This page now lets you know about the kinds of photographs online at this site and where you might find them. All photographs on this site are labelled so that they will be included with results from the search engine on the Home Page, though pages with no photographs will also be included.
Please contact Fayette County TXGenWeb coordinator Rox Ann Johnson if you have old photographs you would like to share on this web site.
There are more than 150 old photographs of people on the Obituary pages. Most of these photos did not originally appear with the obituary, but were contributed by family researchers. In most cases, the researcher's e-mail link is provided so that you can contact them about getting a larger digital image of the photograph.
There are approximately eighty portraits of men who were casualties of war on the Military pages. Most of these are only small images taken with permission from The Men and Women in World War II from Fayette County, compiled under the direction of Judge Ed Janecka and printed by Schulenburg Printing & Office Supplies in 1995. Some were taken from porcelain portraits on their grave stones and others were contributed by family members.
There are also numerous old portraits, especially of families, on the Biographies and Communities pages.
Don't forget to check the Unidentified Portraits, arranged by photographer.
Alex Winfied Family contributed by Deborah Konrad
Homes, Businesses, Schools, Churches & Organizations
Most of these old photos are located on the Communities pages.
Perry Null's May 1917 Funeral at Muldoon's Pittmann Cemetery
contributed by Lynn Bauch Mostella
Most of the cemetery photos on this site have been taken since 2001, though we would like to have more vintage ones. Overall views of more than one hundred cemeteries can be seen on this site. In a few cases, every marker in a cemetery has been photographed. Check the Cemeteries page to look for a particular cemetery.
Historical Markers
There are recent photographs of the subject matter, but not necessarily the plaque itself, at Historical Markers.
Fayette County Photographers and Unidentified Portraits
Go to Unidentified Portraits to see both a list of 19th century photographers based in Fayette County and also wonderful old portraits by Fayette County photographers that need to be identified. Please, take a look! Sorted by photographer.
Links to Old Photographs at Other Sites
Just a sampling of websites known to have old images of Fayette County and its residents:
Fayette Heritage Museum and Archives Online Catalog
This searchable catalog of the Fayette Heritage Museum and Archives shows thumbnail images from its large collection of Fayette County photographs.
Fayette County Courthouse
A history and old photo of the beautiful 1890's courthouse at the Fayette County government web site.
The Rhone Family of Fayette County, Texas
An online exhibit presented by the Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin
Slices of Time Web Site
Portraits of Elvira Tauch by Tauch Photography of Fayetteville, Lillie Bauer Haas and also Frieda Vornsand by C. Petersen Photography of La Grange
Please contact Fayette County TXGenWeb coordinator Rox Ann Johnson if you have old photographs you would like to share on this web site.