Fayette County
H - J
We are indebted to Kathy Carter, former director of the Fayette Heritage Archives and Museum, for the majority of the following cemetery information. In addition, the Archives staff will check their extensive cemetery database for you by e-mail. All you need is a surname. You do not need to know the name of the cemetery.
If you have a photograph or information about a cemetery you'd like to contribute, please contact Rox Ann Johnson.
Halamicek Cemetery
Harkins Family Cemetery
According to the Joe Cole Survey of July-August 1958 there are : Two graves at Mulddon, Texas about 2 miles south on pasture land belonging to Mr. Andy Speed. Two graves with sandstones for markers. The stones have some letters cut on them but cannot be sure what the letters are. Mr. and Mrs. Speed took (Cole) out to the graves July 20, 1958. Mr. Speed said that the negro John Browing from whom he bought the land 15 years ago told him that they were graves of some white people; strangers who had stopped to make a crop and two of the familly had died while they lived there. On August 1, 1958 John Browning's wife who lives at Muldoon, TX told me the two graves were Darrel Harkins and one of his sons. She said her mother-in-law knew the Harkins and had told her who the graves were.
According to information found in the Freytag Collection-HARKINS file: Hiram Harkins walked from Mississippi to Fayette County and like it, bought his property, then returned for his family consisting of his brothers Darrell, Jasper and two sisters, Lodusky and Rebecca (an old maid). He got them settled in their new home and then went off to the Civil War and stayed 4 years. Then he went back to Mississippi to collect his fiance and got married. Eleven years had passed since he had seen her so therefore he must have come to Texas around 1855.
Hiram Harkins was a private under Captain George W. Tuttle in Wigfall's Mounted Infantry Regiment, Fayette County during the Civil War.
For more information see the cemetery files of the Fayette Heritage Archives.
Harrell - Foerster Cemetery
Also known as the Killen - Harrison - Harrell Cemetery
30°04'30"N 96°53'58"W
According to the Joe Cole Cemetery Survey of Sept 1958, this site is "on the Ben Foerster farm 3 miles NE of Warda (from La Grange take Highway 77 to Warda, right on County Road 152 then left on County Road 153 then left onto private property). This has been a large cemetery, how old and correct name I did not learn. But through the good work of Boyce Harrell ... and Kate Berry ..., the Harrell family lot has been saved from destruction. The rest of this old cemetery is lost and gone forever. Mr. Harrell and Ms. Berry built a cyclone fence and concreted the Harrell family lot ... Asa Harrell is a g-g-g-grandfather of Boyce & Kate ... Boyce said L. B. Harrison had married on e of the Harrell daughters and the other Harrisons were children from this marriage; that Mrs. Harrison was not buried here ..."
According to a listing in the book "A History of Lee County", this site is located on the Ben Foerster farm near Warda. Turn left of Hwy 77 just before the Fayette County line on a dirt road, go 2 or 3 miles. Farm is on the right. ... This cemetery is in an open pasture. A memorial obelisk containing the names of the three families as well as the three veterans' markers have been placed close together and surrounded by a steel fence. This cemetery is shown on some county maps as the Foerster Cemetery.
Harris Family Cemetery
Near Cistern
Joe Cole reported on this cemetery in 1959: "At Fords Prairie on the old Joe Harris place. Jasper Henderson is buried here. There is a very large conch shell on his grave. It is said that at daylight he blew the old conch shell to wake the neighbors for a new day. Jasper was a character in his day; I have heard lots of stories of him and his lead mine on Wild Cat Branch." [Joe Cole #007W] Mrs. Annie Thiem sent the obits. of W. Jasper and Larcey Henderson to Mr. Walter Freytag in 1968.
Norman Krischke visited and recorded this site on March 24, 1999 and reports: "The Harris family lived in the area south of the Colorado river about 4 miles south of Smithville and just south of the Old Lockhart Road. They tilled the soil for their livelihood. Robert Harris was the patriarch of the clan. He fought in the Civil war, married Sarah Burge, and had many children. Eight of their children are buried here along with Robert & Sarah. The cemetery was apparently established on the old Joe Harris place on January 25, 1873 upon the burial of Willis Harris.
The cemetery is located off the Old Lockhart road 2.4 miles east of State Highway 95 that runs between Cistern & Smithville. Entrance to the old Harris place is at the second corner from Highway 95 marked with a metallic and green pipe gate. From the gate drive 1/10 mile and then take the pasture trail to the left. Continue 2/10 mile to the cemetery that is enclosed with a chain-link fence. There are 18 graves with some type of marker and 14 unidentified graves.
View a list of grave sites in the Harris Family Cemetery.
Hart Family Cemetery
According to the Joe Cole Cemetery Survey of Sept. 1958, this site is on a tract of land belonging to Mr. Walter Peters. Cole states: "At present time (this) is what we will call a lost and almost forgotten graveyard. The graves are on a little rocky knoll under some large live oak trees but there are no signs of the graves to be found now. I was told by the Hart family of Winchester that 86 years ago, the Julius Addison Hart family lived on this tract of land and Julius Hart was the first person buried there. Others are John L. Hart and his wife Elisa; Mrs. Charley Stroud who was Ida Hart before her marriage to Stroud; a Redfield baby and some of the Hart family and Luke Hart and some Negroes who had been slaves of the Harts."
Research conducted by Kathy Carter in August 1993 did not find Julius Addison Hart, John L. Hart, Elisa Hart, or Ida Hart Stroud in the census records, marriage licenses or probate records. The Redfield baby may be a child of Lula Hart Redfield who was the daughter of Luke S. & Elizabeth A. Hunt Hart. Luke Hart died in 1869 and was not found buried anywhere else. many of the Hart family are buried at Winchester Public and Byler cemeteries. See the Hart family file at the Fayette Heritage Archives for Carter's research.
Haw Creek Cemetery
30°00'10"N 96°38'01"W
The Haw Creek Cemetery is located on FM Road 389 about three miles from Shelby and about ten miles north of Fayetteville in the William Sheppard League.
This cemetery is the only remains of what was once a community that was established in the late 1800's. The Evangelical Lutheran Church was built next to the cemetery in 1872. The church was moved to Henkel Square in Round Top where it was restored and is now open for public tours. The Methodist Church was located on the opposite side of the cemetery. This church building was moved to Industry in Austin County in the 1940's.
The first person thought to be buried in this cemetery is that of Magdalene Wied who died March 22, 1873. Some of the other older graves are those of Lina and Fritz Osterloh, Heinrich Voelkel, and Wilhelm J. Reuter who all died in 1876.
There is a marker which commemorates one hundred years of the Menking family in Texas from 1853 to 1953 and another marker that commemorates the Johann Ernst family in Texas from 1860 to 1960.
John Hays Grave
[Joe Cole #78E] Joe Cole found this site on June 18, 1959 and stated: "One grave of a young boy, no other info. Location on the Edwin Pietsch Farm 3.5 miles west of Nechanitz, Tex. This is a grave I located after working this neighborhood. iwas told of this grave by Willie Eckels and G. W. Wessels at Rutersville. It is way out in a pasture. Two sandstones. no dates. I went to the trouble to find this grave as I thought it might be of some of John Rabb's family as it is on the old Rabb home site."
[Joe Cole #98E]: "One grave. no dates. This lone grave is on the old August Pietsch property 3.5 west of Nechanitz, Tex."
It is assumed that these two sites are one and the same since the descriptions are very similar.
The name given in this report is taken from an Archaeological Site Data Form prepared 7/9/1993 for the Seminole Pipeline Company. See form at Fayette Heritage Archives.
Heckneyville Cemetery
The following is taken from Graves, Graves, Graves, copyrighted 1999, with the permission of the author, Norman C. Krischke. The full text can be viewed at the Fayette Heritage Library, Museum & Archives:
American Jake Brown started a colony near Dubina about 2000 yards east of the church in 1822 which existed until 1836.
In 1836, because of illness and death of many inhabitants, Jake Brown sold their possessions to Bill Morgan, who, in turn, sold as much as possible to others, the rest he left to ruin.
Some of the remaining settlers went back to Mississippi while others went farther west.
There were 29 graves in the cemetery and the foundations and some building walls were still to be seen in 1856 when the first settlers of Dubina arrived. The Josefem Petrem family of seven died of Black Measles.
Information from the 1952 Sts. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church Book. Translated from the Czech by Vlasta Smetana.
Charlie Heinsohn Grave
Willow Springs
Charles Heinsohn, was born March 18, 1875 at Willow Springs to Gerhard and Sophie Fehrenkamp Heinsohn. He was only seven years old when he died on March 24, 1882. According to the late Kermit Heinsohn, it was raining so hard when Charlie died that the family couldn't get to Frelsburg to bury him in the churchyard, so he was buried in the garden. There is a marker inscribed "CH" in the pasture east of the old Gerhard Heinsohn homestead on Prihoda Road.
Helble Family Cemetery
Biegel Settlement
According to the Joe Cole Cemetery Survey of 1959: "Helble Family Cemetery, Seven or 8 graves, no markers. In a cedar picket fence 5 miles east of Halsted, Texas on property of L.C. Sumerfield of Hockley, Texas. Visited August 24, 1959." [Joe Cole #118E]
In 1973-1974 the Lower Colorado River Authority of Austin purchased land in Fayette County for the construction of the Fayette Power Project. Several cemeteries were in the boundaries of the project acreage. All the affected burials were disinterred and moved to new sites. Descendants of the deceased were contacted and signed permits were obtained to allow the work to proceed. More than 125 burial sites were involved in the relocation project. The bodies were moved to the New La Grange City Cemetery; Old La Grange City Cemetery; New La Grange Black Cemetery; Fayetteville City Cemetery, New Biegel-December Family Cemetery (on LCRA property); Nordheim Cemetery in De Witt County; and the New Spring Hill Missionary Colored Baptist Church Cemetery.
"In 1970 there were no tombstones to be seen in a broken down picket fence," according to Norman C. Krischke. Three graves were identified at this site. They were moved to the Helble plot in the Fayetteville City Cemetery and buried next to Johanna Helble, 11 Mar 1837-19 Nov 1917, Emma H. Helble, 6 Feb 1878-13 Oct 1917, and John C. Helble, Jr., 5 Jan 1866-19 Apr 1932 .
According to Norman C. Krischke's booklet, Biegel Settlement, copyrighted 1999, where additional information can be found, the following were buried in the Helble Family Cemetery and later reinterred in the Fayetteville City Cemetery:Helble, Franceska Helble
Helble, John C., born ca 1816
Helble, Julia
Henniger Family Cemetery
Willow Springs/ShelbyThe Henniger Cemetery is located near Shelby on what was the Nicholaus Henniger Estate just inside the southeastern part of the Fayette County line. Nicholaus Henniger arrived in Texas from Wilhelmsdorf in Saxony on Christmas Day in 1847 with his second wife, Fredericka Albert Henniger and five of his children. They settled near Shelby and a daughter and probably a son was born in Texas before Nicholas Henniger died July 22, 1853.
Though the cemetery is in Fayette County there is a historical marker for it nearby in Austin County on FM 1457 south of Shelby:
Henniger Cemetery
(1 mi. west of this site) Nicholaus Henniger (1794-1853) came to Texas from Germany in 1847 with his wife Fredericke and children Christian, Hermann, August, Caroline and Pauline. On his farm he built a log house, kept peace with passing Indians, and prospered as a cattleraiser. With neighbors, he helped build a gristmill, establish a school, and preserve German traditions. At death of an infant son, Carl, he set aside a family cemetery (one mile west). Nicholaus Henniger and nine other family members also are buried in the plot. The farm is still owned by descendants, the Vogelpohl family. (1975)
The cemetery contains only two markers, but is thought to be the site of ten burials between 1848 and 1888. One of the markers is an old one marking the grave of Marie Baade, mother of Marie Baade Henniger. The other was put up in the 1960's under the direction of Monroe Henniger after the tiny cemetery was fenced with a heavy chain in 1963. This marker notes that nine other members of the Henniger family are also buried at this spot, including Carl [Johann] Albrecht who had two daughters who married Nicholaus Henniger's sons.
This cemetery is believed to be the resting place of the following:Albert, ___, 1858 - 1863, child of Pauline Henniger and Carl Albert, memorial at Welcome Community Cemetery, Austin County
Albrecht, Carl Johann, married Johanne Sophie ___
Baade, Marie, mother of Marie Baade who was Christian Henniger's second wife, only old marker
Henniger, Nicholaus, 25 Dec 1793 - 22 Jul 1853, born Johann Nicolaus Henniger in Wilhelmsdorf, Saxony the son of Johann Michal Ehrhard Henniger and Marian Magdalena Frank, married (1) Christiane Runkelin on 29 November 1818, (2) Fredericke Albert 12 March 1837 in Saxony
Henniger, Fredericke Albert , 17 Aug 1810 - 28 Jan 1864, born Catharina Friederike Albert in Altenbeuthen Saxony, the daughter of Johann Christoph Heinrich Albert and Johanne Elisabeth Friederike Pitzing; married (1) Johann Christian Lindstadter on 12 Jan 1834 in Reitzengeschwenda, Saxony, married (2) Nicholaus Henniger
Henniger, Carl, c 1852 - c August 1853, son of Nicholaus Henniger and Fredericke Albert
Henniger, Henrietta Albrecht, 1834 - 1860, daughter of Carl Johann and Johanne Sophie Albrecht, married Christian Henniger 14 February 1854
Henniger, Fredericka Albrecht, died in early 1860's, daughter of Carl Johann and Johanne Sophie Albrecht, married August Henniger 12 Apr 1854
Henniger, ___, young daughter of August Henniger and Fredericka Albrecht, died in early 1860's
Simmank, Ella Johanna, 28 Jun 1885 - 28 Jun 1885, daughter of Augusta Henniger and Ernst J. SimmankPhoto by Warren O. Albrecht
Contributed by Rox Ann Johnson
Henson Cemetery
This black cemetery is located 2 miles west of Muldoon off FM 2237 on Muldoon Cemetery Road.
Hickory Ridge Cemetery
Also known as Mecklenburg Cemetery
300001N 965026W
According to the Joe Cole Survey of 1958 this site is 8 miles north of La Grange, .5 miles east of FM 2145 on a high rocky hill. It is very old, white and colored mix. The only graves Cole could determine were white graves were the Campbells'. There are nine graves in this lot, only one marker for J. T. Campbell, all enclosed by an iron fence. The family lived nearby and their house still stood (in 1958) of hewed post oak logs. The Croft [Craft] graves are in one lot with an iron fence.
Mr. Harvey Meiners surveyed this site on 11-20-1986 and does not report the Campbell stone. He states the site is on the Marvin Heinecke farm on the east side of FM 2145 just past FM 2981 at Luther Hill. He reports that the cemetery is grown up in trees and brush and appears abandoned.
Updated information given by Marvin and/or Glenn Heinecke gives the inscription of the Campbell stone, giving the relationship to Alexander. They state the site is in Mecklenberg.
See "Campbell Family" in Freytag Files and more on Hickory Ridge Cemetery at the Fayette Heritage Archives.
High Hill Catholic Cemetery
(Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Cemetery)
Old High Hill Cemetery
29°42'08"N 96°55'45"W
Texas Historical Commission Marker:OLD HIGH HILL CEMETERY
The High Hill Post Office, established about 1858, united three adjacent villages, Blum Hill, Wursten and Oldenburg, and gave this community cemetery its name. This six-acre tract was once the property of George Herder (1818-87), a German immigrant and a veteran of the Battle of San Jacinto. The oldest stones mark the graves of August Wolters, who died April 6, 1861, and Friedrich Eicholt, who died May 18, 1861. Two other prominent area citizens buried in the cemetery are Louis Schulenburg, born June 3, 1810, died Dec. 18, 1887; and J. Christian Baumgarten, born March 13, 1836, died Sept. 29, 1912. The cemetery contains about 241 graves, primarily those of German settlers in the area. Family members cared for the site until 1963, when the Old High Hill Cemetery Association, Inc., was organized. [1975]
Hill Family Cemetery
According to the Joe Cole Cemetery Survey of June 17, 1959, this site is on the Herman Von Minden farm two miles south of Fayetteville on FM 1291. This farm was once owned by the Hill family. All three gravestones are broken down. One of these stones is about 10 feet high when standing:
Flewellen, Lucy, 17 May 1876 - 27 Apr 1878, daughter of W. F. & M. E. Flewellen
Hill, James Leonides, 21 Dec 1844 - 23 May 1873
Hill, James Edward, 15 Feb 1879 - 27 Jan 1880, son of J. W. & G. Hill
Hill Cemetery
Round Top/Carmine
30°06'30"N 96°41'30"W
From Round Top, take FM 239 W about 3 miles then go northwest on Hill Rd. 1 mile to cemetery. The Hills School stood near the cemetery from 1876 - 1940.
Text from Historical Marker at cemetery:
Born in Jasper County, Georgia. Moved to Texas in 1835. Taught school at Coles settlement. In Texas revolution served as 3rd corporal, Co. D, 1st regiment. Piloted ferry for Texas army at San Felipe during General San Houston's retreat, in 1836. Fought under Houston at the victorious Battle of San Jacinto same year. Later lived in San Felipe and on his land grant near Round Top. Was senator from Fayette County in State Legislature, 1853-1857.
See Isaac Lafayette Hill at the Handbook of Texas Online.
Hill Cemetery on Hinze Farm
Round Top
According to the Joe Cole Cemetery Survey of June 10, 1959, this site is on Clarence Hinze's farm 3.5 miles east of Round Top. The cemetery was donated to the public by Isaac Lafayette Hill, the land being owned by Hill at one time. Cole located this site with the help of Willie Warner & John Sternberg. Mr. Sternberg is the nephew of Charley Sternberg buried in the cemetery. Mr. Cole states that the following are "Graves that are known to be here." He does not indicate that there are any stones left.
Among those said to be buried here are two black men named Tom and Will Rivers, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Sternberg, two small white children, slaves of Isaac Lafayette Hill, and other unnamed whites and blacks.
Photo contributed by Terry Matula
Hill Graves
Also known as Hill Family Cemetery on Cedar Creek
Formerly located at Biegel Settlement
According to Norman C. Krischke's booklet, Biegel Settlement, copyrighted 1999, the following were moved from the Hill Family Cemetery on Cedar Creek to the Old La Grange City Cemetery:
Hill, Abraham Webb "Asa", ca 1784 - ca 1845
Hill, Green Washington, 27 May 1812 - 20 Sep 1844, married Susan Webb, a doctorThe following were slaves of Asa Hill who were moved from the Hill Family Cemetery to the New Spring Hill Missionary Colored Baptist Church Cemetery:
Hill, Daniel
Hill, DelseyText of historical marker located on State Highway 159 at Rutersville:
Incised on back of marker:(1788? - 1844) Born in Martin County, N.C. Married Elizabeth Barksdale in Georgia, Oct. 6, 1808. Came to Texas 1835. In army in 1836, was sent by Gen. Houston to warn people in enemy's path. Settled here 1839. In 1840, enrolled eight children in Rutersville College. With sons Jeffrey and John C.C., joined the 1842 expedition to Mier, Mex.; captured, he drew a white bean thus escaped death, but was in prison until Aug. 1843. Jeffrey was wounded, captured, likewise imprisoned. John C.C., then 14, was adopted by Gen. Santa Anna. Asa Hill died here; was buried on Cedar Creek, off SH 159."
"In Memory of Jeffrey Barksdale Hill, son of Asa Hill; William Carroll Jackson Hill, son of Asa Hill; James Monroe Hill, son of Asa Hill; Asa Collinsworth Hill, son of Asa Hill; John Christopher Columbus Hill, son of Asa Hill; Lucy Amanda (Hill) Jones, daughter of James Monroe Hill; Frank Webb Hill, son of James Monroe Hill; George Alfred Hill, Jr., grandson of James Monroe Hill; Thomas Lindsay Blanton, great-grandson of Asa Hill"
From the files of the Fayette Heritage Museum & Archives:
"According to the Joe Cole Cemetery of 1959 this is possibly one of 4 sites as follows:
#117E "Two and one-half miles northeast of Halsted, Texas on property of Edgar Roitsch is a family graveyard. On August 20, 1959, we made a search for this cemetery for several hours; no location made. No info. Some evidence of a cemetery on a little branch but not positive. Was told of this cemetery by several different people in that neighborhood."
#121E "On the Joe Kirsch estate, property owned by C.W. Harlfinger at present there is a grave of a child, no marker. A picket fence around the grave under a large live oak tree near a well. The grave is four miles east of Halsted, Texas. Was told the child was of the Spieael (Speckels?) family.
#122E "Three miles west of Park, Texas on the Bennie Schmidt farm is a very old cemetery. No info about this cemetery. There are no graves with dates or names. This cemetery has been destroyed and the stones taken away."
#123E "Three and one-half miles southwest of Park, Texas in pasture on land owned by Mrs. Bernice Zapalac. There are seven graves in an iron fence, no markers, no info of the graves. Very old. The graves are south of a dirt road leading from Park to Halsted on a little creek bank. Very thick underbrush, hard to locate. August 23, 1959."
In 1973-1974 the Lower Colorado River Authority of Austin purchased land in Fayette County for the construction of the Fayette Power Project. Several cemeteries were in the boundaries of the project acreage. All the affected burials were disinterred and moved to new sites. Descendants of the deceased were contacted and signed permits were obtained to allow the work to proceed. More than 125 burial sites were involved in the relocation project. The bodies were moved to the New La Grange City Cemetery; Old La Grange City Cemetery; New La Grange Black Cemetery; Fayetteville City Cemetery, New Biegel-December Family Cemetery (on LCRA property); Nordheim Cemetery in De Witt County; and the New Spring Hill Missionary Colored Baptist Church Cemetery.
Four graves in the project area were identified as those of Asa Hill, Green Washington Hill, Daniel Hill & Delsey Hill. Asa & Green Hill were moved the Old La Grange City Cemetery, Section 1, Lot 80. Daniel & Delsey Hill (slaves) were moved to the New Spring Hill Cemetery."
See "Asa Hill" at Online Handbook of Texas
Hillebrand Cemetery
The Hillebrand Cemetery is located on private property west of Old Park Road. One tombstone on top of a hill contains five names:
Hillebrand, Ernst, 2 Aug 1844 - 25 Mar 1879
Hillebrand, Herman, 28 Feb 1842 - 19 Sep 1870
Hillebrand, Louise, 26 Jun 1816 - 11 Oct 1869
Hillebrand, Richard, 20 Mar 1810 - 13 Sep 1887
Siebrecht, Anna Hillebrand, 30 Jun 1847 - 12 Jul 1876Hillebrand Black Cemetery
See a list of burials and more photos of the Hillebrand Black Cemetery.
Anton Hoelscher Grave
Ross Prairie
According to the Joe Cole Cemetery Survey of 1959, this site is "3 miles west of Fayetteville, Tex. on the Joe Wecheta farm. Anton Hoelscher (1791-1849) was the great great grandfather of Edwin Hoelscher of Ellinger, Tex. This was an early day cemetery. There is nothing left at present time except this one marker. it is out on Ross Prairie in a hay meadow now. There is no telling who might be buried here. There was a church here at one time."
This cemetery was established near St. Joseph Catholic Church, a small log church dedicated in 1855. It was the first Catholic cemetery in Fayette County. According to Carolyn Heinsohn, "a few of the early parishioners were buried in this cemetery, including Anton Hoelscher, Sr., who died circa 1857, and possibly his teenage son, Franz. The names of other burials are unknown, although Hoelscher family recollections indicate that several graves were still evident prior to World War II."
From the marker erected in 2006 by the Hoelscher-Buxkemper Family Heritage Association:
Gravesite of Anton Hoelscher, Sr.
Anton Hoelscher, Sr. and wife, Mary Catherine, with sons Anton, Joseph, William and Bernard imigrated to Texas from Olfen, Westfalen, Prussia in 1846. Unable to reach their land grants in McCulloch County, because of its occupation by Comanche indians, they first settled at Cummins Creek Settlement in Colorado County and then moved here to Ross Praire in the early 1850s. It was the dream of Anton, Sr, to establish this area by designating a location for a church, school, cemetery and family farms. This dream was cut short by his death about 1857. He is buried in a small cemetery approximately one-half mile north of here, adjacent to the former St. Joseph's Church that was founded in 1855, the first Catholic Church in Fayette County. The small mission church, located on 28 acres purchased by the Diocese of Galveston, was moved to Live Oak Hill, two miles south about 1860, and the church was renamed St. Mary's.
Anton's wife is buried at Sts. Peter and Paul Cemetery in Frelsburg beside her daughter, Elizabeth Hoelscher Buxkemper, who immigrated to that area in 1850. Anton, Jr. and William are buried in St. Mary's Cemetery near Ellinger. Joseph is buried in St. Mary's Cemetery in Westphalia and Bernard is buried in St. Michael's Cemetery in Weimar.
Marker photo contributed by Sandra Long Anders
Holman Cemetery
Also known as Burnam-Holman Family Cemetery
See history and list of grave sites in the Holman Cemetery.
Holman Catholic Cemetery
St. Wenceslaus Catholic Cemetery
View list of burials in the Holman Catholic Cemetery.
Holman Pioneer Cemetery
The following is taken from A Visit to the Holman Valley, copyrighted 1996, with the permission of the author, Norman C. Krischke. The full text can be viewed at the Fayette Heritage Museum & Archives:
The Cumberland Presbyterian Church owned land at Pecan [Holman] for a little over 18 years [1873-1891] and left behind the HOLMAN PIONEER CEMETERY. George W. Lewis converted the building into a General Store where he had his Post Office. The land and store were sold to Staches Vacek in 1902. Lawrence F. "Blue" Vacek stated in 1972 when he owned the Vacek Store at Holman that about 1946 or so, C. J. Mazoch and Gus Petras used a road grader to level the area north and west of the store to make it smooth for a baseball diamond. In the center field area toward the third base line, four graves were discovered when the grader moved the soil off a low bank or rise in the ground. The graves were rectangular, 3ft X 6ft, and of lighter colored clay than the black surface soil. The graves were in a line, generally, east to west. When asked, the old timers remembered a cemetery which was there long ago.
The names of the people buried there are not known, however, speculation, based on Probate Record No. 1228, suggests that two members of the Slack family are buried in the cemetery.
Thomas Slack, Sr. died 19 Apr 1877. He left a Will stating that his wife, Julia A. Slack was already deceased and that his property was to go to his children and grandchildren. . . .
It is assumed that Julia A. Slack, who died about 1876, was the first buried in the cemetery. It is also assumed that T homas Slack, Sr. is buried here. The other two graves could be of the Balser Hefner family.
Holy Cross Lutheran Cemetery
Hostyn Catholic Cemetery
(Queen of the Holy Rosary Catholic Cemetery)
Huber Cemetery
ParkThe Huber Cemetery is located on a farm near Park off Roznov Road. It contains only three graves: Isach Jacob Gabler, his daughter Katherine Gabler Huber, and her husband George Huber.
Mary Elizabeth Hunt Grave
WinchesterAccording to the Joe Cole Cemetery Survey of September 1958, this site is about 400 yards south of the Otto Noak farm house in a sandy field. Mr. Cole states: "There is only one monument left. It is of a 10 year old girl [Mary Elizabeth Hunt, 7 Feb 1857 - 19 Nov 1867, daughter of Haden & Elizabeth Hunt]... This is the old Sanford Rainey home. I was told by several people that it was a large cemetery at one time. No one seems to know what went with all the monuments but I later found some broken stones and brick about 1/2 mile further away which I fear as though they came from this old cemetery."
Mary Iley Grave
According to the Joe Cole Survey of June 27, 1958 [#072W] this site is "one grave of a white girl 18 years old whose name was Mary Aile sometimes spelled Iley. The grave is on the south side of Buckner's Creek on what is known as the W. C. Jackson place about 6 miles west of Muldoon, Texas. The place is owned by Elton Boehnke at present. The grave is on a bluff where Buckner's Creek makes a big bend and runs in a southerly direction for some distance which make it appear that the grave is on the west bank of the stream. The grave has two sandstones for the foot and head marker and is now covered with brush and vines."
The grave does not have an inscribed marker. The dates ca 1858 - ca 1876 come from census research and the fact that Cole says she was 18 when she died. See further research done by Kathy Carter at the Fayette Heritage Archives.
Indian Graves
La Grange
The following is taken from Graves, Graves, Graves, copyrighted 1999, with the permission of the author, Norman C. Krischke. The full text and drawings can be viewed at the Fayette Heritage Library, Museum & Archives:
In late October 1966, human skeletal remains were found by workmen digging a pipeline ditch on the Frisch Auf! golf course near La Grange. Curtis D. Tunnell and M. B. Collins, State Archologists, visited the site 19 November 1966 along with T. R. Hester and Riley Furr. Excavations revealed parts of five, perhaps six, skeletons. Gentry Steele joined them the following day and identified the "Scallorn" arrow point type. At least three adult skeletons were found and three children skeletons. The site was designated "41FY42".
The site has now been mostly destroyed by construction of the golf course. Courtesy of the Texas Archeological Research Laboratory, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 15 February 1980.
Indian Hill Cemetery
On the East side of the Colorado River in from Rabb's Prairie
Joe Cole visited this site in late 1958/early 1959 and reported: "A. Rosenburg farm, Indian Hill. In the east slope of this hill or bluff is a mix cemetery white and Negro. There is very little left of this old cemetery and very few people know of it. Found one Negro Cliff Taylor who said his grandparents, Jim and Bettie Brown and two of their children are buried here. Taylor's mother told him that there was also a cemetery for whites near the Negro cemetery. This bluff is on a hill also known as Hunt or Gales Hill. The bluff is 114 feet at the highest point. Some people told of seeing some coffin sticking out of the bluff several years ago." [Joe Cole #036E]
William Rabb and his family built their home here in the 1820s and they called it Indian Hill. Settlers and citizens converged on the hill for refuge from the great Colorado River Floods of 1833, probably 1869, and again in 1913. Additional research done by Kathy Carter is available in the archives.
Izard Cemetery
Norman C. Krischke researched this cemetery and wrote a booklet, Izard Family Cemetery, in 1998. The following information is taken from that booklet:
There are, at least, ten graves on the Claud Marty Jr. property [1998] about six road miles west of Schulenburg. Research has indicated that the burial ground was established on Izard property in 1860 and the first grave was that of Rebecca Izard. Therefore, it would be appropriate to call it the "Izard Family Cemetery."
Joe Cole, of near Smithville, visited this grave site 26 May 1958 and recorded the following information in his Notebook No. 1 of graves west of the Colorado River:
A Cemetery on Emil Hermis's property. The graves are on the east side of a branch which enters Mulberry Creek about six miles south of Engle , Texas. The graves are on the fence line that divides the August Hermis and Emil Hermis farms [Claude Marty, Jr. and Leonard Hermis properties in 1998]. The graves were shown to me by Leonard Hermis and his son, John.Eddie Kalmus who lives just south of Izard Cemetery says that a Veronika Weitman is buried at this place. She first married John Vanek, then Albert Knezek and last Franz Weitman. She died about 1875.
Leonard Hermis provides this information, handed down by his father, August Hermis: The graves on Emil Hermis' property have been there a long time. There are at least three graves located about ten feet east of the fence line which divides the August and Emil Hermis' properties. Many years ago the graves were marked with small sandstones; there never were inscribed tombstones. The area around the cemetery was always a dense thicket. The hand-dug, sandstone-lined well about 300 yards north of the gravesite marks the site of a former farm house which was never actually seen by the Hermises. There are bits of glass and pieces of metal in the area. North northwest of the Hermis house is a shallow depression marking the site of an old log house. Years ago there was a smaller log cabin in the field south of the Hermis House.
The site was examined on 3 October 1871 and no tombstones, sandstone markers, grave fence or definitely defined mounds were found. An area next to the fence is cleared of brush but the wooded area, a little farther east, is grown up in briars, brush and vines. At the edge of the cleared area, in line with the barbed-wire fence from Hermis' barn there is a low hill about 10 X 12 feet which is the site of the Izard Family Cemetery. There is a live oak tree at the location with barbed wire embedded in it.
It is probable that the following ten people are buried in the Izard Cemetery:1. Izard, Rebecca Whitaker, 19 Jun 1780 - 3 Dec 1860, wife of Nicholas Hoffman Izard, Sr. Daughter of Mark and Catherine (Boone) Whitaker. Catherine was a close relative of Daniel Boone.
2. Izard, Gabriel Jones, 6 Jan 1813 - died 1866, son of Nicholas and Rebecca (Whitaker) Izard. Husband of Macy (Tyler) Izard. Macy, born 3 April 1814, died 3 May 1898 in Falls County, Texas, daughter of Wright and Elizabeth (Filingim) Tyer
3. Izard, Thomas Augustus, 6 Apr 1841 - 1 Jul 1869, son of Gabriel and Macy (Tyer) Izard
4. Waddill, Alice, 1874 - 1874, daughter of Samuel Davidson and Rebecca Elizabeth (Izard) Waddill who were married 6 December 1860
5. Waddill, Emily, 1870 - 1871, daughter of Samuel D. and Rebecca E. (Izard) Waddill
6. Waddill, Silas Wright, 10 Dec 1868 - died 1871, son of Samuel D. and Rebecca E. (Izard) Waddill
7. Charley, a slave who came to Texas with the Izards
8. Waddill, Samuel D., 25 Jun 1874 - 30 Jun 1874, son of William Smith and Amanda (Izard) Waddill who married 27 December 1868
9. Waddill, Macy E., 26 Jan 1873 - 7 Jun 1873, daughter of William S. and Amanda (Izard) Waddill
10. Weitman, Veronika, died 23 Jan 1875, nee Ermis, wife of John Vanek, Albert Knezek and Franz WeitmanA copy of Izard Family Cemetery written by Norman C. Krischke is located at the Fayette Heritage Museum and Archives and provides Izard family history and additional information about the site.
Jarmon Cemetery
Also known as the Ehlinger Cemetery or the Shiloh Baptist CemeteryEllinger
This cemetery is situated on the old Richard Jarmon family plantation. The town of Ellinger was established on part of the Jarmon land. Richard Jarmon lived in a two story home built in 1852 that was still standing and occupied by Ignac Zaskoda in 1931. A two story home still stands (1999) at the edge of Hiway 71 and the cemetery is beyond it out in the pasture.
In 1844, according to page 179 of "Flowers and Fruits or 46 years in Texas" by Z.N. Morrell, "Elder R.E.B. Baylor, then residing at Lagrange, accompanied me to Colonel Richard Jarman's, some seventeen miles south-east, where we preached for several days and organized a church." There is some evidence that the church was called "Shiloh". It is assumed that the cemetery was in the vicinity of the church building.
The oldest marked grave is for Paulina Jarmon who died 1-25-1844. The last marked burial is for Belle R. Ehlinger who died 10-16-1888.
This cemetery is located 1/2 mile south of Ellinger on the present day (1988) Cernoch farm. It is out in the middle of a pasture and most of the stones are broken down and scattered about. Kathy Carter, Helen Muras, and Mrs. Cernoch visited the site on October 3, 1988. There are possibly more graves in the fenced area where the crypts are. It was too overgrown for them to see any others. Samuel H. Pollard, Eugenia W. Pollard, William R. Pollard, Elvira S. Pollard and Betty Jarmon's inscriptions are all on one stone.
Mr. Cole states in his survey [Joe Cole #110E] that Harriett Jarmon's death date (12-23-1829) is the oldest he had found on a stone in Fayette County. However, this is not the death date. Tabitha Harriett Kilpatrick married Richard Bogan Jarmon on 12-23-1829 and died 9-13-1859. The archives staff did not find this stone when they visited this site; however, Norman Wied did locate it there in 2013.
The archives staff also did not find stones for Col. Richard B. Jarmon and Elihu Pyrhus Jarmon. It is said that Rufus Burleson preached the sermon at Col. Richard B. Jarmon's funeral in 1874. It is reported that members of the families of Sellers, Andrews, Pollard & Jarmon are buried here. This could have been a much larger cemetery at one time and many more people may be buried here.
Amanda Johnson Grave
According to the Joe Cole Cemetery Survey of 9/4/1958, you find this graveyard 1 1/2 miles south of Winchester, 200 yards from a dirt road. Cole states: "The graves are under some large live oak trees. There is only one stone left. At Winchester I could not learn much of this old cemetery. The place at one time belonged to Jack Young. It is owned at present by the Hart family of Winchester. I was directed to this graveyard by Mr. M.V. Harris of Winchester."
Johnson Baby
Willow Springs
James Krenek remembers a sandstone marker on either the Johnny Marek or Albrecht properties along Prihoda Road, near where the transmission line is located and the two properties meet. The marker was carved with the words "Johnson Baby Died on Wagon Train". He assumed it was from the 1800s. He looked for it again years later and couldn't locate it.
James W. Jones Grave
Highway 77N at Franklin Street Intersection, La Grange
On July 16, 1970, Norman Krischke described this cemetery as follows: "Deep cream colored stucco house with red tin roof on west side of Hiway 77 about 100 yards north of Hiway 77 & Franklin street intersection in La Grange. Three live oak trees, one pecan, and one mimosa tree in front of house. There was a cemetery, no markers, north across drive way when R. Schott bought property; north of driveway, east of mimosa tree is slab flat on ground which reads as follows:
In memory of James W. Jones
Here Lies the Body of
James W. Jones
Son of
Joseph J. & Annis Jones
He was born in Person County, N.C.
June 28th A.D. 1836
& Departed this Life in La Grange, Texas
The 11th of January A.D. 1859
Aged 22 Years 6 months & 13 daysThis site is also known as the old Dr. Kohler home site.
Click on photo for enlarged view.
John Rice Jones Grave
Also known as Jones - Sheppard Cemetery
Haw Creek
John Rice Jones and Texas Centennial Marker
According to the Joe Cole Cemetery Survey of June 17, 1959, this site is locate 1 1/2 miles south of the Haw Creek Lutheran Cemetery and Church on the C. E. Minberg (?) farm. Mr. Cole states: "There are supposed to be 7 other graves here. There is a log house in use near this marker which I was told was the John R. Jones home."
The inscription on John Rice Jones' 1936 centennial granite marker states:
Born in Kaskaskia, Illinois January 8, 1792.
Came to Texas in 1831, served in the army in 1835
until he was chosen postmaster general of the provisional government of Texas, 1836.
Appointed postmaster general of the Republic December 14, 1839.
Died in Fayette County, Texas in 1845.Norman Krischke reports in June of 1965 that the marker is about 300 yards south of FM 954 in a grove of oak trees west of the entrance drive to Hugo P. Schmidt's place called Fairview Farm. Mr. Krischke refers to the site as Jones-Sheppard cemetery. He states: "John Rice Jones was buried in a small family cemetery, near a tree. The tree died and rotted away thereby causing loss of identification of the burial place. Area is now a cornfield and grave location is unknown but is within 50 yards of the marker."
See "John Rice Jones, Jr." at the Handbook of Texas Online
Theopilus Lee Jones Graves
4 miles West of Muldoon
Joe Cole reported on this grave in 1958: "One grave. Four miles west of Muldoon on what is known as the Tansey place. The farm is owned by Mr. Wallis Cherry of Muldoon, Texas at present. On this farm is the lone grave of a child. The parents of this child was Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Jones who bought this farm and built a cedar log house in 1861. In this grave sleeps little Theopilus Lee Jones, born on Monday Dec. 7, 1863 died on Wednesday April 20, 1864. The grave is about 150 yards west of the old cedar log house under a tree. There are no dates on the headstone. This is the first lone grave that I have ever been able to learn who are the dates of. I found the dates and the name of this child in the old Jones family Bible which Mrs. Frank Barter of Smithville, Texas has. Mrs. Barter is a granddaughter of William Henry Jones." [Joe Cole # 129W]
Additional research can be found in the Jones folder of the Freytag Family Files.
Fayette County, Texas Heritage, published by Curtis Media, Inc. in 1996,
was the source of some of the cemetery information on this page.