends to mourn. His remains were laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery at Live Oak Hill. May he rest in peace.
Those from a distance who attended the funeral of Mr. Belzung were: Dr. C. J. Schramm and wife of Fayetteville, Joseph Ehlinger of LaGrange, Charles Koehl of Victoria, Max Koehl of Wharton and Messrs Kainer and Braden of Bernardo.
John P. Bell
Schulenburg Sticker, 18 May 1899, page 1
J. P. Bell, an old veteran of the Texas revolution, mention of whose illness was made in our last issue, died at the home of his son, J. W. Bell, near this place, at the ripe age of 80 years, of general debility, Friday morning. He leaves a large number of children and grand-children to mourn their loss. The interment took place Saturday evening in the old Sutton [Becker] graveyard about 4 miles east of Round Top; a large concourse of relatives and friends following the remains to the last resting place. May he rest in peace. – Carmine Enterprise.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Colorado Citizen, 16 Jul 1891, page 2
Flatonia Argus: Jim Bell, a well known farmer living about five miles from Flatonia, went home drunk and began abusing his wife in such a manner that she took her children and went over to the house of her father, Mr. Stanch[?]. Shortly after Bell followed her, armed with a shotgun and six shooter. After carousing around the house awhile he made an attempt to take his wife home. Failure enraged him to such a pitch he fired a shot into the house of his father-in-law, whereupon one of his wife's brothers returned the shot, killing Bell almost instantly. Bell was well known at Flatonia and occasionally he drank, and several times previously it has been reported that he abused his wife.
The La Grange Journal
Thursday, March 3, 1960
Mrs. Ida Bender
Mrs. Ida Bender, 84, died at her home in Houston Sunday, Feb. 21, at 3 p.m. She was the wife of Gus Bender. The Benders were former Fayette County residents.
Funeral services were held at the Hyde Park Chapel Tuesday and continued at the Christ the King Catholic church. Burial was in the Carmine Cemetery.
Survivors include two nieces, Mrs. Marie Pochmann of San Antonio and Mrs. A. J. Krause of Houston; and a number of grand nieces and nephews.
Schulenburg Sticker, 3 Sep 1908
Died at Carmine, Aug. 4, Willie Bender, age 17 months and 19 days of spinal meniugitis [sic].
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 3 Dec 1908
Died at Round Top, Nov. 3, Marie E. Benek, age 84 years 9 months 9 days of old agt [sic].
Contributed by Matt Cross
Colorado County Citizen, 10 Mar 1932, page 2
(Weimar Mercury)
Mr. August Benkelberg died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Reimers at Glidden, Texas, Feb. 27th, at 6:15 o'clock, after a long illness. He had reached the age of 85 years. He was born in Lippe Deltmalt, Germany, Oct. 1, 1846. He served in the war with France in 1870. He came to America in the year 1901. At that time he settled at Plum, Fayette county. His wife preceded him to the grave in the year 1907.
After that he spent the remainder of his life at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Reimers, near Glidden. Six children were born to this union. Two died, and four are living, as follows: Mrs. Wm. Reimers, Glidden, Mrs. Henry Kuck, Yoakum; Mr. Henry Benkelberg, California, and Mrs. Elmer Fendeley, whose home address is not known. He also leaves fifteen grand-children and ten great-grandchildren.
His remains were taken to Plum by Columbus undertakers. Funeral services were held by Rev. Heise, Lutheran minister, and they were laid to rest by the side of his beloved wife in Prairie Valley Cemetery at Plum. The many floral offerings placed upon the grave were beautiful.
In the passing of this aged but good and popular cicitzen the sincere and heartfelt sympathy of all our people goes out to his bereaved ones.
Weimar Mercury, 25 Feb 1893
It was with extreme regret THE MERCURY learned of the death of Mr. J. C. Benthal of Schulenburg, which occurred at the family residence last Sunday afternoon, of heart failure. His death was very sudden. He was apparently asleep upon the bed, but when approached, it was discovered he was dead. Mr. B. was a member of the Odd Fellows' Lodge, was an honest, pleasant and cultured gentleman, and his death is deeply regretted by all. His remains were laid to rest Monday afternoon in the cemetery at Schulenburg. Our sincere sympathy is extended his bereaved wife.
Colorado Citizen, 19 Nov 1885, page 2
Died, at the residence of J. C. Benthall in Lavaca county, Texas, on November 4th, 1885, Mr. L. Benthall, after an illness of two days, at the advanced age of 85 years and 23 days. His remains were interred in Odd Fellows cemetery at Schulenburg with masonic honors. —Argus.
Weimar Mercury, 26 Aug 1910
News was received here Wednesday night of the death of Mrs. Benthal, an aged and honored resident of Schulenburg, and grandmother of Mrs. Gus. Baumgarten of that city and Clifford Wallace of Teague. Mrs. Benthal had been in poor health for some time, and but a few weeks ago her death was momentarily expected. However, her condition improved, and she grew better. She grew worse again this week, and the end came quickly, she dying at 7 o’clock Wednesday night. Mrs. Benthal was formerly a Mrs. Gwinn, her first husband being a U. S. congressman from Mississippi. She was a lady of many excellent qualities of both head and heart, a friend to everybody, one whom to know was to esteem, and her death is deeply and sincerely deplored. The funeral will take place at 9 o’clock Friday morning. Our sincere spmpathy[sic] is extended to the bereaved family.
Lucinda Benthall was married three times. She died August 24, 1910 and is buried in the Schulenburg City Cemetery. Contributed by Dorothy Albrecht
Schulenburg Sticker, 1 Sep 1910
Death has claimed another one of Schulenburg’s old and respected citizens.
This time it was Mrs. Lucinda Marguarette (Adams) Benthall who answered the call, after a lingering illness, passing peacefully away Wednesday, August 24, 1910 at her home, about 7 o’clock p. m.
Mrs. Benthall was born in Clark [Clarke] county, Georgia, September, 13, 1823, and would have been 87 years of age, had she lived until the 13th of the present month.
Mrs. Benthall was formerly married to Rev. M. M. Gwinn, a Methodist minister, who was well known in this and Lavaca county. She afterwards married Mr. Benthall, who long since preceded her to the grave. No children having blessed there [sic] unions, Mrs. Benthall adopted the mother of Mrs. G. A. Baumgarten and Cliff Wallace of Teague, when she was a tiny babe and afterwards adopted Mrs. Baumgarten and Cliff, raising them as her own children and she was always known to them by that endearing name, “grandmother.”
Deceased was a consistent Christian and was a member of the Methodist church. Her disposition was always lovable and kind. A friend to everybody, and one whose death is deeply deplored by all.
Her remains were laid to rest in the City Cemetery Friday morning, Rev. J. D. Worrel of Weimar. performing the last sad rites at the grave.
Our sincere and heartfelt sympathy is extended the grief stricken ones in this, their sad hour of sorrow.
Schulenburg Sticker, 1 Sep 1910
Our heartfelt and sincere thanks we desire to express to those who so unselfishly assisted us during the illness and death of our dear grandmother, Mrs. L. Benthall. May God bless you is our sincere prayer.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Juanita Benzer
Victoria Advocate Online, July 19, 2017
AUSTIN - Juanita Smith Benzer, 77, of Austin, passed away Saturday, July 15, while surrounded by her loving family. Juanita was born on July 4, 1940, in Houston, Texas.
Juanita was preceded in death by her parents Carl W. Smith and Alice M. Smith. She is survived by her children Lori Berger, Darrell Mica and wife Peggy, Rhonda Arvanitas and husband Jeff, and Carl Mica and wife Tara. Juanita also leaves behind four grandchildren: Travis Berger and wife Paige, Erin Faulkner and husband John, Wade Berger and wife Kristen and Natalie Mica. She is also survived by three great-grandchildren: Jolie Berger, Brady Berger, Zachary Berger, and her beloved pets BeeGee and Tye.
Juanita was a long-time member of St. Theresa Catholic Church in Austin. She retired from the University of Texas at Austin, College of Education, and owned and operated a wedding consulting business in Austin for several years afterward.
The family would like to express their gratitude to her doctors, her home caregivers and Seton Medical Center Austin.
Visitation was held from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Monday, July 17, at Weed-Corley-Fish Funeral Home, 3125 North Lamar Blvd., Austin. A funeral mass will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 18, at St. Theresa Catholic Church in Austin. A prayer service will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, July 19, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Flatonia. Entombment will follow in Sacred Heart Catholic Church Cemetery Mausoleum.
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in memory of Juanita to The Seton Fund, 1201 W 38th St., Austin, TX 78705 or to the Flatonia I.S.D. Education Foundation, P.O. Box 1098, Flatonia, TX 78941.
Obituary and guestbook available online at -
Arrangements by Weed-Corley-Fish Funeral Home, Austin, TX - (512) 452-8811.
The La Grange Journal, March 9, 1950
B.J. Beran Rites Held on Monday Burial in La Grange
Funeral services for B.J. Beran age 40 were held at the family residence in Ellinger Monday morning with the continued services at the Saint Mary's Catholic Church at Hostyn, near Ellinger. Burial took place at La Grange.
Mr. Beran was a well known Ellinger citizen. He was known in this entire area and was highly respected as a prosperous and understanding citizen, whom everyone loved and respected for his friendly disposition and generosity.
He was born near Fayetteville and when he reached the age of 21, he moved to Ellinger and was engaged in the garage business. Mr. Beran continued in the garage business until his death.
He was united in marriage in 1931 to Miss Leona Zaskoda and to this union was born one daughter, now a student in the La Grange high school and a member of the school band.
Mr. Beran was regarded as an important figure in the social and civic activities of Ellinger. He was an active member of the K of C Lodge, the sons of Hermann Lodge and SPJST Lodge. He held the office of director of the Ellinger Chamber of Commerce and served as a maintenance manager of the City Water Works. He took an active part in any activity sponsored for the benefit of the welfare of the community.
It was Saturday a week ago that Mr. Beran began to complain of feeling ill. He was taken to the La Grange Hospital, where he was immediately admitted as a patient. His condition however failed to improve and a week later he passed away on Saturday morning at 4 A.M.
Surviving are his widow and one daughter Bobby Jean; three brothers, Anton and Raymond Beran, both of Fayetteville and Milton Beran of Louisiana; one sister, Mrs. Henry Slanina of Columbus and his mother Mrs. Louise Beran of Fayetteville.
Reverend S. A. Zleintek of La Grange, Joseph Klobouk of Needville and Anthony Gorek of Hostyn Hill officiated. Jecmenek Funeral Home of Ellinger was in charge of arrangements.

Temple Telegram, April 29, 1915
Double Tragedy Enacted Twelve Miles East of Temple Last Evening-Victims Well Known Here
After having shot and instantly killed Joe Beran, his neighbor and former friend at 7:30 yesterday evening. Ben Schiller, a prosperous and well known farmer residing near Airville 12 miles east of Temple, went to another neighbor and told him of his deed, stating he would then go home and bid his family good-bye and kill himself, which he did half an hour later.
Late yesterday afternoon the two men had a quarrel in their fields, which adjoin, over the question of a ditch, which had been dug, or was to be dug.
The shooting followed. Mr. Schiller using a double-barreled shot gun; death resulting to his victim almost instantly.
After informing his other neighbor of his act, as stated above, Mr. Schiller went to his own home, almost half a mile from Airville, and bade his family good-bye, telling them that he had killed Joe Beran and that he would be hanged for it if he did not kill himself. The neighbor whom he had previously told of his intentions to take his own life soon arrived, and together he and Schiller's family tried to dissuade him from his rash act, but to no avail.
Calmly reloading the same gun with which he had only a few moments before killed his neighbor, Mr. Schiller retired to another room and killed himself.
Both men were well known in Temple and throughout the eastern part of the county. Both were Bohemians, and well-to-do farmers, with many friends and relatives.
Joe Beran leaves a wife and two children. Ben Schiller leaves a wife and three children.
Judge Humphries and Officer Young, accompanied by Dr. C.L. Power, left for the scene of the tragedy at 9 o'clock last night, but up to 2 o'clock this morning had not returned.
Temple Telegram, April 30, 1915 (Page 6 )
Further details of the killing of Joe Beran, near Airville Wednesday evening, by Ben Schiller, who afterward killed himself, revealed a determination on the part of the slayer such as is seldom encountered in the commission of a crime. Schiller went to the ditch where Beran was at work and took his shotgun with him. The weapon was a double-barrel affair, and after emptying both loads into his victim, Schiller reloaded his gun and stood over the prostrate figure and sent two more loads into him. Still with anger unappeased, a third time the gun was charged and again the leaden bullets were poured into the quivering body. The man was literally "shot to pieces". The suicide was accomplished by using a stick to work the trigger of the same gun and the load of buckshot tore the heart to shreds.
The wife Schiller stated to officers that her husband had crazy spells every spring, and a year ago he had had some trouble with Beran concerning a ditch. During the recent hard rains the water from Beran's farm overflowed the Schiller farm, washing it badly, and this was the immediate cause of the tragedy.
[Joseph Beran was the son of Anna Sula Beran.] Contributed by Brenda Simek
undated newspaper clipping
Mildred Josephine Susil Beran (Jan 12, 1918-Jan 30, 1985) Funeral services for Mildred Josephine Beran, 67, of Fayetteville were held Sat at 10 am at St John's Catholic Church with the Rev Ben Mazurkiewicz officiating. Interment was in the Fayetteville Catholic Cemetery. Mrs. Beran died unexpectedly Wednesday evening at her residence. Born at Ellinger on Jan 12, 1918 Mrs. Beran was the daughter of the late Charles M and Agnes (Manak) Susil She was united in marriage with Anton Beran on May 26, 1941 at Ellinger. Her husband preceded her in death in Sept 1967. She was a member of St John's Catholic Church, the CDA and Altar Society. She was a retired cafeteria employee. Surviving are 2 daughters and one son-in-law, Anne Beran and Cathy and Dennis Goerig, all of La Grange, one son and daughter-in-law, Tony and Vernell Beran of Houston; 3 sisters Olga Jankowiak of Houston, Hedy Becak of Ellinger and Sr. Dorothy Susil of San Antonio; and 5 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by 2 brothers and one sister. Koenig-Peel Funeral Home Inc was in charge of the arrangements.
La Grange Journal, March 3, 1972
Raymond B. Beran, 60 year old Blacksmith of Fayetteville passed away Monday in the Boehme Hospital in Brenham.
Funeral services are scheduled for Thursday February 3 at 3:00 P.M. at the Knesek Chapel in Fayetteville and continued at the St. John's Catholic Church with Reverend Ben Mizurkiowicz officiating. Internment will follow in the Fayetteville Catholic Cemetery under direction of Koening Funeral Home.
Mr. Beran was born August 8, 1911 in Frelsburg the son of Anton and Louisa Pavlicek Beran and was married to Angeline Peters in Ellinger. He was a life long resident of the Fayetteville Community.
Survivors include his wife of Fayetteville; two daughters; Mrs. Daphne Ray Fick and Mrs. Ralph (Paulette) Cavazos of Fayetteville. One sister Mrs. Henry (Mildred) Slanina of Ellinger; one brother Milton Beran of New York and 3 grandchildren.
Moulton Eagle, 16 Oct 1931
Baursville Woman Buried At Praha
Mrs. F. J. Berkenhoff, 62 years, and 10 months old, died suddenly at her home near Baursville Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. She was conversing with her children when she became ill and expired in a few minutes. Heart failure was the cause of death.
The funeral was held from the family home Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock, interment taking place in the Catholic cemetery at Praha, Rev. John Anders officiating.
Mrs. Berkenhoff, nee Annie Kobza, was a native of Czechoslovakia and came to Texas at the age of six years. She was married to F. J. Berkenhoff about 44 years ago and the union was blessed with twelve children, all of whom are living. Mr. Berkenhoff preceded his wife to the grave six months ago.
The children are: P. J., Ben, Emil, Fred, Ewald and Liberat Berkenhoff, Mrs. Julia Nesrsta, Mrs. Jim Welfl, Mrs. Ad. Nesrsta, Mrs. Joe Hollub, Mrs. Anton Concaba and Mrs. Tobie Koratshmar. She also leaves 34 grandchildren.
The Eagle extends its sympathy to the bereaved survivors.
Hallettsville Semi-Weekly Herald, 14 Apr 1931 and Shiner Gazette, 16 Apr 1931
F. J. Berckenhoff Dies
F. J. Berckenhoff, aged 63 years, died at his home near Moulton Thursday of last week. The deceased had been ill of dropsy for some time.
The funeral was held Friday morning at 10 o'clock from the family home. The remains were taken to the Praha Catholic Church were Requiem Mass was held and burial occured in the Praha Catholic Cemetery. Revs. Jos. Kopp of Moulton and J. Anders of Praha officiated. The last sad rites were largely attended and many beautiful floral offerings covered his last resting place.
Mr. Berckenhoff had long been a resident of Lavaca county and was held in the highest regard by all who knew him.
Surviving are his wife (nee Anna Kobza); six daughters, Mrs. Julia Nesrsta of Hallettsville, Mesdames Jim Welfl, Joe Hollub, Sr. and Ad. Nesrsta of Moulton, Mrs. Ant. Koncaba of Weid and Mrs. Toby Kracmer of West; six sons, P. J., Emil, Fred, Ewald, and Leberat of Moulton and Ben of Shiner; three brothers, Albert, Wm, Felix of Shiner; three sisters, Mrs. Henry Janacek of Runge, Mrs. Frank Dolejsi and Mrs. Ant. Bleier of Shiner, and 36 grand-children.
The heartfelt sympathy is extended to the bereaved.
Shiner Gazette, 25 Dec 1969
Mrs. R. Berckenhoff Rites Held Dec. 13
Mrs. Rudolph W. Berckenhoff of the Freyburg community passed away Friday morning, December 12, 1969 enroute to the Youens Memorial Hospital, Weimar, after suffering a heart attack at the family residence. She reached the age of 65 years and 19 days.
Funeral services were held from Schwenke - Baumgarten Funeral Chapel, Schulenburg, Saturday, December 13, at 10 a.m. with continued services at High Hill Catholic Church at 10:15 a.m. Msgr. John J. Gebermann officiated at the Requiem Mass. Interment was in the Catholic Cemetery at St. John's.
Pallbearers were Donald and Laddie Kalisek, Eugene and Ernest Berger, Victor Merecka and Anthony Etzler.
Mrs. Berckenhoff, nee Rosie Kalisek, the daughter of Frank and Anna (Albrecht) Kalisek, was born November 23, 1904 at Shiner. On November 8, 1927, she was united in marriage to Rudolph W. Berckenhoff at the Shiner Catholic Church and the couple resided in Shiner until moving to Freyburg about 15 years ago.
She was a devout member of St. Mary's Catholic Church at High Hill, St. Ann's Society and Catholic Daughters of America, Court St. Rose #1597, Schulenburg.
Survivors are her husband, Rudolph W. Berckenhoff of Schulenburg; six daughters, Mrs. Ludwig (Alice) Narendorf of San Antonio, Mrs. Bennie (Rita) Pavlik and Mrs. James (Lillian) Pavlik, both of Schulenburg, Mrs. Wilbert (Anita) Kalinec of Katy, Mrs. R. E. (Doris) Twedell of Bedford, Ohio and Mrs. Dennis (Patricia) Matula of Shiner; five sons, Eugene, William, Rudolph, Albert and George Berckenhoff, all of Schulenburg; two sisters, Mrs. Fred (Annie) Berger of Shiner and Mrs. John (Lillie) Juranek of Robstown; eight brothers, Frank Kalisek of Rosenberg, Joe Kalisek of San Antonio, Albert Kalisek of Shiner, Alfonse Kalisek of Moulton, John Kalisek of Needville, Alois Kalisek of Gonzales, Adolph Kalisek of Baytown and Anton Kalisek of Port Lavaca and nineteen grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her parents; two sisters, Mary in infancy and Mrs. Steve (Albina) Pustka of Shiner on November 23, 1963; and two brothers, Isidor Kalisek on October 10, 1963 and Jerome Kalisek in 1958.
Schulenburg Sticker, 5 Jun 2008, page 3
Rudolph J. 'Rudy' Berckenhoff
Rudolph J. "Rudy" Berckenhoff, a resident of Colonial Care Center, Schulenburg, passed away on Saturday, May 10 at age 76 years, 6 months, 23 days.
The funeral was held on Tuesday, May 13 at 10 a.m. at St. John Catholic Church, followed by burial in the church cemetery. Rev. John Peters and Deacon Joey Targac officiated. Pallbearers were nephews William F. Berckenhoff Jr., Dennis Narendorf, David Berckenhoff and Harvey Berckenhoff; nephew and godchild Rodney Pavlik; and great-nephew Christopher Brasher.
Recitation of the rosary, led by Jerry Timm, was held on Mondy, May 12 at 7 p.m. at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home.
Born in Shiner on Nov. 2, 1931, he was the son of Rudolph W. and Rosie (Kalisek) Berckenhoff. He served in the Texas National Guard for three years, then enlisted in the U.S. Army. He was stationed in Germany for three years before being honorably discharged. Mr. Berckenhoff, who resided in Fayette County most of his life, was a farmer and a machinist.
He is survived by six sisters and four brothers-in-law, Alice and Ludwig Narendorf of San Antonio, Rita and Bennie Pavlik of Schulenburg, Lillian Pavlik of Schulenburg, Anita and Wilbert Kalinec of Hallettsville, Doris Berger of Lake Jackson, and Patricia and Dennis Matula of Shiner; two brothers and sisters-in-law, Albert and Agnes Berckenhoff, and George and Eileen Berckenhoff, all of Schulenburg; a sister-in-law, Irene Berckenhoff of Schulenburg; and several nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews.
Preceding him in death were his parents; two brothers, Eugene Berckenhoff and William F. Berckenhoff; a brother-in-law, James Pavlik of Schulenburg; a niece-in-law Michelle Narendorf of San Antonio; and a great-nephew, Ethan Koehn of Weimar.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Shiner Gazette news clipping
Rud. W. Berckenhoff Rites at St. John
ST. JOHN - Rudolph William Berckenhoff of Rt. 4, Schulenburg, died after a short illness at 6:07 p.m. Friday, Dec. 1, 1989 at the Colorado-Fayette Medical Center at the age of 83 years, 1 month and 25 days.
Mr. Berckenhoff was born Oct. 6, 1906 in Shiner to William F. and Annie (Brosch) Berckenhoff.
On Nov. 8, 1927, he was married to Rosie Kalisek in the Sts. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church in Shiner. A retired farmer who lived in Fayette County for 35 years, he was a member of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in St. John. His wife died Dec. 12, 1969.
Funeral services were held Sunday, Dec. 3 at 1:00 p.m. at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, with Rev. Brian Crookes officiating. Interment was in the church cemetery.
Pallbearers included grandsons Dennis Narendorf, Mark Narendorf, Thomas Narendorf, all of San Antonio; William F. Berckenhoff Jr., Harvey Berckenhoff, Rodney Pavlik, all of Schulenburg.
Serving as altar boy was a grandson, James Narendorf of San Antonio.
A rosary was recited at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 2 under the leadership of Rev. Brian Crookes at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home, where the body lay in state.
He is survived by six daughters, Mrs. Ludwig (Alice) Narendorf of San Antonio, Mrs. Bennie (Rita) Pavlik of Schulenburg, Mrs. Wilbert (Anita) Kalinec of Schulenburg, Mrs. Leroy (Doris) Berger of Freeport, Mrs. Jimmy (Lillian) Pavlik of Schulenburg, and Mrs. Dennis (Patricia) Matula of Shiner; five sons, Eugene R. Berckenhoff, William F. Berckenhoff, Rudolph J. Berckenhoff, Albert J. Berckenhoff, George A. Berckenhoff, all of Schulenburg; 26 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews.
In addition to his wife, he was preceded in death by his parents; three brothers, Henry Berckenhoff, Ed Berckenhoff and Alvin Berckenhoff; three sisters, Alma Frieda, Stacie Derrich, and one infant.
Schulenburg Sticker, 22 July 1909
Died at Schulenburg, June 12, Clara Berger, age 6 months of congestion of bowels.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, February 19, 2009
Edna Berger Services Held Feb. 8
Edna Berger, 89, passed away Feb. 5 at the Schulenburg Regency Nursing Center.
She was born Aug. 3, 1919, to Ferdinand and Annie (Winkler) Berger in St. John.
She attended St. John Catholic School.
Edna married Otto F. Berger on Oct. 24, 1938.
They settled in the Oakland area on a farm, where they operated a dairy for many years.
She was also a housewife.
She was a member of the St. Rose Catholic Church.
For many years she belonged to the Catholic Daughters and the Altar Society.
Funeral services were held Feb. 8 at St. Rose Catholic Church in Schulenburg with Father Tim Kosler officiating.
Burial followed at the St. Rose Mausoleum.
Pallbearers were Craig Rainosek, Parry Rainosek, Eugene Berger, Douglas Berger, Robert E. Berger and Dennis Muhlstein.
Edna is survived by a daughter Doris and husband Leo J. Rainosek and son Kenneth and wife Mary Jane Berger, all of the Schulenburg and Weimar area.
Her sister-in-law Freida Berger of Schulenburg, four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren also survive her.
She was preceded in death by her husband in 1986; parents, sisters Clara Meyer, Lillie Muhlstein, Adela Berger and brothers Otto A. Berger, Herbert Berger and Alvin Berger.
Weimar Mercury, 1 February 1918
The body of Edward Berger, 25 years old, a private of the Eighth Company of coast artillery at Fort Crockett, who died at the post hospital at 2:45 o'clock Friday afternoon, was sent to Schulenburg last night for burial by J. Levy & Bro., undertakers. Mr. Berger was one of the recruits sent recently here and is survived by a wife, parents, eight brothers and two sisters. The funeral services will be held in Schulenburg today, with Rev. Father Raska officiating. Interment will be made in St. John's Cemetery. —Galveston News
Undated Schulenburg Sticker news clipping
Elroy James Berger, 62, expired at Lavaca Medical Center in Hallettsville on Sunday, June 22. He has resided on County Road 229, Schulenburg.
The funeral, along with a rosary, were held at the St. John's Catholic Church on Tuesday, June 24th at 10:00 a.m., followed by interment in the church cemetery. Rev. Kirby Hlavaty officated at both the rosary and funeral mass.
Pallbearers were Eugene Berger, Victor Smajstria, Virgil Smajstria, Leon Janda, Gary Janda and Larry Kana. Named as honorary pallbearers were grandchildren Ashley, Trevor and Matthew Kana, and Jodi, Jessica and Tyler Koehn; nephew Thomas Janda, and niece Madison Berger.
Born on Sept. 15, 1940, he was the son of Herbert and Mary (Muhistein) Berger. He attended Hallettsville High School, and was a lifelong resident of the Schulenburg area.
Survivors include his mother, two daughters and a son-in-law, Theresa Kana of Lubbock, and Cyndi and Dale Koehn of Weimar, a son and daughter-in law, Chris and Monica Berger of Schulenburg, a sister and brother-in-law Joyce (Berger) and Leo Janda of St. John's; a brother and sister-in-law, Vernon and Dineen Berger of Austin; and six grandchildren, Ashley, Trevor and Matthew Kana, and Jodi, Jessica and Tyler Koehn.
His father preceded him in death.
The Schulenburg Sticker, Friday, November 27, 1936
Pioneer Fayette County Citizen Dies Suddenly
The passing of Ferdinand Berger, Sr., this week terminates the life of one of the original pioneer residents of High Hill. Mr. Berger passed away last Sunday morning, November 22, 1936, at six o’clock at the home of his son, Ferd, near High Hill. He had apparently been in good health but death came suddenly and was indirectly due to old age, he being 89 years of age.
Deceased was born in Boelten, Mahren, Austria, on January 5, 1847. At the age of 27 he came to America and settled near High Hill. A year later he was married to Miss Theresa Anders and this union was blessed with four children, three of whom survive. His wife preceded him in death 29 years ago, and one son, Joseph, died four years ago. Since the death of his wife, Mr. Berger has made his home with his son, Ferd Berger near High Hill.
Mr. Berger was a devout member of the St. Mary’s Catholic Church at High Hill and an active leader in the St. Joseph’s Society. In social as well as religious activities he always took a prominent part and stimulated enthusiasm by his interest. Honesty, uprightedness and fairness characterized all his business dealings and esteemed him to his many friends, who respected him. In the life and history of the community where he spent sixty-two years of his colorful life he was instrumental in the progress and building of the rural section. His living was an honest one, rightfully earned by years of hard and tiring work on the farm. He was a loving and kind father to his family who respected and were grateful for his words of advice and admonision [sic].
Surviving are two sons, Frank and Ferd Berger, and one daughter, Mrs. Joe Dittrich.
Funeral services were held Monday morning, November 23, at the St. Marys Catholic Church at 9:30 o’clock followed by interment in the High Hill Cemetery, Msgr. H. Gerlach officiated at the rituals and the Mannerchor rendered several appropriate hymns. The beautiful floral offerings of his many friends as a last and final tribute were evidence of his love, respect and esteem in which he was held. The funeral in spite of the inclement weather, was one of the largest ever witnessed in the community.
The Sticker joins their many friends in extending words and a message of comfort to the bereaved survivors.
Schulenburg Sticker, 11 Nov 1921, page 1
Death of Florantina Berger
On last Sunday the grim reaper’s messenger, the angel of death, entered the home of Ferd. A. Berger of High Hill and called their daughter, Miss Florantina, to her eternal reward.
The body was laid to rest in the High Hill Cemetery Monday, Nov. 7th, having been conveyed to the High Hill Catholic Church for the last rites. Father Schweleller officiating.
The Sticker extends its tenderest sympathy to the bereaved relatives.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 19 May 1910
Died at Freyburg, May 4, Frank Berger, age 1 year and 6 months, of dysentery.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, April 23, 1920, page 3
Former Citizen of Oakland Section Dies at St. John.
Another old and respected citizen of Lavaca county has gone to his eternal reward. Mr. Frank Berger, Sr., died Sunday at his home in the St. John neighborhood, after being sick the last few months, aged 76 years, 8 months and 2 days. The funeral occurred on Tuesday in the St. John cemetery, pallbearers being: H. J. Berger, Fr. Berger, Fred Berger, Joseph Berger, John Woellert and Ad. Sokol.
The deceased were born in the year 1843 in Bohlten, Maehren, Austria. In 1871 he was married to Miss Annie Ferch. This couple came to this country, landing in Galveston 46 years ago from where they went to Schulenburg, living there two years, then to Oakland, where they resided five years. For the past 39 years they have made their home at St. John. Besides his widow Mr. Berger is survived by the following children: Joseph, Frank, Fred and Anton Berger, Mrs. Ludmilla Winkler, Mrs. Mary Pargac, Louis, Aug., Adolph and Emil Berger. Also 36 grand children and a brother, Fred Berger of High Hill.
Our sympathy is extended to the bereaved family. —Halletsville New Era.
The Weimar Mercury, August 18, 2011, page 2A
Freida Berger Services Held August 6
Freida Berger of Weimar passed away on August 4, at the age of 90.
She was born to Joseph and Sophie Berger on June 5, 1921.
Freida married Alvin Eugene Berger on October 24, 1938, in St. John Catholic Church. She was a member of St. Rose Altar Society. She was a loving wife to her husband for 65 years, and enjoyed working on a dairy with her husband and family.
Her favorite things to do were quilting and sewing, cooking and canning fruits and vegetables, and simply being a part of family life.
Freida is survived by her children, Alvin L. Berger and wife Maxine of Houston, Eugene Berger and wife Carol of Schulenburg, Harlan Berger and wife Beth of Houston, Clinton Berger and wife Betty of Overland Park, Kan., Douglas Berger and wife Sheryl of Weimar, and Marilyn Mares and husband Frank of Schulenburg. She is also survived by 13 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren.
Freida was preceded in death by her husband, parents, two brothers, Robert and Otto, and two sisters, Agnes and Leona.
Pallbearers were grandsons: Paul, Jeffrey, Patrick, Travis, Aaron, Christopher, Ryan, Matthew Berger, and Jeremy Mares. Honorary pallbearers were granddaughters: Denise Hartman, Kimberly Brandt, Kelli Berger, and Kristen Kubenka.
Funeral services were held at St. Rose Catholic Church, Saturday, August 6, with Father Tim Kosler officiating. Interment followed at the St. Rose Catholic Mausoleum.
Schulenburg Sticker, 16 March 1917
Henry Berger, Sr., died at the family home south-east of Schulenburg, Monday, aged 79 years. Burial took place in the Catholic cemetery Wednesday. Mr. Berger was one of the pioneers of this section and is survived by his widow.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 13 May 1909
The little 16 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berger died April 30th and its tiny remains were consigned to its last resting place in the St. John’s cemetery on the morning of May 1st., Rev. Father Neubert officiating. In the afternoon of the same day the little remains of the 18 months son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Janeski was laid to rest by loving hands. Father Neubert officiating. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to these bereaved parents in their sad loss.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Karolina Heinrich Rabel Berger
Weimar Mercury, August 21, 1931, page 1
Mrs. Karolina Berger Is Claimed by Death
Mrs. Karolina Berger, an aged lady of this section, died Monday, after a year’s illness, and the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at Ammannsville Tuesday morning, Rev. Jos. Szymanski of this city officiating.
Mrs. Berger, nee Heinrich, was born in 1852, in Pohr [sic Pohl], Maehren, Germany, and died at the age of 79 years. At the age of 24 years she was united in marriage to Mr. John Rabel, whose death occurred in 1885. The widow came over to this country in 1887, in May, and in that same month and year was united in marriage to Mr. John Berger, in High Hill. They settled in the Ammannsville community and lived there fifteen years. Her second husband died in 1902.
Mrs. Berger leaves four children – Mrs. Joe Heger of Moulton, Mrs. Joe Hauser and Mrs. Frank Banse of this vicinity, and Mr. Alois Rabel, living near Weimar; also one step-son, Mr. Adolf Berger of Halletsville.
Mrs. Berger, throughout her life, ever proved herself a devoted wife and mother, the best of friends and neighbors, and her death, even at such an advanced age, is deeply and sincerely deplored by a large circle of mourning relatives and friends. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to her bereaved ones.
Mrs. HERMAN Berger
Schulenburg Sticker, 11 June 1915
From Freyberg [sic]
We are sorry to report the death of Mrs. Herman Berger. The bereaved have our sincere sympathy.
Contributed by Matt Cross
San Antonio Express-News,
March 4, 2007
DEPARTED AS ONE TOGETHER FOREVER ARLINGTON -- Otto Anton Berger and his wife of 60 years Cleva Delena Berger died peacefully in the privacy of their own home on Thursday, March 1, 2007. They were in each other's arms, holding hands with their precious heads touching together as they had prayed would happen their entire married life. Otto was born on September 2, 1919 to Frank and Ludmilla Berger of Fayette County Texas. Cleva was born on August 13, 1922 to Bennie and Flossie Vaughan in Deep Valley near Mannington, West Virginia. Otto proudly served his country for over 21 years. He served in the United States Army and fought in World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War, retiring from service with military honors as a Sergeant First Class E-6. Not a day passed where he did not mention the love for his country, those who served, are currently serving and the men and women that courageously passed before him. He was a devout Catholic and showed his love for his faith, mankind and all living things everyday of his life. After retiring from the Army, he was head cook at the Sacramento County Hospital in California. He later worked at St. Benedicts Catholic School in San Antonio, Texas, which he cherished every moment while being involved in Catholic activities near the precious children in the school that he loved so much. Cleva was a teacher at Religious Sunday School for over 13 years after being a sales clerk for over 30 years. She also served as Vice President of the Southeast Urban Deanery. Her precious smile won the hearts of many. She was an excellent seamstress and craftsmen. She often made special handmade gifts and lace angels for strangers to help enlighten their days and show her love for all mankind. Otto and Cleva are survived by: Carol Ann Holloway-Stoneham of Arlington, TX; Patty Lou Higgins of Wellsburg, WV; Virginia Lee Underwood of Fayetteville, NC; Donnie Bruce Higgins of Huntsville, Al; Grandchildren Dawnell Holloway-Kahn, Aaron Holloway, Kerri Ganucheau, Wendy Lapping and other numerous beautiful grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces and nephews in which they enjoyed seeing at the family reunion held in Dallas, West Virginia yearly in July. Otto was preceded in death by four sisters, Minnie, Annie, Martha and infant Amelda. Seven brothers, Rudolph, William, Henry, Alfred, Robert, Paul, and Edgar. Cleva is survived by four sisters. Arlene, Juanita, Edyth, Dorothy. Cleva was preceded in death by brother Jack A. Vaughan and Clee Milton Vaughan. They were both active members at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Arlington, TX where they proudly renewed their Wedding Vows November 13, 2006. The couple both had experienced various respiratory illnesses, which lead to their deaths. May their memory of 60 married years and the vows "Till death due you part" be remembered by all and followed by many for years to come. As they both look down on us from Heaven with the Father...let's continue to spread an example of this beautiful love that they shared to all as the Father has taught us. A Vigil will be held Sunday, March 4, 2007 at Moore Funeral Home, 4216 South Bowen Road, Arlington, Texas 4:00 p.m. A Funeral Mass held Monday, March 5, 2007 at 12:30 p.m. at St. Josephs Catholic Church, 1927 SW Green Oaks Blvd, Arlington, Texas followed by a full Military Interment at 2:30 p.m. at Dallas Fort Worth National Cemetery, 2000 Mountain Creek Parkway, Dallas, Texas. Pallbearers will be: Son In Law, Tommy Curtis Stoneham; Grandson; Aaron Glenn Holloway; Son, Donnie Bruce Higgins; Granddaughter's husband, Steve Kahn; Close friend, Charlie Sisson; Neighbor & dear friend, David Leidel.
Contributed by Connie Sneed
Schulenburg Sticker, January 30, 2013
Oswald “Ozzie” James Berger Sr. passed away peacefully at his home in Porter on Saturday, Jan. 19 at 3:18 p.m.
He was born in Weimar on Aug. 5, 1926 to Anton and Minnie Till Berger. On Oct. 16, 1946, he married Clara Albina Jurak. She preceded him in death on Aug. 13, 1970. On Jan. 28, 1973, he married Mary Anders Chapman.
Mr. Berger was a very devout Catholic. He was a member of St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church in Humble and Knights of Columbus Council 6878, and a wonderful supporter of St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church and School in Schulenburg and Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School in Hallettsville. “Ozzie was a gentle man with a generous heart,” his family writes. He was a dairy farmer and carpenter while living in Schulenburg and moved to Humble in 1972 where he and his wife owned and operated the Humble Pizza Inn for 26 years. He loved to play bingo and dominoes. Mr. Berger and his wife Mary enjoyed many shows in Branson, Mo. and gambling in Las Vegas and Louisiana. They also toured Rome and the Vatican. He was an avid gardener and a Texans fan. He enjoyed puzzles and word search books once he was confined to a wheelchair. He really enjoyed the RFD-TV programs which took him back to the farm. Most of all, he enjoyed visiting with his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. “He will be greatly missed but his legacy will live on in our hearts,” his family writes.
He is survived by his wife, six children and four step-children. His children are Oswald “Butch” Berger Jr. and friend Grace Baylor, Clara Clark and husband Lester, David Berger and wife Cynthia, Marilyn Hoffmann and husband Gene Ray, Carolyn Jahn and husband Ray, and Kathy Kleiber and husband Dennis. His step-children are Danny Chapman and wife Elizabeth, Pat Friday and husband Jerry, Joe Chapman and wife Stephanie, and Tom Chapman. Mr. Berger's 17 grandchildren are Kevin Berger and wife Ashley, Cindy Saulnier and husband Terry, Lester Clark Jr., Steven Clark, John Paul Clark and wife Shanna, Amber Locke and husband Jason, Patience Matias and husband Justin, Brandy Cisneros and husband Joe, Joshua Berger and wife Shari, Jennifer Otto and husband Darrell, Craig Hoffmann and wife Dawn, Holly Hoffmann and friend Keith Kruse, Christina Jahn and fiancé Mark Giamalva, Sheila Jahn, Timothy Jahn and wife Melissa, Ryan Kleiber and wife Karissa, and Katy Long and husband Matt. His step-grandchildren are Christopher and Matthew Chapman; Michael Friday and Jerry Friday and wife Heather; Crispin, Andrew and Joey Chapman; Julian and Evan Tapia; and Kimberly, Charlie, Kelly, Michael and Karen Chapman. Mr. Berger was blessed with 20 great-grandchildren. They are Peyton, Haley and Kyle Berger; Heather Pustejovsky and husband Garet; Jacklyn and Rachel Saulnier; Abigail, Brianna and Allison Clark; Emma and Lane Locke; Creighton Matias; Megan and Dylon Otto; Kylee Hoffmann; Jonah Ganucheau; Ava Giamalva; Mason and Malee Kleiber; and Karsyn Long. He also has five step-great-grandchildren.
Kenneth Miksch recited the parish rosary on Tuesday, Jan. 22 at 7 p.m. at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home.
A Mass for the celebration of Mr. Berger's life was held at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church on Wednesday, Jan. 23 at 10 a.m. Celebrants were Rev. Msgr. John Peters of Hallettsville, Rev. Msgr. Adam McClosky of Houston and Rev. Eric Pitre of Sealy. Lectors were Ryan Kleiber and Andrew Chapman. Altar servers were Seth Patten and Ashley Pesl. Bernadette Gillings and Peggy Kalich provided the beautiful music. Presenting the offertory gifts were Cindy Saulnier and Jennifer Otto. Pallbearers were grandsons Kevin Berger, Lester Clark Jr., Steven Clark, John Paul Clark, Joshua Berger, Craig Hoffmann, Timothy Jahn, Ryan Kleiber, Crispin Chapman and Christopher Chapman. Honorary pallbearers were granddaughters Cindy Saulnier, Amber Locke, Patience Matias, Brandy Cisneros, Jennifer Otto, Holly Hoffmann, Sheila Jahn, Christina Ganucheau and Katy Long. Interment was in the St. Rose of Lima Catholic Cemetery.
Mr. Berger was preceded in death by his parents; the mother of his children, Clara Jurak Berger; his sister, Alvera Dziadek; his half-brothers, John and Frank Berger; and one step-grandchild, Brian Friday.
Memorials may be made to St. Rose of Lima Catholic School, Schulenburg; Sacred Heart Catholic School, Hallettsville; St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church, Humble; or to the charity of one's choice
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
La Grange Journal, February 15, 1934
Died at La Grange, February 3, of acute cardiac failure, Mrs. Sofia Berger, Schulenburg; aged 43 years, 3 months, and 15 days.
Transcribed by Connie F. Sneed
Schulenburg Sticker, August 14, 2012
Wilbert Frank “Whip” Berger, 80, passed away on Thursday, Aug. 2 in Schulenburg after having cancer for the past 21∕2 years.
The funeral was held on Saturday, Aug. 4 at 10 a.m. at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church in Schulenburg, followed by burial in the St. John's Catholic Cemetery. Officiating was Rev. Bert Bronaugh, St. Paul's pastor. Pallbearers were Mark Anders and Alphonse Kristinik Jr., sons-in-law; Corey Anders and Jim Wilson, grandsons; Ronnie McBride, nephew; Harvey Berckenhoff, family friend; and Pete Stavinoha, former baseball player and close friend. Former Schulenburg Merchants baseball players who served as honorary pallbearers were Eugene Berger, David Florus, Dennis Florus, Leo Hollas, Richard “Rico” Hollas, Robert Hollas, Jerry Kubenka, Ernie Mensik, Thomas Mensik, Mike “Bubba O” Olle, Robert Schmidt, Frank Segura, Ted Vanek and Ronnie White.
An American Legion service and prayer service were held on Friday, Aug. 3 at 6:30 p.m. at Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home.
Born in Schulenburg on April 29, 1932, he was the son of Henry A. and Hilda (Lobpries) Berger. He attended St. Rose Catholic School. From March 1953 to March 1955, he was stationed at Fort Bliss in El Paso as a guided missile launch specialist. On Oct. 9, 1955, he married June Stavinoha at St. Rose Church, and they had two daughters, Laurie and Kim. Mr. Berger resided in Houston from 1956-71 and Schulenburg from 1971 until his death. He worked in the oil and gas industry in Houston for 30 years (1955-85). From 1988-91, he served as manager of the Sports Complex in Schulenburg. He was a member of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church. He was also a former member of the Schulenburg Trail Riders, former member of South Central Texas Amateur Baseball League, former member of the Shorthorn Booster Club and member of American Legion Post 143.
Survivors include his wife of 56 years; a daughter, Kim Anders and husband Mark of Schulenburg; a son-in-law, Alphonse Kristinik Jr. of Schulenburg and fiancee Tracy Kuehn; a brother, Vernon Berger and wife Dorothy of Houston; a sister-in-law, Georgie McBride and husband Leroy of Schulenburg; grandchildren, Jamie (Anders) Wilson and husband Jim, and Corey Anders; numerous nieces, nephews and other relatives; and his beloved dog, “Quincy.”
Preceding him in death were a daughter, Laurie Kristinik; his parents; and his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Erwin and Ellie Stavinoha.
Schwenke-Baumgarten Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Mr. Berger's family also provides the following:
“Whip grew up loving to play sports, especially baseball, and enjoyed having time to read. He started out his baseball career as a player with the St. John’s Eagles. It wasn’t long until his nickname “Whip” came to be; his whip-like action in throwing a baseball. In his early years while living and working in Houston, he began coaching softball and semi-pro baseball. His softball team was called Tri-Tex while the baseball team was called the Texans. As the years went by he brought his love of baseball to Schulenburg and thus started a team for Sunday afternoons. This team, better known as the Merchants, were Whip’s boys!! Oh how he loved each and every player that he coached. These Merchants and also his teams in Houston won numerous championships. Whip was inducted into the South Central Texas Semi-Pro Baseball Hall of Fame in March of 1980.
“After his baseball career came to an end Whip found many other activities to keep him busy. His love of the outdoors brought about trail rides, camping, fishing, and farming. With his family in tow these were the times he cherished the most. Lake Somerville, “Rocky Creek Park,” holds many special memories as do the numerous trips to the hill country. His love of farming was echoed by his helper and daughter, Laurie. They both worked the farm together until Laurie’s battle with cancer took her from us. Now Whip and Laurie are partners once again.
“Whip’s biggest joy in the world was his two grandchildren. He watched them grow and excel through school, college, and into adulthood. Papa was the name given to him by Jamie but Corey preferred to call him Grandpa. With Jamie, he loved that she was so interested in history, a subject he said was one of his favorites, and loved to read as he did too. When they would start up a conversation, which usually were pretty lengthy, most of us would tune them out because it normally would be about history or politics. What bored some of us only brought them closer in their same interests. With Corey, they could always talk sports! Whip enjoyed watching Corey play and excel in sports and hardly ever missed a sporting event. Both him and June traveled many miles to watch their grandson play sports from little league baseball to high school basketball and football.
When college came around Whip could hardly contain himself when he learned that both of his grandchildren would be attending Texas A&M University. Oh, we may have forgotten to mention that Whip was a huge fan!! He became even more excited when he found out that Jamie’s boyfriend, at the time Jim, and now her husband, was also attending A&M and upon his college graduation he would be leaving to serve his country. Whip had a great love for his country and was very proud to have been in the U.S. Army. He always enjoyed his talks with Jim, of course it was always about the Army, but was even more excited to have Jim become his grandson too. One of Whip’s wishes, upon his death, was to have Jim present June with the American flag at his funeral. With the help from the American Legion Post 143, Captain James C. Wilson, “Jim,” was able to fulfill his wish.”
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 30 June 1922, page 1
Prominent Schulenburg Citizen Dies Very Suddenly
William Berger died very suddenly Sunday night June 25th between the hours of 11 and 12 o’clock. He was walking around town Sunday evening apprently [sic] feeling all right.
Mr. Berger was well known throughout this entire section having been in the blacksmith business here for a number of years.
He was married seven years ago to Mrs. Mollie Blaschke who with one daughter, Florine, and one son, Irwin Chas., and two step sons are left to mourn the loss of a husband and father, he is also survived by his aged mother, Mrs. Louisa Berger of this city, one brother, Chas. Berger of San Antonio and one sister, Mrs. Frank Bohlmann of this city.
Burial took place in the city cemetery here at 4:00 p. m. Tuesday afternoon June 27th. Rev. Piepenbrok officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Berger and family and Otto Jaurenig of San Antonio were here to attend the funeral.
The Sticker joins a host of friends in extending sympathy to the bereaved.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, 30 Jan 1925, page 2
Flatonia, Tex., Jan. 24.—The body of Mrs. L. D. Berry, who was killed in an automobile accident at Kenedy Wednesday, was brought here for burial yesterday. Services took place from the S. A. and A. P. train, Rev. McLeon, Baptist minister, officiating. She was a lifelong member of the Baptist Church.
Schulenburg Sticker, 14 July 1904
Berton: Died near Winchester, 6-26-04, of Dysentery, Henry Berton aged 6 days.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 14 July 1904
Berton: Died at Winchester, 6-26-04, of Convulsions, Walter Berton, aged 5 mos & 18 days.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Colorado County Citizen, 12 Feb 1959, page 12
Ernest F. Bertsch, Columbus Barber, Is Laid to Rest
Last rites for Ernest F. Bertsch, Columbus barber for the past 35 years, were held Saturday afternoon in Untermeyer Funeral home with burial in the Fayetteville cemetery. Rev. G. Wolf officiated.
Mr. Bertsch, who was 54, died in Columbus hospital Feb. 5 at 6 p.m. after an illness of 3 ½ weeks.
He was born in Colorado county and spent most of his life here. He was a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran church. His parents were Ernest and Dora Hayek Bertsch.
Mr. Bertsch was a barber for 10 or 15 years at Graves Barber shop and at one time had his own shop in Columbus.
He is survived by his widow; his mother, Mrs. Dora Richter; one son, E. J. Jr., and 4 grandchildren of Columbus; 2 brothers, Conrad E. Bertsch of Columbus and Jesse Bertsch of Fayetteville and 2 sisters, Mrs. Otto Klimple of Columbus and Mrs. Lillie Mae Bricker of Bay City, and a number of nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers were Bennie Bertsch, La Grange; Daniel Bertsch and Leo Eilers of Fayetteville, Leon Bertsch of Bay City, Jimmy Bertsch of Columbus and Elbert Hollan of Houston.
Houston Chronicle, 7 Jul 1989, page 11C
OZIE JOHN BERTSCH of Fayetteville, Texas (Park Community) passed away at Methodist Hospital in Houston July 5, 1989. Born in Fayetteville in 1909 to Ella Heintschel and Willie O Bertsch. In 1935 he married Stephanie Marie Lukas and they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1985. In 1942, he moved his family to Highlands, TX and began his 29 year career as an Electrician with the Humble Oil Refinery (now Exxon) in Baytown. He retired to a farm near Fayetteville in 1971, where he raised cattle and continued his life of hard work. He is survived by his Wife, Stephanie; children, Jean Ueckert, Grace Shoup and Wayne Bertsch, all of Houston; grandchildren, Valerie and Stacie Ueckert, Gwen Shoup, of Sommerville, Rick and Stephen Shoup, Johanna Allen, and Krystal Bertsch; two great grandchildren; one brother, Weldon Bertsch, of San Antonio. He was preceded in death by his sisters, Ophelia Frank, of Orange and Dorothy Weikel, of Marble Falls. A memorial rosary at 7:30 p.m. Friday at Knesek Chapel in Fayetteville and Parish Rosary at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, July 8th. Funeral Services will be held at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, June [sic] 8that St. John’s Catholic Church in Fayetteville with Msgr. Ben Mackiewicz officiating. Interment will follow at the Fayetteville City Cemetery. In lieu of flowers the family request memorial donations be made to St. John’s Catholic Church, Box 57, Fayetteville, TX 78940 or charity of your choice.
Contributed by Matt Cross
The Baytown Sun, Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Stephanie Mary Lukas Bertsch (Steffie) age 94 years, of Fayetteville, formerly of Highlands, died October 15, 2004. Born December 29, 1909 in the Park Community near Fayetteville, she attended Hochabiehl School. Resident of Highlands from 1940 to 1972 then retired to her birthplace until she entered the nursing home 12 years ago.
She was predeceased by her husband of 55 years, Ozie John (O.J.) Bertsch in 1989; her parents Joseph & Julia Poncik Lukas, 5 siblings and their spouses and a grandson.
Survivors include 3 children: Jean Ueckert & husband Roy of Houston; Grace Shoup and J.Q. Trimm, of Houston; Wayne Bertsch & wife Lea of Houston and Austin; nine grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren.
Funeral Services will be held 10 a.m. Friday, October 22, 2004, at Knesek Chapel in Fayetteville, 207 Live Oak Street with Msgr. Ben Mazurkiewiez officiating. Burial will follow in the Fayetteville City Cemetery. The family thanks monument Hill Nursing Center Staff, Dr. Bill Nolen, Dr. Dan White and staff of Fayette Memorial Hospital in La Grange for their dedicated and tender care.
Arrangements by Koening & Strickland, La Grange.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
The Fayette County Record, Friday, August 14, 2009
Funeral services for Kermit John Beseda, Sr., 66 of Fayetteville will be held at 10 a.m. Friday, Aug. 14, 2009 at St. John's Catholic Church in Fayetteville with the Rev. Fr. Stephen Nesrsta officiating. Interment will follow in the church cemetery.
He died Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2009 at M.D. Anderson in Houston.
He was born Feb. 9, 1943 to the late William Thomas and Lydia A. (Coufal) Beseda in Fayeteville.
He is preceded in death by his grandparents.
He is survived by his wife, Ruth A. (Jurecka) Beseda; mother; daughter, Michelle Bertsch of Fayetteville; sons, Kermit John Beseda, Jr., Mark Kevin Beseda, and Rodney Charles Beseda, all of Fayetteville; brothers, Billy Beseda of Ellinger and Jimmy Beseda of Magnolia; sister, Barbara Muesse of Fayetteville; and 9 grandchildren.
Memorials may be given to M.D. Anderson in Houston or the Seminarian Fund at St. John's Caholic Church.
Koenig & Strickland Funeral Home in La Grange was in charge of arrangements.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Victoria Advocate, Tuesday, August 18, 1959
Ronnie Besetsny
Ronnie James Besetsny, only son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Besetsny of 1519 Alamo Drive, died at 11 p.m. Sunday in a local hospital just days after his first birthday.
Besides his parents, he is survived by grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kobza and Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Besetsny Jr. of Schulenburg.
Funeral services will be conducted at 10:45 a.m. Tuesday at Schwenke-Baumgartner Funeral Home, Schulenburg, by the Rev. Emil Vinklarek. Burial will be in St. John’s Catholic Cemetery, Schulenburg. McCabe-Carruth Funeral Home handled local arrangements for the Victoria-born child.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, October 7, 1976
Funeral for Hy. Besetzny September 25
Funeral services for Henry F. Besetzny, 78, retired farmer of the St. John community, were held Saturday, Sept. 25, from St. John’s Catholic Church, with burial in the church cemetery. Rev. Benton Thurmond officiated, assisted by Rev. Enda McKenna.
Mr. Besetzny died Sept. 23 in Colonial Nursing Home after a year’s illness.
Born June 4, 1898, at High Hill, he was a son of Charles J. and Mary (Winkler) Besetzny. He married Martha Berger Oct. 16, 1923, at High Hill, and they had resided at St. John’s since. He was a member of St. John’s Church, St. Joseph’s Society there, and Knights of Columbus Council 2902 in Schulenburg.
His wife survives, long [as printed] with one daughter, Mrs. Edward (Evelyn) Kusy of St. John’s, two sons, Edgar and Alphonse, and a foster-son, Leo Schramek, all of St. John’s; two sisters, Mrs. Anna Podzemny of Amarillo and Mrs. Elsie Schilhab of Victoria; a brother, Rudolph Besetzny of Schulenburg; 16 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
A brother, Charles Besetzny, preceded him in death.
Pallbearers were Harvey, Andrew, and Kenneth Besetzny, Edward J. Michael and Steven Kusy, grandsons.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, Friday, June 11, 1943
Schulenburg, June 4.—Mrs. C. J. Bestezny, 66, died Thursday. She was a lifelong resident of Schulenburg. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 9:30 a.m. Burial will be in the St. John Catholic Cemetery.
Surviving are her husband, C. J. Bestezny; three sons, Henry, Charles H. and Rudolph Bestezny of this section; two daughters, Mrs. Annie Podzemny of Amarillo and Mrs. Elsie Schilhab of St. John; one brother, Anton Winkler of High Hill; 20 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Weimar Mercury, Thursday, July 3, 1969
Final Rites for Mrs. P. Bettis, 86, Held June 23
Funeral services for Mrs. Pauline Baumgarten Bettis, who died June 20 just a few days short of her 87th birthday, were held Monday, June 23, at St. Rose Catholic Church, Schulenburg.
Msgr. Hubert J. Janak officiated. Interment was in St. Rose Cemetery.
Mrs. Bettis, owner and operator of Pauline's Apartments in Schulenburg, died at Youens Memorial Hospital, where she had been a patient since April 21.
Born July 17, 1882, near Oakland, she was one of 12 children of Ferdinand and Rosalia Blaschke Bednarz. She lived most of her life in Schulenburg.
She is survived by one sister, Mrs. George (Tillie) Guenther of Poth; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Marie Baumgarten Dennis is Houston; two stepsons, Wm. Baumgarten of Kenedy and Wilson Baumgarten of Garwood; and a number of nephews and nieces, including Mrs. Joe Haas and Aug. Bednarz of Schulenburg, Mrs. Julius Vacek of Weimar, Mrs. Leo Christen of Hallettsville and John F. Luecke of La Grang.
Five brothers and five sisters preceded her in death.
Pallbearers were Victor Hempel of Houston, Kenneth Wayne Baumgarten of Garwood, W. P. Baumgarten Jr. of Sheridan, W. S. Gerla of Austin, Paul Guenther of Poth and Victor Muenster of Poth.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 29 Jan 1903
A duel to the death was fought on the South side Saturday night about 11 o’clock, between Jake Beverly and Oscar Bouldin, both colored, which resulted in the death of the former a short while after the shooting occurred, while the latter is confined to his home suffering from a flesh wound, caused by his abdomen having been pierced by a pistol ball. From all accounts Jake was responsible for the affair which ended in his premature death. Beverly and Bouldin it seems together with others who were also inclined to indulge in a little crap shooting, had assembled at their favorite resort, for the purpose of rolling the bones, evidently believing that Madame Fortune would entice seven and eleven to show when called and “Big Dick” and “Little Joe” to appear at an opportune time. Fickle fortune however failed to favor Jake, and he therefore proceeded to raise a “rough house” and selected, from all accounts, his more fortunate opponent, Bouldin, as the object upon whom to vent his wrath. Having parleyed a few words Jake fortified himself with a pistol while Oscar, nothing dismayed, but contentedly humming tohimself alithe [sic] while, “Johnnie get your gun,” hied himself to his study for the essential piece of artillery, emboldened with which he again repaired to the scene of activities, which was destined to be the field of battle, and commanded “On with the dance.” At this junction Jake, who had been skirmishing, regarding the approach of his enemy, demanded to know, “Who’s that looking for me” and without awaiting reply opened fire upon his antagonist. His nerve was manifestly steady, and his aim correspondingly true, for although in the dark of the night, with the shades of the trees and their projecting branches shielding the true position of his arch enemy from view, his missle [sic] went, not wide, but pierced Oscar, whose position was deflected, in the fleshy part of his stomach. Had the men been facing each other the shot would have probably performed its function faithfully and well. As it was the wound intensified the ire of its recipient and worse yet revealed the position of the ill fated Jake, for then Oscar, whose nerve was also good and whose aim was likewise true, with one well directed discharge of his trustworthy artillery, terminated forever and aye the existence of Jake. Thus ended the Saturday night crap game on the South side.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 12 Aug 1921
Aunt Jane Beverly
“Aunt” Jane Beverly, as she was familiar and lovingly known by white and black, passed away at an advanced age at her home here on Wednesday morning. “Aunt” Jane was one of the old time colored women to whom service was the watch word of her life. She served faithfully her Lord, her white folks and her own race.
It is seldom that so truly a consistant christian [sic] is found in deed and word, as this old colored woman showed. Her trials and afflictions along life’s road were many, but not once was her faith shaken or her spirit daunted. As the years crept upon her, and it became more difficult for her to get about, she kept up her work among her “white folks” with more and more effort.
Finally her eyesight began to fail her and she had to submit to an inactive life. When one of her white friends offered her sympathy for this affliction in her old age – she cheerfully replide [sic] – “The good Lord must have seen that I would not rest my tired feet so He took my eyes away that I could go no further, “The will of the Lord not mine be done.”
Surely in the case of “Aunt” Jane Beverly, it is truly said, “Well done thy good and faithful servant.” – Con.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, 8 Apr 1938
Alfred G. Beyer, World War Hero, Dies at Columbus
Columbus, Texas, March 29.—Alfred G. Beyer, Croix de Guerre winner and the first Colorado county soldier to be wounded in World War, died at his home north of Columbus Monday nite.
Funeral services will be held on Wednsday near Ellinger. The Columbus and La Grange posts of the American Legion will attend in a body.
Mr. Beyer was 39. He is survived by his widow and two children.
He and a friend, Harry Fritsch, ran away from home and volunteered with the Fifth Marines at Port Royal, S. C. ten days after the United States entered the war. Young Beyer reached France before the arrival of General Pershing. He was wounded in the first skirmish at Belleau Wood. He was awarded the Croix de Guerre for bringing a wounded comrade into the lines under fire after receiving his own wounds.
Schulenburg Sticker, 23 July 1903
Death Record.
Beyer: Died at High Hill of indigestion; Mrs. Anna Beyer, aged 76 years.
Schulenburg Sticker, 12 Nov 1903
Death Record.
Beyer: Died near High Hill, July 8th, 1903, general debility, Mrs. Anna Beyer, aged 73 years and 11 months.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 4 Aug 1916
Anton Beyer, age, 84 year, died June 26, near Schulenburg.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Shiner Gazette, 22 Dec 1897
Monday morning about 10 o’clock Aug. Baur received a telegram from Ellinger stating that Grandfather Aug. Beyer had died suddenly Sunday night. It was quite a shock to everybody, as nobody knew that he was sick. He was always very healthy and lively for his age. He was seventy-five years old last January, and celebrated his golden wedding last February amongst his children, relatives and many friends.
Aug. Baur and wife, Miss Selma Baur, Geo. Baur and C. M. Kotzebue left here on the train Monday to attend the funeral of Mr. Beyer, which took place Tuesday evening. We extend our deepest sympathy and condolence to his bereaved wife and children and to his host of friends and relatives. He will long live in the memory of all.
August Beyer was buried in the St. John Ev. Lutheran Cemetery at Ross Prairie. Obituary contributed by Matt Cross
Schulenburg Sticker, 27 Jun 1901, Fayetteville column
Quite a number of our people attended the funeral of Mrs. Christine Beyer of Ellinger, whose remains were laid to rest in the old Ross Prairie cemetery. Mrs. Beyer was the widow of Mr. August Beyer, who preceded her in the great beyond a few years ago. She was seventy-four years old, and came to Texas from Germany about fifty years ago. Three sons and two daughters survive her. They are Messrs. Richard and Theodore Beyer of Ellinger, Alvin Beyer of Walhalla, Mrs. Charles Meyer and Mrs. George Wacker of Ellinger. One of her daughters, Mrs. Bauer of Moulton, preceded her in death only a few days. May the good old soul rest in peace.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, 29 Jun 1901, Page 3
Ellinger, June 20. — Mrs. August Beyer of this place died yesterday evening at 8 p.m. at the age of 76 years, 5 months and 19 days. She came to America in 1852 and has lived in this neighborhood since. Interrment took place in the Ross prairie [St. John Lutheran Cemetery] two miles north of here, Rev. R. Heise officiating.
Weimar Mercury, 20 Dec 1890, page 1
Thursday evening while Mr. Franz Beyer was returning home from Schulenburg, his team became detached in some [manner] from his wagon when out a short distance beyond High Hill, and Mr. Beyer was thrown to the ground, breaking his neck, causing instantaneous death. Mr. Beyer was an old resident of this county and his untimely end will be regretted by all.—Schulenburg News.
Floresville Journal, date unknown [Died 5 Aug 1937]
Services Aug.6 For Mrs. John Bielefeld At Poth Church
Death claimed a pioneer and beloved woman of the Falls City community on August 5, 1957 in the passing away of Mrs. John Bielefeld age 90 years, 9 months and 15 days.
She had been in ill health for many months and her death was not unexpected.
The body lay in state at the Stapp Funeral Home in Poth until 3 p.m. Tuesday afternoon at which time it was taken to St. John's Lutheran Church where religious services were held.
In the absence of her pastor, Dr. Otto R. Schawe, the Rev. C. L. Mollenkopf, pastor of the: First Lutheran Church of Floresville officiated.
The church choir sang old familiar and favorite hymns and a lovely floral offering covered the chancel rail.
Burial followed in the St. John's Lutheran Cemetery of Poth.
Pallbearers were: Norvin J. Albert, Milton H. Bielefeld, Marvin F. Bielefeld, Edgar G. Ehlers, Jesse L. Bielefeld and Clarence A. Kunkel.
Mrs. Bielefeld was born Bertha Tauch, daughter of Henry and Augusta Tauch, on October 20, 1866 at Highhill, Fayette County, Texas.
She attended the rural schools of her day in that community and grew to young womanhood at the place of her birth.
On Christmas day, December 25, 1895 she married John Bielefeld at Flatonia, Texas, a member of another well known family.
They lived for some years near Yorktown then moved to Cost, in Gonzales County where they made their home until 17906 [sic] when they moved to their farm in Wilson County near Falls City
For over 50 years this Christian fami1y lived on their farm and reared a fine family of sons and daughters.
She was a dear and beloved lady whose friends were legion and all loved and esteemed her for her many beautiful traits of character. She had been a faithful member of the Lutheran Church since girlhood and loved her church and its teachings.
The funeral at Poth was largely attended, relatives and friends from afar attending.
Survivors are: her husband, John Bielefeld; two daughters, Mrs. H. H. Albert of Floresville and Miss Olga Bielefeld of Falls City; five sons, Benno Bielefeld of Somerset, who is now desperately ill in a hospital and was unable to attend the funeral, Wilhelm of San Antonio, Herbert F. of Poth, Helmuth H. of Floresville, and Arnold Bielefeld of Falls City. Also surviving are 12 grand children and 10 great-grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. Frank Shutz of Robstown and Mrs. Emma Hoefenbrock of Moulton, who will be 99 years of age on December 13 of this year; one brother Paul Tauch of Flatonia.
Out of town relatives and friends attending the funeral were:
Beeville—Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Becker, Mrs Paul Schulz
Robstown—Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schutz, Miss Irene Schultz, and Mrs. Olga Schutz.
Somerset—Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bielefeld.
Cost- Mrs. Adolph Bielefeld
Gonzales—Mr. Karl Kuntschik, Mrs. Ella T. Sievers, Mrs. Alma Templin and Mrs. Tellmon Wied.
Flatonia—Mr. Paul Tauch, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tauch, Mrs. Max Steinhauser.
San Antonio—Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Albert, Miss Ruby Lea Albert, Mr. Marvin Bielefeld, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bieelefeld, Mrs. Flora M Strech, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Eschenburg, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Elliott, Ralph Elliott, and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Biel- [sic]
Other close friends and relatives from Floresville, Falls Poth, Three Oaks, Black Hil surrounding communities a knew and loved her for her deeds and cheery disposition. [sic]
Mrs. Biering [BERRINGER?]
The Galveston Daily News, 23 Apr 1876, page 2
The Record has received a communication from the Hon. Robert Zapp, in reference to the death of Mrs. Birring, who was found dead at Round Top, on Sunday morning. He says a jury of inquest and Dr. Clifford came to the conclusion that the deceased came to her death by violence; that Dr. Blanchett, who was present, was of a different opinion; that the doctor called on him and some other gentlemen, who, before the body was put into the doffin, examined it carefully and came to the conclusion that the death was accidental. The old lady was 75 years old, and they supposed she had accidentally fallen upson some rocks which left some bruise. After the burial, Mr. Zapp proposed to disinter the body and have it critically examined by a corps of competent physidians, and, if the verdict of the jury and Dr. Clifford is sustained, to pay all the expenses himself and give fifty dollars for some charitable purpose besides. His proposition was not accepted, and so the matter rests.
The Galveston Daily News, 27 May 1876, page 2
The Record prints the statement of a number of persons who have seen the dead body of Mrs. Biering, of Round Top before or during the medical examination held on her body, who say the face was of a bluish tint and swollen. The throat showed fresh marks, such as caused by the impression of fingers on each side. A bunch of bloody hair was lying several inches from the head. The body had the appearance as if it had been choked, resp: strangulated. The skull had wounds which could not have been caused by a fall. From all these signs Mrs Biering could not have died a natural death, but they are of the firm opinion that she has been murdered.
Shiner Gazette, 12 Apr 1894
DIED – After a very brief illness, Mr. John Bilek died very suddenly early Wednesday morning and will be buried to-day. Mr. Bilek was industrious and well liked by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and many friends to mourn his loss. – Flatonia Argus.
Mr. Bilek formerly held a position with Henry Krause at Moulton and it is with deep regret that we draw the blue pencil through his name on our subscription books. He removed to Flatonia with his family about six months ago.
Contributed by Matt Cross
FRANK BILLECK Weimar Mercury, 22 Jun 1917
Death of Mr. Frank Billeck
Frank Billeck, 75 years old, the aged father of Ferd. Billeck of this section, died at the family home at High hill last Saturday, and was buried at High Hill the following day. Mr. Billeck had been in feeble health for some time. He came here from Europe fifty years ago, and had made his home at High Hill ever since. He was married in this country, his wife, who still survives, being a Miss Lena Roeder. He and his wife were the parents of ten children, one of whom (Mrs. John Beyer) died. The other nine children – four sons and five daughters – still survive, and are as follows: Ferd. Billeck, Joe Billeck, John Billeck, Charles Billeck, Mrs. Aug. Heinrich, Mrs. Frank Pauler; Mrs. Edward Annheiser, Mrs. Anton Scheler, and Mrs. Emelie Roeder. Mr. Billeck was a fine man, highly respected by his neighbors, the possessor of a large circle of friends, and his death is sincerely deplored.
Schulenburg Sticker, 22 June 1917, page 1
Route Two
June 18.
I am sorry to report that Grandpa Billeck died at his home Saturday morning at 10 o’clock. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 4, the Rev. Father Schweller officiating, at the High Hill Catholic cemetery.
Contributed by Matt Cross
SuNell Maxine Schwartz Billeck
Weimar Mercury, June 19, 2014, page 2A
SuNell Billeck Services Set For June 19
SuNell Maxine (Schwartz) Billeck, 70, of La Grange, passed away on Sunday, June 15 at St. Mark’s Medical Center in La Grange.
SuNell was born in Tucson, Arizona on July 3, 1943, the daughter of Russell and Thelma (Houdyshell) Schwartz.
She married Henry Billeck on September 15, 1962 in Camp Pendleton, Calif.
SuNell worked as an LVN for Dr. Thomas Mueller and Dr. Daniel White in La Grange.
She is survived by her husband, Henry, of 51 years; two daughters, Theresa Billeck-Zuniga and husband Francisco, of Austin; Deborah Steinhauser and husband Mark, of Bastrop; son, Brian Billeck of San Antonio; three brothers, Donald Schwartz and wife Sandra, of Houston; Gordon Dale Schwartz and wife Nancy, of Chatham, Ill; Jimmy “Tatsuo” Schwartz and wife Ikuko, of Okinawa, Japan; six grandchildren, Jessica and Matthew Steinhauser; Brandon, Stephen, Damon and Dara Billeck.
She was preceded in death by her parents; mother-in-law, Josephine Billeck and father-in-law, Henry Billeck.
Visitation will be held on Wednesday, June 18 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Koenig and Strickland Funeral Home in La Grange.
Family will receive friends from 5 to 8 p.m. A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. Funeral Services will be held at Queen of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Hostyn, at 10 a.m. on Thursday, June 19. Interment will follow at Holy Rosary Catholic Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Gardenia E. Janssen Animal Shelter, 240 Svoboda Lane, La Grange 78945. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Koenig and Strickland Funeral Home, 208 W. Pearl St., La Grange. Family and friends can view and sign the guestbook online at
Schulenburg Sticker, 12 April 1912, page 1
Annie Bily, age 86 years 8 mos. 28 days – Praha.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Victoria Advocate, 24 Sep 1995, page 10A
FLATONIA - August J. Bily, 77, of Schulenburg, formerly of Praha, died Friday, Sept. 22, 1995.
He was born Aug. 25, 1918, in Praha to the late John and Veronica Kubena Bily. He was a farmer and a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church of Praha.
Survivors: sister, Lillie Bily of Schulenburg; and brother, Bohumir "Tim" Bily of Schulenburg.
A rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. at Smith Funeral Home chapel.
Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. at St. Mary's Catholic Church, the Rev. Edward Bartsch officiating.
Burial will be at St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Smith Funeral Home, Flatonia, 865-3311.
Victoria Advocate, 29 Oct 1997, page 14A
SCHULENBURG - Bohumir "Tim" Bily, 81, of Schulenburg, died Monday, Oct. 27, 1997.
He was born Oct. 23, 1916, in Praha, to the late John and Veronica Kubena Bily. He served in the U.S. Army from 1942 to 1945. He was a former Linotype operator for Flatonia Argus, Moulton Eagle, Schulenburg Sticker, Shiner Gazette and The Victoria Advocate, and was retired from Weimar Mercury. He was a member St. Mary's Catholic Church in Praha and Knights of Columbus in Schulenburg.
Survivor: sister, Ludmila "Lillie" Bily of Schulenburg.
Preceded in death by: sister, Mary Bily; and brothers, Monsignor Vaclav Bily and August Bily.
A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. today at Smith Funeral Home chapel.
Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Thursday at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Praha, the Rev. Edward Bartsch officiating.
Burial will be at St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery in Praha. Smith Funeral Home, Flatonia, 865-3311.
Memorials: donor's choice.
Msgr. edmund J. bily
Victoria Advocate, August 7, 1978
Msgr. Bily
Advocate News Service
CISTERN – The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Emund [Edmund] J. Bily, 67, of Cistern, died Sunday in a Victoria hospital.
Born in Praha, he was the son of the late Frank and Victoria Skop Bily. He was ordained in 1935.
The body will lie in state at Smith Funeral Home until 4 p.m. Monday when it will be taken to St. Mary’s Catholic Church at Nada where it will lie in state until 7:30 p.m., with a Mass to follow. At 8 a.m. Tuesday, the body will be taken to St. Mary’s Catholic Church at Praha, to be followed by a service at 10 a.m. At 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, the body will be taken to Sts. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church, with a wake service to follow at 8 p.m.
Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at the church in Cistern, with burial in the Catholic Cemetery.
Survivors include two brothers, Frank of Praha and Steve Bily of Runge; and two sisters, Sister Hedwig and Sister Victoria, both of Victoria.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Victoria Advocate,April 21, 2006
SAN ANTONIO - Monsignor Edward F. Bily, 80, of San Antonio, formerly of New Braunfels, died Thursday, April 20, 2006.
He was born Feb. 17, 1926, in Praha. He was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of San Antonio in 1951 and served as associate pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul Church in New Braunfels.
Survivors: sisters, Sister Rita Rose Bily of Our Lady of the Lake Convent in San Antonio, Lucy Lednicky of Ammannsville and Monica Melnar of Hungerford; brother, the Rev. John C. Bily of St. Michael Church in Weimar.
A rosary will be recited 7 p.m. Sunday at Sts. Peter and Paul Church.
Services will be 10 a.m. Monday at Sts. Peter and Paul.
Burial will be at St. Mary's Cemetery in Praha. Angelus Funeral Home
Contributed by Rosemary Ermis
Galveston Daily News, 26 Feb 1955
Funeral services are pending in Praha, Texas, for John F. Bily, 67, resident of Flatonia, Texas, who died Friday morning in St. Mary's Infirmary. The body was to be forwarded to Smith funeral home in Flatonia, Texas by J. Levy and Bro. funeral home for services at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Praha.
Schulenburg Sticker, 7 Jan 1916
Kasterina [sic] Bily, died Nov. 30, 1915, near Flatonia, age 3 years.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Victoria Advocate, 13 Sep 1988, page 14A
Mary Bily
FLATONIA - Mary A. Bily, 73, of Praha, died Monday in a Victoria hospital.
A native of Praha, she was born March 31, 1915, to the late John F. and Veronika Kubena Bily.
A rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at St. Mary's Church.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Praha with Monsignor Vaclave J. Bily officiating. Burial will be in Praha Catholic Cemetery under the direction of Smith Funeral Home.
Surviving are a sister, Lillie Bily, and three brothers, Monsignor Vaclave J. Bily, Tim and Gus Bily, all of Praha.
Weimar Mercury, Friday, September 16, 1955
Final Rites for Mrs. Matilda Bily, 44, Held Saturday
Funeral services for Mrs. Matilda Bayer Bily, 44, of Houston, who died last Thursday in Herman Hospital, Houston, after a week’s illness, were held Saturday morning at Hubbard Funeral Home and the Dubina Catholic Church.
Burial was in the Dubina Cemetery.
Daughter of Julius Bayer of Ammannsville and the late Mrs. Bayer, Mrs. Bily was born March 14, 1911 in Fayette County. She was married in 1926 to Anton Bily Jr. and they settled at Houston.
Survivors in addition to her father and her husband are five brothers, Henry and Ed of Houston, Joe and John of Schulenburg and Emil of La Grange; and three sisters, Mrs. Mary Kainer and Mrs. Tonnie Veselka of El Campo and Miss Martha Bayer of Houston. One brother died as an infant, and her mother died only a few months ago.
Submitted by Rosemary Ermis
Schulenburg Sticker, 7 Jan 1916
Nerezie [sic] Bily, died Nov. 30, 1915, near Flatonia, age 10 years.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Shiner Gazette, 1 Mar 1990
Msgr. Vaclav J. Bily Laid to Rest
PRAHA - Monsignor Vaclav Joseph Bily of Praha, died Saturday, Feb. 24, 1990 in a Victoria hospital. He attained the age of 77 years, 4 months and 27 days.
Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27, 1990 at the Praha Catholic Church with Monsignor Edward Bily officiating.
Burial followed in the Praha Catholic Cemetery under the direction of Smith Funeral Home of Flatonia.
A parish rosary was recited at 7 p.m. Monday evening at the Praha Catholic Church.
Msgr. Bily was born Sept. 27, 1912, in Praha, son of the late John and Veronica (Kubena) Bily.
He was baptized, made his first communion was confirmed and had his first Solemn Mass on March 25, 1939, all in the Assumption BVM Church in Praha, Texas. He attended parochial school for eight years in Praha. In 1928, he entered St. John's Seminary in San Antonio and was ordained a priest on March 20, 1939.
His first assignment was to St. John's Church in Moravia where he stayed for a year and a half and built the church rectory. He was then assigned to St. Mary's Church in Victoria where he stayed for a year. After that he was stationed at St. Michael's in Weimar for four and a half years. While there he worked with 26 black families, remodeling an old church. He was then made administrator in Columbus for a year and a half where he started the Knights of Columbus, CYO and CCD and had all the plans ready to begin building a rectory.
He was then assigned to St. Peter's Church in Blessing and Mission and then served at St. Anthony's in Palacios for 13 years. In Blessing, he converted two Army barracks from Camp Hullen into a church and remodeled the rectory. In Palacios he made the mission into a parish as it is today. He was later assigned to Assumption BVM in Ganado for eight and a half years, Queen of Peace in Sweet Home, and St. John the Baptist Mission in Koerth for 10 years where he remodeled the rectory. He also remodeled the church damaged in a tornado in 1967. In Koerth he made many improvements.
He was assigned to St. Joseph's in Inez for 10 years, during which time he remodeled the rectory and church, organized CCD, the Altar Society, Christian Mothers and Legion of Mary.
He was named monsignor on Jan. 28, 1985, and celebrated his 50th anniversary as a priest on April 2, 1989. While a priest, he baptized 119, married 331, and held 358 funerals, not including relatives and friends.
Counting Bily, there are five priests and five nuns in his family.
He retired July 7, 1986, to his family's homestead in Praha.
Monsignor Bily is survived by a sister, Ludmilla "Lillie" Bily; and two brothers, Tim and Gus Bily, all of Praha.
He was preceded in death by his father, Feb. 25, 1955 and his mother, May 13, 1978.
Shiner Gazette, 25 May 1978
Mrs. John F. Bily, nee Veronica Kubena, of the Praha community, died Saturday, May 13, 1978 in Huth Memorial Hospital, Yoakum, following an illness of one week at the age of 88 years.
The body rested in state at the Smith Funeral Home at Flatonia where rosaries were recited Sunday night at 8 p.m. led by her son, Father Vaclav Bily, also, by Mrs. Paul Pokluda and Frank Bily for the societies.
Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Monday, May 15 at Praha Catholic Church. Burial followed in Praha Catholic Cemetery.
She was married to John F. Bily, Oct. 16, 1911 at Praha, who preceded her in death Feb. 25, 1955.
Survivors include three sons, the Rev. Vaclav Bily of Inez, Tim and Gus Bily, both of Praha; two daughters, Miss Mary Bily of Praha and Miss Lillie Bily of Inez.
Austin American-Statesman,
December 23, 1997
May Smith Bargsley Bird, of Austin, passed away on December 22, 1997 after a long illness.
She was born December 8, 1900 to James Edward Smith and Alice Rosa Richers in Fayette County near La Grange, Texas. She was a member of the Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by her parents; sisters, Bernice Melin and Bessie Rogers; and former husbands, Ernest W. Bargsley and Dee Bird.
She is survived by her sons, James S. Bargsley and wife, Mary Helen, of Austin, John E. Bargsley Sr. and wife, Rawnie Sue, of Austin; daughter, Betty Jane Oertli and husband, Edwin, of Johnson City, Texas; ten grandchildren; numerous great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews.
Serving as pallbearers will be Bryan Bargsley, Tim Bargsley, Larry Bargsley, John Bargsley Jr., Randy Oertli and Terry Oertli.
Funeral services will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, December 26, 1997 in the Cook-Walden Forest Oaks Funeral Home. Interment will follow in the Cook-Walden Forest Oaks Memorial Park.
Contributed by Connie Sneed
Schulenburg Sticker, 20 Aug 1903
Death Record.
Birkelbach: Died 4 miles east of Round Top, Accidental drowning Ann Birkelbach, aged 3 months.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Gonzales Inquirer, July 19, 1930.
William F. Birkman was born September 30, 1869 to the late Henry and Nancy Henrietta Ellerbusch Birkman in Fayette County, Texas and died July 15, 1930 in Gonzales, Texas. He married Isabel Hill and they were parents to Fred, Rosa Jean, Edgar Samuel, Myrtle Augusta, and Hazel.
The final earthly tribute paid the lamented William F. Birkman whose remains were laid to rest Thursday morning was an eloquent and beautiful one. The wide esteem and love in which he was held over a wide section of Southwest Texas was evidenced in the large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends assembled here in his honor, many friends from neighboring towns coming to join the numerous ones here at home to hear the last rites to palace a fragrant floral offering on his bier.
Very impressive and beautiful, were the simple services conducted at the family residence at 10:30 that morning by Rev. J. T. King, pastor of the First Methodist Church. A brief talk on his life marked the service as the officiating minister read the impressive service4 for the dead from the Methodist Ritual. A mixed quartette from the Cook Funeral Home at Austin rendered two beautiful hymns, “Come Ye Disconsolate” and “When They Ring the Golden Bells for You and Me”. Both selections were favorites of Mr. Birkman.
During the service, the fragrance of exquisite floral offerings that banked the handsome casket and the interior of the home filled the house with the fragrance. It was a long procession that followed the remains to the I.O.O.F. Cemetery where they were committed to earth with a brief service, as the last offices for the dead were performed. The choir and the quartette rendered the beautiful hymn, “Lead Kindly Light”, this being a special request of the family. The acting pallbearers included Lovett Botts, V. S. Marett, C. V. Bright, Otto Neuhaus, E. A. Harborth, W. G. Bair, B. A. Kroehner, and E. V. Kopecky.
His last resting place was embowered in beautiful floral offerings as the benediction was pronounced. They came from scores of friends here at home bearing mute tribute to the wide esteem in which Mr. Birkman was held and conveying a message of sympathy to the loved ones in their great loss. Lovely summer garden flowers and rare hothouse blooms mingled their beauty in the mantle of fragrant bloom. Many exquisite offerings, emblems, came from out of town relatives and friends.
Handsome special tributes from various organizations included one from the Seguin Milling and Power Company of which he had been a valued representative for years, another from Wolters Brothers of Shiner, and beautiful tributes from the local O.D.H.S. and W.O.W. of which Mr.
Birkman was a popular and highly esteemed member. There was also a beautiful offering from Women’s Missionary Society of the First Methodist Church.
Relatives in attendance at the funeral included Mr. and Mrs. Henry Birkman, Mrs. Hilda Watson, Ralph Watson, all of Weimer; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ehlinger, Mrs. Louise Beyer, Mrs. Mary Koehl, Mrs. Johnny Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ehlers and Charlie Meyer, all of Ellinger; Mrs. Lee Denk and Graves Brooks of Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hill, W. L. Hill, Mrs. Carter King, all of Albany; B. B. Hill of Dallas; Mrs. Ella Hill and L. H. Hill of Houston.
Among the out of town friends were Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Lane, Mrs. John Lane, Ray Lane, Mrs. Good, Mrs. Sanders, and Homer Griffith all of Austin; Joe Gibbs, R. H. King, B. E. Schmidt, H. A. Smith, Eugene Gloeser, Mrs. G. W. Blumberg, and Miss Lucile Starke all of Seguin; Mr. and Mrs. Max Wolters, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wolters, Herbert Wolters, Mrs. R. A. Thielemeyer, Mrs. Jeff Mikulik, Mrs. Otto Breiger, Mrs. Julia Green, Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Callie Frey all of Shiner; Harman Flannigan of Dallas,; and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Von Rosenburg of Hallettsville.
Mr. Birkman had made scores of warm friends in and around Gonzales since moving here several years ago. He was representative of a sterling type of citizenship universally honored and respected. Possessed of a genial personality, he was very popular. To his family he was deeply devoted, a loving husband, father, and brother, who is passing is a severe blow to his loved ones.”
The Weimar Mercury, July 18, 1930
Henry Birkman’s Brother Dies at Gonzales Home
Daily papers the first of the week contained news of the death of Mr. Will F. Birkmann, brother of Mr. Henry Birkmann of this city, which occurred Tuesday in Gonzales, where he had resided and while Mr. Birkmann was being taken by ambulance from his place of business to his home. He was 61 years of age at the time of death.
Surviving him are his widow, two sons, Dr. Fred Birkmann of New York, Edgar Birkmann of San Antonio, three daughters, Mrs. Joe Lane of Dallas, Miss Jean Birkmann of Dallas, Mrs. Walter Kleine of Gonzales, one brother and four sisters.
Mr. Birkmann was well known to many people of this section, and his death is sincerely deplored. He was a man of fine business ability, social, pleasant, highly regarded by everybody, and his death is a severe blow tohis family and the community. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to his bereaved ones.
Friedrich Wilhelm Birkmann was b. 20 September 1868 in Ross Prairie to Henry and Nancy (Ellerbusch) Birkmann. His father and mother died in 1873 and 1874, so he was raised in the household of his maternal aunt and her husband, Dorotha (Ellerbusch) and John H. Meyer, who also lived in Ross Prairie. Contributed by Judy Koehl
Weimar Mercury, 16 Mar 1934, page 1
Popular River Farmer Is Claimed by Death
Many hearts throughout this section were saddened last Friday afternoon when it became known that Mr. Chas. Bittner, well known river farmer, had passed away, his death occurring near the noon hour that day. He ad been in ill health for some time past, but his death was unexpected and came suddenly to the deep regret of all, for Charlie Bittner was a good man, and well liked by the people of this section.
The remains were brought to this city to the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Oscar Heller, and the funeral took place the following day at the family burying ground near Holman, in the presence of a large assemblage of mourning relatives and friends. We understand that Rev. Paul Piepenbrok, Lutheran minister from Schulenburg, officiated at the funeral. The pall bearers were as follows: Henry Heller, George J. Kusey, Henry Bahner, Anton Beck, Frank A. Seifert and Chas. J. Kallus.
Chas. Bittner, Jr., was born in Fayette county, near Holman, on Oct. 28, 1872. He died March 9th at the age of 61 years, 4 months and 9 days. He was a son of the late Chas. and Magdalena Bittner, very popular citizens of the Holman section in years gone by, but both now gone to their last resting place. On Dec. 2, 1894, he was united in marriage to Miss Marie Frels, and this union was blessed with eight children, seven of whom are still living. Albert Bittner, a son, died some years ago. The surviving children are as folllows: Mrs. Robert Belcik of Ammannsville, Mrs. Fred Bahner of this city, Mr. George Bittner of Houston, Adolf (Artie) Bittner of the El Campo section, Chas. Bittner III of the Holman section, Mrs. Oscar Heller of Weimar, and Mrs. John F. Luecke, Jr., of Schulenburg. Other survivors are a brother, Mr. Fred Bittner, and a sister, Mrs. Harry Meyer, both living in Schulenburg, also seventeen grandchildren.
Chas. Bittner was truly a good man. If he ever injured or spoke ill of a fellow-man, we never heard of it, and the writer was acquainted with him almost for a life-time. He was a quiet, peacable citizen, devoted to his family, always proving himself a good neighbor and friend, and his passing is deeply and sincerely regretted. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to his bereaved ones.
Weimar Mercury, April 7, 1916, page 1
Death of Chas. Bittner, Sr.
Chas. Bittner, Sr one of the oldest and most respected citizens of this section, living at his home place s few miles north of Weimar, in Fayette county, died Sunday morning, and the remains were buried in the family cemetery near his residence the following Monday afternoon. Quite a number of Weimar people attended the funeral. Mr. Bittner had been in bad health for a number of years, but generally managed to "keep going," and it was not realized by his friends that the end was so near. He was a man of large affairs, owning a great deal of land and other property, a progressive, up-to-date farmer up to the time ill health forced him to give up active agricultural life, a man whose integrity was never questioned, his word being good as his bond, the truest of friends and neighbors, devoted to his family, and in every way a man of exceptional character. He leaves a widow and several children, all grown, to whom the sincere sympathy of this entire community is extended.
Contributed by Dorothy Albrecht
Schulenburg Sticker, 12 May 1916
Charles A M Bittner, age 73 years, 6 months and 27 days, died April 2, 1916, near Weimar.
Contributed by Matt Cross
Weimar Mercury, 13 May 1927, page 1
The sad news was conveyed to many friends here Thursday last, telling of the death of Miss Ida Bittner, daughter of Mrs. Chas. Bittner, Sr., now residing in Schulenburg, but which family lived for many years on their farm property north of Weimar. Many old time friends recall Miss Ida, and heard of her death with genuine regret. She was a lady of most estimable character and disposition, highly regarded by all, and possessed a large circle of friends in this section, her former home.
The funeral took place Friday afternoon at the family burying grounds on the Bittner farm, and was attended by a large crowd of sympathizing relatives and friends, many from this city being present.
To the surviving members of the family our heartfelt sympathy is extended.
Weimar Mercury, September 7, 1889
The sad news was received in this city Tuesday morning of the death of Rosa, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bittner, living about five miles north of town. She had been ill for some time with typhoid fever and suffered a great deal. To Mr. and Ms. Bittner in their irreparable loss THE MERCURY extends sincere condolence. [Buried in Bittner Cemetery] Transcribed by Dorothy Albrecht |