La Grange, Texas
The La Grange Journal
January 27, 1881La Grange.
It's Business and Businessmen!
It's Schools and Churches!Commencing at the northeast corner of the square in naming over our different business men and houses, the first person we come to is that wide awake and energetic business man, John Schuhmacher, in the two story red brick on the corner, dealer in general merchandise. [now location of La Grange State Bank] Mr. S. has just traded his entire stock of dry goods, notions, boots, shoes and clothing for a river farm, and is now absent purchasing an entire new stock, and will continue his business same as before at his old stand. He still has his stock of first class groceries, hardware, crockery, &c. He has also contracted for an ice and beer house which will soon be built. The lumber is now arriving. Also keeps a fine assortment of buggies.
Next door is Anton Kirsch, who deals in groceries and also keeps a bakery. [Later occupied by the Heinsohn and later Schneider Cafes; now part of the La Grange State Bank]
Then comes Mr. H.W. Steinle, who has been in business in La Grange for about twelve years, dealer in general merchandise. On account of bad health, Mr. S. is compelled to close out his stock of goods and retire from business. His advertisement in another column will explain itself.[Later, Ben Franklin's].
The next door to Steinle's is Barklay & Bros. firm, composed of R. A. and J. B. Barklay, dealer in general merchandise.
Dennis Hans' barber shop comes next. Mr. H. has been shaving the people of La Grange and vicinity for about fifteen years. He has lately opened a larger and more [commodious] shop in which are three chairs.
The Favorite Saloon, kept by Mr. August Homuth, is next door, and he keeps on hand fine liquors and cigars, and Mr. Geo. Perkins, his clerk, is always ready to serve his customers. [Later, Cash & Carry Grocery]
H. A. Brandt, dealer in general merchandise, has been in business in La Grange for twenty-seven years. He started in the saddlery business, at which he worked twenty-five years, but for the last two years has given his exclusive attention to the general merchandise and beer business. [Later, Schulze's Grocery].
Mr. F. C. Streithoff, the well-known saloonist, keeps the "Bank" adjoining Brandt's. [Later Oeltjen's & Schovajsa's Law Firm].
And then comes Mr. T. S. Brown, generally known as Seldon Brown, dealer in general merchandise, is one of our young merchants and carries a good stock of goods. [Later August Streithoff's Tin Shop; now the Fashion Shop].
J.W. Blaize's "Cheap John" establishment is next door to Brown's, deserves the name of "Cheap John" for selling his goods so low for cash.
Echol's Boot and Shoe Shop is in the adjoining room to Blaize's. [These two stores later became Lautersteins and then Gindlers Department Stores].
Then comes R. S. Homuth's market, where the best beef and mutton can be had. [Later it became the Owl Confectionary and then the Recreation Center; and then a vacant lot].
At R. H. Lewis' confectionery stand you can always find lots of candies and nuts — next to Homuth's butcher shop. [Became the Western Auto Store, and more recently, Mr. Gatti's Pizza.]
Wm. Haase, northwest corner public square, has been doing business in our town for six years. He keeps on hand a stock of groceries, wines, liquors and cigars. [housed White's Auto Store].
M. Weller, the [mattress] maker, is just back of Haase's where mattrasses cotton, wool and shucks are made to order.
John Wertz is one of our young, energetic young men who was raised in LaGrange and learned the trade of a tinner in the large shop he now owns and runs in connection with his store. He carries a full stock of stove, tinware and hardware in his store, northwest corner public square. [Vacant lot at present. F. Schukraft, a carriage and buggy maker, had his shop in Wertz's tin/blacksmith shop.]
Just across the street from Wertz's is Wm. Ruppersberg who has been a resident of La Grange nearly all of his life, clerked for many years for John Schuhmacher, and has been in business for himself for about five years, is a dealer in general merchandise, dry goods, groceries and hardware. [the old Fink Building; several restaurants have located there in recent years and now a savings and loan association has expanded into this building.]
[There was a vacant lot next to Ruppersberg's. Julius Meyenberg later built his home on this lot. That house was moved near the Hwy 71 bridge and is Boss's Steakhouse. The savings and loan replaced the house with a similar looking building. Next to the vacant lot, there was another house. Lukas Bakery fills that lot.]
J.F. Sasin, shoemaker, is in the house next to Ruppersberg. He has lately moved to town. [Mayor's office in the rear; Docekal's Cleaning and Pressing was later at location; now La Grange Chamber of Commerce].
Dr. J. Meyenberg, apothecary, west side public square, has been in LaGrange since the war, keeps pure drugs, and compounds his prescriptions carefully, hence his large business. [later Schroeder's Drug Store]. [Later location of Marburger's Law Office].
Day & Chandler, the live, enterprising jewelers, of LaGrange, come next. R. F. Day and Wm. M. Chandler compose the firm. Mr. D. has been in business in LaGrange for twenty years. Mr. Chandler formed a partnership with him about three years ago. Here you can find a fine assortment of clocks, gold and silver watches, jewelry, silver and plated ware, and fancy goods. [Later Dr. Boelsche's Clinic]
J. Rosenthal, later proprietor of the Union Beer Hall, has just moved into the Bismark Saloon next door to Day and Chandler. [Now one-half of lot is vacant and one-half has addition that was added to Dyer's Pharmacy.]
Theo F.H. Schmidt, in the two story brick building, southwest corner public square, corner of Main and Travis Streets, deals in all kinds of hardware, tinware, stoves, crockery, lamps and also Moline plows. [Later Dyer's Pharmacy].
Sasin, the tailor, keeps in the frame building across the street from Schmidt's.
On the corner of Main and Travis streets, opposite Schmidt's, is the large general merchandise store of John H. Carter, one of the oldest citizens of LaGrange and Fayette County. He has lived in La Grange for thirty-six years. He entered into business just after the war, carries a large stock of dry goods, boots, shoes, clothing, hats and notions, groceries, plows, farming implements, wood and willowware, hardware and crockery, glassware, harnesses, cordage, &c. [Now vacant lot.]
Wroe & Co.'s large saddlery is next door to Carter's. The firm is composed of J. P. Wroe of Winchester, and John Shuhmacher. They have everything in the saddlery and harness line; also prepared to trim buggies. [Later part of the Von Rosenberg Store was located here; now Prause's Meat Market]
1898 postcard photo of a street scene in downtown La Grange
Next we come to the fashionable retail dry goods establishment of G. Friedberger, where can be found the finest of dress and fancy goods, gentlemen furnishing goods, &c.In the Farquhar building, we find two of our younger and enterprising merchants, Messrs. John B. Carter and W. C. Hyde, composing the firm of Carter & Hyde, who carry a full stock of dry goods, boots, shoes, hats, clothing and groceries. Mr. Carter was raised in La Grange and was a clerk for his father, Mr. John H. Carter, for many years, and is well and widely known, as "Little John" Carter, a prompt businessman in every respect. Mr. Hyde is an affable and agreeable gentleman, attentive to his business, and who has made many warm friends since he settled among us seven or eight months ago.
Thomas C. Gregory's Drug Store comes next. Mr. G. is one of the oldest citizens and businessmen of LaGrange. He has been constantly in the same business, in La Grange, for over thirty years. He has a full stock of drugs, school books, stationery and garden seed can always be found there.
Kruschel & Schmidt's "Exchange Saloon" comes next with fine liquors, wines and cigars.
O. H. [Moebus] has just opened a grocery store in the next building.
Capt. S. Alexander's store follows. Everybody knows the Captain so well that he says there is no use for him to advertise.
C. Wink's shop, where guns, pistols and all kinds of machinery are repaired, is next door.
Senftenberg Bro.'s & Co. This firm is one which has become well and widely known in Columbus and Colorado County, as a first class dry goods [firm]. They carry a large and well selected stock of dry goods, dress goods, notions, gents furnishing goods; everything bought direct from New York. Latest styles always brought on immediately. The Senftenberg Bros.'s are deservedly known as the "popular merchants" because their polite manners and fine goods have made them so. Mr. Adolph Senftenberg will make his home in La Grange.
Mrs. Dabney is located in the Richers Building. Her long residence in LaGrange and skill in her calling has procured her a good business. [Later Perry Brothers.]
We then cross the street and come to A. Alexander's, dealer in general merchandise, an old resident of La Grange. [front of store faced Washington St.]
On the same block, and just on the corner of Washington and Travis streets, is the barber shop of our live young colored barber, Isaac Bell, who came from San Antonio last May, bought out old "John the barber," and has continued the business very successfully. He keeps two chairs, attended by attentive workmen.
B. Zander, saddler, came to La Grange over twenty years ago. He has built up a fine trade by close attention to business. He keeps saddles, bridles and harness always on hand, in his shop opposite H. Scholtz's & Co.'s.
On the same block, and further down on Travis Street, is the first class tailor shop of Wm. Logan, where a full stock of samples can be found at anytime, and a good tailor ready to make a suit of clothes guaranteed to fit. Shop next to Union Church and opposite Masonic Temple. [Later Lauterstein Professional Building].
On same block, corner of Travis and Jefferson Streets, is the well stocked furniture magazine and furnishing warehouse of our go ahead, energetic furniture dealer H. Harigel where can be found every article of furniture from the plainest to the most ornamental. Furniture, both imported and manufactured, in his own shop. [Now the Chevron Station]
Across the street, next to the Masonic Temple is W. Karges' furniture store, in which is kept furniture of all kinds, and where any article of furniture will be made to order. [Now the Exxon Station]
At the corner of Washington and Travis, southeast corner of public square, is the general merchandise store of H. Scholtz & Co. The firm is composed of Mrs. P. Scholtz and H. Scholtz, have done business here for thirty years, dealers in dry goods, groceries, notions, china and glassware. [now vacant lot]
Next door is A. E. Willenburg, general merchandise, fifteen years in business in LaGrange, dry goods, groceries, liquors, wines and cigars. [J.W. Smith, M.D., physican and surgeon, has his office over his store, later the location of part of the New York Store]
Charles Lindert's bakery, confectionery and restaurant is adjoining Willenberg's. Here you can get fish and oysters in their season; a good lunch and also fresh home made candy.
Aug. Kleinert, general merchandise, is one of the oldest merchants of LaGrange, having been in business here for over twenty-five years.
The next firm is that of Messrs. White & Bradshaw, dealers in general merchandise, dry goods, boots, shoes, hats, clothing, staple and fancy groceries, hardware, glassware, crockery, wagons, plows and farming implements of all kinds. Also dealers in exchange.
The City Drug Store — Dr. A. L. D. Moore, the enterprising druggist, proprietor, was in La Grange as early as 1844, when he clerked. Has held various offices of trust in our county, and is one of the oldest and most enterprising business men. Keeps a full stock of pure drugs, and also groceries, notions, stationery, garden and field seeds, and druggists' sundries, making a complete assortment of all articles to be found in a first-class drug store.
Adjoining the City Drug Store is that of Dr. William Hermes. Dr. Hermes has been in business in La Grange for twenty-four years. A full and complete assortment of pure drugs and medicines, stationery, school books, garden seeds and staple groceries always on hand. Also agent for the American book exchange, and for many German newspapers.
Mr. C. Peterson's photographic gallery is over Dr. Hermes' drug store. Mr. Peterson [Petersen] understands his business well, and does as good work as can be found outside the large cities.
Drs. Tarvin & Killough, dentists, office over Dr. Hermes, are gentle men well worthy the patronage of all persons wishing any dentist work done.
We next step into the business house of Charles W. Gregory, who has been in the drug business for twenty-five years. Drugs, books, stationery, garden seeds and groceries of the best quality always to be had from C.W. Gregory. Has charge of the City Library, which is kept in his store.
Over C.W. Gregory's is Mrs. S.C. Robertson's millinery establishment. Mrs. Robertson is well and favorably known as a milliner of experience whose good taste insures satisfaction to all who may patronize her.
In the postoffice our polite and efficient postmaster, Mr. A. Meerscheid, keeps a very fine selection of stationery. [Building on the corner of Colorado and Washington]
J.F. McClatchey's livery stable is at I.S. Burleson's old stand, Mr. McClatchey has lately bought out Mr. Burleson and will continue the livery business at the same place. He keeps first class teams, buggies, hacks and riding horses; also buys and sells horses. [Later Brasher Motor Co.]
Another livery stable is that of "Uncle Dick's" on the corner of Washington and LaFayette. [Later the site of the MKT Depot. Between the La Grange Hotel and the livery stable, there was a soda water factory.]
One steam grist mill and plant owned an run by Mr. Hunger, . . . the corporate limits of the town.
The hotels are the Farquhar hotel, later the LaGrange hotel. W. E. Farquhar, proprietor. [In 1880, there were few places of business on West Colorado Street besides the La Grange Hotel which was located on the corner of Colorado and Washington, across from Schuhmacher's Bank. In 1885 the Lester House (later Lester Hotel) opened in a new brick building at the same site. After the railroad came through La Grange, there was a building boom, and many new buildings were constructed on this street.]
The Stroud hotel, formerly the A. Korn hotel, Mrs. A. M. Stroud, proprietress.
The Muller House, A. Muller, proprietor, corner of Main and LaFayette streets. Mr. Muller was the proprietor of the "Commercial" at Weimar for some time.
Neumann's hotel, Fritz [Neumann], proprietor, on . . . street, south of Main street.
We have also a cigar factory owned and run by Mr. Aug Haye, which keeps on an average six hands, manufacturing ten different grades of cigars. From 1000 to 1500 cigars are turned out daily. Mr. Haye is now building a good brick building for the purpose of enlarging his factory.
Our lawyers number nineteen, not counting our district judge, Hon. L. W. Moore, as follows: Timmons & Brown, Teichmuller, Dunn & Meerscheidt, Phelps & Haidusek, Andrews & Duncan, Lindsay & Shropshire, Robson & Rosenthal, . . . Ledbetter, J. P. Ledbetter and Hill & Bryan.
Three physicians, viz: Drs. R. W. Miller, J. W. Smith and R. T. McKinney.
Mr. J. A. Jackson is a brick mason and contractor for brick buildings and making brick.
Mr. J. A. Campbell and Mr. H. Mebus [Moebus?] are carpenters and contractors, whose skill in their line recommends them to all.
There are four blacksmith and two carriage and wagon shops. Mr. Henry Klockmann's blacksmith shop on Travis street, back of Schmidt's store.
Mr. W. B. Schmidt's shop on Main street, across the street from Wertz's.
Mr. Weltz's shop, on north corner of LaFayette and Main streets;
And Mr. Aug Warnken, corner of Colorado and Jefferson, blacksmith and wheelright. [location of Rene's Florist]
Mr. A. Prause, carriage and buggy maker, and also carriage and buggy painter, is on Main street, same side as Wertz.
Mr. F. Schukraft's carriage and wagon shop is in the same bulding with Wolz's blacksmith shop. Mr. S. has lately settled in LaGrange, but already has as much as he can do. The reason is he is a live business man. You will see his new ad. in a few days.
Davis & Wandel, contractors and builders. Mr. Davis is also an [architect].
Sam Dickens & Son, house and sign painters are first-class workmen and [deserve] the large business they have.
Mr. Koper, scenic and sign painter, is a fine artist. Room in Richers' buildling.
Churches of LaGrange: The M. E. Church, South, Rev. U. C. Spenser, Pastor, has his own house of worship, and also a parsonage for its Minister. Services and Sunday School every Sunday.
The Episcopal Church also has a house of worship. No Pastor. Sunday School and services every Sunday. L. Lindsay, Lay Reader.
The Baptist Church hold their services in the Union Church House. Q. T. Simpson is announced to preach 2nd Sabbath in February, next. Rev. B. Hatcher, the former Pastor, has gone to San Marcos.
The Catholic Church — Occasionally a Priest calls and holds services.
There are also two colored churches, the African M. E. Church.
Also, M. E. Church, (colored) Rev. Smith, Pastor.
Last year LaGrange shipped over 5000 bales of cotton, and hauled over $800,000 worth of merchandise. With such an array of business men with the capital they . . . to have to back them. can we . . . 16.000 bales of cotton and . . . $1,500,000 worth of merchandise . . . year? We can and we will.
See 1880 Bird's-Eye View Map of La Grange
Feature at Amon Carter Museum web site shows all buildings and landscape; includes detailed information about the courthouse, north side of square, Casino Hall (later fire station, now Senior Citizens Center), Kirsch house, and Stiehl house (Old Library)Downtown La Grange
See wonderful old photographs of store fronts and public buildings in downtown La Grange. This historic building survey, which includes histories of the structures, was compiled by the staff of the Fayette Heritage Archives and Museum.Postcards
Col. John H. Moore and his men assembled under this tree when they went to fight the Indians on head waters of the Colorado, October 24, 1840.
War between the Statees: Co. "G" of Green's Brigade assembled under this tree when they went to join the brigade in 1861.
War with Spain: Co. "H" 1st Texas Vol. Infantry, assembled under this tree when they entrained to go to Cuba in 1898.
[One cent required for postage]
The Old Fayette County Jail Cultural Center and MuseumLocated on South Main Street, one-half block from Courthouse Square, this beautiful, historic structure was built in 1885 amd served as the County Jail for one hundred years.
La Grange Area Chamber of Commerce, La Grange, TX 78945
Photo by Bill Davis, Austin
LA GRANGE, TEXAS 789453 Locations in La Grange. Featuring Walk-Up & Carry Out Service, Dining Room, Drive-In Window, Outdoor Patio With Tables. Located on Hi-Way 71. THE FASTEST & BEST ROAD FROM AUSTIN TO HOUSTON. Phone 9688-3400
CB RADIO-KMT 1406-Ch. 11Photo by Warren O. Albrecht
Restored and Owned by La Grange Garden Club
LaGrange, Texas 78945Built in 1845, Owned by members of the N. W. Faison family since 1866. Home, furniture and oil paintings bought and restored by the LaGrange Garden Club in 1961. Awarded Texas State Historical Medallion. Spanish grapevine planted by N. W. Faison still grows adjoining the historical terrace.
Photo by Warren O. Albrecht
See Lotto's 1902 article on La Grange, including businesses
See history of Rosenberg-Todd, Inc.
La Grange 1 2 3 4 5