Someone somewhere knows the identity of these photos. Please take a look and see if we can put names to the faces.
Contact Rox Ann Johnson to add your photos to these pages. Let me know if you have success in getting your photos identified!
Joseph J. Machann
Moeller & Kunz
Wm. Tauch
Tauch & Pannewitz
Contribute Your Photos
R. J. Zimmermann
Another early Schulenburg photographer was William H. Thomas who was listed in the Texas Business Directory from 1878-1879.
Tauch & Pannewitz Photographers, Schulenburg
William Tauch was born at High Hill on February 2, 1860, the son of Henry and Augusta May Tauch. He married Elizabeth Heimann and had three children: Erna, Waldine, and Werner. Tauch worked as a photographer in Schulenburg during two different intervals, in between which he tried farming, ranching, and operating a cotton gin. He appears on the Fayette County tax rolls as early as 1883.He bought an advertisement in F. Lotto's Fayette County, Her History and Her People, which was published in 1902. William's sister, Agnes, married Gustav Pannewitz with whom Tauch was partnered by 1886. Pannewitz was born in German in 1860 and immigrated in 1870. By 1900 Pannewitz was living in Shiner where he later gave up photography and served as postmaster. [See more unidentified photos by Pannewitz at Shiner.]William Tauch's brother was Henry Tauch, a photographer in Fayetteville.
One of his cabinet cards carried the following advertisement: "Wm. Tauch, Photo Artist, Schulenburg, Texas. Children and Family Groups a Specialty. The Instantaneous Process Used. Cards $3.50; Cabinets, $5.50 per dozen." Another stated: "Tauch & Pannewitz Photographers and Dealers in Albums and Frames, Schulenburg, Texas."
Family or Friends of the Richard Emil Cook Family
Contact Michelle Cook if you can identify any of the above photos.
Now Identified as Louis and Hedwig Kinkler Menking!
See a later photo of the couple with children.Contributed by Sue Menking Stanford
Possibly Walter Ebeling
Contact Carole Boyd
Possibly an Ebeling
Contact Carole Boyd
Contact Charles Sherman if you recognize this man.
Possibly Gustave Ebeling
Contact Carole Boyd
Possibly Fred Ebeling
Contact Carole Boyd
Possibly Fred Ebeling
Contact Carole Boyd
Relative of Elise Mehrens Hagemann
Possibly Elise's sister, Mary Mehrens SchillingContact Jan Jackson
Friends or Relatives of the Marek Family
Contributed by Pat Marek Hejl
Marie Ebeling Voelkel on right and Unknown Friend
Contact Carole Boyd
Now identified as John H. and Sophie Wittbecker!
Contact Carla Hillman Ratcliff
Friend or relative
of Henry Hillmann familyContact Carla Hillman Ratcliff
Friend or relative
of Edgar Hoffman familyContact Sharon Johnson
Heinsohn family or friend
Contact Rox Ann Johnson
Heinsohn family or friends
Contact Rox Ann Johnson
Friend or relative of
August Pagel family, HackberryContact Joyce Stancik
Joseph J. Machann, Schulenburg, Lyons, & Cistern
Joseph J. Machann, 1871-1918, apparently worked as a traveling photographer in the 1890s, probably learning his trade from an older brother, George G. Machann. He opened a store in Smithville about June 1899, where he also did photography. By June 1900, he had opened a store at Cistern where he also took photographs. That store lasted until 1911 and Machann became a major landowner, but evidently dropped his photography work within a year or two of opening. His cabinet card photographs have printed"Jos. J. Machann, Art Studio, Headquarters Lyons, Texas", "Jos. J. Machann, Galleries, Lyons, Dallas & Schulenburg", or "Jos. J. Machann, Lyons, Dallas & Bellville."
Possibly Walter Ebeling
Contact Carole Boyd
Elsa Voelkel, seated
Boys may be Walter and Fred EbelingContact Carole Boyd
Possibly Walter Ebeling
Contact Carole Boyd
R. J. Zimmermann, Schulenburg
Reiner J. Zimmerman was born in Hanover in 1831 and immigrated in 1854. He is listed on the Fayette County tax rolls at Fayetteville beginning in 1869 and was in Schulenburg by 1880. In October 1893, his home and business were both destroyed by a fire that destroyed numerous other businesses. However, that did not deter him from resuming his trade.
Unidentified Schulenburg Home
Contact Carole Boyd
Friends or relatives
of Fred Hillmann familyContact Carla Hillman Ratcliff
Friend or relative
of Edgar Hoffman familyContact Sharon Johnson
Kunz & Moeller appeared on the Fayette County Tax Rolls in 1893.
The Herzik Studio
Contributed by Monica Havelka
Fayette County Texas Heritage. Curtis Media, Inc., 1996.
Haynes, David. Catching Shadows, A Directory of 19th-Century Texas Photographers. Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 1993.
Guerte, Dorothy Blohm. After Half Moon, A History of Shiner, Texas, 1887 - 1975. La Grange: Fayette Publishing Co., 1976.
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Photos found in a Smithville, TX Antique ShopContact Heather Stephenson |