Ermis Dance Hall
Charles Ermis, son of Frank Ermis of Velehrad, ran this dance hall located on old Hwy 90 one mile west of Schulenburg. Ermis also had a store and tourist cabins. The Schumann children are pictured in the foreground.
Contributed by Harold Schumann
"The World Renowned Theatrical Company"
A Schulenburg amateur theatre group?
Marie Ebeling Voelkel, right
Contributed by Carole Boyd
1905 Schulenburg Graduating Class
Elsa Voelkel, valedictorian, left, then Leopold Peter. The other graduates are Mollie Sengelmann and Irene Holland, though we don't know which is which. Do you recognize either of those two young women?
Contributed by Carole Boyd
The Schulenburg Sticker, June 8, 1905
The school entertainment last Thursday night was a grand success. A large crowd of parents and other relatives of the pupils being present. Several pretty songs were sung, after which the graduates read their essays, which were loudly applauded, and many bouquets presented the essayist. Dr. I. E. Clark presented the diplomas. The graduates were: Misses Mollie Sengelmann, Irene Holland, Elsa Voelkel and Leopold Peter.
Contributed by Matt Cross
1910 Herzik photo of East Main Street
Railroad Park
St. Rose Catholic Church, School Rectory, Sisters' Home
1910 Herzik photo of Main Street
Lyons Avenue
All Schulenburg postcards contributed by Gary McKee
German and Czech settlers used this gateway to the rolling hills of Fayette County. Settled by former residents of Lyons and High Hill in 1873, when the Galveston, Houston & San Antonio Railway reached here. Named for landowner Louis Schulenburg, town was incorporated in 1875.
Old Anderson Place
510 S. Main St.
Area's oldest occupied house. Built before 1857 by William B. and Rosetta Anderson, three of whose eleven children were born here. Anderson was a carpenter, blacksmith, postmaster in town of Lyons, justice of the peace, notary public (appointed by the Governor of Texas), and sergeant of Lyons Riflemen, C.S.A. Family watched military drills from second story during Civil War.
Later owners: Louis Schulenburg, for whom town was named; T. W. Pierce, a principal investor in Galveston, Houston & San Antonio Railroad; and C. A. Rose family, who remodeled house for roomers.
Photo contributed by Cheryl McDonald.
1874 Gus Cranz Mansion
710 West Avenue
Built in strict German way (joints mitred and dowled) by immigrant carpenters from Austria. Facade styled after memory of Austrian villa. Birthplace of several Cranz heirs. Son-in-law, Hugh Roy Cullen, endowed the University of Houston.
Photo contributed by Marion and Steve Daughtry
Schulenburg Baptist Church
Corner of North Upton & Nelba Avenue
Organized about 1871 as High Hill Missionary Baptist Church. Lumber for first building was hauled by oxen to site 3 miles north of present location.
In 1873, a few months before railroad came through, leading to founding of Schulenburg, the structure was moved overland on rolling logs to this site.
During 1885-1913, several faiths shared sanctuary, using the name Union Church. It was reorganized in 1927 as First Baptist Church. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark-- 1972
Photo contributed by Marion and Steve Daughtry
Lyons Lodge No. 195, A.F. & A.M.
114 College Street
Lyons Lodge No. 195, A.F.& A.M. began in the community of Lyons in 1856. The first meeting place was at a farm in the town. Members built a lodge building in 1861 that also functioned as the community's public school until 1874. After the Civil War, as residents began moving out of Lyons, so did the lodge. By 1869, members held meetings at High Hill. After 1874, the original building and lodge meetings moved to Schulenburg. Members erected a new hall in 1876 that served for more than 100 years. In the 1980s, members sold it and constructed a new building. Lyons Lodge halls provided space for school classes until 1900. Today, as in years past, lodge members continue to be active in civic affairs. (2006)
Turner Hall
Wolters Park, Bolhman Avenue & Black Street
(American Legion McBride Post #143)
This building was erected by the Schulenburg Turnverein, a German gymnastic club. Built in 1886 on the corner of Summit Street and Upton Avenue (presently U.S. Hwy. 90), Turner Hall, constructed by Henry Bohlman, was the primary community center. Through the years the hall was the site for theatrical performances, musical concerts, social events, and seasonal celebrations. The local American Legion post obtained the hall in 1936 and moved it to Wolters Park in 1937. Turner Hall continues to serve the Schulenburg community as it has for more than a century.
Photo contributed by Marion and Steve Daughtry
Mulberry Creek Bridge
Moved to Wolters Park ca 2007 from original location several miles southwest of Schulenburg
Built in 1888 by the King Iron Bridge Company of Cleveland, Ohio, and its sub-contractor, A. J. Tullock and Company of Leavenworth, Kansas, this bridge provided easy access to the developing community of Schulenburg. Located on the Old Praha Road, it was part of a major travel route during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The 60-foot iron structure, described as a single span, box-chord, pin-connected modified Pratt low truss bridge with counters, cost $1,422 at the time of its construction. It is one of the few bridges of this style still standing. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1990
Carl T. Morene: A Shorthorn Forever
Through his civic involvement and interest in young people, Carl T. Morene made lasting contributions to the quality of life in his adopted hometown of Schulenburg. Born in nearby Muldoon on November 13, 1887 to Swedish immigrant parents. He served in the Navy and the Army before embarking on a career in utility management. He worked for the Central Power & Lght Company in Gonzales, and in 1928 he came to Schulenburg to manage the utility's operations here.
Morene was active in civic service, and in 1933, when school officials could no longer afford a paid music teacher, he volunteered to lead the program. The origins of his musical talents are unknown, but he proved to be an effective and motivational leader. Following his workday, he instructed students in music at his office. He also used his own money to pay for instruments and sheet music, and during World War II he used his gasoline ration card to ensure all students would have transportation to practice sessions and performances.
Despite the lack of a high school education, Morene received a state teaching certificate in 1934. A bachelor, he selflessly devoted his time and energies to help young people learn and appreciate music. His efforts paid off as the Schulenburg program garnered many recognitions and awards for excellence.
Under Morene's direction, the school orchesta performed regularly at school assemblies. In honor of the pride and spirit he observed among the Shorthorns of Schulenburg High, he wrote the official school song, Shorthoms Forever. Morene continued as the city's beloved music man until his death in January 1948. A large crowd of appreciative citizens and former students mourned his passing. [Texas Historical Commission 2005]
Photo contributed by Marion and Steve Daughtry
Bermuda Valley Farm
From Schulenburg, follow FM 957 SW about, 5 mile.
Site of noted race track (50 yards N) laid out 1889 by Dr. I. E. Clark, State Senator and physician who owned this farm. Although he had planned a 1/2-mile oval track, the course he traced (free style) in his buggy measured 5/8 mile. Later it was graded, using mule-drawn "Fresnos" (old-fashioned scoops for moving earth).
The track was chartered 1894 by the state for the Schulenburg Livestock and Fair Association. Famous horses ran here in its heyday. Here, too, Clark and son Harvey bred 2 of Texas' most famous horses "Orb" and "My Dandy." Cars later raced here. [1969]
Photo contributed by Marion and Steve Daughtry
Contact Rox Ann Johnson if you have old photographs from Schulenburg that you would like to contribute.
See 1881 Bird's-Eye View Map of Schulenburg
Feature at Amon Carter Museum web site shows all buildings and landscape; details on railroad depot and Main Street