Fayette County Precinct No. 2 Courthouse
Town Square
Fayetteville citizens raised $600.00 in private funds, received $200.00 in tax money from the County Commissioners' Court, and built this Victorian precinct Courthouse in 1880. A ball held in the new building netted funds for painting. The 2-cell calaboose upstairs was completed in 1887. A ladies' club donated the clock in 1934. In early Texas, precinct Courthouses were very rare. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1977
Zapp Building
Corner of Fayette & Washington Streets
German native Hugo Zapp established his mercantile business in Fayetteville in 1865. In 1900, after a fire had burned his wooden store at this site, Zapp had this 2-story brick building constructed. Intended to be the finest structure in the city, the Romanesque revival building features decorative brickwork in a checkerboard pattern. In 1915 another merchant, F.C. Knippel, bought the store, and it was operated by his family for more than fifty years. RTHL - 1983
Sarrazin Store
Washington Street
German brothers Edward and Leopold Sarrazin, who opened a mercantile store in 1875, moved their business to this building in 1890. They sold groceries, dry goods, and hardware in the front part of the building and had an office in the back. Feed, farm equipment, buggies, and wagons were kept in the rear warehouse. Chickens, raised in coops in the yard, were shipped by rail to Houston. After Leopold died, Edward bought the store, which Edward, Jr. inherited upon his father's death in 1925. It continued as a thriving business, employing as many as 18 clerks, until 1967.
St. Paul Lutheran Church
201 N. Rusk Street Lutheran worship in this area dates to 1851 when Pastor J. C. Roehm of Basel, Switzerland, organized the first Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Texas and then began preaching, establishing St. John Lutheran Church of Ross Prairie in 1859. In 1894 the growing number of St. John members in Fayetteville erected a church building on this site, calling the Rev. Vaclav Pazdral who served until 1911. During the pastorate of Hans Krause the congregation joined the Texas Synod in 1913 and the American Lutheran Church in 1930. By 1938 the name had changed from St. John to St. Paul Lutheran Church. Services were held in English and German until 1947. The St. Paul Lutheran Church continues in the traditions of its founders. (1998) |
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
Corner of Bell and Church Streets Many Czech and German immigrants settled in this area in the mid-1800s. After many years without the services of a Czech-speaking priest, the Czech community sent Konstantin Chovanec and John Vychopen to ask Galveston Bishop Claude-Marie Dubuis for help. Encouraged by Dubuis, the Czech community organized St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and erected a sanctuary in Fayetteville in 1870. The Rev. Joseph Chromcik arrived on Christmas day in 1872 to minister at St. John Baptist Church and became the first Czech-speaking priest in Texas. The church prospered and in 1875 the Chromcik School was opened. A mission church was established in nearby Warrenton in 1886. Chromcik extended his missionary work throughout the region and remained in Fayetteville until his death in 1910. A new sanctuary was erected in 1911 and a new 2-story school built in 1915 during the pastorate of the Rev. John Vanicek. A convent for the Sisters of Divine Providence was built in 1964. A new sanctuary was erected in 1969, and a parish hall, educational center, and other facilities were added over the years. St. John the Baptist Church is representative of the area's Czech heritage and continues a tradition of leadership in the region's Catholic community. |
The Reverend Joseph Chromcik
Corner of Bell and Church Streets Czech Catholics, who settled in Fayette County in the mid-1850s, were initially served by area priests. Eventually they petitioned the Bishop of Texas for their own Czech priest, and in 1872 the Rev. Joseph Chromcik (1845-1910) arrived from Europe. He held his first service in Fayetteville that year and became Texas' first permanent Czech Catholic priest. He established Chromcik School and many churches, and was instrumental in establishing the KJT, or Czech Catholic Union of Texas. He was fondly referred to as "Taticek" (dear little father) by many of the people who knew him. |
The Sladek-Hillman House
Corner of SH 159 and FM 955
R. J. Sladek, a Bohemian immigrant, built this home about 1896. In 1899 ownership was transferred to Anna Hillman, the widow of Ludwig Hillman, one of the early settlers of the Fayetteville area. She lived in the house until her death in 1923. The interior of the Victorian cottage features 12-foot ceilings and millwork carvings of intricate detail. The front porch columns are bracketed and the bay window is decorated with fish scale siding. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1979
Compton-Zapp House
Market & Washington St.
This property has been owned by a number of Fayetteville residents over the years, including William Compton, Dr. Jethro Jackson, Antone and Minnie Pohl, and Hugo Zapp, Sr. Dr. Jackson was a charter member of the Fayetteville Masonic Lodge, and Hugo Zapp was a prominent merchant. This home dates to the 19th century, and its central hall plan is typical of Texas vernacular homes of the time. It remained in the Zapp family from 1865 until 1945. Recorded Texas Historical Landmark-1985.
Spacek House
Washington Street A good example of an evolutionary structure, this home was probably half its current size when it was built in the late 19th century for members of the Forres family. It was occupied by Otto and Laura Forres when a 1920s fire in a neighboring saloon spread to the south wall of the house, requiring replacement of siding and windows. The Forres' daughter, Minna Spacek, inherited the German vernacular home in 1933, and it remained in the family until 1978. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1983 |
Phillp James Shaver
Washington Street on Precinct Courthouse Square
North Carolina native Phillip J. Shaver (1814-1875) settled in the Fayette County community of Rutersville c. 1840. Two years later, he joined the Texas Army to defend area settlers from Indians and Mexican soldiers and also received from the Republic 320 acres. After marrying Mary Ann (Bass) Holloway in 1847, Shaver purchased 525 acres at this site and he surveyed and platted a town that he named after a former home. He named the streets and donated lots for a school and community church, a Masonic lodge and a city cemetery. Shaver continued to support Fayetteville until his death, and many of his descendants remain in the area today. - 2010
Fayetteville SPJST
Live Oak Street on Precinct Courthouse Square
The Slovanska Podporujici Jednota Statu Texas, known in English as the Slavonic Benevolent Order of the State of Texas (SPJST), is a fraternal organization founded by Czech-Texans in 1896 at the Fayette County Courthouse in La Grange. For more than 50 years, its headquarters were here in Fayetteville, largely through the influence of SPJST secretary J. R. Kubena, a central figure in the organization. In 1953, the SPJST moved the home office to Temple. Through the years, membership has grown steadily. Today, the SPJST continues to contribute to Texas communities by promoting Czech heritage, community service, youth programs and scholarships, and by providing life insurance for its members. - 2007 |
Site of Svrcek Building
Fayette Street on North Side of Square
An 1890s commercial building on this site was used throughout the 20th century. The retangular plan, frame contruction building featured a false front, supported awning and double doors flanked by windows. Frank Svrcek owned several lots on the north side of the square, including this building which remained in the Svrcek family until 1979. The Meith brothers from New Ulm had a meat market here in the 1920s. Two restaurants, the Mynar Café from the 1930s to 1964, and Evelyn's Café until 1975, were also here. Later the building was used as storage. It was vacant when it was razed in 2012. - 2012 |
Site of Svrcek Garage
Fayette Street on North Side of Square
Frank Svrcek owned a commercial building here in the 1890s. The rectangular frame building with stepped parapet had two pairs of doors, one tin and the other wooden. Walter Meinen's Chevrolet dealership in the 1920s, and later Harry Cordes' Garage, had a dirt floor. Customers drove cars through the tin doors and drove out the back after repairs were done. Willie Svrcek returned from WWII service to find his family's building vacant, then opened Svrcek Garage, installing gas and kerosene pumps and a concrete floor. He also divided part of the building to become Vitek Appliance. The building later housed a feed store before it was razed in 2012. - 2012 |
Fayetteville S.P.J.S.T., 1918
Click on the photo for enlarged views and identification of all the adults. |
Do Your Duty Club
Top Row: Julia Kubena, Leona Fojtek, Mrs. John Cuft, Mrs. Edwin J. Knesek, Mrs. Frank Malek, Mrs. E. J. Knesek, Mrs. Emil Zapalac, Millie Zapalac, Mrs. Oscar Heintschel, Rosa Veselka, Mrs. Johnnie Veselka, Sylvia Svrcek
Middle Row: Mrs. Otto Knippel, Mrs. C. H. Cmajdalka, Minnie Mae Kubena, Mary Svrcek, Rosalie Martinek, Mrs. F. C. Knippel, Anna Urban, Mrs. Peter Fojtek, Mrs. Frank Gerik, Sr., and Mrs. Elo Knippel.
Bottom Row: Julia Kurtz, Mrs. E. S. Kovar, Mrs. Fred Plagens, Mrs. Louis Polasek, Mrs. Charles J. Klimicek, Treasurer; Annie (Novotny) Tapal, secretary; Mrs. J. R. Kubena, president; Mrs. C. J. Klimicek, Mrs. G. L. Drawe, Mrs. Joe Blazek (the last three were the Finance Committee); Mrs. Frank Kaderka, Sr., Mrs. Louis Peters & Mrs. Pokorny.
Photo by Herzik Studio, Schulenberg, TX
The Fayetteville Museum provided the list of names.
Photograph provided by Christine Tapal. Click on photo for enlarged view. |
Early 1900's Group Photo from Fayetteville
C. J. Klimicek is at bottom right. Please let us know if you recognize anyone or know the significance of this group. Melissa Eckhoff believes the fourth man on the back row is Martin L. Vitek. |
Fayetteville Group, ca 1910-1920
Seated: Peter Zapalac, left, & Anton Kallus, right.
Can you identify others? Photo contributed by Bill Dunn. |
Two Portraits of Philip J. Shaver
Surveyed and laid out the town of Fayetteville.
Ben & Bob Shaver
Great-grandchildren of Philip & Mary Ann Shaver; children of P.J.and Jeanne Borroum Shaver
Wiliam Spears Shaver (1855-1935)
Son of Mary Ann Bass & Phillip Shaver
Willie Daniel (Shaver) Grant, Lucian Grant sits on his mother's lap, Willie's father William S. Shaver, his mother Mary Ann (Bass) Holloway Shaver (known as "Grandma Shaver"), her son Jim Holloway, his daughter Catherine (Holloway) Logue with her child.
All Shaver family photographs contributed by Phyllis C. Rummel
Persons here identified by Sue McIlveen
Carol M. Breeding & Emma Lou Shaver
Both descendants of early Fayette County settlers, the Shavers moved to San Marcos soon after their marriage on 11 Feb 1875.
Bertha Andreas & Arnold Schmidt
married 1897
Adele Scharnberg (1866-1950) and August Heinsohn (1858 - 1920)
August Heinsohn owned a large lumberyard in Fayetteville. He also farmed and ranched.
Jan [Johann] Hruska and Katherine Novosad Hruska
Jan Hruska (1831-1894) was a Czech Moravian immigrant who hauled cotton for the Confederacy during the Civil War.
Rose Urban, ?, Pauline Urban Kortis, ?, Frances Urban Supak
taken in Fayetteville area the day Frances Urban married Raymond Supak
Is that Raymond between Pauline and Frances?
Mary Beran (1883-1950) and Anton (1881-1959)Kulhanek